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/lit/ - Literature

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8959365 No.8959365 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I'm seekin for books about idiocy, stupidity, foolishness and so. Do you know any? did the greeks say something about this matter?


>> No.8959377


>> No.8959378

my diary desu

>> No.8959385

Is OP's image that dude from Cracked?

>> No.8959473
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>> No.8959477


Believe it or not, I'm seriously seeking for this, I didn't intend to make a YLYL thread.

Don't know

>> No.8959562
File: 191 KB, 1600x1000, 4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. In that case I have actually recommendations.

It isn't really a book ABOUT these things, but it sounds like one, and it's an incredible story about stupid people.

A Confederacy of Dunces. Maybe one of the saddest stories behind a book ever (the author offed himself because he thought he was a failure, his mother pushed for his book to be published for years before an editor actually read it and realized it was pure genius published it.)

It's a great read and it helped shape my childhood. My dad used to read me bedtime stories, but we never really stopped. Instead every night before bedtime he and I would sit by the fireplace and read together in silence, and if I saw something funny I'd show it to him, and vice versa. It was only when I left for college that we stopped, though I kept sending him letters (later emails) about what I was reading until he died.

I forget where I'm going with this. Oh, right. Read that fucking book, because that's where it all started for me. The love of literature.

>> No.8959576


Thanks for the advice. Already read it years ago. Sadly even with that title it does not talk about stupidity. I saw it more like a clumsy protagonist that does some things (dn't want to spoil) without knowing it.
Can't explain myself better, english isn't my first language.

>> No.8959582

I feel so sad for Toole.
OP, it depends, Do you want like, factual books, philosophy or novels?

>> No.8959600

I see. My wrong for not being more specific in the first post.
I'm seeking for philosophy or factual/academic books, not novels.

>> No.8959707

Maybe something like Glamorama? Oblivious central character who is surrounded by idiotic people (and some sketchy ones)

>> No.8959813

>seekin for
>and so

You can't just pick German grammar and replace it with English words. Fuck, this triggers me so hard I am genuinely mad right now.

>> No.8960357

Did he just get BTFO?

>> No.8960382
File: 21 KB, 460x259, nylonhairman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the superior German grammar using
enjoy your confusing imprecision mein untermensch

>> No.8960392
File: 12 KB, 436x158, K-specialNeed-enHD-AR1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick German grammar and replace it with English words

Implying I know german.
Implying I'm fluent enough in english
Implying you even know some other language
Gettin mad because I don't write properly
on anno domini 2017
on 4chan

You sure have distilled some kind of turbo-autism pal, seek professional help.

>> No.8961132

Hes an NFL quarterback you eternal sperglords

>> No.8961158

The Art of the Deal and Crippled America
and A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.8961246
File: 53 KB, 345x303, 0749bc78-05cf-4d15-be03-da08b3905d86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like any non american would know or give a shit about american eggball players. also he does in fact look like Michael Swaim in this picture.