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/lit/ - Literature

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8951752 No.8951752 [Reply] [Original]

>open /lit/
>see like 20 thinly-veiled threads about women being roasties
Why is this allowed? I want muh super secret club back.

>> No.8951788
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>women have the internet internet lapping their balls telling them they're great
>have to come to the one website where men can actually be honest, and turn it into a ball-lapping circle too

Can't you things just stay on Reddit, Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Youtube, every comment section of every website, and real life?

>> No.8951796 [DELETED] 

Women are so fucking dumb and worthless. Tell me anything women have done for me or for white civilization? Face it, their asses stink like shit too

>> No.8951797

Political discourse has always tried to infect Lit from what i recall (from both left and right)

>> No.8951800

This, get the fuck out or defend yourself if you can

>> No.8951805

>he can't even imagine just talking about other things altogether

>> No.8951812

>just talk about what I want you to talk about :S

Listen to this guy >>8951796

Your smelly ass has no power to set discourse here

>> No.8951814 [DELETED] 

Is women being allowed to have indiscriminate sex not one of the biggest problems of White society today? We can't ignore it

>> No.8951817

How does a though process like this even work, do you think there has to be solidarity in a focus group? I'm a fellow straight white man and I don't give a shit about you or your problems, I think you're most likely some dude I wouldn't even begin to care about and I don't give a shit about your problems with females or why you can't get laid. Stop using moronic buzzwords and start honestly discussing literature. DFW wouldn't even spit on pseudo-ironic circle jerk faggots like you.

>> No.8951821
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>I'm a fellow straight white man

>> No.8951823 [DELETED] 

Women have destroyed literature through SJWism and transgenderism and even encouraging interracial relationships

>> No.8951824
File: 789 KB, 1887x2545, womanposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a fellow straight white man
>I wouldn't even begin to care about
>give a shit about your problems with females or why you can't get laid.

woman detected

>> No.8951825

>le ironically falling for bait meme

>> No.8951830

>women being allowed to have indiscriminate sex
While this does frequently interfere with my writing time, it beats the fuck out of marriage, adultry and literal prostitutes like in olden tymes, as you neoreactionaries seem to romanticize.

>> No.8951835 [DELETED] 

Hope you realize you're degenerate, destroying white civilization, and will burn in Hell.

>> No.8951841

more like
>just talk about your pathetic self-aggrandizing ideology on your containment board

>> No.8951856

>What is "sage"?

>Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page.

>> No.8951861

It's not bad, mate.
The spooks you would-be cockblockers evoke is truly baffling.
Let me guess, you can't get laid, and blame feminism?
>Can't tell where irony ends anymore, here in the post-sexual revolution.

>> No.8953250


Their farts are pretty nice, though.

>> No.8953260

how the heck do we take back are board lit? it seems like some of are comrades get infected by these threads and are more than happy to post in them. we are slowly being propagandized by the alt right

>> No.8953295

Women don't deserve voting rights any more than children do.

Their decisions are predicated purely on an emotional basis as a result of the stressful response that logical thinking inflicts onto the female brain.

Exceptions prove the rule.