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File: 9 KB, 263x315, steinbeck-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
897120 No.897120 [Reply] [Original]

Steinbeck or Hemmingway?

Who wins in the ultimate american /lit/ duel?

>> No.897128

Steinbeck could take Hemmingway.

>> No.897125


>> No.897134

I'll go with Hemmingway.

But, I'm reading him right now, so....

>> No.897133

Steinbeck had marriage problems and Hemingway had mental problems.

Steinbeck any day of the week.

>> No.897144


I'd think a better /lit/ duel would be Pynchon vs. Joyce.

>> No.897158

i agree, i was interested to see what /lit/ thought as someone told me there have been no great american writers since Steinbeck and Hemingway.

but, i'd have to go with joyce on that one.

>> No.897161

Steinbeck. No contest.

>> No.897162
File: 14 KB, 225x273, most_interesting_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was the most interesting man on the planet

>> No.897167


>> No.897174

Seconded. Twain was more American than either of those two faggots.

Waasn't Hemingway an ex-pat anyways?

>> No.897179

He was the most interesting man on the planet.

>> No.897190

Grapes of Wrath > Almost all twain books.

>> No.897246

>implying anyone reads Grapes of Wrath
>implying Twain isn't read about 100000x more than Steinback
Keep talking about your gay migrant workers, I don't give a fuck. I'll learn about jumping frogs and orphans.

And niggers.

>> No.897253
File: 87 KB, 407x405, lolenglish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.897252

Somehow i notice a lack of Walt Whitman in this thread.

>> No.897255

Faulkner, dumbasses.

>> No.897262

Hemingway was a loser who tried to compensate by projecting the image of what he perceived to be the ultimate male to the public. Look how screwed up his kids were.

>> No.897317

mark twain wins

>> No.897364

steinbeck bores me. even mice and men, i really liked the baseline of it, but it was just boring. also, reading the Red Pony back in the day scarred my literary life

>> No.897395

Hemingway. I love the style. He's easy to read, even when his books are hella long.

>> No.897406
File: 21 KB, 342x342, 1278769055253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hemingway was a communist. thats why he live in cuba, guise.

>> No.897419

Uhhhh.. Faulkner.

>> No.897431 [DELETED] 

Fuck Grapes of Wrath, mos boring piece of shit I've ever read.

>> No.897434

Grapes of Wrath was a shit book

>> No.897465

Steinbeck vs. Hemmingway
Twain vs. Wilde

Tourney style.

Who wins each?

>> No.897495

Hemingway, and Wilde.

>> No.897504


But who wins THAT match?

>> No.897516

Eh, neither Steinbeck or Hemingway are among the best American writers. Whitman, Melville, and Faulkner are so much better.

>> No.897534


wilde was irish

>> No.897538


FUCK. That's hard, actually.

I'm going to go with... oh christ. Hemingway, I guess. I find him easier to pick up while I'm on the shitter. But Wilde is intense once you get into him. IDK.

>> No.899727

William Motherfucking Faulkner.

>> No.899751

Faulkner of course

>> No.899774

hemingway. the end

>> No.899780


>> No.899787


>> No.899792

Steinbeck is an average writer whose claim to fame is that his novels are of historical significance. I'm tired of his heavy-handed allegory. Has anyone ITT read The Pearl? What a piece of garbage.

>> No.899854

Ernest Hemingway's dialogue is terrible. I've read about two short stories where it's tolerable.
Steinbeck on the other hand is a realist who can make Salinas sound like a beautiful and interesting place.
I'd go with Steinbeck.

>> No.899868

I like them both for very different styles. This is not an OR, no matter how much OP wants it to be. They both stand alone.

>> No.900878

J.D. Salinger.


[BTW, I like Hemingway more.]

>> No.900958

William Fuckner is nowhere near the "greatest American author". He's a joke of a writer, and the fact that people actually consider him in this discussion makes me sad.

>> No.900999

Like a fight? Hemmingway would tear him apart.

>> No.901000

salinger vs nabokov

i vote sal

>> No.901018


>> No.901038

Stephen King

>> No.901044

Stephen King, yo.

>> No.901055

Stephen King vs. R.L. Stine

>> No.901061

I find both Hemmingway and Steinbeck to be pretty arduous, to be honest. I grew pretty tired of the heavy-handed 'Grapes of Wrath'.

>> No.901067

I would pay money to watch this.

>> No.901072

Stephenie Meyer > Salinger

Implying Salinger is actually a writer.

>> No.901074


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