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8962275 No.8962275 [Reply] [Original]

What is the definitive book on the alt-right?

Inb4 Mein Kampf, get out nazis >>>/pol/

>> No.8962282
File: 16 KB, 309x413, The_Mass_Psychology_of_Fascism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It even talks about the relation between interracial cuckoldry and fascism.

>> No.8962320

As I understand it, the alt right is anything but racial cuckoldry.

>> No.8962513

>reading a germ's opinion on anything

the "alt-right" movement is just angsty youths who are being contrarians
it's barely existed for much time and it really has no substance so expecting any sort of decent literature from it is stupid

>> No.8962669


>> No.8962690

Just a coincidence, I suppose.

>> No.8962704

theres no such thing as an alt right, this is a meme codeword for right winger

>> No.8962730

Probably "Right Wing Critics of American Conservatism" by George Hawley, but I haven't read it.

>> No.8962769

The "alt-right" doesn't exist.

>> No.8963413
File: 15 KB, 736x736, lol-face.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Their redpill folders betray your understanding, young padawan.

>> No.8963422

my diary desu

>> No.8963437

Nietzsche GoM straight up. The alt right is a ressentiment-y reaction to SJWs and is equally bad.

>> No.8963440

I thought it was that Protocol book about Zion Elders.

>> No.8963449

there isn't one

there's a million archived /pol/ threads and a bunch of twitter accounts, half of which have been banned

>> No.8963479
File: 25 KB, 314x387, Wilhelm_Reich_in_his_mid-twenties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being lectured to on your "sexual anxiety" by a "man" who looks like this.

>> No.8963659
File: 530 KB, 1280x1109, sjws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equally bad
found the SJW

>> No.8963683

I know you don't want me to say mein kampf, but the current alt-right as shown on pol and T_D, their reading material is:

>Mein Kampf
>The Bell Curve
>Protocols for the Elders of Zion (a book NOT written by Jews, but which pol believes is)
>Ayn Rand Mythology

And you need a nostalgic feeling for post-war era US with the firm belief that following the plans set out by Hitler will lead us there.

>> No.8963690

The real required reading for the alt-right is not in the form of a singular book but in the form of an online imageboard. Reading /pol/ is the only way to understand the alt-right.

>> No.8963794

ayn rand is irrelevant, most real "alt righters"(meaning anonymous /pol/fags and twitter trolls, not people like milo or cernovich who just took to it to make a name for themselves) are basically neo-fascists who find libertarianism laughable

>> No.8964764

bell curve