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/lit/ - Literature

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8956907 No.8956907 [Reply] [Original]

Let's get a recent purchases thread going here lads.

What have you bought recently?

Pic related, I'm especially happy with the Pope book that I got for a pound from oxfam.

>> No.8956962
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>> No.8956986
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Wow i didn't realize how short the epic of Gilgamesh was

>> No.8956988

you could read it in an hour

>> No.8956993

More than half of the edition is introductions and essays

>> No.8956995
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>> No.8957002

It's fragmentary. If you want to read it, you need to get one of the academic editions that marks out every lacuna and potential reconstruction. (A lot of the reconstructions are sound because of pervasive repetitions throughout the epic.) Beware of the translations that will gloss over all but the biggest gaps and imagine that the almighty modern translator has "gotten it right" after all this time.

>> No.8957007
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Top stack was $13, bottom was $55.

Thinking of reading Flowers for Algernon first, then The Iliad while reading some of A History of the Modern World.

>> No.8957022

Hey, it sounded interesting plus anything lit hates this much is probably alright.

>> No.8957036

Have you really not read the Iliad and Odyssey yet? You're in for a big shocker.

>> No.8957090
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>> No.8957097
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All the stuff I ordered after the christmas gift cards is here

>> No.8957108
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>> No.8957120

That they suck?

>> No.8957125

I've read an abridged version of both, and excerpts, but never the full thing straight through.

>> No.8957383
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rate my stack /lit/

this is mostly xmas none have been read yet, which should i belly flop into next

>> No.8957395

damn nigga how much u read a day

>> No.8957424

>the best of harry harrison

i fucking loved the stainless steel rat stories when i was a teenager

>> No.8957562

I haven't read any of those but i vote Chekhov

>> No.8957563

Decent stack.

Don't bother with Neuromancer though. read Asimov instead. Neuromancer might have been good when it came out, but it's boring now.

And throw that Chomsky garbage into the trash.

>> No.8958119

love it!

>> No.8958432

I try to hit around 100 pages a day, sometimes more, sometimes less.

>> No.8958440
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>I am Legend
>picture of Will Smith on the SIDE of the fucking book
I lost it

>> No.8958465

He's good shit. I have a pretty good collection if you check the shelf thread. This is just what's near my couch.

>> No.8958857
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>> No.8958986

Took a trip to Value Villiage today. It's where I buy used books. Every time I go I get so fucking mad these cock suckers try to sell me these ancient books for more than a dollar. I can see on the tag these books were sold for $3 when they were brand new and these kikes have the audacity to put a $2.99 sticker on them.

However, I always feel better when I haggle and intimidate these dumb-cunt cashiers into selling them to me for 99c a pop. First I'll establish that I'm a connoisseur by saying something like "Do you even know who this author is? You dumb bitch". The last part I just say with my body language. Immediately they yield to my authority, that I know the price of a book better than they do. That I am objectively more intelligent and powerful than they are. So they sell me some great books for 99c a piece. That's what harlequins and westerns typically go for, but here I am getting the classics, pomo staples, and other books of great importantance. All because I have the balls to haggle.

Now, today...Today I got so fucking mad because I made the mistake of letting my gf handle the purchase of the books. I handed her what must have been a 20 year old edition of The Road to Serfdom. My girl came out to the truck and I asked her for the reciept. She paid $4.99 for the fucking thing. I cuffed her head so bloody hard for being so damn stupid to let these "villagers" as I call them dictate the price of the book to her. I said "This is a fucking 2nd hand shop you dumb bitch!" Again, I spoke the last part with my body language, and she recoiled and began to cry. I got out of the truck and marched back in there and slammed the book on the cashier's table.

"You over charged my girl for this book. I want a refund. I would also like to speak to your manager." She told me the manager wasn't in, and she couldn't even remember that she just sold this book. "It was only 4 minutes ago for Christ's sake!" Thankfully the pricetag was still on there and she gave me a refund. I took my money, grabbed the book off the table and walked out. "I'm keeping this for my trouble".

>> No.8959010

>It's an "autist shitposting while convinced that it's actually really clever and that it's a good writing practice excercise even though most people won't even read it let alone save it as pasta and he would be better off sucking it up and joining a writers workshop even if they're mostly filled with middle aged normies who don't get his edgy post-irony" post

>> No.8959035

>It's another reductive post with baseless assumptions, amounting to nothing more than a badly written fiction itself

>> No.8959953


>> No.8960122
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>on christian doctrine, city of god and confessions

>histories, history of the peloponnesian war

>> No.8960355


>> No.8960361


>> No.8961511
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>> No.8961518
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this is my most recent

>> No.8961522

a cool dude

>> No.8961793

tell me about this ritual book

>> No.8961814
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Working through 1984 right now but I'm finding it hard to get into

>inb4 bait

>> No.8961874
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just got terryworld. man I wish I could drug my subjects and get them to suck my dick for pictures.

>> No.8961959
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"We ate poo," said Linda.
"Not me," Janis interjected.
"Oh yes you did. You ate poo," Linda replied.
"I forgot. Remember when Mom put it outside to get cold, to get ice on it."
"Yes, and she fed it to me, and it was terrible."
"It's worse when it's hot," said Janis.
"You ate it hot, but Mom fed you part of the poo with ice on it. I wiped it off my teeth with a towel. Gary got me a towel. It sticks to the teeth you know," said Linda.
She said Linda told her, "When Mom made the poo ice in the back yard, she asked Gary to go get it and he wouldn't go. Mom said, 'You fucking bitch ass,' and she went out to get the poo cup. Gary hid Jan and me in the closet."

>> No.8961963

thought that said Rectal Abuse at first glance.

>> No.8961986

lol I know, but what are you gonna do when you see a book you want to read for super cheap second hand

>> No.8962008

Don't waste your time, it's really overrated.

>> No.8962827

At about 200 pages into it you'll get to read The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein. See >>8962008 it's okay though.