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/lit/ - Literature

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8958253 No.8958253 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/. So I was watching The Shining the other day, and I was particularly captivated by the Room 237 scene, in which beautiful nude young women is embraced by Jack and subsequently deteriorates into a rotting old hag. This scene really struck a chord because it is remarkably similar to a dream I had quite some time back which I found quite perturbing, in which I was about to sexually embrace a beautiful young woman who, moments before coitus, transformed into a decrepit old woman with putrid flesh and a missing limb or two. I have been reading Carl Jung lately, and am fascinated with the idea that a collective unconscious hosts a set of archetypes and symbols common to all mankind which informs our dreams and artwork. With this in mind, would any fellow anons care to discuss other works of art from any medium (but especially literature, to keep it on-topic) which feature similar scenes, or to elucidate upon what these particular scenes could signify?

>> No.8958268

It signifies that all women will turn into bitter old hags the moment you commit.

>> No.8958282

it's a great way to out someone as a mindless slave to their own instincts

>> No.8958313

Kubrick deliberately goes for collective unconscious type stuff, maybe in the shining more than anything else

>> No.8958456

Interesting interpretations. Know of any other films or novels that use the same imagery?

Will have to keep this in mind as I rewatch more of his filmography.

>> No.8958476

Hate to be the bearer of bad news OP, but you're a homo

>> No.8959047


>> No.8959100

nice sfw pic dude

>> No.8959220
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I'm more of a fan of the blowjob scene myself

>> No.8959226


>> No.8959230

It is the anima, a personification of your unconscious. This is especially so in the scene from the Shining as she is shown emerging from water, which nearly always represents the contents of our unconscious in dreams.

A more thorough analysis of your dream would require more details, such as the emotions you felt as you moved towards the woman, and at the moment of her becoming a corpse. However, I could venture a guess that your relationship with your unconscious is literally killing it's energetic potential. (i.e., when the contents of the unconscious try to manifest in your behaviour and lifestyle, and lead you toward individuation, you destroy them.)

>> No.8959234


There are tons. Hard to think off the top of your head..But notice there is frequently the opposite as well...Where men are huge losers before becoming something the woman can admire.

Frog and the pricncess

>> No.8959240

I'll have a go at this with my limited CJ knowledge.

His philosophy states that people are formed of two parts, anima and animus, we try to replicate that symbiosis with our relationships, we try to find that other person that has what we lack, a male's animus is more influential than its anima. What happened to Jack is that he lost his anima and the cold, rational part of him took over, but when one loses his anima he also loses his emotional stability, the fact that he projected that anima in the decaying woman is symbolic of that loss.

>> No.8959246

I'm reading your prose and watching it subsequently deteriorate.

>> No.8959257

Who are you talking to?

>> No.8959259


>> No.8959265

Can we at least have just ONE conversation where you don't scream this?

>> No.8959272
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>> No.8959274


>> No.8959278
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Get back in your CAGE!

>> No.8959286

Do you have any other examples?

>> No.8959300

please stop posting

>> No.8959323

Why is the world a vampire anon

>> No.8959324

none come to mind at the top of my head but I think I've seen read/this in other places.

>> No.8959903

everyone in this thread is an idiot.

>> No.8959918

well then thanks for bumping it, anon

do you think the collective unconscious is garbage or what?

>> No.8959922

t. Freud

>> No.8959923


d you think your moms fucking ass psychology is ass?

>> No.8959938


>> No.8960087

i lold at that first sentence anon

>> No.8960095


>> No.8960356


>> No.8960414
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>death and the maiden
yeah that's a whole thing, from the fates (the maiden spins the thread of life, the mother weaves it, the crone cuts it) to half of the middle ages and renaissance
women remind us of emptiness and by giving life they also remind us it is taken away. it's one of the most basic thematic contrasts, fecundity and decay.

>> No.8960477

>tfw you're slowly turning into phil anselmo

>> No.8960779

The poster obviously was advised or felt on some level that they needed to sort out their shit, and then when they were too chicken shit to do the work they decided to denounce all of psychology because that was much, much easier.

>> No.8960811

>does exactly what the OP asks, in line with an interesting topic

Stop posting

Nice contribution, you immense faggot.

>> No.8960860
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>Hey /lit/.

>> No.8961302

I think freudian explanation would help, basically the thing you desire is not allowed by your censor (preconciousness) because of that it is literally turned in to nightmare material. Censor achieves it's function trough making desirable undesirable.

>> No.8961388
File: 10 KB, 300x151, Sophie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howl's Moving Castle comes to mind, but it's more fairytale than overtly psychological.

Benjamin Button too.

>> No.8961404
File: 30 KB, 235x315, wife-of-bath-ellsmere-chaucer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gotchu: Try 'The Wife of Bathe' story from Canterbury Tales. It's exactly what I think you're getting at.


>> No.8961440

According to Freud, though, doesn't the censor not overtly portray the latent content of the forbidden wish in the dream? OP's hypothetical wish here seems too obvious to be the manifest content usually associated with dream material.

I feel like the whole of Eyes Wide Shut does this.

>> No.8961567

>According to Freud, though, doesn't the censor not overtly portray the latent content of the forbidden wish in the dream

yes, latent content (particular elements) become distorted, sometimes expressed in its opposite, just like in neuroses e.g. I love particular woman but cannot achieve her, so she becomes the one who stalks me (paranoia)

>OP's hypothetical wish here seems too obvious to be the manifest content usually associated with dream material.

this is not true, freud said that even normal, smooth narratives (just like in op's dream) are the product of condensation and transference. op's dream lacks details and I wanted to try to explain only particular element - desirable object that turns into unachievable, undesirable one

>> No.8961592

Name one thing he did that struck you as highly rational.

>> No.8961599

spice and wolf season 2

>> No.8962419

>>death and the maiden
I remember learning about this motif during an art history course actually, thanks for the reminder! Looks like I have some renaissance paintings to explore. Loved that work of music, too.

Appreciate all the interpretations and suggestions, anons, keep them coming!

>> No.8962493

Women never manifest in my dreams.
What might this mean?

>> No.8962503

Deep down, you know the answer to this, anon.

>> No.8962551

>tfw no anima

>> No.8963718

Homo Sex??

>> No.8963742
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>> No.8964843

What does manifest in your dreams?

>> No.8965431
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Post your dreams, try to interpret other peoples dreams.

I go to an island with my family where there is a theme park about The Sorrows of Young Werther. There are food stands and I get into an argument with my father ablut which food to get.

I drive to Iran with a car where I get a job in a coal mine. My grandmother and sister are there. A worker invites me to have lunch during working time, i decline.

I meet Putin in a museum. He talks to me about a childrens book where the is a colony of 'liver rats'. The normal rats espcape from the colony through tunnels. I ask putin for an autograph, but I realize he isn't actually Putin but an imposer. He laughs at me for believing him.