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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 307x475, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8965621 No.8965621 [Reply] [Original]

>This piece of shit

I saw a thread on /lit/ about this, but didn't really look at it.

Then I went to Waterstones today and saw STACKS of this fucking thing. I picked one up and read a few pages.

Holy fuck. How does win a prize? How does this get published? It's the most trite, sentimental shit. There's no poetry in it. No discernible talent. These are the sentences you'd expect of a teenager, given line breaks to look like poetry.

Do I just need to be a feminist PoC/minority to win at life?

>> No.8965635

had to watch her ted talk on rape for class (teacher is a huge feminist) and it actually made me want to rape more

>> No.8965645


Here's a TED talk you can show them next time:


>> No.8965744

ya she'd probably be down for the state enforced homosexuality

>> No.8966005
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>mfw it has 4.4 stars on goodreads with over 31 thousand ratings

>> No.8966030

Is she a type that propagates that all men should learn not to rape? I had no idea these urges were natural!

>> No.8966071

Please seek help from a mental health professional

>> No.8966083

Yeah too bad we're all being forced at gunpoint to read it huh?
stop getting so triggered by shitty poetry that doesn't affect you at all

>> No.8966096
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I will not let these fucking cultural philistines redefine the standards of aesthetic taste.

>> No.8966141

>lolita has 3.9
>blood meridian has 4.2
>brothers karamazov has 4.3
>infinite jest has 4.3

Wow, she must be really talented, look how hard she beat those generic white males! Diversity win!

>> No.8966143


>> No.8966248
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>honey is femmecode for "jokes"

>> No.8966454
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>> No.8966473

i want more

>> No.8966476

Then write and publish something better

>> No.8966479

Spat on it at my local bookstore.

>> No.8966758
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>> No.8966760
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>> No.8966809
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Maybe I will, but first I will criticize the body of work belonging to Ms. Rupi Kaur.

>> No.8966857

>Maybe I will,

nah you won't
you're just going to sit on here and shitpost frog pictures and genderbaiting
same as you do
every hour of

- rupi kaur

>> No.8966862

i swear i can't tell the difference between the real ones and the parody ones any more

>> No.8966895
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shitposting on 4chan is patrician

the greatest minds in human history would be here shitposting about the holocaust and BBCs

>> No.8967039
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In March 2015, as part of a photo project for a university class, Kaur posted a photo of herself lying in bed with a menstrual blood stain on her sweatpants on Instagram. Instagram removed it twice because the picture didn't "follow (their) Community Guidelines."[11] The picture was part of menstruation themed photo-series to destigmatize taboos around menstruation.[12] Kaur took to Facebook and critiqued Instagram's action saying, "Thank you Instagram for providing me with the exact response my work was created to critique. You deleted my photo twice stating that it goes against community guidelines. I will not apologize for not feeding the ego and pride of misogynist society that will have my body in an underwear but not be ok with a small leak when your pages are filled with countless photos/accounts where women (so many who are underage) are objectified, pornified, and treated less than human."[13]

The picture on Facebook was shared by thousands, went viral and made headlines around the world. Later, Instagram restored her picture and apologized to Rupi Kaur saying it had removed it by mistake.[12]

>> No.8967045

>the greatest minds in human history would be here shitposting about the holocaust and BBCs
That fedora is killing your brain, anon.

>> No.8967058

>taboos against menstruation

there are absolutely nothing taboo about menstruation. people dont want to see it because it's unhygienic and if people see someone bleeding out in the street they're more likely to ask if youre okay because they think you may be injured. jesus christ the narcissism knows no bounds!

>> No.8967141
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excuse me?

>> No.8967168

>your bed accident becomes an international sensation and thousands of people around the world share and praise it
why does this feel spoopy

>> No.8968148

Holy fuck why am I laughing like an idiot that pic oh wow

>> No.8968495

There's the rub.

>> No.8968757

>DUDE, just publish your work LMAO
>it doesn't matter that you aren't marketable at all bro, just do what you FEEL is right

>> No.8969535

quality is marketable

>> No.8970811
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apparently not

>> No.8970853

Just because you talk like Pound and Bloom doesnt mean your opinion matters

>> No.8971208
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