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8966328 No.8966328 [Reply] [Original]

tfw my mums says she likes my book

>> No.8966356

haha that's so cute, anon ^_^

>> No.8966364

she liked my book too when I asked her last night eh anon ;D

>> No.8966416

>tfw mum cried for two hours when she read my manifesto

>> No.8966469

>tfw sister cried for two hours when she found my annotated copy of Schopenhauer's "on women"

>> No.8968247

You're clearly a great writer, anon. Our mothers are often our harshest critics.

>> No.8968426

My mother says that I am a handsome, considerate guy and that she doesn't understand how I don't have a gf.

>> No.8968482

Of course she does... you precious little snowflake

>> No.8968542

good for you, my mom said mine was bad

>> No.8969070

>write masterpiece during eight years in the basement
>give it to my mother to read
>"Oh hun-bun, it's wonderful! Now that you're going to earn money all by yourself you can soon move to a place of your own!"

>> No.8970134

why is this thread hilarioud

>> No.8970153

>tell everyone i'm writing a book
>actually just playing roguelikes in my room
>it has been eight years since i graduated college
>people still think I'm super serious and a really good writer


>> No.8970161

Because it's quite pathetic

>> No.8970190

That is sweet, it took me 4 years of practicing bass for my mum to compliment me. You know you've made it when your mum says you've done a good job.

>> No.8970573


>> No.8970581

My mother tells me she worries about me every time she calls and I decide to answer and I just sit there saying nothing until she cries and wishes me a nice week ahead and hangs up.

>> No.8970598
File: 11 KB, 277x329, 1457407927779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That comment is certainly the most painful one to hear.

I don't know either, mom.

>> No.8970605

This shit is from a book, isn't it?

>> No.8970617

Thankfully my Mother is dead so she will never have to read my suicide note.

Sorry, Dad.

>> No.8970687

No, unless it's my diary desu.

My life is pathetic and I am so fucking close to ending it it's surreal. Never fucking thought I'd end up like this. I feel like the stupidest person alive.

>> No.8970767


>> No.8970897
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your mom would never lie to you senpaitachi, youre prolly really good looking and nice people

>> No.8970990

>I feel like the stupidest person alive.
why the fuck would you feel like that? There is literally no reason to feel like that and to think about ending your life. Even if you actually made some legit mistakes in your life, you have to trust that people will forgive you, especially your parents.

hearing comments like these makes me so mad for some reason. Don't you realize that you are the only one in control of your life? If you truly have some mental illness like 90% of this website claims, you can go to therapist and ask for meds.

But imagine yourself in 60 years at your deathbed, thinking how you wasted your youth on worrying about absolutely unimportant shit.

>> No.8970998


>> No.8971009

>tfw i heard this shit for years
>finally start dating
>mother disapproves of every girl i bring home

>> No.8972270
File: 83 KB, 600x551, Artur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have an epiphany years ago that im the master of my own destiny
>forget it
>read this
thanks anon, not that guy but ive been claustrophobic for a while now

>> No.8972272
File: 49 KB, 837x736, 1482135809649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me 31 year old fatass NEET
>watching a Tyson Tendie Commercial on repeat
>rumbly tummy says it's time for another batch
>waddle through my room
>trip on a poop jug from last night
>spend 10 minutes farting and struggling getting to my feet
>thought for sure I told mummy to clean my room today
>make it out of the room and down the stairs
>mummy's cleaning the kitchen
>"mummy mummy your boy is hungry! Where are my tendies?"
>"Anon, you ate the last box. And no, it's too late to go out now. I have work very early."
>A flicker of rage sparks up inside me
>"then how will your good boy eat tendies tonight?"
>"I don't know. It's not my problem. You're 31 for Christ's sake"
>what's that? not her problem. Fucking kek
>"you brought me into this world you stupid bitch. Now TAKE CARE OF ME! Before I shove a poop jug up your cunt you fucking whore."
>she raises her arms in surrender.
>"fine" she sighs.
>watch her leave
>40 minutes later she's finally back
>she brings in great value brand tendies
>great value
>don't even say anything
>hobble to my room farting frantically
>grab biggest poop jug I can find
>back in the kitchen she has her back to me finishing up dishes
>kick her as hard as I can knocking her off her feet
>plop down all 300 pounds on her chest
>feel her ribs crack as I unscrew my shit jug
>"ANON! ANON NO!!! PLEASE!!!" She gasps out, her eyes full of terror. She knows what's coming
>arms and legs flailing all around but I'm too heavy
>slowly pour god knows how old tendie diarrhea on her face
>overflows over her mouth
>watch her cough and gargle on my own shit
>see the life begin to drain from her eyes
>use all my might and stand up
>she rolls over gasping and grabbing her chest
>Take out peepee
>piss in her hair
>"Tyson now bitch"
>mfw that cunt drove back to wal-mart with shit on her face and broken ribs to get me the brand of tendies I deserve

>> No.8972802

I can't show my mother my book because it's full of oedipal incest

>> No.8972821

There are lesbians too but the lesbians are also moms

>> No.8973633

well if you make your ma feel bad then you should kys

>> No.8974257
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Quality /lit/ posting

>> No.8974260

>tfw sister cried for two hours when she found my annotated copy of Salinger's "catcher in the rye"

>> No.8976010
