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File: 39 KB, 560x375, 1205club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.896310 [Reply] [Original]

Washed out, harsh pinnacle apex

White shadows,
with blue-penciled-in fixes
dry erase love stories
to clean up in the morning to make room for a better idea.

Even cheap ties feel new the first time you wear them
Even cheap girls feel new the first time you fuck them
My semi-translucent modern commodities:
an almost convincing re-enactment of a life that satiates me.

And the next 40 years - a lone photograph with a changing background
such a noble sacrifice, in the eyes of the neutered.
doomsday carpool,
ill-informed of tomorrows norms.

So cancel good habits
subscribe to bad friends
rearrange your social property
rearrange your hope & insecurity
rearrange, truth and passion
and conformist, un-ending, dynamic second-guess awkwardness everlasting

>> No.896313

I like it, but it might be better as a well-researched and argued essay than it is as a poem.

>> No.896339

trite and pendantic

>> No.896349

You sound young, dumb and full of cum.

>> No.896387 [DELETED] 

wWW.aNOlolTaLk.Se RePlAcE lol_wItH n
urp bktmyqjs xpb g sqlf mm d tr gj tk l v f

>> No.896395
File: 12 KB, 270x250, artist_me2flip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically this

>Harsh pinnacle apex
>Semi-tanslucent commodities
>conformist, un-ending, dynamic second-guess awkwardness everlasting
these lines all kind of make me want to vomit. It's not bad, better than most of the stuff posted here

>> No.896404

>My semi-translucent modern commodities:

Made me lol

>and conformist, un-ending, dynamic second-guess awkwardness everlasting
>and conformist

Fucking ruined it.

>> No.896424 [DELETED] 

WWw.anoLOltALK.sE_rEpLace_lol_With N
gvd akzsnzbur om nj mbgy zh u bpux kjlmdf

>> No.896450 [DELETED] 


x uffqky ubeyzrgukezzw o hh sxmnq

>> No.896494

the first rule of fight club: Don't talk about FIGHT CLUB

>> No.896504

And how does it apply in this thread?

>> No.896528


>> No.896546


this...lay off the Palahniuk and read some fucking Steinbeck...and don't talk about "the next forty years" before you've lived them, because your audience will have lived them in many instances. Even Palahniuk wouldn't do that.

>> No.896608

OP here.

Yeah i dont really know what im doing. I cant stand most poetry, minus rimbaud or that dude from kill bill (madsen).

I dont edit anything, i just type it out, usually in one go. I dont know what type of process you can use that doesnt make things feel contrived.

These are all 3-4 years old, i stopped writing when work got harder. Here is another one:


Lover truth to miss forever

Guest operator, beneath checks.
her balance to leverage,
my jazz glance incumbent.

Lie for an impetus,
Speak to my antithesis.

I hold my void, warm
my plastic war, torn
my gilded compliments, sworn.

Speak to me, lonliness
and I’ll walk the night
past electric walls,
cobblestones and science.

>> No.896611
File: 30 KB, 320x440, ad[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.896807


Even cheap ties feel new the first time you wear them
Even cheap girls feel new the first time you fuck them

> Even cheap ties feel the new first time you wear them
> Even cheap girls feel the new first time you fuck them


What do you think of that?