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8949595 No.8949595 [Reply] [Original]

Fresh ideology get it while its hot


>> No.8949674
File: 18 KB, 236x294, caaa3454a9ba7e33e7e91ba5f9c6f324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zizeks, zizeks heah. getcha red hot ideologies, two for a dollar. straight from the trash can, getcha red hot zizeks

there you go kid now beat it you're bothering me

>> No.8949684

Has he not talked about this several times? Does he retell the story about the black guy who let him call him a nigger again?

>> No.8949698

What the fuck is wrong with him and his nose? Does he have a really bad cold or something?

>> No.8949711

"the miracle of truly successful racism is that you reproduce all the prejudices but with a very soft point"

>wipes nose and touches face and sniffs

>> No.8949749

nervous ticks, he's mentally ill
goes into detail about what he's like in person. If that's not autism, I don't know what is

>> No.8949752

Couldn't go all the way and pull his pants down for the shoot.

What's the point then?

>> No.8949759

>Currently watching Perverts Guide to Cinema


>> No.8949771

I liked it, but I thought Perverts Guide to Ideology was the superior film
>Dat analysis of They Live as introduction to Ideology
>Dat analysis of Titanic as final scene.

>> No.8949786

that was a good read, thanks

>> No.8949806

I intend to watch that next. I've seen it in bits. I'm a filmmaker so I'm really digging this cinema-meets-philosophy discourse

I wish there was more

>> No.8949808

>lisping and spitting everywhere

I lasted 20 seconds

>> No.8949810

I agree. I love film interpretation.
A lot of it is completely subjective, but adds a new way of seeing a film.
Sort of like an expanded response to
>What did he mean by this?

>> No.8949861

Welcome to /lit/, enjoy your stay!

>> No.8949883

he's a lifestyle toilet humorist

>> No.8949995

babby's first zizek. kawaii desu ne!

>> No.8950239


The Perverted Dance

>> No.8950245

I already know what is in the video without watching it just from the title.
I loved Zizek but honestly he repeats himself so many times that I've had enough, I will still read his books but his videos are unbearably boring after you have seen several of them.

>> No.8950248

If you only watch a new video every couple months it's not so bad. I've not watched one for 6+ months and this one was all new bits.

He's almost like a guy on a book tour or a stand up comedian in his repetitiveness. It's because he's a popular philosopher so he's asked to more events than he can possibly write material for. Like anyone asked to go on a book tour or the like, they end up repeating themselves if you watch all of it.

>> No.8950401
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>Popping the occasional Xanax to settle his nerves, he tells me about his heart problems and frequent panic attacks. As his eyes dart around the room and his manic monologue becomes more frantic, I fear th at I may be his last interviewer. Zizek is like a performance artist who is terrified of abandoning the stage; once he starts talking, he seems unable to stop. "You must be much crueler, more brutal with me!" he pleads, even as he speeds his pace to prevent me from cutting him off. "You should never enter a sadomasochistic relationship," he scolds, a sly smile peeking out from his bushy beard. "You wouldn't whip your partner hard enough!"

>> No.8950418

>...the true problem (racism, sexism...)...

And then he calls others PC.

>> No.8950500

He always gets asked the same questions, he obviously knows he's repeating himself. He has said many times that he prefers writing to giving talks but I think he does all the touring (apart from the $$$) because he knows that with his meme status he can reach people that would never read any of his books. I'm glad he does all the touring, he obviously has his issues but he's a lot more thoughtful and self-reflecting than all the other bozos that pass as public intellectuals these days.

>> No.8950533

He talks like a Karamazov. Just drawn out manic speeches that could have been put together with less words and less mf spit