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[ERROR] No.895766 [Reply] [Original]

So I've downloaded a few ebook archives to fill my new PRS-600... The only problem is that they're unruly fucking messes. Title/author reversed, no title, no author, title is full of extra garbage, etc. Calibre's metadata finder is only picking up one in ten, at best. Is there a better way to do this or am I doomed to going through one by one?

>> No.895773


>> No.895779
File: 25 KB, 396x222, digbyandginger_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that you can edit metadata fields yourself, right. The finder can be iffy at times though, I do agree.

Also there is a button to reverse Title/Author to the right of and between those fields.

>> No.895782

I never have this problem with paper books.

>> No.895786
File: 8 KB, 251x206, 1278722068524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here

>> No.895788

Why such a hate boner for e-books? E-Readers are a great way to take multiple books with you when you have extremely limited space.

>> No.895790

>Implying this is a "problem" and not something that can be corrected within 5 seconds.

>> No.895794

Because problems like the OPs complicate something that's already pretty damn simple. Select book. Open book. Read book.

>> No.895801

>implying that paper books don't save you 5 seconds by not making you have to put up with this shit

>> No.895803
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>not a "problem"
>can be corrected

>> No.895808

>Implying that 5 seconds also saved getting off of OP's ass to walk to bookshelf and back to retrieve said paper book, thus negating expended time.

>> No.895815

If only that were the greatest "problem" I ever faced. It's a simple inconvenience.

>> No.895818

>implying you wouldn't have to get up and go find your ereader, much the same way you have to find your remote control or cell phone, when you want to read, thus making the bookshelf visit the more time consuming option

>> No.895822

Most people don't have shitty issues like this. Also you have to buy or rent a new book every time you finish one. This means constantly ordering, going to shop for, or going to the library for books. With an ereader you can add 100 books at once and not have to deal with any of that for a year.

Truly though they are a fantastic space saver. 300 books on shelves takes up a whole bedroom, 300 books on an ereader takes up the same room as 1 book.

>> No.895828

And because you can't decorate with an e-reader, that is just one more way that they fail. What is the point of owning the books if you can't show off how well read you are.

Also, lol at people who aren't getting new shipments of books every week. What the fuck is wrong with you people?

>> No.895830
File: 29 KB, 396x222, digbyandginger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, fuck it. It's only an issue with select pirated books anyway. Buy your fucking ebooks OP! Also my e-reader is often within arms reach when I'm in my reading chair.

>> No.895835

Oh I see you are someone who cares more about showing off books you own than actually reading them, my mistake.

>> No.895838

And there is always a stack of unread books within arms reach of my chair.

>> No.895837

Yeah, that's what I'm doing now. Reversing it when it's already there and just putting it in myself if there's nothin' but junk.

Dunno why there's so much ereader hate around here. I love my wood pulp as much as anyone else, but I just don't have the space in my crappy little studio.

>> No.895843

Nope. Every book on my shelves have been read. Don't add them to the shelves until I've finish.

>> No.895852

Most of the ones I've downloaded are ones I already own, really. As much as I enjoy CJ Cherryh, I've already paid her once.

>> No.895861
File: 240 KB, 410x547, 9202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I bought a few books to fill my new shelf... The only problem is that they're unruly fucking messes. Title/author reversed, no title, no author, title is full of extra garbage, etc. Wat do?

>> No.895863

Just sweating ya. Honestly though, experiment with Calibre a bit. The metadata finder will sometimes work and sometimes not. Cut the title a bit and sometimes that will help it pick it up.

>> No.895864

Then why do you care about showing off what books you've read? Do they sit on your shelves for years waiting for someone to read them again, unread only because you display books like headless animals mounted for bragging rights?

>> No.895867

I dedicate on wall to one genre, with authors set up on specific levels of the shelves. Works perfectly.

>> No.895870
File: 8 KB, 223x264, 18366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Organize them ya fucking slob. But wait, by size, author, genre, or.... FFFFUUUUUU

>> No.895873

My reason for doing so is simple. I do it to impress the ladies.

>> No.895885


This is my dilemma as well, I never fucking know how I should organize my books. The only clear structure my book cases have right now is fiction, art, German, English literature textbooks (for teaching), biography, and historiography. So frustrating.

>> No.895898

Ultimately, I just end up organizing by enjoyment. Top shelf being, well, top shelf. On my Nook I just order by author.

>> No.895918

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>> No.896012

There's always Dewey and his fiendish decimals.