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8968574 No.8968574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is happiness to you /lit/?

>> No.8968579

a warm trombone

>> No.8968587
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>> No.8968596


ferocious beast

>> No.8968598

It's the absence of desires and cravings. It's obtained by strong and sustained focus.

>> No.8968599
File: 26 KB, 500x334, beautiful one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being the last man/beautiful one

>> No.8968602

The milks that are highest in fat overall include mainly types of milk not consumed by humans. These are gray seal milk, with 53.2 percent fat, whale milk, with 34.8 percent fat, and polar bear milk with 31 percent fat. Other high-fat animal milks include cat, rabbit, rat, deer, dolphin and elephant, all of which have between 10 and 20 percent fat.

>> No.8968623


nasty vermin

>> No.8968636

i know the beautiful one lifestyle is meant to be offputting and shallow and it's only ever brought up as a negative, but 2bqh it seems comfy as fuck. just chilling all day with your friends grooming your fur, looking good, shooting the shit.

>> No.8968637

Happiness is when your father dies, then you die, then your son dies.
Can't remember where I read it but i think it's cool

>> No.8968650

Momentary, absolute satisfaction, usually brought on by a collective carefreeness of myself and those around me.

>> No.8968658

>shooting the shit

Beautiful ones are hikis.

> Their male counterparts withdrew completely, never engaging in courtship or fighting. They ate, drank, slept, and groomed themselves – all solitary pursuits. Sleek, healthy coats and an absence of scars characterized these males. They were dubbed "the beautiful ones."

>> No.8968665


wtf is that sum OC

nice i like it

>> No.8968672

my mistake then, i thought there was a larger mixed-gender group of them grooming each other. still, you can shoot shit with yourself which is comfy enough. wouldn't mind being a real life beautiful one

>> No.8968679

dank kush & a thick bush

>> No.8968685
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Fine anime on my television, a beautiful 2D woman on my monitor, a glass on Don Pérignon in my left hand and an unfinished book in my right.

>> No.8968693


that is all very material and stereotypical

i ahve no respect for your lifestyle

>> No.8968786

We're shooting the shit right now and still solitary.

It's an abstract sort of feel desu.

>> No.8968801

Happiness is when you can look back on your struggle in life with a smile.

>> No.8968805

embodying virtue
communion with the Most High

>> No.8968815

I'm not even trying to meme right now, can someone answer my question: what did he mean by this?

>> No.8968820

We are not alive to be happy. We are here to improve our souls and minds and become closer to God. Falling into the hedonistic lifestyle like this pathetic anon >>8968685

is the trap set for us to weed out degenerates who don't belong at God's table.

>> No.8968840

then all we need to become the beautiful ones is better hygiene

>> No.8968849

>still embracing virtue ethics

>> No.8968855

I like this, what are some books I can read to achieve this way of living? Maybe Thomas Aquinas?

>> No.8968858

If LARPing really makes you happy, then go right on ahead my friend.

>> No.8968870
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A lie.

>> No.8968873

Plato, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Proverbs, Aristotle's Ethics, Aurelius's Meditations, Leibniz, Descartes, New Testament

>> No.8968876

my mother had this procedure done. corneal transplant?

>> No.8968878

Happiness and comfort are for the weak

>> No.8968879

Having a highest goal.

Having belly-aching laughs among friends.

>> No.8968886


>> No.8968892

Finding happiness isn't necessarily hedonism.

>> No.8968898

How did this ascetic master find an excuse to use a computer?

>> No.8968921

for people comfortable to freely go with the range of their emotions.

>> No.8968948

being with my gf

>> No.8968950

This is a feel foreign to me

>> No.8968983



>> No.8968987

>have gf
>she leaves you, as women inevitably do
>all that time you invested in someone else is wasted
>time you could have spent learning more about and improving yourself
>literally years of your life wasted hanging out with someone just for sex

I used to think having a gf was awesome, then my gf left me when I needed her most (my dad died). I realized time spent on other people is a waste. You'll never have someone who won't fuck you over, so it's better to focus on yourself; nobody knows you like you do.

>> No.8969010

>I had a shitty gf
>that means all grills are shitty

>> No.8969013
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Get ogre it my man

>> No.8969022

>MY relationship will be the one that lasts!

>> No.8969033

Another anon here and I completely agree with you. Women are a waste of time if they are not going to jump on your cock right away.

>> No.8969036

Oh fuck, forgot to post the meaning behind this
Basically, a leader once asked a wise man what is happiness. He replied that happiness is when your father dies, then you die, then your son dies. The leader was baffled and asked if can that really be happiness, to which the wise answered 'Of course. Would you wish for the order to be different?'

>> No.8969041


Congrats, you just discovered that relationships are uncertain, often contingent. Everything else in life is also uncertain too. Guess what? Working on yourself can also be a waste. You can go down blind alleys of knowledge and end up finding out you spent years on something that's totally useless for your purposes. Think of all those self-published novels or polemics. Don't think that can be you? You can also have some misfortune and lose everything instantly.

The correct response is to learn how to better root out the contingencies and other things rest on AND THEN ENGAGE BASED ON THAT.

Friendships, for example, are highly contingent. You can have friends who are just friends with you for your humor. They can be friends with you just because you drink beer at a bar. Invest as much effort into them as accords with that and enjoy it for what it is.

The problem is you have unrealistic expectations about how people are going to behave.

As for dating, you need a lot of experience to sort out people who are really worth devoting that much energy to. You might just want to be more casual about it if a romance is something you want.

>> No.8969044

The sweet moment the denouement evidently comes, so clear cut that you get that urge to stop reading just so you can prolong the book just a little longer, but you read the rest anyway for closure.

>> No.8969046

hapiness for me is hopping in the nest.

>> No.8969057

dumbass, that's not what I am saying

stay bitter though

>> No.8969074

Dude, the point is that no woman is worth the risk for so little reward (some sex). You spend too much fucking time, for some shitty orgasm and sometimes a memorable orgasm that in the end are all very empty experiences. You are not going to make a contribution to society with that and definitely not going to leave a mark on history. That's why focusing on yourself is the best you can do. Not even friends are worth much time investment, although they are more reliable than women.

>> No.8969078

Love you share with someone, love you have for Nature and love you have for you.

>> No.8969124


You're kinda equivocating. Wanting sex is one thing, relationships are another. OF COURSE If you just want sex then you should just focus on your job and then use high class prostitutes. You'll be have a much higher general standard of living and you'll get prime pussy for the rest of your life.

The point of relationships isn't just sex for most people. They're looking for, variously, somebody to make them experience romantic passion, a long-term companion, affection, somebody to help them evaluate themselves and their life, emotional or financial support, etc. A lot of these things make more sense coming from long term intimacy.

It's perfectly fine to abandon dating if you aren't willing to go through the arduous sorting process required to find somebody who can stand up to most of the pressures arrangements meant to satisfy these desires undergo. Friendships also provide a lot of the benefits, though good ones can be as hard to find, they often last longer because they are less intense.

It's just cynicism to deny these things do occasionally emerge from relationships - they parently do, even if it's just temporarily.

>> No.8969141

top slave

>> No.8969144
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>> No.8969223


rotten tomatp fingers

>> No.8969262



>> No.8969550

Happiness is a warm gun

>> No.8969556


>> No.8969642

What about the droid attack on the Wookies?

>> No.8969670

I have some thoughts, but they tend to orbit the pursuit of a sharp aesthesic sense so you can see easily beauty and all its details; in other words, to understand beauty in a intuitive manner without relying on convention and social rules. Internalize beauty, in short. This can be done through either art, nature or character apreciation; reading books as well as having life experiences.

Inevitably, this sense will require from you that you materialize it in some sort of work. You don't need to worry about what it is, the muse will tell you, you only need to worry about having the skills, the sense, the knowledge and the resources necessary to pull it off. This happiness manifests mostly through the psychological state of flow. You don't do it for it though, it is a consequence of well-spent effort. This work can be anything: Art, Science, Philosophy, Politics.