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/lit/ - Literature

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8951938 No.8951938 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Popular literature that's so bad its popularity offends you.

>> No.8951943 [DELETED] 

Anything written by women writers

>> No.8952014

The Martian

>> No.8952016

The Hunger Games

>> No.8952023

Even as a kid I knew this shit was awfull

>> No.8952042
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This entire series, especially the first few books. I think the world she created was imaginative and original, but holy fuck she writes at a motherfucking high school level.

I'm 100% serious.

>> No.8952052

why can't a book for elementary students be written at a high school level?

>> No.8952081

Fair point. I just think she's an awful writer. Maybe 8th grade level. I tried reading the first one the other day and it was painful. In my opinion, good children's books should be written with a simplicity that is easily understood by kids while simultaneously tolerable to adults.

>> No.8952102

The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.8952125
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>look at me I read all the fancy books

you don't have to impress me mr. doctor, you're dead

>> No.8952132

The Martian

>> No.8952154

I read The Fault in our Stars
It was fucking terrible, John Green is a hack

>> No.8952155
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What about the Divergent books? Assuming from the movies the books are also shit, am i right?

>> No.8952162
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the rating on this shocked me.

>> No.8952168

The explanation is: Americans.

>> No.8952169

Well it is a children's book though

>> No.8952172


Go to bed Harold

>> No.8952177

my diary, desu

>> No.8952188
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>> No.8952196

What exactly was wrong with The Martian? I don't see it brought up a lot here but when it is, it's negative

>> No.8952202

>>8952177There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?!

>> No.8952212

I was pretty disappointed with it too.

>> No.8952215

Everything. Someone will say that at least it was sciencey and problem solvey, but even that was shit.

The movie was a vast improvement if only for the lack of narrator.

>> No.8952216


>> No.8952218

Fuck off, Reddit

>> No.8952220

>Even as a kid
The Hunger Games came out in 2008

>> No.8952223

It reads like really, really bad fan fiction. When I read it all I could think of was that the movie could only be better because the story itself was pretty interesting, but even that was shit. Fuck The Martian. Fuck it to death.

>> No.8952246

>no There he is

Do you even meme?

>> No.8952247

>Oh no, I have le science problem! Good thing I am le scientist!

There's the whole plot for you!

>Oh no I'm totally isolated and this could lead to an interesting exploration of human loneliness and how they cope-
>WHOOPS I keep making jokes and wisecracking haha I'm cool and funny and smart-

repeat this shit for a few hundred pages. One of the few books that I legitimately hate.

>> No.8952253

Just need to point out, it's even subtly worse than that. Cast water was fucking painful.

>> No.8952254

>dumb forced memes are only for us non-reddit conneoisuesrsrs

>> No.8952265

>9 years ago

>> No.8952270

Thinking about how popular Harry Potter is among adults gets me going like nothing else can.
A child being a fan of a children's series is fine, but people in their 30's telling me it's gods gift to writing makes me wish I was blind and deaf

>> No.8952334

Don't blame me, I never read anything by her. Her face is also repulsive so I try to avoid even seeing her name so that it doesn't pop into my head

>> No.8952350

>im gonna science the shit out of this
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8952360
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>tfw 2008 was 20 years ago

>> No.8952834


It's literally the most generic ya series ever written

>> No.8952869
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>tfw I work in a book store in Australia and the Rand novels never ever sell

Conclusion: Americans are retarded

>> No.8952876

it's like 1984, but infinitely worse.

>> No.8952879

Honestly this, and We, if it was ever popular.

>> No.8952885

Europeans can knock the U.S., but Australia is probably THE country filled with the most low IQ proles.

>> No.8952945


Rand is fairly interesting as a psychological study of the effects of communism.

>> No.8952967

nobody actually reads harry potter books in their 30s and likes them, right?

>> No.8952994

The vast majority of potter fans are adults who read them as kids. Many of them never grew up or moved on though.

>> No.8953103
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>> No.8954809
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Honestly, this must be the most boring thing I've read in my life.

>> No.8954864
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Seems popular both on Goodreads and here.

>> No.8954877

Literally Tolkien fanfic, along with the thirty Shannara books Terry Brooks shat out.

>> No.8955005

You're just a pleb. It's the simple explanation.

>> No.8955034

Reactions to Trump's election on Twitter by adult Potter fans are rather icky

i.e., http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/facing-a-future-trump-presidency-harry-potter-fans-turn-to-books_us_582394e8e4b0e80b02cea67d?

No wonder these idiots elected Trump if they see their politics in light of children's books.

>> No.8955036

You mean "we by zamyatin"?

>> No.8955042

I work in a library, and my list could go on and on.
>James Patterson
>Anna Jacobs
>Nora Roberts
>all the YA
>Clive Cussler
>Lee Child
>Linda Lael Miller
And on and on and on. Honestly, barring a few interesting sounding films and history books, nothing that people have returned (that I have to put away) has ever tempted me. We have lots of classics, but they're never borrowed.

>> No.8955047

My library keeps a list of the most-borrowed titles at the front desk and I can confirm most people are plebs. Doesn't help that it's mainly senior citizens, either.

>> No.8955052

The fucking bodice rippers that old women like man, it worries me.

It's not young women who view that shit as porn, it's old ones. Like, really old.

>> No.8955074
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>> No.8955087

Corn Tortilla YeCarthy is just a meme. Don't worry.

>> No.8955090

I remember trying to read the first book. After drudging through two chapters I gave up. Everyone else around me loved it, I couldn't understand why I didn't. I'm so glad high schools over.

>> No.8955121

>muh prose
>muh biblical themes
>muh cosmic imagery
>muh biblical prose
>muh apocalyptical cosmic biblicalness
>guise whatchu think haben to kid omg did he get raep in the poohole??
>judge is babyfat like innocent baby u think he is satan???
>lel u psued he god he literally never die just dancing dancing

>no your wrong he the demiurge u Mongolian!
>muh ancient hebrew learned man approved

>> No.8955122

Seconding this

It's incredible how a slightly better written Twilight for 20 something nerdy males gets away with that level of shameless self-insert pandering

It seems to attract the worst sorts of pseuds as well, the sort who are incredibly smug that they've identified Harry Potter as 'for kids' but then sing the praises of a work I can really only describe as 'for manchildren'

>> No.8955131


I also work in a library, and my god do I have no respect for people's taste anymore. Also, the place is just for babysitting children and tards, and welfare recipients are always there because of the free internet.

It's almost like it's not even about books anymore. I hate the job.

Also, because I'm young everyone expects me to be able to recommend YA to teenagers, and I seem to attract the aforementioned tards and children who want me to help them with their every issue.

>> No.8955149

None, because I am not a whiny baby.

>> No.8955182

This so much, I picked it up before it became as massively rammed down throats as I fancied something light and scifi for a mindless commute.

Holy shit is it poorly written, the last quarter or so reads like the author just got bored and wanted to wrap things up in a few rushed sentences. It's a criminal sin that its so badly put together especially considering it has an interesting setting.

>> No.8955185
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I really don't see the appeal of these books.

>> No.8955188
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What an argument

>> No.8955236

Out of Brave New World, 1984, and this, Anthem is the worst offender of the "It's just 'We' but not as good" trend. What trash.

>> No.8955322

The Hunger Games
The Hunt (Andrew Fukuda)
The Maze Runner

Basically every other "violent teenagers in a dystopian society" saga by some American Author

>> No.8955472

>reading books written by a woman
>voting for a woman

not a hard choice, really

>> No.8955482

I remember reading it as a teenager and thinking it was gods gift to literature. I tried rereading it a few months back, barely made it through the first book.

>> No.8955498


>> No.8955600

you some kinda cuck?

>> No.8955818

18 (minimum age of this board) -9=9
9 years old = kid

>> No.8955827
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>> No.8956047

Your post implies otherwise.

>> No.8956070

These threads are even more annoying than normies are

>> No.8956096

Seems about right.

>> No.8956118

every YA
people shouldn't be allowed to eat shit, someone should intervene

>> No.8956233

most Cormac McCarthy books are overhyped and shitty IMO

>> No.8956292
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Society doesn't prohibit against bad taste, and it's all the better for us. The lower the people are, the easier it is for you to create an ever widening gap between you and them.

>> No.8956294

Fifty Shades of Gray
The Fault in Our Stars

>> No.8956318

my mom does

>> No.8956334


Ender's Game.

Good. Fucking. Christ. That is a badly written book. It's like a train wreck. Except instead of being full of humans, its full of mannequins someone made to look like passengers, and the person making the mannequins has no idea how humans look or act.

The entire narrative divides its time between sucking Ender's balls for being oh-so-superior to everyone else without actually demonstrating any actual skills or abilities beyond ordinary humans - and sucking Ender's balls for being this 'terrifying presence of pure violence' despite never showing any actual skill or abilitiy in violence beyond being mildly handy in a fight.

After i finally struggled to the end, i used it to start my fireplace because i couldn't be bothered to go into my storage room and get some of the newspaper i usually use.

>> No.8956350


What, over America?

I'm not anti-American by any stretch of the imagination. But surely America has more cretinous idiots than Australia. I mean, just to start with America has the black population.

I don't consider myself a racist either. There's a lot of good reasons the majority of blacks in the US are dumb as fucking planks and it's nothing inherent in their DNA, they just got majorly raped by shitty circumstances for hundreds of years. But it doesn't change the fact that most of them are dumb as planks.

And on top of that you have the entire bible belt population continually voting for people who can be poor as fuck with no health insurance, living out of a trailor, and still voting for people who's major campaign goals are based around making millionaires into billionaires.

Surely Australia can't be more idiotic than THAT.

>> No.8956387
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>There's a lot of good reasons the majority of blacks in the US are dumb as fucking planks and it's nothing inherent in their DNA


>> No.8956388

So these books are objectively terrible and the philosophy is shlock aimed at people who don't know dick about philosophy largely in the same way novelty t-shirts are aimed at people who have no fashion sense but it's legitimately interesting if you frame it in the context of Rand's past. Her works are clearly all about the after effects of communism and why she's such a raging cunt all the time

>> No.8956397

Australia has Abbos, which are by far and away worse than blacks. And they continually elect worse politicians than Trump, so you tell me whether or not they're worse

>> No.8956406

4chan has a very punk mentality of like oh no it's popular and therefor uncool. Contrarianism is dirt common in Holden Caulfield wannabes which are pretty vocal in young adults, mostly males, who think their social isolation makes them deep or interesting instead of being a justification for their own horrible failures

/lit/ was creaming their pants over the martian for a while. same thing with the name of the wind, etc, etc. Then Reddit got a hold of it and the collective embarrassing tribalism kicked in. I really do not like this website.

>> No.8956408
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this book sold more than half a million copies in the US when not even her family members should've bought it so i firmly agree with this >>8956350

>> No.8956426


Are there really that many aboriginals though? I kinda thought you did a better job than that.

>> No.8956435
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Is Rupi Kaur real? I thought it was just a meme

>> No.8956467
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the worst thing is, there's not only people that bought the damn thing, there's people that enjoyed it, thought it was good, and posted long 5 star reviews of how good it is

i need proof that this people were paid to do this so i can sleep at night

>> No.8956482


I read every single damn Shannara book when I was a teenager and in hindsight they're dull as fuck. Still probably the best I could have gotten from my library though so no regrets.

>> No.8957364
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>> No.8957396

So what's the deal with this book? Why am I seeing it everywhere?

>> No.8957477

That the author on the cover?

>> No.8957550

He knew it was shit on release year as a 9 years old kid?

>> No.8957556


>> No.8957559
File: 2.08 MB, 1257x2027, cvr9781416500209_9781416500209_hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty Thousand Leagues
See it on every fucking recommended list for any sort of fantasy/sci-fi list. Why?

>> No.8957586

Ugh, it's so bad. It reads as a shitty fanfic from a thirteen year old.

>> No.8957757

Hear, hear.

>> No.8957774
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Malcolm Gladwell

>> No.8958001

It's feel good inspirational crap and shit like it sells well with women. I've literally never heard of a man even reading this.

>> No.8958507
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Really can't stand the edgelord protagonist.

>> No.8958596

And yet you remain.

>> No.8958689

BNW is a good utopian, not a bad dystopian.

>> No.8958738

Yeah you basically never see them. U.S is like 18% black I think, abos in AU would be less than 1% because they got BLEACHED a while back

>> No.8959550

I still remember the fat Seattle/Portland state senator or w/e who spoke at the DNC, referencing Dumbledore as if it was profound, quotable literature.

>>James Patterson
That's a brand not an author.

>> No.8959757


>> No.8959798
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I had to read this for a school project and I wanted to die.

>> No.8959809

Yes yes well done, Slytherin, well done Slytherin, HOWEVER - there are some last minute issues we need to take into account.well, actually there's only one issue, and that's that Slytherin house is a part of one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

>> No.8959850
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A localised thing, probably, but we had this for secondary and it was awful.

One-dimensional anti-rural stereotypes and a wafer-thin plot that has what /tg/ would call a "rocks fall, everyone dies" ending.

It was short, but that's part of the problem. If it was a dragged-out meandering multi-generational Wuthering Heights-esque thing I think he might have eventually stumbled into accomplishing what he wanted to but half-arsed out of, and what every part of "official" Ireland praises him for supposedly doing.

>> No.8959855

It would have probably been a pretty interesting read when it came out. When it was written, nobody knew what was at the South Pole, there weren't powerful submarines like the Nautilus so no one knew what was at the bottom of the ocean etc. so Jules Verne basically made a tonne of predictions. With the knowledge we have today, a lot of the landscapes are pretty unexceptional, but I imagine they would have been pretty fascinating for an audience who didn't know better. Plus Captain Nemo is a passable character.

>> No.8960875
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>> No.8960888

I thought he's meant to be good. Well at least the fields meant to be good. We had Lear for mine I know other people had the Plough and the stars

>> No.8960890


It's there for its historical value and for it's imagination, and i think the reason it was so beloved at the time was for the same reason really immersive videogames are popular today.

At the time it was written the layman didn't know much about the subject matter and some of it was flat-out unknown by anyone, but the book is written as a real-life account of exploring the mysteries of the ocean and nothing else could have felt so absorbingly real.

Its got some beautiful ideas and scenery of men who live amongst the mysteries of the sea and Captain Nemo is an interesting character, both monstrous and admirable.

I read it when i was very young and have fond memories of it, but even then the inconsistencies and problems bothered me (like the idea that sharks must turn upside to bite prey, because they didnt know back then that their snouts move back and their jaws move forwards). It's aged poorly, but i think it deserves the reputation it has.

>> No.8962305

Not a lot of book buyers on the golden coast luvvy? Surprised I am. Offul surprised.

>> No.8963272

Margaret Atwood, Paulo Coelho, Murakami and the cunt who wrote Life of Pi. Honestly can't stand magical realism unless it's Russian

kek, this.