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/lit/ - Literature

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8971093 No.8971093[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that 99% of you really suck at writing. You'll never go anywhere. Your analysis of works are laughable. You probably have some failure complex that leads you to write, to grasp at something that isn't there in an attempt to save your precious egos.
I laugh at every critique thread there is here. You guys have no talent. No talent whatsoever.

Have fun being rejected.

t. Person of Colour who has a literary agent at 21, three short stories already published, one in print and two on the web, and promising responses from my editor at a major publishing company who was hooked up to me through my agent.
Yay for white guilt!

>> No.8971104
File: 852 KB, 595x594, wait a sec are u trying to red pill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bait is just radiating spite and anger

it's like you're mad at this shitty board but instead of doing something else you decided to type out a long-winded angry letter to everything wrong in your life at the moment

>> No.8971122

No, I just hate the collective arrogance of this board. You all bicker and moan over things that anyone with any semblance of a greater education would find absolutely obvious and not worth even being mentioned.


Ahahahahahahaha AHAHAHAHAHA
This is why you'll never amount to anything.
>a post that takes all of a minute to write is a "long-winded letter"

Your power of observation is so skewed. You probably pull things out of your ass when threatened to save face.

This isn't bait. I'm just better than you.
"You're gonna make all the leathery birds in Academia afraid of you when this book is finished and released. Your place is rightfully yours if you keep it up." - My editor

>> No.8971139

I'm gonna write you into my novel.

"Alone and desolate, desperate for resolve, a bitter boy with insipid talents glares all day, steadily, at blue-lit machinations of the prosperous age; clicking, collecting datum, page-by-page, staring, steadily wrought, relegating zeroes and ones on his HDD for images he collects from some obvious CIA honeypot."

ayyy lmao

>> No.8971163

I've had three short stories published too, OP! Congratulations!

>> No.8971164
File: 29 KB, 306x423, elliot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have this (you) my friend, now go outside and get some air

>> No.8971166

Upon entering the publishing world, one of the first of many shocks to your previously held common-sense notions is that the entire industry holds as an article of faith that a bookish person with enough experience can tell whether a story is well-written with merely a glance. You were likely a victim of this bizarre superstition. Readers for these places don't actually read; they peform rapid scans and create separate piles to their left and right accordingly. If you make the obvious and exceptionally reasonable inquiry regarding this process, you will be told that they can "just tell" and assure you that if you do their job for as long as they've done it you too, over time, will naturally and inevitably acquire the same abilities. To be honest, at this point in my career, I don't know whether they can actually do this. All I know is that I can't do it. I actually have to read what I'm presented with. And for that I am treated by all around the office with a sad respectful patience.

>> No.8971191

>You were likely a victim of this bizarre superstition

Way to project. Local professors championed me. My editor shows me high praise. I've been published on a Buzzfeed-tier site with many positive responses (not proud of it, but it boosted my portfolio). My agent takes on some high-brow authors, good-selling authors. You act as if I hadn't already known all this, the inner-workings and shortcomings of the publishing industry.
Stop patronizing someone who's in a completely different echelon than you.

Here's a tip if you want to be successful these days: don't be white! White writers are not "in demand" at the moment.

>> No.8971192

Mmmm, yes. Quite. Quite. Indeed, I have published several myself. Yes. Mmmm. Quite. I only shitpost here in an exercise in an expression of quantum irony. It enhances my work, I find, to dwell among the plebeians, yes? The stench of the mundane by which my superiority smells so much more poignant - the fragrance of the divine, yes? Mmmm. Indeed. Yes. It refines one's sensibility to eat shit on occasion, oui?

One thing that amuses me in your post. You define yourself as a "POC," a person of colour, yes? Mmmm. And then you suggest your minimal success is based upon that identification, mmm? Yes? Quite. You understand, then, that you are a cog in a machine with no overall influence; your your position is determined by the machine built and maintained by others. Sad. Quite sad.


Of course, I enjoy this little roleplay of ours myself, indeed. We are simulations among other simulations, yes?

>> No.8971193

>black people ever using the words 'white guilt'

looks like you're not even good enough at writing to baitpost anon

>> No.8971206

Post your tripe, nigger. So I can tear it to shreds, gnoimsayn?

>> No.8971207

>I'm not black
>totally unfounded assumption
>plenty of black artists these days understand the concept of White Guilt and manipulate it aptly to further their careers

Back to /pol/, you fucking troglodyte.

>> No.8971215

>implying anyone on this board really understand the nuances of syntactical analysis and the ear tuned to appreciate truly rhythmic and musical prose

This board is as pedestrian as Reddit. It was good, long ago, before /pol/ decided to invade from their cum-swapping rookery.

>> No.8971216

are you on meth?

>> No.8971218

Are you?
Stay sad, white boi. I show my poetry to air-headed white womanz all the time and they want to fuck me.

>> No.8971219

Post it, prolenigger

>> No.8971224

Pride goeth before a fall, anon.

It's great that you are successful but being mean spirited helps no one and won't make you feel good in the long run.

>> No.8971229

>shitposts with nothing to back it up

>> No.8971231

Mmmmm, yes. This is an excellent post also. I didn't enjoy, however, the macro-level inconsistencies exhibited in the use of "I am not black" after referring to the application of the manipulation of the concept of white guilt, as if such a concept is applicable in manipulation by any race but the woolly haired negroid variety, yes? Yes, yes. A jew perhaps? But those with their bulging brains (I am one myself, you see) have no use for cheap devices when they have mastered the whole game. Quite. You really have not thought this through, monsieur. Can you try again? Merci beaucoup.

>> No.8971235

Your attempt to patronize with an unfunny pompous response that sounds like a bass player playing horrendously out of key and time is so cringe-worthy.
>, that you are a cog in a machine with no overall influence; your your position is determined by the machine built and maintained by others.

Don't take boring cliches you hear from lame Hollywood comedies, please. It's so fucking sad.
>machine built by others
>What is the whole amalgamation of human achievement I am currently experiencing that's called society?

Again, as with many before, you have no talent.

>> No.8971237
File: 473 KB, 600x706, 1322531108494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are we still responding to this 8/8 poster? Wtf happened to you /lit/, you used to meme the pol out pf posers like op

>> No.8971242

>macro-level inconsistencies

This is meaningless drivel. Honestly, if you thought this sounded smart, if you thought you were flexing your "intellect," then never show anything you write to anyone, ever. You will be laughed at.

>> No.8971244

Mmmmm. No talent, monsieur? No talent indeed. What is talent? It is abstract. It is arbitrary. Socially determined, yes? I have published several reasonably successful novels. It has made me over 100 dollars. What is that in comparison to your paltry short stories - only one of which is even in print. Monsieur, you have been bested. You are pathetic. You are a weasel.

>> No.8971245

>identifying yourself in any small way on 4chan

Remember what happened to that faggy bass player from that band DIIV?

>> No.8971246

Yes, yes. You and your supple resentment. Read Nietzsche, my friend. He makes it quite clear.

>> No.8971248
File: 17 KB, 480x540, 15230792_10202430248673679_1388979412293151456_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is talent? It is abstract. It is arbitrary. Socially determined, yes?

Why you even responding anymore? I'm laughing at your expense, anon.

>You should talk to someone about Asperger's

>> No.8971249

you sound so fucked
>are you?
funny. your prose is good. its just kind of stimy like the crystallized trope of having seen it all like im sure you have so all the more reason to avoid implying it like for instance some obvious cia honeypot what am i suppose to think as the reader ah yes the proverbial obvious honeypot cheers (?) hypothetically id buy something you wrote if you purified that

>> No.8971251

>t. Person of Colour

We'd all be published too if the literary standards here were as low as they are for a Paki in bongstan

>> No.8971253
File: 5 KB, 225x225, shaving cream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a little fuzzy, might I borrow some of your

>> No.8971254

He never once touched upon anything that reads even close to the BS you're spouting.

Do you tell girls you read to impress them as well?


>> No.8971255

Came in swinging his club. I want this nigger's head, and his publications. I want it ALL!

>> No.8971256

Yes, yes. We are laughing. We have having a merry time of it, both of us. I said as much, did I not, monsieur? Indeed I did. We are simulations among simulations. We simulate this experience. None of this is real. We are fictions in the minds of ourselves in the minds of demiurge in the mind of the Almighty. Indeed, there is no purpose behind my reply nor your thread nor any of it, but as long as we are having a good time, oui? It is as Nicolas Cage says in The Warrior, "Are you not having a good time? Is that not why you have come here?

>> No.8971261

Ah, monsieur, but I do not need to tell them I read to impress them. The length of my penis alone is enough. In my moment of weakness I will allow this discourtesy - ask your mother.

>> No.8971266

That snippet was something I churned out from the top of my head after thinking for a total of one minute while I made idiots angry on 4chan. If you saw my polished stuff, my real ammo, you'd fall to your kneed to welcome the new Whiz Lit Kid.

Also, fuck Tao Lin. He fucking sucks.

>stimy like the crystallized trope
Sounds like the same drivel spouted by the likes of Harold Bloom.

>> No.8971277

Post. Your. Shit. You. Fucking. Minority.

>> No.8971282

When it's published you can read it.

Look for hints.

Fuck Tao Lin, for real. I'm gonna blow his gook-ass out of the water.

>> No.8971287

C'mon. Post it, ya clit.

>> No.8971331

>t. Person of Colour


>> No.8971357

itt: schizoaffectives patronizing the op instead of getting to work

>> No.8971359


This is why you'll never be good at anything. Enjoy stewing in the tepid cultural soup of hypocrisy, white boy.

>> No.8971361

That's racist.

>> No.8971366

Also they don't seem to know that it's bait?
So, Your Child's On the Spectrum? A Parent's Guide

>> No.8971400

/pol/ has gone the way of /b/
There's no content in there anymore. It's shills and intelligence agencies around the world manipulating fuckheads who take anything posted as their creed. It's full of teenagers who have been spoon-feed to believe their ideals are against the status-quo, that they hold superior standings with their perception of the world for buying into conspiracy theories everyone already tacitly believes. It is a psych-op. There's no question about that. Ever notice how little people respond to you when you post on /pol/?
Really, the weight of anonymous belittlement is powerful; governments and corporations know this. They know just how influential 4chan is, how the Streisand effect has made it one of the most visited websites on the internet.

I can't believe people seriously take Trump as a harbinger of classic American values who's standing up against the technicians of the world -- he's just as much a puppet as anyone else who gets to that level.

>> No.8971403


fucking auto-correct

>> No.8971415


>> No.8971429

Can someone post my pasta please about being 19 years old and living life at your expense?

>> No.8971445

Here ya go, ya lil fucker:

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8971499

>being so bored to bait, bait

>> No.8971524

>i'm on 4chan because i'm so thoroughly entertained already

>> No.8971531

It's all downhill from here