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8973193 No.8973193 [Reply] [Original]

>names his book after a Shakespeare quote
Why the fuck do authors do this? It's a cliche at this point.

>> No.8973212

Shakespere is the original memester. his memes are so dank we still use them 500 yrs later.

>> No.8973230

David Foster Wallace decorated this whole book with importance, if you watch him in interviews he can tell you about the themes of his books and the points he wanted to express before any of the artistic aspects. It's philosophical/ intellectual showmanship, it's not art.

And it doesn't just stop with what he accomplished in Infinite Jest. Even right before it hit the press, he was trying to paste a picture from Fritz Lang's Metropolis as the cover art. It is one of the most didactic pieces of literature ever created, probably its only unique quality.

>> No.8973242

Because he wrote a lot of badass one liners that in and of themselves possess more depth than what mediocre talents will ever produce in their lifetime. So not only do you get a cool title for your book, but you also convey what your book is about on a deeper level. Honestly, you could probably skim any work of Shakes, pick out a cool line, and from that alone build an entire novel around it.

>> No.8973247

Give me 5 examples that would have made a better tittle for his book?

Does anyone know if he was considering any other title?

>> No.8973551


>> No.8973635

I know he was considering another title and his editor suggested Infinite Jest. At least something like that.

>> No.8973661

a failed entertainment? or something

>> No.8973665

The Fault in Our Stars is a Shakespeare quote from Julius Caesar

>> No.8973683


Sad and Banal

>> No.8973708

I'm going to title all my books after Aztec Camera songs.

>> No.8973719

Yes, that was the working title
GR's was "mindless pleasures"...

>> No.8973722

no, this is wrong

>> No.8974382

>a failed entertainment?
>GR's was "mindless pleasures".

interesting how both of them, as so unsubtle and direct, and would offer a totally different feel. Those are the hidden maybe big points of summery what the authors really thought they were trying to say.

And it is funny (?) that so many people hate on IJ , because it is, whatever, boring, a failed entertainment (and of course, wasnt going to say this obviousness, but, the book is majorly about the entertainment and what not)

>> No.8974399

How many people do you think knew it was a shakesphere quote (how many do you think cared, if they did find out), I dont think Shakespeare invented the words infinite, and jest. There are many two word combos, thats a good and fitting one for the book, certainly, maybe.

>> No.8974464

And But So Because And But

>> No.8974550

"No Discernible Talent"