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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 33 KB, 600x347, John-C-Wright-600x347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8976963 No.8976963 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of John C Wright?

>> No.8976975


Good enough for me

>> No.8976997
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A gentleman and a scholar

>> No.8977019

>literally tipping

>> No.8977031

Is this that guy who started all that puppies-shit with Hugo and writes about posthumans preparing to meet the invasion fleet of far superior race with Dyson Spheres, artificial stars and shit?

>> No.8977043
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He's an atheist-turned-Catholic, redpilled, golden-age science fiction author. He hangs out with Vox Day and Molyneux. His writing is pretty imaginative, although it's clear that he likes to hear himself think on paper. And I think he understands what it means to tip a fedora to a camera in 2017.

Probably more /pol/ than /lit/ but I don't know. Just kind of an interesting guy.

>> No.8977048

I think that was more Vox than him but I don't know, could be. I just started looking into his stuff recently. Sounds about right tho.

>> No.8978399

He wrote a nice introduction to my book and likes Gene Wolfe so that is all that matters to me. Golden age is pretty good.

>> No.8980122

He's funny as fucking balls and likes The Night Land way too much.