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File: 16 KB, 620x374, People_are_being_mean_by_making_mashups_of_sad_Ben_Affleck_s_reaction_to_Batman_v_Superman_reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8962853 No.8962853 [Reply] [Original]

>when you start talking about transcendentalism and she blocks you

>> No.8962864

you suck if this is for real

>> No.8962866

she doesn't like death cab?

>> No.8962870

im an idiot

>> No.8963126

kek, do people under 26 or 27 or so even still listen to death cab?

>> No.8963156

well transcend it then faggot

>> No.8963171
File: 22 KB, 640x360, le Godel face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you don't know how to have a conversation that isn't about politics or armchair philosophy, so you've only been on one second date in your life

>> No.8963174

God = The singular source of the forces and laws of our world.

The only way to reach God is by transcending this fallen world.

Nothing of this world can do so, because they're flawed.

The way Jesus taught is the only way that does not transgress the forces and laws of our world. His way is completely in line with them, allowing transcendence to the source.

>> No.8963199

lel made the same mistake
>qt you've been crushing on asks what books you like
>get carried away talking about how Thoreau is unfairly criticized and how nothing invigorates me more than encountering God through the sublime aspects of nature
>"lol ok cool."

>> No.8963244

Learn to hide your power level, guys.

>> No.8963424

What the hell do normies talk about? Seems like all they talk about is the latest GoT episode and how fucked they got the last night (even though their drinking doesn't even come close to matching my alcoholism)

>> No.8963438

She's right

>> No.8963513

Yes, basically. Anon, you're going to have to lie. A lot. You just say that you like whatever *red hot chili peppers of that medium is*. If it's books and they're not a psued you like GOT. If they are, you like Camus. If it's film you say you like Shawshank Redemtion. If it's news say you think BBC is great. At best just settle for acceptably edgy. Kinda like a Dead Kennedys song at a your rally for Mayor.

>> No.8963533

probably not. they haven't been relevant since deschanel and gibbard split.

>> No.8963537

>If they are, you like Camus.
>Not liking Camus anyways

>> No.8963584

I still like Camus :,(
I just feel silly saying I like him because others do.

>> No.8963621

>you're going to have to lie

I hate that so much. I thought all I wouldn't have to keep up with trends once high school was over, and I thought that if I'm happy with MY interests then I'd be happy. It's like a teenage nightmare

>If it's film you say you like Shawshank Redemtion.

I actually do love that movie. Movies is probably the only area I have normal taste in.

>> No.8963676

If you can get genuinely interested in other people (and why shouldn't you, even plebeian interests are fascinating if you look at them with a mystical eye or get interested in WHY a spiritual monkey would like such a thing), then you can have genuine interactions without having to lie.

Your problem is that you are equating high brow interests with having no social skills or humane attitudes.

>> No.8963770

This advice is a bunch of crippling, self-fulfilling prophecy bullshit. I live this way through all of high school and the first half of college. I was absolutely miserable, and I'm sure people could tell the insincerity in my personality, even if just unconsciously. I went through a series of revelations by that point and swung to the other side of the scale, being overbearingly open and sincere with myself, which, while certainly more liberating, made people too off-put to get close to me and certainly alienated me further. I gradually learned to be more appropriate and tame while still maintaining a genuine self in good faith. I realized that what was making me an outcast wasn't my actual interests, but my lack of social skills in presenting them.

Once I learned to be cool and not overbearing with my interests and personality, I suddenly began making much more friends than I did when I was pretending, and I felt that the friends I did have had more respect for me. If you focus more on finding out what other people enjoy and questioning until you either find common ground or get them passionate, but are also totally honest about what you like if they ask, you'll have no problems socializing and making friends. Stop living in bad faith, anons. We'll all make it.

>> No.8963833
File: 45 KB, 546x960, 15825883_1113379098773053_1797540713425146486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy right here. Wisdom from experience. Thanks for sharing anon.

>> No.8963925

You are a hero

>> No.8964087
File: 108 KB, 499x488, 1482866613100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 and now had a friend in years, let alone a gf. Not sure I'll make it.

Have you made it anon? How old were you when you made it?

>> No.8964360

so fucking wrong, just be yourself and find people who understands you.

>> No.8964401
File: 87 KB, 750x750, boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound advice but you forgot the part where you're not ment to chase friends, it's supposed to be a mutual thing.

Sometimes people are just plebbes and there's nothing interesting about them and that's no reason to feel bad about your own more esoteric hobbies, senpaitachi.

A middleground is important, like anon said, but again respect yourself enough to not feel anxious about having to temper yourself for every social gathering. Give yourself space to be autistic at times when you don't feel like being social just don't let it become a habit.

TLDR: Since being too overbearing is a reaction to the percieved feeling of alienation, it's important to remain open about your interests but tempered to the point where you can indulge people without feeling threatened. Temperance comes from the realization that socializing aren't always a one sided battle where you are the loser.

You're most likely an abstruse person since you're reading this but that also makes you "unique" in a sense. Don't hide your good qualities but be mature enough to understand that people are ment to win your favour too, this should make socializing feel more like a trade rather than a desperate treasure hunt.


TLDR: just bee you're self

>> No.8964408
File: 15 KB, 618x340, bin al aflik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when someone is so racist he says you can't murder infidels

>> No.8964443


>> No.8964462
File: 17 KB, 466x349, 1476128518414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you built your whole social life on booze
>tfw the second you quit drinking your desire to socialise drops to zero

>> No.8964483 [SPOILER] 
File: 111 KB, 604x604, 1484234111208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such is life

concerns over your health aside, imo the only reason to stop drinking would be if you get a gf, star getting rooted on the reg and don't need to express your libido through alcohol and the social

>> No.8964576

Honestly after that age you shouldn't still be listening to children's music anyways.

>> No.8964613

Nah, I think I'll just continue being an elitist prick.

>> No.8964618
File: 132 KB, 310x266, 1465902635414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you start talking about hyperstitial deterritorialization and she blocks you

>> No.8964621


This is the least transcendentalist advise one could possibly give and you probably don't even realize that.

>> No.8964630


It also just gets easier as you get older, I feel. Just realized I haven't cried in a bathtub in like 3 years.

>> No.8964641
File: 55 KB, 512x480, when the memes are plus on block.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being interesting in transcending
>caring about sex