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/lit/ - Literature

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8970362 No.8970362 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ writers, care to share how do you get down to writing?
For a couple of weeks now I've had some interesting ideas to write stories about but I've never got around to it. My main problem is that I never start writing becuase I can't decide where to start. I don't know if write by pen on a notebook and carry it around with myself risking someone reading it or leaving it at my bedroom but thne I might as well write on the computer bbut the problem with this is that I never focus and end up doing something else like shitposting, meming, jack off, etc...

I know how retarded this thread is but I've struggled with this problem for a long time so if anyone out there that can actually accomplish consistent daily//weekly writing can help a brother out I'd appreciate it.

>> No.8970417


No distractions. I try not to look at the words as I type, and let it be a big, sloppy mess.

Once I start wandering off and losing focus, I cut and copy all of my text into a "junkhead" word doc. Much later, after all of the immediate scenes and ideas are out of my head, I go back through my junkheap doc and start moving stuff around - organizing my character or setting, or whatever.

I find a similar concept works well with essays or in school, I keep a running document, and keep adding to the top, pushing all of the old work to the last page. I like the single document approach, because I am able to run searches for a character, or topic, and kind of scroll through my previous words - helps me find my voice.

>> No.8970443

Current year, not using voice recording

>> No.8970559
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Fucking hell, stop being a little faggot and just do it.

Listen to yourself man. This is such a ridiculous first world problem and is indicative of your lack of will power.

Get a fucking notebook and write in it. If not, just use your computer instead. Are you getting distracted? Stop getting distracted.

You either want to do it or you don't. My guess is once you really get into it, you won't suffer from this problem. This is a problem created entirely out of your own lack of will to start.

Just do it little man.

>> No.8970714

Ya this. maybe you don't respond well to abuse however so let me elaborate

If you want to write you'll make time for it. In the beginning, prioritize quantity over quality. THe way that probability works, quanitity is a much better goal than quality. Because I believe that man has little control over quality except through the proxy of quantity.