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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 14 KB, 804x446, le arbiter of arguments man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8953336 No.8953336 [Reply] [Original]

Greatest Philosophers through the Centuries
>19th: Hegel
>20th: Heidegger
>21st: Molyneaux

What the flippity fuck happened?

>> No.8953342

yeah, 18th century was so much better

>> No.8953359

Molyneaux is insufferable

>> No.8953376
File: 284 KB, 800x735, 1482640727875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8953378

le left wing molyneaux xD

>> No.8953382


I've never seen this rare Zizek before. Could I be so bold as to ask if I can save it?

>> No.8953388


The type of memespeak this mocks hasn't been in use since 2010

>> No.8953398
File: 441 KB, 1000x636, JP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know you like my work, anon. You don't have to pretend to hate me just because /pol/ and I have a common enemy.

>> No.8953415

Of coursh.

>> No.8953435

the jews?

>> No.8953449


>> No.8953459

This guys a cuck

>> No.8953468

you're the cuck

>> No.8953469

JP is a hack. So many people on lit sucking his dick like they did with Harris before him.

>> No.8953475

>JP is a hack.

Why? Seems like you're a triggered transfaggot/female t b h f a m.

>> No.8953488

He's captured the anti-SJW and is riding that currently. But that whole wave is such a saturated meme. He's not bringing anything original to the table, at all. If he ever publishes any decent works then I'll re-assess. Until then he's Milo-faggot level crap.

>> No.8953493
File: 118 KB, 808x499, 1482355804445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish this board wasn't entirely meme spewing shitposters

go read maps of meaning

>> No.8953494
File: 409 KB, 758x723, qsasa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>naming continentals only

There's your problem. The real order goes something like:

19th: Frege
20th: Wittgenstein
21st: Kripke

>> No.8953498

>comparing a doctor with a faggot
nice standards dude

>> No.8953514
File: 59 KB, 442x768, intervention.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Really? That's the only thing you can say about him? At least try to say something about his philosophy & opinions on mythology, religion and morality. Again, you're just slandering and shaming him because you're a spineless leftist.

>> No.8953522

Shall read it next, cheers

>> No.8953555

And apparently if I'm not too much a fan of someone that automatically makes me a leftist, kek. Thought we were on lit, not infowars.

In regards to his philosophy... Some parts I agree with, others I think are pretty much retarded. He's got that Peter Hitchens-like view when it comes to religion in some sense. People seem to have a problem with separating values from the Bible and what they think they should feel about religion. JP is obsessed with viewing Jesus as a meta hero of sorts, claiming him to be an amalgamation of all the good we should strive for (fair's fair), but imo all of that should be separated from the religious aspect. You can aspire without belief. If you're an adult and still believe in something when there's absolutely no proof, you're a hack.

Also, quite amusing asking me about his thoughts on religion when he obsesses over the representation of Jesus and then calling me a leftist, double kek

>> No.8953591

>You can aspire without belief. If you're an adult and still believe in something when there's absolutely no proof, you're a hack.
Yes, but has JP ever said he believes in it? You seem to have trouble seperating belief and religion

>> No.8953599


>> No.8953615
File: 15 KB, 217x337, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8953627

>He's got that Peter Hitchens-like view when it comes to religion in some sense.

This is so wrong. I have no idea where to begin.

>> No.8953635


What makes him obsessed?

>You can aspire without belief. If you're an adult and still believe in something when there's absolutely no proof, you're a hack.

You missed a couple lectures. He deals with these exact statements.

>> No.8953762
File: 51 KB, 370x370, tiptuptoplel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're an adult and still believe in something when there's absolutely no proof, you're a hack.

>> No.8954373

>If you're an adult and still believe in something when there's absolutely no proof, you're a hack.
>he believes with certainty there is no god
>he hasn't read Kierkegaard
kys, >>>>>>>>>>>>/reddit/>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>> No.8954720


>> No.8954843
File: 147 KB, 391x517, eduard-von-grutzner-impression-of-falstaff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6th century BC
>5th century BC
>4th century BC
Plato (Aristotle close second)
>3rd BC
>2nd BC
>1st BC
Cicero (Lucretius second)
>1st century AD
Plutarch (Seneca and Epicetus equal second)
>2nd AD
>3rd AD
>4th AD
St Ambrose
>5th AD
St Augustine
>6th AD
>7th AD
>8th AD
Alcuin of York
>9th AD
(John Scotus) Eriugena
>10th AD
>11th AD
Anselm of Canterbury
>12th AD
>13th AD
Thomas Aquinas
>14th AD
William of Ockham
>15th AD
Pico della Mirandola
>16th AD
Luther (Machiavelli and Bacon equal second)
>17th AD
Hobbes (Spinoza and Descartes equal second, Leibniz 3rd, Locke 4th)
>18th AD oh boy here we go
Hume (Kant second, Burke 3rd, Rousseau 4th)
>19th AD OH BOY
Nietzsche (Hegel second, Kierkegaard third, De Maistre 4th, Carlyle 5th)
>20th AD too easy
Evola (Heidegger second, Jung third, Spengler 4th)
>21st AD

>> No.8954871



>> No.8954878

Yeah that last one was a meme. The 21st century is too young to give a serious answer but if I were to chose one it'd be Nick Land >>8953615 pick related

But still, I miss Bowden :(

>> No.8955660

Lol he fucking hates marxists and the likes. He's not riding a wave, it's just that his views coincide with anti-SJWism. Which is of course prevalent nowadays since SJWism is also prevalent.

>> No.8955665


>> No.8955714

>I know of this name from this century! Better put it down.

>> No.8955984

Evola is great

>> No.8956006

Until Moly writes a book or something over 200 pages long I will consider him a pseud

>> No.8956251
File: 24 KB, 311x311, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's not riding a wave

>> No.8956278

>riding that

is he though? He has a lot more to him than just being an anti-SJW like a lot of youtubers. His videos on race realism, HBD and religion are also very good introductions for beginners and even have material that intermediaries find useful

>> No.8956671

>His videos on race realism
can you post a link?

>> No.8956686


>anti-SJW is a meme

You're in for a surprise anon. It's not a fad, it's not a fad and it's not going anywhere. Ant-SJW sentiment is spreading like wildfire and will soon be the norm. Deus vult.

>> No.8956702


>Memeiavelli on par with Bacon

Damn the 16th was good though with both Bacon and Luther.

>> No.8956713


He's written a number of books and real time relationships is 378 pages.


>> No.8956762

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Not an argument.

>> No.8956781


>> No.8956895

what the fuck dude calm down lmao

>> No.8956916

Not an argument.