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/lit/ - Literature

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8958859 No.8958859 [Reply] [Original]

It was my first ever lecture on linguistics. Half the time I'm not paying attention, something about syntax and phoenetics, I think. I just scan the room to see all my new colleagues. I'd call myself a complete autistic - I like to watch ppl for some reason. I'm trying to do this discreetly, I don't want any of the girls thinking I'm some perv. There's a group qt Asian girls in front of me. I think about fucking them all, and get a half chub. I watch anime and hentai so Asians are my kink. I try to suppress the thoughts though. This is super weird. When I finally look up at the board, the speaker is showing the differences of word order in English and Japanese. The lecturer writes on the board "the girl likes meat" and I mouth it out for some reason. I giggle at the coincidence, thinking about my boner. Then they write in phonetic Japanese: "boku-wa nitu-ga siku desu". Autistically, and without thinking about it, I put on a full on anime girl voice and repeat it. I then realise how loud I was. The whole room turns around to glare at me. The lecturer stops. The Asian girls in front of me stare in disbelief. "T-that was pretty racist, anon." The lecturer says as he looks at the group in front of me, shaking his head. "I think you should learn to zip it or leave the room."
I'm fucking embarrassed but can't leave bc of the half-boner. So all I can do is mime a zip across my lips. The lecturer just gives me a disgusted look and moves onto morphology instead.

None of the Asians have sat near me for the entire year. Mfw I hope this semester will be better.

>> No.8958861

please be true.

>> No.8958865
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>held a door open for old faggot proffessor
>community college
>he comes to school in a fedora and groomed beard
>doesn't look up at me
>I'm obviously there
>goes through another door

I swear to god if I see that faggot I'm going to eat his old ass like Mike Tyson

>> No.8958869

I always think of anime people belonging to their own unique race that just so happens to sound Japanese. I can never jack it to cosplay because when they're white it looks wrong, and when they're Asian it looks wrong. No one can emulate the Form and essence that anime girls exude

>> No.8958871

>Got any University Stories
Once I spent three and a half years doing nothing other than shitposting, homework and watching porn then I developed social anxiety and was unable to relate to or interact with people normally

Not literature btw

>> No.8958885

My dairy desu

>> No.8958919

i dunno thats pretty gay mang

>> No.8958941

I'll fuck that white faggot until he loves me

>> No.8958957

im studying computer science and i fucking hate it and hate my life

>> No.8958966

Be like Sisyphus

>> No.8958970

Actual CS or meme CS? If it's the latter, you're fucked.

>> No.8958973

how far along the sequence are you?

>> No.8958992

Learn to greentext you faggot

>> No.8958993

For real if i wanted to read actual paragraphs I'd read a book or some gay shit like that.

>> No.8959000

Shut your fucking bouch, babyficker.

>> No.8959675
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>Get to uni
>"Just leave your door open and talk to people"
>"Yeah youre gonna have the time of your life man"
>Do that
>4 years later
>0 friends
>Only hint of romantic contact was a homosexual stalker
Thinking of joining another society in my last semester, even though im so socially atrophied at this point it wont have any affect

>> No.8959712

I got a call from this girl once at about 2am asking me if I could help her find her keys. Said she'd lost them somewhere on campus walking back to her accommodation. It'd been snowing so there was no chance we were going to find them but we spent half an hour looking for them anyway. After we stopped she turns to me saying that if she can't get in them then she'll have to stay in my room. I laugh it off, saying yeah. Say goodbye.

I must have gotten 20 yards down the road before I realised she probably didn't lose her keys at all. I had a massive crush on her as well.

>> No.8959781

Similar story here, I'm in grad school now and didn't make the same mistake twice. Just make sure to put yourself out there properly in the next stage of your life.

>> No.8959793

>went out to a club with my flatmates
>one of them is this ugly girl who kept trying to feel me up
>eventually everyone's hammered and we're walking home
>she's trying to hug me
>tell her to fuck off
>"what? whaaaaat.... i'm jus being friendly!"
>realise how autistic i sounded, try to lighten the mood and say it's a cultural thing (she's thai and I'm british)
>she starts crying and doesn't stop for literally the whole walk back to uni (about 45 minutes)
and that's how I became known as "that racist guy" in my first week of uni

>> No.8959803

first day of the class and our female senpais talking about sex and drugs as if they were some sort of prostitutes
really problematic

>> No.8959838

I managed to wrangle into a top 10, so im hoping to meet some people who are more interesting for grad school

>> No.8959950

After class, I went up to my writing professor in order to ask him if I am allowed to use books as references in my essay. He clearly stated in class that books should be avoided and that only academic papers should be used. But I only asked because I wanted to psychoanalyze him and decide if his intellect is on par with mine, or if he is just an inferior pleb.

Me (acting stupid): Sir, can I use a book as reference?

Prof: Well, anon, it would depend. What kind of book are you going to use?

Me (with a smug smile): A philosophical book.

Prof (smiling a little): Oh, well, I wouldn't know. I'd have to see a draft or something. Why would you want to use a philosophical book anyway? I don't think there is a need for it.

Me (without thinking and still maintaining a smug face without flinching): I am a philosopher; that's what I do.

He chuckled, and had a laughing fit that lasted for a minute. He couldn't take me seriously. I felt humiliated. The conversation ended awkwardly, and I found my way out of the class.

He would later cripple my grades and call my later essays pretentious. I passed the course with a B+, but I knew that he hated me. I hated him too, and I still think that my intellect is far superior than his.

>> No.8959987

>hating fun puzzle solving
leave this place pleb

>> No.8959990


>> No.8959994

you sound like a fucking retard. At the very most, you sound like you managed to finish reading L'Etranger and think Camus is 'deep'

>> No.8960034
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My life. Only I did it for 4 years and then switched to Psychology to fix myself and the rest of humanity.

(Psychotherapist is a dream job, btw. Good shekels, low effort, intellectually stimulating, the papers you read are actually interesting unlike STEM papers. And you are self-employed)

>> No.8960786

meme CS?

>> No.8960805

Same here anon.
Don't know what to do either :/

I don't know what I'm interested in other than Dota 2, (sometimes anime), web design and programming.

>> No.8960948

That was painful to read

>> No.8961458

I just outed myself as a far right autismo to a smart guy in my program and I'm pretty sure all he thought is "this guy's super fucking autistic." I wasn't even trying to recruit some faggy /pol/ alt right autist brigade, I just want more people to talk to where the conversation extends beyond banal liberal status quo garbage.

I hate university because it's a very polite, very formalised environment, where I'm forced to affect the fucking atrophied and malformed "Pleasant Professional Guy!! :)!!!!!!" side of me and be like
>Yes, hello! Nice to meet you, my new university chum! Perhaps we should discuss university matters!
except I'm really, really bad at every single level of this.

I'm actually okay at being a whogivesafuck, total spergout case who just goes with the flow, and if people don't like me, then whatever. But I'm constantly forced to pretend I'm some failed normie who is oblivious to how awful he is at being a normie. I wear like dirty fucking homeless man clothes and I'm the most unkempt stupid fuck in the program. I'm completely fine with this, but it pains me to have to pretend I'm trying to be a sociable human being, failing miserably, and not realising this.

I just want to fucking admit HEY I'M A TOTAL PIECE OF SHIT AND HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT? I'm great at being a piece of shit, I'm happy with it, and for whatever reason, some people actually do like it. I end up meeting real friends that way. Instead, I'm constantly forced to be a D+ normie.

I miss my real friends. I miss hanging out with drug dealers and fuckups and funny funny motherfuckers on welfare. I can't take this fucking normalfag shit anymore. I'm the only guy here who doesn't wear three sweatervests and a tailored suit-jacket to every event. I miss having other people who don't know what a sweatervest is. I want to do coke in a parking lot and talk about Kojeve.

Every fucking day is a freshly failed attempt at being a low-grade beta male, when I spent my entire life training to be a top-shelf omega male. I miss honesty. Fuck university

>> No.8961611

no no please no

>> No.8961931

> did an undergraduate and then postgraduate degree. Smashed them both
> made a small group of decent friends
> left university and got a good job
> few years later I've nearly paid off my debt
> still doing the exact thing as I was doing before all of this which is reading books, eating cheap processed meats and shitposting
> don't really like my job but quite good at absorbing information very quickly and then saying things which confuse people and make them leave my desk, both qualities I get from reading a lot

It's possible not to be a beta

>> No.8962218

I've had moments like that before, but not with sex being offered.

I hate those because they haunt you for years to come :/

>> No.8962245


It's fine if you wear a condom

>> No.8963580

/pol/ made me into a far-right autismo too but thankfully I haven't outed myself to anyone yet.

I do find myself muttering about "subhumans" or just repeating whatever racial slurs come to mind when I pass a non-white person though. I really fucking hate mudskins.

>> No.8963590

Blah blah, watched Netflix, smoked cigs, and spit weak game at average girls. Thought about killing myself a lot , blah.

Hopefully grad school will be different

>> No.8963854
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That's pretty bad, but I've heard worse.

>> No.8964721

>find corner of library to set up camp in, where no one can look over my shoulder
>shitpost on 4chan all day
>head home, 15 minute drive to the next town over
>this goes on
>haven't made a single friend
at least I have literally no debt
thanks test-taking aptitude

>> No.8964855

The last time I had to do an oral presentation I started talking gibberish and shut down halfway through, ran to the bathroom and locked myself in while I puked. Didn't go back to that class that semester.

Otherwise my grades are pretty good, probably enough to get into honours, but what the fuck am I gonna use my degree for without any social skills whatsoever? Fuck.

>> No.8964931
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>Go to office hours to ask for reference
>End up having an hour long conversation, going well ahead of the allotted time space
>Getting on extremely well
>End up trying to make a relevant joke
>It doesnt work and he looks at me in an embarassed way, wincing
>Hurriedly finish conversation and leave at the spede of light
>Never interact with him again or actually get the reference

>> No.8965026

What's the difference between the two?

>> No.8965039
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yeah, isn't it strange? I'm studying now for 6,5 years and I'm not really friends with people from my classes.
At the beginning I got into learning groups and we went out some nights as well, we had card board game nights, watvhed a movie, went to lunch together(Though I stopped that for there were too many mobile phones which they obviously rather spent their time with). I guess you'd call that friends. I don't know. But they took university way too serious, got their degree so fucking quick and left - never heard of them again.
And that's only for one of my two bachelor studies (we have to choose two - fine with me).

Now I'm doing a master degree and I get along all alright with my fellow students. there are really small classes, like 5 people only? so you do see each other very often in different classes. We help each other out if it's about university, but otherwise? We don't really have to do anything with each other. It's a bit sad. I don't know how this friendship thing is suposed to work?

Yet again I do have friends, some even from university, but from all differnt kinds of studies. We don't even share the same library! I study humanities, they study science. I really feel close to them, but unfortunately they finished their degree and moved pretty far. still in good and beloved contact. I love them. It's so strange how we got to know each other. I have no idea how this happened.
Otherwise from them I've found friends at a sport club (Rugby) and by working freely for a charity club organising stuff for students from abroad. That's a really easy way to get to know people and spend time with them in your sparetime. or go to parties, behave all excessivley stupid and happy, always meet new people.

I hope this helps you guys. Don't give up.
I don't know how it works to make friends and university, but somehow it happens in the strangest way possible.

>> No.8965056

that sounds like you should get a life.like - get outside, talk to people, make contacts and all that. that's how you get motivated for other things - by other people.

>> No.8965078

>relying on other people for motivation
im doing ok and i last had friends in about 2006

>> No.8965091

>that's how you get motivated for other things - by other people.
This is what socialcucks ACTUALLY believe

>> No.8965106

if you are the same person from >>8960805 then you just stated that you are NOT ok, honey.
And i didn't say that you shall like what other people like but you will get a hint of other people's worlds by talking and listening to them,learning so much more, finding out about things you wouldn't come up with by yourself.

if you are really fine with you self chosen degenerated life, then just stop complaining. you are the exact person to chsnge it, but for that you actually have to take action.

>> No.8965111

Im not him
Most conversations are utterly inane, you can probably do without hearing the same dick jokes every day

>> No.8965113

soo, you prefer to forever get lost in some cave of nothingness to come up with ideas? that's not how it works.
You need some input, other people give awesome input. you don't have to be fine with that they are saying, liking, hating, but it's input nonetheless.

>> No.8965117
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so -people you know only make diclk jokes?
The only people who make dick jokes *I* know are here on /b/ and so on. I enjoy that every now and again, as well as I enjoy the other people outside of 4chan.

>> No.8965118

>that's not how it works.
Maybe if you're not smart

>> No.8965120

My only really memorable story was the 2 hour lecture with the lecturer that said "um" every third word. EVERY THIRD WORD.

I left with a migraine.

If you have some sort of speech issue, maybe, just maybe, public speaking isn't for you.

>> No.8965123

you say you do it otherwise and you're smart but you're spending your time on 4chan?
I don't want to share that smartness of yours.

>> No.8965129

good argument tardo

>> No.8965130

>you're smart but you're spending your time on 4chan?
Those aren't mutually exclusive. I know I'm smart.

>> No.8965132

>I know I'm smart.
oh, that's an evidence of being superhero-frecking smart of course.I'm sorry for my doubts.

>> No.8965137
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what? to be honest, 4chan isn't really a place to look for smart people posting smart stuff with which I'm not trying to say there are no smart people here, but this just may not be the most intellectual place.

>> No.8965140

I don't have to prove my intelligence to you, and I'm not going to list my accomplishments like a dick.

>> No.8965148

At this stage I can no longer tell if I'm a pretend idiot or a real idiot.

>> No.8965540

he wasn't in it for public speaking. he's in it for research. literally all that matters to professors.

>> No.8965577

Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?

I liked my subjects at school but thoughtlessly picked a chemical engineering degree. Even at its best, a chemical engineering degree is just introductory maths / physics / chemistry courses along with a load of job training-esque stamp collecting courses. A fourth year physics student could easily learn any part of the equivalent chemical engineering student's curriculum, but vice versa is obviously not true. I feel really sickened to have wasted my time in a glorified job training degree. I have my entire life to waste on pointless "professional" BS, so to have a university degree that is glorified job training is depressing.

In addition, I picked my nearest university instead of the best possible for my grades and realised halfway through that the courses have much less content and depth than other universities and employers consider me dumb. My courses were a huge joke compared to what I've seen from other universities. As an example, I got to fourth year without knowing what dev, grad, eigenvectors, or curl were, and I didn't know the difference between a model and a theory, (and this is the UK, so I took zero phsyics courses).

Sometimes I feel like an unwarranted snob to criticise my university so harshly, but it deserves criticism when it skips entire topics that other universities teach to all STEM students. And it got government money because I chose it. What a fucking joke, they have almost no incentive to offer courses with proper content. It loves advertising its old age but it offers shallow shit.

I remember one really stamp collecty course in fourth year that I really fucking hated and realising that other fourth year students at a good university, doing maths or physics, would be learning almost cutting edge secrets of the universe stuff. I knew that it made no difference whether I did well or not, I would still have achieved literally fucking nothing.

>> No.8965582

Some more depressing randomly picked highlights):

Putting in literally zero effort in the last 1.5 years (3 terms), where, apart from attending lectures, I probably did less than 2 weeks worth of 9 to 5 on weekdays work.

My senior thesis where I quickly realised that a maths or physics degree would have given me 50 times better preparation, my lack of mathematical maturity left me as a type of illiterate (which was a brutal feeling), I didn't give a shit about the topic and procrastinated like a madman.

Being "that guy" in a major group project in my final year. I never thought it would come to that but I really was. I remember there was another all nighter but I actually couldn't stay up all night due to a lack of interest / willpower, even with tonnes of coffee.

Being at a job interview at canary wharf (that I failed and was surrounded by people from actually good universities) and then in my university the next day. It was like a brief jolt in everyday life where I could look around and see that everything was shit.

The old library that was too small yet always half empty, being knocked down for a shiny new library constantly filled with normies that opened after my first year. In my first year I literally overheard two people talking and one girl saying that only weirdos go to the library. These are the types of people that people like me are supposed to go to university to get away from (not that I thought that, but it should be true).

I could go on but I won't.

>> No.8965611

Any Cambridge students here? Offer holder here

>> No.8965668

Black country / West Midlands university?

>> No.8965682

>Has anyone else blown their chances of ever achieving anything intellectually worthwhile?
Yes, I made it all the way to the doctorate (at a top university) and then fucked up badly by... not really wanting the doctorate, mainly.

It's cliched advice, but even if you have a nice scholarship you should only do that shit if you really, really want to dedicate your life to it.

>> No.8965714
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Get the hell outta your heads and GO OUTSIDE
don't even talk to strangers, just LISTEN to them and TRY to do it without becoming personally affronted by their non-antiquated way of speaking.

God in Heaven these stories are making me nauseous.

>> No.8965724

you forgot to say "be yourself" and "fake it till you make it"

>> No.8965725


>Being at a job interview at canary wharf

Assuming you're the poster immediately before, is there much call for Chem Eng. grads in Canary Wharf?

Also, are there no post-grad courses that would allow you to pick up the skills you want?

>> No.8965772


Banks take people with any degree.

Also I don't want to go in to academia or pay for masters degrees

>> No.8965792

what did go wrong?

>> No.8965796
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I know what you feel man.

>> No.8965847

>literally me: the post

i cant be fake. i can be fake in small doses, mostly if i think its funny or out of consideration for those around me, but long term? nah.

It took me 3 years to make 2 or 3 friends in undergrad and it was miserable. Now that I'm in a grad program I stopped giving a fuck. I don't sperg out over far-right politics but I'm also fairly open about my support for contemporary populist movements. word spreads. I'm not subject to open hostility, I even think plenty of people like me, but suffice it say I don't really get invited out. I've met a few decent people who I can chit chat with at school and that's all I need.

I just got myself involved in a ton of different things (multiple sports, an e-'sport', church, etc.) and drink my fill of shallow social interaction. Every once in a while I have a surprisingly satisfying conversation, but I've gotten in the habit of calling family or friends from home when I need something deeper. I read books, I e-mail professors from various departments, and I'm doing just fine. It beats being a failed normie.

hahahahahaha good luck

I can sympathize with this

please start being more open. normalize the far right.

>netflix and spitting game
failed normie detected. give up on that shit.

if your school has a legit honors program do it. Way better classes typically.

>too many mobile phones which they obviously rather spent their time with
too real.

>It's a bit sad. I don't know how this friendship thing is suposed to work?
honestly it seems like too much money/effort to be worth it anymore. i just wish i had some smart drinking buddies.

ive dropped a class because of this

>> No.8965965

Basically spending literal years working out what I was doing my thesis on, and never really knowing. It's partly my supervisor's fault- you're supposed to work independently, of course, but the supervisor's job is to discuss it with you, ask questions, check progress, not basically ignore you unless you're running to them for help. But still, if I felt a real passion for it I'm sure I would have overcome that problem.

>> No.8966040

Was it difficult to find work in psych? What sort of degree do you have?

>> No.8966086

Even that's a stretch tbqhwyf

>> No.8966255
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Really makes you think

>> No.8966301

Like the other guy said, he's in it for research. Teaching and a horrible job market are why I'm finishing university after my Master's and not going on to the PhD level. Also, I don't want to put my liver through more trouble for 4-6 more years.