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8967726 No.8967726 [Reply] [Original]

In your best prose, write a confessing love letter to the woman you secretly love.

>> No.8967730

Dear girl who was wearing the same shirt I was. You pulled it off way better. I wish I got to pull it off of you to be honest though. Those two stops before I got off were very pleasant, I wish we'd gotten off together. I never saw you again even though I ride that bus every day to work. I'm probably gonna spend the rest of my life on that bus every day until I die. I hope you show up again at least once or twice.

>> No.8967738

Dear ---,

Hey, I don't really peg you as the kind of girl who likes really sappy letters from dudes you don't even know, so I'll keep it short and sweet. I feel like we really connected in the book store today. Please come back so I can help you find more books.

Yours truly,

>> No.8967739


>> No.8967811
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>durr I'm trying to be subversive and cute

>> No.8967822


Gay master race. I don't even notice them in a room nor in public. I don't look at them and don't acknowledge them until they do something like speak to me. It's so choice.

>> No.8967884
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>I don't look at them and don't acknowledge them until they do something like speak to me. It's so choice.

You can be straight and do this to. It doesn't require a trade off of a bunch of dicks in your ass.

>> No.8967885
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>mfw I'm terribly inept at prose, no longer find it in me to fall in love, or both

>> No.8967887

>I never saw you again even though I ride that bus every day to work.
"I wish you'd ride me every day before work."

Missed opportunity.

>> No.8967897

I have never considered you beautiful, yet I am attracted to you. I am attracted to you not for any obvious reason to me, but the attraction has been present since I first laid eyes on you. I still remember when I first laid eyes on you...could it merely be a complement to my memory? My memory which seems adept at retaining my thoughts of you. You so often occupy my thoughts that perhaps the truth is, since that first time I laid eyes on you, I have always considered you beautiful.

>> No.8967932

Do you remember on New Years when we looked at each other, furiously drunk, after I set off the fireworks in front our mutual enemy's house. For a split second, as I looked into your eyes, I considered the social implications of kissing you, and then I truly considered kissing yet, not it's implications, just the action. And then you smiled. I held your gaze a split second longer than usual, went back inside the house, and drank two extra glasses of champagne, either to black out the memory of falling in love with you in real time, or to work up the courage to act on my feelings. I didn't do either, so now I'm here, posting online, anonymously, on a site you don't know exists, as you fly across the country, where I won't see you for undetermined, painfully long amount of time.

>> No.8967934

I need someone
To patch me up a little
And clean my head
Who cooks stew like my mother
Pastries like grandmother
And towers of caramel
Who puts tacks in my shoes
To remind me I'm going walking
And strings my mind on the line
Till my problems have dried

And who's in my bed
Fridays and Saturdays
And who keeps me in her soul
The rest of the week,
For the rest of her life
Who loves me when I'm here
When I'm there, when I'm gone
Who serves me tea and kisses
Who laughs
And knows the words
That I'll never say
And doesn't mind my clothes
When I get undressed

If you know someone like that
Let me know
Because someone like that
Is exactly who I need.

>> No.8967935


>> No.8967957

It's sad in a way to see so many young people who will never pass on their genes.

>> No.8967968

One day when I stop being myself we can be together.

>> No.8967978

>wearing chick shirts


>> No.8967982
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Delete this

>> No.8967989

>Tfw (you)

>> No.8968008

get rid of the last four lines & it's decent

>> No.8968048 [DELETED] 

Dear (blank),
I'm going to assume you already know this, but I love you. I can't believe it took me this long to get the courage, and what do you know, it's in writing. When I was introduced to you, I froze in my steps. I'll never forget the first time I met you and I was lost for words, there were no introductions. I still sometimes freeze when I see you and you give me that look, when you turn to look at me, when you look up at me, without tiliting your head, when your pupils move and your eyebrows raise to finally become parallel with mine. If right then you were to smile, I would probably die. I guess I'll see you around as I usually do, and if you don't give me that look again, I'll know how you feel.

a letter like this shouldn't be long in my opinion
give me a cringe rating

>> No.8968053
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>One day when I stop being myself we can be together.

just tell her ~ if you cant handle me at my worst then you dont deserve me at my best ! ~

>> No.8968088

if you had known me then

>> No.8968197

I love you

>> No.8968531

Though trodden beneath the shepherd's heel, the wild hyacinth blooms. So it is when you pass by me, a step with all its grace that could crush mountains and dreams alike in its wake. Your dark hair is the night sky, infinitely far yet surrounding everything. I cannot touch it, yet it is everywhere I look. When you are near, so am I entrapped, in cell so fair it could be paradise. Yet to reach out and speak into the night, to disturb its silence, would only hasten the break of day, when the sun's harsh light reveals what is rather than what should be. Your beauty is too immense to be coupled to mortality, your midnight eyes could never encompass your own lustruos umbral perfection. Sometimes the vision and desire are their own reward, lest that reverence and awe become jaded bitterness and gall. This then is the love that we can share, and no human passion clutter the expectation which can only be shattered. That we are capable of being only what we are remains our unforgivable sin.

>> No.8968678

Dear past love

I know it didn't work out between us, and looking back on the time we had together it probably wouldn't have worked out if we stayed together. We were young and for that reason I wish we met when we were older that way our love would have had a fighting chance. You leaving broke my heart, and I don't think I will ever fully recover from it. I know no matter what I did I couldn't have made you stay, you would have resented me and I wouldn't be able to live with that. But I want to thank you. Those years we were together we're absolutely wonderful and even with knowing how things ended I would do them all over again. You loved me the way I want a woman to love me. No matter what happens I will always hold a special place for you in my heart, I will always love you.

>> No.8968718

>inb4 literal homosexuals shit up this thread

Why do faggots have to ruin everything?

>> No.8968724

Hi! Few things to start off with =] 1. Yes I added you because you're a female gamer, 'tis an awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian. 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.8968734

There's a guy at my job who so obviously does/did this. It's not even a joke or a suspicion, you can just tell by looking at him that he's been ignored or deprecated all his life to the point that he's had to resort to the scraps of attention his manipulative and (excuse me) dickish boyfriend tosses to him. He is every bit the sad, confused, angry man we're familiar with and I can only guess the reason he hasn't killed himself yet is because he has a crippling disease that makes him incapable of strenuous manual labor and has to be tended to by physicians and his mother every day, or because he's deluded himself into thinking his life matters.

>> No.8968737

*sniff* You are so lovely - I mean mein Gott - that I look at you *sniff* and can eshcape from ideology and so on and so on.

>> No.8968743

Your 17 years older than me but I want your single mother ass. No commitments though.

>> No.8968828

Dear X,

I fucking hate you. Die.

Love Y

>> No.8969001

Can someone explain to me why I would want to pass on my genes? Who cares?

>> No.8969006

K e k

>> No.8969052
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>his love letter starts with "dear"

>> No.8969061

ay ho

u know u my one and only, u hol me down nawmsayin? ima have a baby by u cuz u so rite fo me bitch. yo, im a real nigga and u my queen nawmsayin? *smacks lips* we in this togetha, we gon make an empire b. jus me n u against the whole world b. we run this city. ay ho, u my queen.

>> No.8969063

I don't want you to pass on your genes.

>> No.8969064

Dear B,

I love you but am also a monstrous womanizer so despite things going well now they probably won't work out because i am a late bloomer now trying to make up for lost time.


>> No.8969065

Dear Me,

I love me so much. I know this may sound narcissistic, but from me to you -- well, from you to me really -- I needed to get this off my chest. My, I mean us, love for you is undying. I mean, my life for myself is without comparison. I suspect you love me, too. So why don't you and me, I mean us, just elope and exclaim our new found love for each other -- for myself. But also for you and me and us.

I love you,


>> No.8969071

I don't secretly love, when I find out I love someone I confess at the next occasion I see him/her.

>> No.8969075

How does that work out

>> No.8969085

youre a woman?

>> No.8969090


>> No.8969093

Wolf, you know that I have loved you since we were just children. Back when you sat nude in your high tower and I lay there with Rasputin's penis in my hands, there was a love between us that had the power to kill. I have seen you in my mind crushed beneath a pile of books, my heart leaks from its bulging seams. For a decade, I have tried everything to become the man you described to me so many years ago; strong, earnest, accountable. In the process, I have become a monster.

I told you too many times that I would never love anyone but you. I have told many others that I love only them, but that's a lie I tell to them and to myself. It isn't as bad as it used to be, but I still hear your voice in the evening. I still talk to you and you seem to listen now as much as you ever have. There is a part of my heart that wants the best for you in this life. Please, find a better love than mine. Please, be happy and grow up. The other part wants you to stay 14 forever. That part will not accept that you're a stranger now. That part will never let go.

With love,

>> No.8969112

Dear small one,
You believe that I hate you. You tell me so daily. I know that you fall asleep with an anger in your heart and a firmly held belief that I will never love you.

Small one, you're half right. I do love you as much as I ever have or ever could, as much as I ever will. But that's it. It isn't going to get any better. You'll learn, as they all have, to accept my cold demeanor and eventually you will get tired of waiting for a change that isn't coming. And I will not argue with you, when you tell me you want to leave. I will cry into your shoulder, mourn the loss, and simply move on. That's what I've always done.

I find bright lights and I snuff them out. Yours was very bright. It took years for my eyes to adjust, but I see you now. Focus on me, try to interpret the tea leaves on my face. Watch my smile grow. Ignore my thumb and forefinger, closing in on you. You'll feel a little pinch, but it'll all be over soon.

Sleep well in the smoke, small one.

>> No.8969134

Emma... where do I begin? When we met, I had never kissed nor even touched a woman. On our first date, we walked around a Wal-Mart for two hours and I showed up wearing a suit and tie. I was a mess. You were graceful and beautiful, composed as you've ever been. Our hips bumped by mistake and we both recoiled. It's been nine years and still I ache to relive that moment.

I have never been in the presence of a woman as tall as you. I remember you wore sandals the first time we met. You were worried you might be taller than me. You were surprised to meet a boy who was even taller than you. I was surprised to meet a girl that felt and looked and smelled like my equal. We obsessed over blood and bones and ghosts, we were silly kids. We talked about our brief lives and our histories that were, at the time, maybe only one or two stories worth telling.

There are so many better stories to tell now. You blew my mind at the time. You seemed so wise, so experience. Compared to me, especially. Did you know that I scrubbed my cock with a bar of Irish Spring that morning? A part of me actually believed you might want to touch it, that you might be close enough to smell it. When you walked by me, I tried to smell you. I wanted to breathe you in. I wanted you to stuff that pill into your ass in my backseat. I really wanted that, but I was too afraid to say so. I wanted many, many things.

Above all else, I wanted you.

And so, I find myself married to a woman people consider tall. She is, I suppose, but not as tall as you. The compliments I received for dating a woman five inches shorter than you. Imagine what they'd say if you and I were a couple. Imagine the compliments I would receive then.

And you, Emma, you would love me more than ever now. I have become the person you wished I had been then, the person I hinted at but was too afraid to reveal. I apologize for holding back. I am deeply sorry for not being myself.

I will never, ever forget you. I will try to.

>> No.8969154

I'm that gorilla dick nigga
I make dyke pussy wet

>> No.8969167

Do you remember sauntering down the streets of New Orleans with the smell of trash and the din of strangers all around? We had our first taste of absinthe that day and fantasized about someday owning the necessary tools to prepare and serve our own. You handed me a glass of coffee liqueur and I nearly vomited, but I held it down for you. I hid from your father in a voodoo shop and I believe we fucked that night, probably outside of a graveyard or in a library, one of our usual spots.

It took years for it to happen, but I remember the moment when it did. I stopped loving you the day after I tried to kill myself with allergy pills. A childish move, to be sure, but I was desperate and curious enough to do something so stupid. I woke up the next day and you were in my apartment, standing over me, apparently not bothered at all that I was virtually comatose. You crawled into bed with me and tried to get me to fuck you. I wanted, very sincerely, to smash your face in. But I never hurt you once, did I? You have to give me credit for that. I never hurt your body.

Anyway, we're old now. You live... where, exactly? I couldn't say. And who do you love now? Someone good, I hope. I really believed the man you left me for was the one for you. I had always kept my eye on him, he seemed like the cooler version of me. He had the long hair, the leather jacket, the mysterious demeanor. Me, I was always plastic glasses and a big belly. I get it, I would have chosen him too. But you left him, didn't you? Why?

I read that they closed down our favorite pizza restaurant. I guess that's really the end then.

>> No.8969301

Gorillas have portionally small penises

About 4 cm

Chimpanzees, while being smaller, have a willy twice as long

But humans have the biggest one out of all the primates species

Be happy you're human, anon, by enjoying every second of today. Go fuck the girl you've been wanting to smash. We're all going to make it if we try.

>> No.8969329 [DELETED] 

Put your mother in a straight-jacket you punk ass white boy. Come here and tell me that, I'll fuck you in your ass you punk white boy. You faggot. You can't touch me, you're not man enough. I'll eat your asshole alive, you bitch. C'mon anybody in here can't fuck with this. This is the ultimate, man. Fuck you, you ho. Come and say it to my face.... I'll fuck you in the ass in front of everybody. You bitch.... come on, you bitch. You're scared coward, you're not man enough to fuck with me. You can't last two minutes in my world, bitch. Look at you scared now, you ho.... scared like a little white pussy. Scared of the real man. I'll fuck you 'til you love me, faggot!

>> No.8969359

Who finds this sort of thing funny, other than white females and asians?

>> No.8969405


me so horni
me u long tiem

>> No.8969420 [DELETED] 

If ya want to get down on these hairy balls,
then why don't you jump right in?
It's a crotch party right up in here,
why don't you lick on this big john!

>> No.8969437


Cut my life into pieces
This is my last resort

>> No.8969462

We can go even shorter anon.

>I love you. It took me so long to work up the courage. I only found it in word.
>When we met, I froze. I can’t forget it. I was speechless.
>I still freeze when I see you. You give me that look, when you turn to look at me, when you look up at me, without tilting your head, when your pupils move and your eyebrows rise to mine.
>If you would smile, I would die.
>I'll see you around, and if you don't give me that look again, I'll know.

>> No.8969515

My sweet little whorish Nora I did as you told me, you dirty little girl, and pulled myself off twice when I read your letter. I am delighted to see that you do like being fucked arseways. Yes, now I can remember that night when I fucked you for so long backwards. It was the dirtiest fucking I ever gave you, darling. My prick was stuck in you for hours, fucking in and out under your upturned rump. I felt your fat sweaty buttocks under my belly and saw your flushed face and mad eyes. At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips and if a gave you a bigger stronger fuck than usual, fat dirty farts came spluttering out of your backside. You had an arse full of farts that night, darling, and I fucked them out of you, big fat fellows, long windy ones, quick little merry cracks and a lot of tiny little naughty farties ending in a long gush from your hole. It is wonderful to fuck a farting woman when every fuck drives one out of her. I think I would know Nora's fart anywhere. I think I could pick hers out in a roomful of farting women. It is a rather girlish noise not like the wet windy fart which I imagine fat wives have. It is sudden and dry and dirty like what a bold girl would let off in fun in a school dormitory at night. I hope Nora will let off no end of her farts in my face so that I may know their smell also.

You say when I go back you will suck me off and you want me to lick your cunt, you little depraved blackguard. I hope you will surprise me some time when I am asleep dressed, steal over to me with a whore's glow in your slumberous eyes, gently undo button after button in the fly of my trousers and gently take out your lover's fat mickey, lap it up in your moist mouth and suck away at it till it gets fatter and stiffer and comes off in your mouth. Sometimes too I shall surprise you asleep, lift up your skirts and open your drawers gently, then lie down gently by you and begin to lick lazily round your bush. You will begin to stir uneasily then I will lick the lips of my darling's cunt. You will begin to groan and grunt and sigh and fart with lust in your sleep. Then I will lick up faster and faster like a ravenous dog until your cunt is a mass of slime and your body wriggling wildly.

Goodnight, my little farting Nora, my dirty little fuckbird! There is one lovely word, darling, you have underlined to make me pull myself off better. Write me more about that and yourself, sweetly, dirtier, dirtier.

>> No.8969520

i’m not dying, just disorientated; and for someone who values above all else the grand scheme of things, that’s a fate worse than death- death being the familiar emptiness where once there was material reassurance, something conquered with calm breath and soothing mantras, and disorientation being the overwhelming emotion inside of me welling up without aim or release until i can feel it in my throat like my organs are about to spill out. maybe one day i will take enough to stay permanently amped; and i will never again require bread or bed, and those who pass me will feel their hair stand on end and their soul cast in the shadows of some new illumination; but i know this is temporary, just as i am, and that knowledge is a collar and chain to every chemical that would attempt to dominate me.
inhale smoke exhale fire.
this is sloppy, something truly off the cuff, without inspiration or forethought, without the holy need i feel to express something new; this is excretion, a psychosomatic cure for the monster i feel clawing at my tender and exposed parts. when i was younger i was unable to write without the holy spirit in me; the words felt too obtuse, too disparate, and my effort in piecing them together was pretentious and pathetic. i don’t know if i am becoming permanently touched by a spirit familiar to me, or if i can feel the connection between these with chemically heightened sentences, or if i am merely young still and embarrassing to any master of this craft; it seems irrelevant when i consider our limited consciousness, our weakness in being minds sustained by biological process.
i want to become stardust, a being in the connections between minds.
on april 20th this year i went to a book sale; i left with copies of Dune and prints of Jericho and textbooks on circuitry analysis, and i had lunch with friends new and old, and i smoked in an apartment of a girl i never met before with blankets and pillows beneath her staircase, and it felt pure and good in a comforting way. these moments of life are so beautiful; they are tiny and temporary and will be written of in no textbook or retelling of noble tales, but they are what give me breath and direction and meaning in life.
i don’t know you yet, but i’d like to.

>> No.8969524

>At every fuck I gave you your shameless tongue came bursting out through your lips
Nora confirmed for ahegao

>> No.8969528

> L O N D O N

>> No.8969579

You told me I love you and you said it twice. As soon as those words left your mouth they pulled and I love you with my entire soul came with it, bubbling, but not like you expected: these words foamed and frothed until you choked.

I felt the same bubbling--I could feel the same pull from something heavy forming between us and I swallowed. My soul went down easier than I thought, and I'm sorry for that. All I've ever wanted was to love you too.


>> No.8969604
File: 30 KB, 456x320, Man+these+beta+stories+keep+reminding+me+of+my+_4eeb2c27b5ad00c6e311973eb72a8d90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8969623

its a secret, but i love you

>> No.8969646

Lads, I don't think I'm gonna make it.

>> No.8969705

Walking along a busy street, or driving your car along a crowded highway, do you ever dissolve away? Do your legs become numb? Where are you then, down what crevasse are you falling and does it feel like you are floating, weightless?
Show me who you are and don't reject me for my curiosity.
I remember when you lay on the earth, waiting for the trap to catch it's pray, in your ragged, animal skin skirt. The spheres were our gods, our minds, and we lived inside a mountain, warmed by a fire's heat. Did we erect the ziggurats and temples and palaces all around us? Must I resemble one of their marble statues or a poster stretching across a skyscraper? Must I wage war on the wicked and the wickedness inside me? Must you be my muse and mistress?
Is there a place where our voices travel endlessly without ever being heard, acknowledged and approved? I cannot describe nor understand it but I want this place to exist.

>> No.8969716

Dear baby,

Welcome to Dumpsville. Population: you.

>> No.8969731

Nice, same

>> No.8969734

>Dear ---,
>girl who likes [..], so I'll
>Please come back so I can help you


>> No.8969757

Terrible, overdone





>> No.8969759

But she knows I love her and she blocked me.

>> No.8969760

i don't understand this post

>> No.8969792

I love you because you helped me see how idiotic I truly am. Without you, I would have never thought to change myself to keep up with your cunning wit and talents. I wish I had spent every moment of our years together desperately trying to convince you that I'm just as interesting, and that like you, there is no one like me so that maybe you would love me. I am grateful for our time together and consider it to be my favorite memory, but I know and understand that you will let go of me. I hope to find someone who only merely reminds me of you.

>> No.8969795

You are awful looking and ill mannered but you are the only girl wich i can relate to; i can imagine myself a king or a beggar knowing you would treat me the same.
I have no love for you but you are the only kind of girl I imagine myself loving one day, we should spend more time togheter.
Sorry for refusing dinner that time about 2 months ago.

>> No.8969803

I really do wonder how many of these are about girls you guys knew/know online or random girls you've seen in public or interacted with only briefly, versus girls you actually know.

>> No.8969878

It's no secret that I love him, I've already made that confession. He doesn't regard me.
Why is it that people are nicer to strangers than to people who love them? He needn't be so cruel.

>> No.8969888

A good love letter is an outpouring of emotion.

If that's true then a good love letter is lust with a touch of love. You don't really need to understand what you lust after.

>> No.8969893

Does it make a difference? Men are incapable of love, just desire. And things always look more desirable at a distance.

>> No.8969909

double introductory, changing his behaviour to please others and desperation for her approval. it's not that hard anon.

>> No.8969918

It kind of does make a difference, I think.
Some of these letters have anecdotes in them, references to real shared experiences, something that actually gives context and makes more sense than just "UGHHH I WANT TO FUCK U SO BAD BUT U DONT EVEN NOTICE ME OH FUK I WANT TO FEEL UR PUSSY FUUUUU"

>> No.8969925

My point being that in the end, it all comes down to this either way.

>> No.8969930

One girl so far turned into an actual relationship, lasted a few months before we found out we didn't go well together.

But I get rejected most of the time.

>> No.8969942

>Men are incapable of love
>he doesn't realize a true platonic relationship (between men) is the highest form of love possible between humans

>> No.8969945
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I miss my brothers

>> No.8969946

My dearest love,

Please send pics of your feet.

Yours truly,


>> No.8969948
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>loving women
For what purpose?

>> No.8969957

My girlfriend of a few weeks told me I can fuck her ass if I bring lube next time I go over.

>> No.8969963
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>(between men)
Between women. Daily reminder you sweaty hairy beasts will never know the true purest form of love which is the semi- or full-lesbian relationship.

>> No.8969971


Weird, I didn't see this reminder yesterday

>> No.8969976

Don't worry, you'll see it tomorrow when the matriarchy comes, and all the days after.

>> No.8969982

Oh man I know this feel right now
Basically found my first gf at 22 and I like her a lot but damn I know I missed out on a lot that I have to make up for

>> No.8969995

I don't want to be alive anymore
death is frightening since I don't want to burn in hell though and I hate myself too much to give up on myself
there's no midpoint, there's life and there's death and neither is good
thus I'm forced to life even though I hate it
I'll never be loved. the only person I have any kind of positive, meaningful relationship with is my father and I can't even be honest with him
you hate me for hating myself. but what else am I supposed to do?
I hate everything
I want to stab myself over & over and shoot through my jaw across my skull's orb and impale my vertebræ with a single spear and tear out my heart & lungs and crush them in my hands
I know it's wrong to ask you to show some pity on me, but please please please do I'll do whatever you ask

>> No.8970010


À quoi puis-je me raccrocher ?

Au temps suspendu, lorsque sur le courant de ma conscience, ton visage se reflète ? À la lettre que tu m'avais envoyée, autrefois parfumée au point que l'encre en fut imbibée ? À ta voix, entêtante et mélodique comme l’était celle de Nina Simone ?

Mon phrasé est maladroit, mon Amour, et je souffre de ces maux que les mots ne peuvent exprimer. Tu m'as laissé le vide : ton absence et quelques chimères. T'ai-je laissé autre chose que mes larmes qui ont entachées tes joues ?

Ces questions restent en suspens, comme le temps, lorsque sur le courant de ma conscience, ton visage se reflète. Mais j'aime à penser que la réponse est "oui". Parce qu'au fond, c'est suffisant.

N'est-ce pas, mon Amour ?

>> No.8970013

I was a fool, rather both of us were fools. I've enjoyed every second we've spent together. Days without you are painfully boring, dull...
It's now or never. What's your answer?

>> No.8970016

to die and to awake would lead to you, I have concluded.

I see the gates of heaven in your eyes--the pearly white glow. Let me in.

>> No.8970039


At first when I met you, I thought you were dumb. Absolutely not my type, way overdone. And so dumb.
Then I thought you were not that smart but at least open minded and funny sometimes. And that I liked your smile, somehow.
Now I cannot think about anybody else. I replay every interraction, trying to decipher signs that I know will never be there. I'm not your type. I'm the opposite of the kind of person you would be interested in. You like talking to me but you will never be attracted to me and it's killing me.
One time I was watching you sleep, you were so perfect I felt like my heart would explose. Your face. Your neck. Your back. Your feet.
When you get close to me I feel flustered and transparent and horny and ashamed of myself.

I wish I never had to see you again.

>> No.8970050

Dear Babe,

The light in your eyes is like the light in the skies - bright with the promise of innumerable unexplored worlds. Sexy worlds.

I won't beat around the bush, like all those other iterations of Adonis. I want your bush, and I want what it conceals. I have a large object I would like to hide within it, preferably at night.

Ooh. I'm thinking about plunging right into that bush atm, and it's destroying my ability to sound sophisticated. have done anal? would like to try it


>> No.8970072

>T'ai-je laissé autre chose que mes larmes qui ont entachées tes joues ?
Pretty good, fag

>> No.8970091

or was that hardly about you?
I'm sorry, as always. I feared you would find my prose on that creepy or banal. but that's a useless
you're so adorable god you're so cute god your hair is so nice and your skin is so bright and your lips are so kissable. I want to hold you close and kiss you every second
and I don't have to say how you knew who both קדם and Julie Adélaïde-Rivière were and I never dreamed a girl would
you're as perfect as a 3dpd could ever be
and I still remember that second night and how fast my heart was beating and what you said and how hopeful I was and I want to die I want you so bad
god I want to be with you so much <3 <3 <3

>what a faggot
I know, Anon-bitchu.

>> No.8970107

We were depleted too soon. Remember the day we first really met, face-to-face, inside latticed glass that cut the sun, near innumerable faces spilling their burdens of love and longing, me sipping insipid Airport coffee, you lost among the tiles under the duress of thousands of daily feet? It was a fluke we found each other so fast. Your eyes shone like runes adorned with some green, mystical, astral enchantment, recently unearthed to the astonishment and spiritual rekindling of all living beings on this planet. I was too young then to know truly what I had. You were too. Our lost days were the product of youthful naivete, of us too entrenched in our respective cataclysms to render any respites. I think hard most days of those precious weeks we spent in each others' company; I felt something I never felt once before, never peered into, never sanctioned to study: I felt love. I wish I had the proper faculties to share myself with you, fully, in that time. My anger, my sadness, my entire childhood delegated to my own lonely devices, prevented me from bestowing all my beauty within into you. I wish things were different for you. We had our time, however. Our quiet moments forever etched between us, deep past sordid cognitive rookeries, in neurological pathways I'd protect with my entire being, that I frequently visit when I'm unsure of my place, when I need to break myself down to study how good of a person I am. Things are better for me now. I just want you to know that.

- K

>> No.8970126

Thanks. "Fag" was bit rude though.
Actually, this is loosely based on Jude Law's speech from the 9th episode of "The Young Pope". Of course, I've used my own pain and experience to write. Léa is the name of my ex and I cried while kissing her, right before I dumped her. Guess that makes me cunt. But certainly not a fag.

>> No.8970151

This is your best prose?

I guess talent doesn't come easily to everyone...

>> No.8970259

Your irises change color. It's you throughout every rotation. There's a pushing, a pulling. It's really not fair if I'm your axiomatic anchor point, it hurts- the shapes you bend and contort into in order to please. And then I find myself disgusted by malleability and my own pleasure. I set my hopes on you, tell you not to move so as not to disturb them, and then walk away. I'm sure that I'm not sure that I could clip you on my shirt and bring you where I go. I put myself through fires. I push brands into my skin. For you to watch me and copy, some days looks like loving devotion and others like shameful stupidity. I love my punishment and despise yours. You're here so I can love you, so I love you. Let me love you and don't let me punish you. I'm not worth what I'm worth.
Your pussy pretty nice tho

>> No.8970284


Will you teach our kids French? You're much better at it than I.

>> No.8970539


holy cr*p dude... this makes me want to visit the wilderness for a minute. I want to wave my hand & cure your pain.

ah, pretty

odd, but godd


>> No.8970554


I liked you a lot. You were sweet, smart, and beautiful.

I guess I don't have anything else to say. I still think about you sometimes. I don't wanna become bitter. I hope you have a great life!

>> No.8970884

This one is great

>> No.8970932

>je souffre de ces maux que les mots ne peuvent exprimer

te tartines tu souvent les couilles de beure avant d'écrire ?

>> No.8970962 [DELETED] 

Dear Elektra--

As the Moon was howling dimly lit some nights ago, a hunger clouded my reason and ravaged through me like a wolf. I must admit; I consider your sincere smile dangerous, your laughter the scream of a banshee, your gracious speech the song of a siren.

Should this odd hermit consider himself fit for anchoring in the safety of a harbor, he wouldn't be an odd hermit. And what would his familiar friends - the fiends and the lost - not think about his change of course? Why of course, they would fancy him mad.

For love, dear Elektra, is a madness. The princes of tincans, on the other hand, say that someone who has never given in to the swirlstorm of love ought to be a mess - while someone who has lost his love, has indeed lost his compass. But these princes know nothing but the rust of their self proclaimed thrones.

I do wonder; who will hear me mumble your name in my sleep? The night is a trustworthy companion, a great keeper of secrets. They day is for the princes, shining upon their garments, their well brooded steeds and of course, all of their noisy tincans.

What I am trying to say, dear Elektra, I do not wish to place you in any tincan. They think they can, but in the night they sleep soundly.

Love is a madness. And I am mad enough as it is. Mad enough to write a letter, confessing my love and throwing it away.

Farewell, dear Elektra.

>> No.8971417


You wanted to help, but the words you utter beat my heart into submission, and my mind screams your music. There are harmonies somewhere in it, but deaf ears could not hope to understand.

You have trapped me, and I cannot bring myself to sacrifice. I am addicted to this pain. Of all people, it had to be you. Why did you start to care?


>> No.8971481

It really isn't

>king and beggar cliche

back to reading, you'll get there

>> No.8971484



>> No.8971507

I like this
It's sweet

The last two sentences of that had more of an impact on me than I expected

>> No.8971513

nope fag sounds about right

>> No.8971516

Dear Girlanon,

I like you

From Anon

P.s. Haha sorry, that was my stupid friend

>> No.8971522

I hope the lasting legacy of milo yakanapolis is that it's no longer cool or hip or alternate to claim faggotry

>> No.8971530

>You're not pretty, but i think you're pretty anyway
>look how far i have to stoop in order to compliment you
If this is the best you can do in terms of imaginary love letter, it's really for the best that you're not a viable mate

>> No.8971536

No one cares. Kys

>> No.8971538

Dear Maria,
Western civilization brainwashed you into thinking you were equal to men, yet, you are not. Please submit to my penis.

>> No.8971816

Nope, ce serait pas de refus cela dit

>> No.8971918


>> No.8971924

I am now after surgery. :^D

>> No.8971982

Dear T

I remember when I first touched you, and you touched me, and I was filled with an ecstasy since unparalleled. Perhaps in another life we could have been but I think you'll only ever love something that I simply cant be. I'm not sure i'll ever not love you but you long since stopped loving me. I know why you don't want to see me anymore but I want to think its hurts you as much as it hurts me.

>> No.8973520

Dear X,

I want to love you.

You don't know me well enough to understand. Let me explain.

I can't love. I don't know what love is. I vaguely remember the feeling, but the memories of losing my dearest friends and family are more vivid. I chased love. I did my best. I tried, and I hurt others. I tried, and I failed. Over and over again. I gave up.

Then came a monday morning. The office, 2013, somewhen in September. I used to remember the date -for non-creepy reasons, I assure you- but I forgot. What I still remember cannot be described with words. I could write a book about your eyes, your hair, your smile, and maybe two about your hips and legs. The way you looked at me, and the way it made me feel however, are something I can't understand but also can't help but love -in my own way.
I couldn't grasp what it meant then. I went on living the same life, throwing bottles into the Danube, flicking cigarettes into the night, downing shots with women who did the same in their free time. It took way too long to dawn on me. I have found love, or rather, a chance to find it again.

I know you noticed. I know you can read me when you look into my eyes, no matter how hungover, drunk, or high I am. I know you were afraid, frightened. I can read you too. Unfortunately, we are still human, filled with self-doubt and the fear from things uncertain. I saw fire in your eyes. Maybe it was always there, but I was blind to it. Maybe it burns to dim to notice. Is it there, X? I need you to tell me.

>> No.8973528

you're a dumb whore who only loved me for my social stats, which you destroyed via driving me insane by denying me sex and telling me all sex is rape after i'd been falsely accused of rape

>> No.8973558


>> No.8973591

Where do you even buy lube?

>> No.8973594

literally amazon

>> No.8973597

Doesn't it take too long? What if I need lube tonight?

>> No.8973608

idk they might have same day delivery

you can probably also go to the grocery store lol

>> No.8973612

sex shop

>> No.8973810

Start with the greeks, use olive oil

>> No.8973822

I want put my noodle in your casserole

>> No.8973833

I want to fuck you to have an idea of what's happening inside your mind, coward.

>> No.8973834


>> No.8973879

K -
There's a tremendous pressure in society, I think, to keep our thoughts and motivations hidden. I have lived much of my life like this, and I have made a prison of myself in doing so. It's a dishonest way of life that I no longer wish to live. I love you and I think it would be unfair to our friendship if you did not know. Make of it what you will. I would be quite fine if you would like to remain friends. I would not mind if I never saw you again. I am content in being honest, and freed by the fact that you know now.
Yours if you would have me
- L

>> No.8973958

I don't know who you are, or if you're even real. And I wouldn't mind if you didn't know how I feel.

>> No.8974018

I disapprove of your life-style

Hello, my love.
It is no secret how passionate we are for each other. We feel every minute expression as if it was our own. Your eyes write the love letters, not I.
The end! I love you so much!

>> No.8974028

>he's never been unreasonably, illogically attracted to someone

I pity you. There have been many times where I've been attracted to an typically ugly or plain woman for some weird, inexplicable reason or another.

>> No.8974049

Must be heaven.

>> No.8974054

Ayo bitch,

Hop dat lil puss up onto papi's lap, nawmean?


Delighted to be your's,

>> No.8974406

Come to me. I want to taste you. I want to be there to help you become a stronger and better person, like you said. I want to embrace you tight and whisper in your ear that everything's going to be okay.

Just come to me. I'm all open, man.
Fill me up
I’m ready for you.

>> No.8974421

>being (consciously or not) influenced by this

>> No.8974423

I miss you, and I want you back. But if I'm being perfectly honest, I just want to fuck you again and dump you when I leave.

>> No.8974435


>> No.8974438

never heard of her. Musically speaking, I live in the last century.

>> No.8974446

I'm surprised you managed to escape top 40 music.
what country are you in?

>> No.8974471

from Brazil, spending some months in the UK.

>> No.8974486

>I'm surprised you managed to escape top 40 music.
It really isn't that hard. If you shop in places that play shitty music, it's probably a shitty store. Don't listen to music on the radio. Listen to what you like. It's not that difficult to completely tune out all top 40 music.

>> No.8974500

>not that difficult to completely tune out all top 40 music
Unless you take qts to night clubs. (:

>> No.8974522

Been there, done that. I've long been over the club scene. Besides, it was never fun. It is more fun taking girls out to parties that are actually enjoyable or hanging out a decent bars and restaurants.

>> No.8974545

Necesito alguien que me parche un poco...

>> No.8974552


>night clubs

>bad music

no night clubs have some of the best music, you just are a pleb shit who grinds to marvin gaye rip offs and tpain while drinking cheap german beer.

>> No.8974553

Dear L,
I miss you. I haven't felt it every single day. Honestly, it only took a few weeks of your absence for me to spend entire days without even thinking about you. But come each winter now for the past two years, when the skin on my knuckles begin to crack from the dry cold, I go to bed thinking of your smile slowly wrap itself around your face. The details are fading now and I can barely make out your nose or eyes or blond hair.
But I think it'll be some time before the image of your smile leaves me.
I hope to see you again one day.

>tfw there's no good English equivalent for saudades
I don't even know that much Portuguese but God damn that is a romantic language.

>> No.8974559

I should have bringed to my attention that the purchase of such flimsiwear was to be followed by the most interesting arrengement of the worde. Such character regarded me as "The Mausoleum Mome", replied indeed I did do, such character in such a movement , most insuffiecient of response, comply I did in such "Indeed, the purchase of such flimsiwear most certainly produces interesting notes of Character". In such Truth of Form and Character was my response that such character was to be have put under defeat, me thinks. Toughts do you produce?

>> No.8974686

This is just an old piece of my diary, desu.
15th Nov
“Things are getting quite incestuous here”, speaks a friend, and, with three self-proclaimed ‘addicts’, I’d have to agree. There’s this tension, between meaningless sex and something more; a tension that might spark something fierce and wrong. I don’t want to lose friends, but then there are people here who don’t just want to be friends. And then, there are those, girls too, who’d just like to fuck; fuck around really.
Which one am I? I’ve been lonely for so long, and I admit, there were times when just a fuck helped. But it was the appetite of fire, and by a fortnight I’d be looking for new ashes to make.
So I don’t like this, this hunger and heat. It’s no good for my soul. I’ll burn everything around me.
But how good it is for H! Holding her, honest and half naked, I’d struggle to say she ended this flame of mine, but it burnt with something new, too: something cozy and good, warm and stable, like a wintry fireplace that held us both along our gropey sleep. Every problem of hers I want to fix, all the men and the selling. And every spark of her own fire I’d like to cool. Dear God: isn’t she the most wonderful, most ridiculous women you’ve made?
But she’s going to Debs, with her caveman, her tall gorilla. And there’s gold hair all over the bed. And it’s cold, now, cold inside.
Oh God: please let her make the happiest decision. Only, don’t leave me too.
Not again.
16th Nov
Ran around Rathmines, admiring city weeds and riverbanks, where an old bum sat with a notebook, and some other two mimed at fishing under the shade of an oak, smiling. So I smiled too, at the pavements and their cat’s and babies that stretched up hilly Dublin until I was smiling, at the grey blanket of sky and its soft pearls of light that drift against the black birds and the holes of roseblue, until, smiling, I was at the back of a church, and so I smiled at its patina dome and dark crosses and I walked inside only to smile at closed doors, and come out, beneath a statue of our Virgin Mary and the smell of incense and ice.
I asked Her my only wish, smiling.
But she was not smiling back.

>> No.8974707

see you at my crib BITCH. *drops phone*

>> No.8974723

Had this strange sense of Calvinism last night. That I had poured my guts out only to stain my friends forever. When H told me not to hug her, when she told me not to come with her, something inside me spilled and it felt less like liquid and more like firm shit, like a rod of hot shit that had skewered me forever and had come lose. Would always come loose. Disgusting.

But I remember her holding Ha in the shower, remember her every comment towards every other man, and I thought of her tall idiot, tuxed, holding her for a night I had lost.

And in all that, in all that day and all that night, I felt damned. And now, maybe, I am not- and I throw it away with another fuck! What a Faustus I am! What a fool!
So she thinks I do not care, so she thinks me a dog. Perhaps, really, I am dammed, and I am her black dog, and dammit, it’s been nothing and everything spent waiting and I’d wait twelve hundred more, if, only, I could be less alone – to be with this girl who my whole heart adores. If she says no…then I really might burn it all.
17th Nov
Waiting for H. I see her arrive through my window, but she is quiet. Spend a while lying down, to music. My black Canada Goose, draped over the top of my wardrobe and tie, reminds me of a hung man.

>> No.8975780

i was drunk last night so i revised it, here


The dark bled from me, and one day you noticed.

You wanted to help, but the words you utter beat my heart into submission and fill my body with a dreadful radiance. I don't know what to think about it, so my mind screams music (the song is yours). I think there may be harmonies to be found somewhere, but my deaf ears would never understand.

I enjoy what little I have, but I cast away this inner feeling that I know to be true. The more I shun it away, the more it grows, and I feel its pull every time I see you. I know some things will never happen. I take this truth and use it to bottle up my hope. However, every time I hear your laugh, the glass shatters, and I must piece it together again.

I question whether I deserve some part of it, whether certain pains are deserved for certain people. Coincidentally, it seems whenever I am on the cusp of well-being, someone has to come along and pace circles in my mind, smearing themselves aside the blood and dark.

I want to burn away the memories of you, yet there exists an equal desire to dwell on these fleeting moments forever. You wanted to help, but you wouldn't yet know that I confront both comfort and misery with your presence.

I would live make-believe in an instant even if it meant the rest of my heart was lost to you. I am pathetic, and some things never change. I hope you to be one of them.


>> No.8975784
File: 26 KB, 460x276, 1441714576994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even have a girl to secretly love anymore

>> No.8975849 [DELETED] 

Dear Miranda,

You are perfect. In another lifetime I would have married you and loved you more honestly than any man could ever hope to love a woman. However, when I was 15 years old the feminist agenda of crushing male egoism and reducing it to size in the public sphere really got to me, and as a result of my own inadequacies, I am permanently sexually impotent from trying to enhance my penis size through a series of stretching techniques.

I hope you can appreciate that this may be part of the reason I distance myself from taking things further, despite you sometimes catching me looking at you in a way that suggests we should be more than just friends. The feelings are real but the future is not.

Yours sincerely, the man who could have been.