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8952935 No.8952935 [Reply] [Original]

Share your knowledge about Buddhism with me, I came here 2 years ago posting about actual freedom after having spent several years prior investigating zen buddhism.

One user responded with such penetrating words of correction that I woke up from Richard's teachings. From then on I continued to pursue other teachings such as discordianism. I also developed an interest in psychoanalysis, although I never studied it deeply at all.

Some months later, after reading John Berryman's "dream songs" I experienced such profound emotional and spiritual darkness that I felt as though I were going insane with grief. This lasted one night and one morning.

The next night, out of deep desperation I asked for prayer from my Christian family and that day I would say that I experienced what it meant to be born again.

So I am now here again, 2 years later, contemplating the existence of God yet again and weighing my present beliefs with the path purported by the Buddha.

If you have any insight at all, please share with me. I would appreciate it a lot.

>> No.8952938

Unsubstantiated pseudo spiritual bullshit

A religion for lazy people

>> No.8952943

All religions are for lazy cowards who are afraid to die btw

>> No.8952955

Have you listened to lectures by Alan Watts, OP?

>> No.8952958


>> No.8952968

Not even really a religion in the typical sense of the word.

And in what way is realizing the 4 noble truths and living your life every day on the eightfold path lazy. How many other religions actually practice what the proselytize every single day? How many religions embrace science and instruct one that they are their own refuge?

>> No.8952976

No religion embraces science

>> No.8952982

Except for Buddhism, but like I said, Buddhism isn't really a religion. Call it philosophy, call it a religion, call it whatever you like because the name you give it is inessential to its being.

>> No.8952987

We also discussed a man named UG Krishnamurti in the last thread.

>> No.8952990

Nah ill call it a religion because that is what it is

>> No.8953001

Lol, why are you even in this thread?

>> No.8953009

Because this whole "buddhism is the cool trendy alternative to Christianity" is ridiculous.

Its barely a step above weeaboos reappropriating different culture

>> No.8953027

So really, you're just here to shitpost because people are talking about things you don't like.

Buddhism isn't an alternative to Christianity, the two can completely co-exist. The problem is you haven't even looked into the fundamentals of what Buddhism is and isn't before you made up your mind.

Buddhism is not a religion. You are your own refuge, it does not adhere to a God that sits in judgement over your destiny. Buddhism favors truth, knowing, and seeing without doubt over blind faith alone.

>> No.8953030

UG fucked me up
The Courage to stand alone fucked me for years.
His "philosophy" or "teachings" will forever be stuck in the back of your head. Some things cannot be unread haha

the best part is, it's free online
Highly recommend it

>> No.8953031

Buddhism is a religion

>> No.8953040

If you'd like to call it that, sure.

>> No.8953044

Funny, I read his books too.

>> No.8953047

thanks anon

>> No.8953062

What I get from his "teachings" is essentially to "fuck off" and get on with it.

>> No.8953084

Have you ever experienced a Buddhist monastery? Have you ever spent time with a monk, following in his daily schedule?

I lived as a monk for a period in China, and I can assure you that every last monk in every last monastery works harder than the majority of lay people. The monastic life is one of incredible discipline and hardship, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I welcome any who would see Buddhism or any other spirituality with a monastic practice to try to follow in its idealized form of life for just a week, and report back their success or failure.

Buddhism is, in many ways, a complete rebellion against our own biology. Every aspect of our Beastly selves is in conflict with the potentiality of our Spiritual selves. Our neurological habits and psychological organization is working against the goals of Buddhist enlightenment at every turn. It does not come as a surprise that the history of psychoanalytical therapy has been simply rewriting and rephrasing the Buddha's words, that it has done little more than move the Buddhist temple to the secular clinic. I do not speak against psychoanalysis' potential application, as I've studied it a great deal and have as much of an appreciation for it as Buddhism itself. But I am simply trying to convey how, despite the West's misunderstanding of Buddhism, to live its teachings is simply to illuminate and take the reins of the struggle that has gone on with ourselves since our birth.

>> No.8953097

I have studied psychoanalysis and buddhism, i don't not notice the similarities. Could you expand on that?

>> No.8953100

Anon, I really want to know more. I've wanted to go spend time at a Buddhist monastery.

One of my best friends, after graduating college, moved back to Thailand and lived as a monk for several months as part of family tradition. While I was interested in Buddhism before I met him, he was the one that really turned me on to the Buddhist philosophy. Someday anon, someday, I want to make that trek.

>> No.8953101

sorry do not*
double neg hah

>> No.8953109

Also, this is not op.

>> No.8953157

If I met you I would probably knock your teeth down your throat

>> No.8953168

Assault me famm, you'll end up with a bullet in your gullet.

>> No.8953187

>cuckservative christian claiming buddhism is religion for lazy people
>too lazy to live a life dedicated to being christ-like
Oh the ironing

>> No.8953219

Buddhism and psychoanalysis are fundamentally interchangeable systems. During the height of Buddhism during India's Golden Age, Buddhism was taught to the public using medical terminology, in a way that directly parallels psychoanalysis. It presupposes an illness of the mind, some disorder -- whether somatic or not, that causes a noticeable problem in the life of the sufferer (Dukkha - neurosis/psychosis). It then supposes that the best course of action is the careful examination of the unconscious cognition of the mind (Samudaya and Nirodha - analysis), and that the cure lies solely within the application of this analysis (Magga - treatment). There are a great deal of differences in the particulars of how psychoanalysis is applied, given to there being little unity in its practice, but as fundamental systems, they remain equal.

You can also find a great deal of similarities between psychoanalytic theory and Buddhist theory. One of the most interesting to me is how much Lacan's conception of the ego parallels Buddhism's. To Lacan, the ego is chaotic dispersion of experiential byproducts hiding under a necessary illusion of unity, and the imperfection of that illusion can lead to the manifestation of neuroses. So as in Buddhism there is the false perception of self as a unified and fixed entity that we maintain for the sake of our own cohesive worldview, and this false perception leads to suffering.

I would highly recommend you to do so if you ever get the chance. The monastic life is completely inexpressible coming from any kind of comfortable first world life, and even spending a short time in it will change you for the better. If you have any questions about it, I would be more than happy to answer.

>> No.8953225

Yall can just let this thread die now.

>> No.8953241

Thank you everyone.

>> No.8953242

How should I approach a monastery with a request to live and learn as a monk? I don't know where I'd start? Also what about language barriers, how troublesome will it be if I don't speak any of their native language? Is that something I should start learning now?

I have about 3 or 4 more years of school left and I want to go once I graduate.

>> No.8953257

Is buddhism compatible with christianity? I find that buddhists act very moral with their philosophy but I don't want to be a heretic in my faith.

In other words, what would jesus do?

>> No.8953277

Just finished my first 2 full days zen retreat.

Let me know if you have any questions

>> No.8953285

I don't think Jesus would have any issues with Buddhists. Jesus taught acceptance and love of others. Jesus, too, in his time on earth not only preached of faith and believing but also through showing and knowing the truth by seeing it without doubt. I don't think that Jesus himself and the Buddha are all that different.

I don't think there is anything heretical about Buddhist philosophy and Christianity at all. In fact Buddhism teaches the acceptance of other religions, that to tear one religion down hurts all religions, but yours more gravely even if you do it as a devout believe in attempts to make your religion better (with no regards to another's religion).

I don't find the two to be mutually exclusive. I think it's important to be cautious of blind faith, particularly from blind leaders, but to also embrace what you can see and know for yourself to be truth. But I don't think they are contradictory either.

>> No.8953288

I can't tell if you're serious or havin' a giggle m8

>> No.8953311

>Not being agnostic Buddhist master race
>current year

>Dali Lama said the opposite

>serious. Signed up thinking it was just a normal. Meditation retreat, turned out to be an intense zen Buddhist sect. A sister Sangha to the LAZC.

It was very difficult. I'm kinda fucked up after. I found a newfound respect for objects and people. I'm more self aware, so I think I am noticing when I stumble more, but I'm not sure if I am just stumbling more after the retreat.

My feelings are much more vivid and 'louder' it's harder to ignore them.

>> No.8953323

The biggest hurdle with getting into monastic living is getting your foot in the door. Most monasteries require a letter of recommendation from an abbot in order to join, and the more prestigious the temple, the more monastic experience they will expect you to have prior.

I would first try looking into any monasteries within your own country. Many offer basic 10-day retreats that can give you a feel for the rigor of monastic life, and there are often monks with connections to monasteries in their home country. Discussing your interest in monastic living with one of them may offer you the best suited opportunities.

If you're looking to do it solo, look around for volunteer opportunities at monasteries in the country you're interested in online. Many Buddhist organizations will organize ~2-12 month stays at a monastery, often without requiring much or any monastic experience, and will allow you the full monastic experience in exchange for participating in the basic monastic work (gardening, cleaning up, etc.). It is a much bigger leap than going to a local monastery, but it will effectively get you your prerequisite monastic experience, will give you an exact idea if its something you would like to do, and you'll make plenty of connections if you wish to truly become a monastic after.

As for the language barrier, its largely dependent on how rural the monastery is, and what country it is in. I lived in 3 different monasteries without knowing any Mandarin prior to coming to China. The first was somewhat rural, being located about 15 minutes from a local village and 30-45 minutes from the city, and about half knew enough English for basic communication. The 2nd was located in a city proper, and around 80% spoke English, with a few that were completely fluent. The last was very rural, and only the Abbot spoke very poor English, but by that time I knew enough Mandarin to get by.

So I would highly recommend learning some of the language, but I wouldn't stress it too much. You'll pick it up much faster when you're actually in the country than you ever could on your own, and you can get by with a tourist level understanding of the language.

>> No.8953330

That's great anon! Sorry I doubted you, I just weren't sure if you were the same troll from above.

How'd you manage to find such a retreat?

>> No.8953349

Wow! Thank you! Thank you! I will look into some more local retreats. I'm very much into the idea of getting the full monastic experience in exchange for participating with the basic monastic work. I suppose that I had always assumed that was part of it.

>> No.8953355

No worries bhikku

I found it through an introduction to zen class. They offered those classes monthly for curious folks. I kept checking there page to find a retreat that worked with my schedule. I didn't get a copy of the schedule until after I arrived. I received a copy of the 'protocols' the day before.

Great experience. There's a Vispassana center by me, I will be attending a 10 day this summer.

Do you practice metta? If so, How often?

>> No.8953381

No problem. Just keep your horizons open, investigate every opportunity you see carefully, and don't be afraid to contact them with questions to be sure you know what you're getting into. The right opportunity will come at the right time, and you'll know when you come across that right opportunity. Good luck on your journey my friend.

>> No.8953396

To be completely honest, it's something that I'm just starting to take seriously, buddhism and metta. I'm 29 now and I have loved buddhist philosophy since I was a teenager but I never allowed myself to get involved with it too much because I was still torn up about my beliefs and philosophy after a falling out of Christianity and denying any of it any use to me, though I never really denounced the existence of a higher-power. I spent several years living with my friend who was Buddhist and we'd have long deep conversations about the philosophy and I really loved it. But it wasn't until recently that I found Buddhism and began to take it seriously after what felt like my life fell apart. It was all too serendipitous to ignore and now I'm trying to humbly learn as much as I can and live such a fruitful life and see the truth as it is. I'm just trying to be without doubt and questions and I'm finally giving it an honest chance and accepting how little I really know.

>> No.8953689

hey op.

i have no problem with you exploring spiritual questions. but what you wrote sounds very similar to the state of mind i was in a few years ago before i really went off the rails and ended up being hospitalized for mental issues and broke my leg. my story might not be exactly the same as yours but i just want you to be careful and be sure that you have someone--a spiritual teacher if you can find one--you can discuss these issues with. if you do not have someone to talk to, who understands you, you could be in some danger, because in the confines of your own mind without anyone to reflect your ideas off of, you can get very gullible and think you have the answer to something when in reality the reasoning isnt there.

i was 20 and starting to get exposed to spiritual questions in college. i had been an atheist beforehand, and the criticisms and arguments my professor brought up to the class made a lot of sense and quickly made me believe in a spiritual aspect of life. soon after i tripped really hard on salvia after having read by some anonymous poster on 420chan that we are tripping all the time, that our minds get conditioned to filter out that information, but drugs simply accelerate what would take years of meditation, and show us what is really there. i was gullible and believed this, and after tripping, began thinking all life was a dream, following the idea you hear in buddhism. i tripped 4 days before my 21st birthday, and on my birthday i started weaving this narrative that it was my destiny to have these experiences and learn these things at this point in my life, the third seven-year cycle. and if the life around me was a dream or illusory, it must be a sort of solipsism where i am the dreamer. i told no one about these things. if it is a solipsism and it is my destiny to have these realizations at the third cycle in my life, then i must be a spiritual messenger. i must be the reincarnation of jesus.

im doing a poor job of detailing the exact way i arrived at these flawed conclusions but i eventually began acting upon these "realizations" and went to dangerous parts of town at night, thinking that it was my mission to confront my fears at one point, and i ended up hospitalized for two months in a psych ward. the belief that i was jesus did not subside until two or three months after breaking my leg. it was a dark and stormy night, and following trains of thought which i never told to anyone, i became very panicked, and was afraid of getting put back in the hospital. my parents had called a behavioral health team over, and an ambulance was coming. i had to escape. i climbed out the bathroom window and tried to climb down the chimney but slipped and fell two stories. i got back up and kept running. the pond on my neighbors' property was frozen, and i jumped in and tried to walk on the water. i half-managed to slosh around on the surface over the ice and that was good enough for me: i was ready to fly away.

>> No.8953699

I understand bro. Just trust Jesus, He's the one who does the trusting in Himself for you.

>> No.8953703

i climbed to the top of a 30-foot tree and tried to fly. i fell and the pain was excruciating. i dragged myself back to my house and i had surgery that night. it took another two months of being in the hospital for me to finally realize that i was not jesus.

if i had had someone to talk to, someone whom i trusted enough to not think me a crazy person if i said X Y or Z, i would never have gone down this path. don't make my mistake. find a teacher.

>> No.8953715
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-nature-is-busy-creating-absolutely-unique-individuals-whereas-culture-has-invented-a-u-g-krishnamurti-36-33-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it have to be one or the other? Can't you be a Buddhist with a Christian backgrounds or a Christian that takes the Buddhist position in mind? Neither religion is a monolith anyway, so what do you mean by "Christianity" and "Buddhism"? Protestantism, Catholocism or Orthodoxy? Theravada, Mahayana or Vajrayana? Or any of the hundred other more specific denominations? How can you expect *us* to take two of the oldest and most wide-spread religions in the world and say if they'll both fit *your* idea of your own life?

>> No.8953726


If you ever encounter the shipwreck of life that we live, just remember that God entered our weakness in order that His light would shine. Anything that is a contradiction to Love is a vaporous shadow that has been long chased away before it was ever cast.

>> No.8953729

I love you all. Good night.

>> No.8953871

Read Living Buddha, Living Christ. It's one of the best sources of reconciling Buddhism and Christianity.

>> No.8953904

Because christians regard meditation as opening yourself up to demonic influences and that any non-christian bliss is therefore trickery.

>> No.8953914

What the fuck century or back hick town are you living in when that is your average run of the mill christian teaching???

>> No.8953947

But isn't meditation presented as the whole opposite of that? That makes less sense than saying Pokémon is satanic; at least that has some motivation, meditation is literally sitting still.

>> No.8954029

I dunno it's pretty much standard though amongst protestants. Catholics are a bit less direct about it but they still don't trust "eastern traditions" for fundamentally the same reason. Hell, even Orthodox who are generally more mystical leaning think along the same lines. They only trust sources and mystics within Christianity. I mean just look at the controversy surrounding hesychasm.

>> No.8954045
File: 17 KB, 813x591, world-religions-by-percentage1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aryans are bad at memes.

Semite religions rule supreme.

>> No.8954052

Doesn't matter. Even mindfulness (which is about as stripped down as you can get) is treated with skepticism by christians because of its buddhist roots. Sitting still isn't necessary when you "have Jesus".

>> No.8954106

The closest I've seen to meditation amongst churchgoing christians I've met is "reflecting on Jesus' sacrifice".

>> No.8954164

remember when jesus went missing for 30 years?

he was in the himalayas getting educated in the secret shambala kingdom in advanced esoteric tantra

>> No.8954173


>> No.8954196

That only applies to Orthodox, and even then it's not meditation in the buddhist "sitting still and emptying all attachments" sense. It's completely theistic because monks are taught to hand every thought to jesus by repeating the jesus prayer over and over and over.

>> No.8954202


Scuttle on little hermit crab

>> No.8954217

Mantra meditation is still meditation.

If you're asking for specifically vipassana or something then of course they don't have that.

>> No.8954222

Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't the whole point of Buddhism to escape the cycle of life and death... to cease to exist?
Why don't Buddhists just find a shotgun and blow out their brains? They will then cease to exist and suffer no more.
Me, I find pleasure, albeit temporary, quite enjoyable.

>> No.8954232

Schopenhauer thought Nirvana was non-existence. He thought suicide was bad because it was an act of will striving to satiate a desire and that the best option was asceticism, but, as I see it, the end-game of the logical conclusion of Buddhism is suicide.

>> No.8954237

Buddhists don't believe in (You)'s so simply ending this particular human doesn't end suffering.

>> No.8954240

Buddhists don't say pleasure isn't enjoyable. They say that phenomena are ultimately fleeting and therefore unsatisfactory, and clinging to them is what causes problems.

>> No.8954286

How do people misunderstand this concept so badly every fucking time Buddhism is discussed?

In Buddhism there is no "self" as such, so committing suicide won't solve jack shit

>> No.8954634
File: 402 KB, 640x546, 1465217218778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I forgot to mention The key point about metta is that
-it is a pleasing feeling
-it is not the same pleasant feeling as the piti from jhanas
-metta is more pleasing than the piti
-metta arises when you want people to be devoid of any hardship and if there must be some menace on these lacks of hardship, you are ready to take this hardship on you, instead of letting the hardship fall on these people
-this means that metta arises when you are no longer self absorbed
-you do metta after you are concentrated, like after watching the breath, by bringing the people that you wish to be happy
-a few people claim that you can reach 4th jhanas [=secluded from the senses and temporarily not under illusion] through metta/ the 4 Four sublime states

>> No.8954685

>>One user responded with such penetrating words of correction that I woke up from Richard's teachings.
what was the correction?

>> No.8955434


This, pleasure, knowledge, etc.. are a raft to help you cross a river. Once you are crossed, you don't carry that raft with you on your back or over your head.

>> No.8955437

Can you recommend some good books on metta?

>> No.8955463

>being this unaware of the academic study of religion

>> No.8955467

Whatever name you want to give it is inessential

>> No.8955491
File: 1.90 MB, 312x250, 1482258110592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You gonna back that claim up?

>> No.8955501

if there is no self why still living to escape the cycle of life and death?.
you buddhists really believe without a doubt in reincarnation?, i mean, is an inalienable dogma in order to be buddhist?.

>> No.8955502

Its essence remains what it is under whatever category you want to place it or to what name you'd like to call it. Some people see it as a philosophy, others as a religion, others as something else. It matters not.

>> No.8955507

You completely misunderstand the concept of "no self."

Yes, I believe in reincarnation, or at least of our energy. I'm not sure I believe it in the traditional sense of the word.

Lastly, Buddhism is about seeing and knowing without doubt, and even the Dalai Lama has said that if science were to to prove something inccorect, then we'd have no other choice but to accept it as truth.

>> No.8955512

You didn't back your claim up. Why does it not matter if you don't classify it properly? Does a proper understanding of Buddhism matter not? Do you understand why people classify?

>> No.8955529

Because if to you it is a religion, if to another it is a philosophy, and to another it is a philosophy or way of life will still maintaining to practice Christianity or any other religion, what does it matter?

People like to classify things because they want everything to fit in neat little boxes so as to feel as though they are knowledgeable and understand. They want to carry what they perceive as truth to be eternal.

Man does this, they put their lives into neat little categories and map out all of the equations on what actions or thoughts are profitable, yet they can't stand that their lives are the sum of a math equation already formulated so they actively and willingly work against their own best interests just to prove to themselves that they have free will.

What does it matter what we call it? I haven't seen a claim from you as to why it matters? I am not going to believe you on faith, so provide some insight and truth as to why it matters (to its own essence, not you), and I may be convinced.

>> No.8955544

besides an old book. why do you believe the reincarnation is real?.
also, if you absolutely reach the "no self", (i doubt with only meditation you can maintain something like that) why still living?. (i know is a question only a "no self" guy can respond)

>> No.8955554

>alan watts
stop with this fool

>> No.8955557

Ok first of all, your post screams high schooler. Not meant as an insult, but it wreaks of the confidence and ridiculous claims high schoolers who have figured it all out make. Second of all I'm not sure you understand what essence means. Thirdly, you can't understand why properly understanding Buddhism matters "to its essence"???

>> No.8955559

> yet they can't stand that their lives are the sum of a math equation already formulated so they actively and willingly work against their own best interests just to prove to themselves that they have free will.
>I am not going to believe you on faith


>> No.8955566

Because when we die, our energy is converted into other forms which feeds the earth and the insects and other living organisms. We live on through them. Like I said, I'm not certain reincarnation in the traditional sense of the word exists, maybe it does, maybe it doesn't. But I don't know one way or another as truth without doubt. I do know that the law of conservation of energy is truth.

As for there is no self, the concept of "you," "being," "I," "consciousness," "self," etc... is constantly in a state of flux. Conscious is can take many forms and is constructed of mental formations, perceptions, sensations, and matter. Without these consciousness cannot be. There is no permanent self and all conditions are changing from one moment to the next.

>> No.8955598

what are your exact visions on reincarnation?, share it.
if we don´t reincarnate in any way you have a physical self that ends to suffering when you die. you understand this?. in order to be buddhist and coherent you have to believe in reincarnation without a fucking doubt.
>Conscious is can take many forms and is constructed of mental formations, perceptions, sensations, and matter. Without these consciousness cannot be. There is no permanent self and all conditions are changing from one moment to the next.

but buddhism trascends this, they don´t just said: hey, all is movement.
they say: hey, all is movement and is shit and there is a place where the movement stop and therefore we must seek it. (altough you have to seek it with an understanding and acceptation of the constant movement, they don´t stop there)

>> No.8955618

If science were to prove reincarnation false and we are to follow truth, then would Buddhism not change or would it cease to exist?

>> No.8955649

if they accept that "truth"
buddhism start her travel like an ancient philosophy or myth. or like some kind of promoters of meditation against the pressure of life.
>they will never accept that.

>> No.8955682

I disagree

>> No.8955689

>they will never accept that.
But the point is to accept truth and knowledge as it is seen and known without doubt and not to cling to cling to truths, past truths, and perceptions.

>> No.8955716


>But the point is to accept truth and knowledge as it is seen and known without doubt and not to cling to cling to truths, past truths, and perceptions.
there is too much types of buddhism. the ones who believe in the cosmic wheel and end of suffering needs reincarnation or they die. is simply like that. it´s not about truth and knowledge. never was. they have very rigid precepts. maybe budhism like we know it is already in the "meditate and be happy" phase.

>> No.8955720

How would one scientifically prove reincarnation is false? They'll just claim that it happens on a non-physical level that scientific instruments can't reach.