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/lit/ - Literature

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8949429 No.8949429 [Reply] [Original]

What's the definitive work written by a criminal about their motivations? Manson in his Own Words? The Unabomber Manifesto? Iceberg Slim's Pimp?

What's the most /lit/ autobiographical true crime?

>> No.8949443

>The Unabomber Manifesto
It does really outline where he is coming from, and what to do about it. Great manifesto. Would reject technology to.
>Iceberg Slim's Pimp
A very different work, and one that is shamefully underdiscussed here. It's a great story, and more like a traditional narrative. It taught me more about The Pimp Game than any other singular source, no doubt.

Iceberg Slim's Pimp?

>> No.8949448

Panzram obviously.

>> No.8949453

The Autobiography of Malcolm X :^)

>> No.8950924
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> Manson will live to witness Helter Skelter


>> No.8950929

I gave up on criminal autobiographies and now i just read Stanton Samenow

>> No.8950946

Probably not, he's still in poor condition after being hospitalized.

>> No.8950952
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> they killed Manson so he could not smugly witness the imminent Helter Skelter

>> No.8950957

The Girls, by Emma Cline

>> No.8950974

Unabomber manifesto would read like a mish mash of Daily Mail articles today, guy was too easily influenced and I doubt really understood his motivation all thatwell

>> No.8950976

Look into Helter Skelter and you'll see it isn't a race war. He also believed white people would inevitably be wiped out.

>> No.8950982

it's not terrible, but it's basically a rip-off of Ellul's work

Ellul died in '94, the manifesto was published in 95 and he was arrested a year after that

we'll never know what Ellul would have thought of the manifesto/ted

>> No.8950987

its been a long time since I read about Manson, do I read OP pic or something else?

I remember him thinking it was some kind of biblical thing, but that his followers would come out of hiding and be the last ones standing or some shit

>> No.8950988

Huh? I suppose there are some superficial similarities between Ellul's work and Kaczynski's manifesto, but the two had very different projects.

>> No.8950990

Those bits are the better bits. I'm talking more about an American who was studying in Harvard when the left was the CIA and FBI p much and unironically wrote tabloidesque comments about that side of the political spectrum. Stoopid.

>> No.8950994

do you speak english

>> No.8950995

I'll outline it for you:
He believed that racists and anti-racists would fight
He then believed that a society where whites where not in authoritarian power would arise and that this would lead to white people all being killed
Just as all the minorities realize their skin pigment stops them from civilization, super smart Manson and his harem emerge and get crowned royalty p much.

It's way more bizarre than a straight race war dynamic. He does outline it in the book iirc.

>> No.8950996

he literally says its a rip-off of ellul but that ellul is too difficult for the lazy, dumb plebs

>> No.8951002
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so...he was right

>> No.8951012

Which bits do you want me to expand upon bro?

I'll take a stab at one. The FBI and CIA were outed as having inflitrated the SDS at Harvard in the sixties when an informant came clean in the early 70s just after Kadzynski moved to Montana. The FBI and CIA had fucked up payroll.


There's a bunch of weird shit surrounding the 60s and the left, and Gill herself wrote an interesting article for the Crimson later in the year.

>> No.8951020

>just after Kadzynski moved to Montana.
I don't mean they're related either beyond Ted's experience of the student left likely being heavily government influenced.

>> No.8951088

I think the idea that it's an ideological struggle is interesting and that that's where /pol/ babbies fall down big time, but beyond that it's fanfic tier.

>> No.8951120

ah...so what you're saying is he didn't read Gravity's Rainbow, yes i agree 100$

>> No.8951129

> There's a bunch of weird shit surrounding the 60s and the left

you might love Inherent Vice

>> No.8951144

I love Pynchon posters.

Look into the Jane Britton murder and you'll find some interesting connections. Really bizarre v Pynchonesque but without the goofs and gags.

>> No.8951170
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...the fuck?

>> No.8951186
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so, got any more book recommendations?

>> No.8951188

The Gates of Janus by Ian Brady. I have a PDF if you're interested.

>> No.8951220

what do you think of vincent bugliosi? i think pyncho subtly calls him a hack in IV

theres also a bunch of stuff in it about Doc Sportello being attracted to Manson girls, and how it would be possible for women to be attracted to a manlet like Manson

>> No.8951235

The same girls fucked the old blind ranch owner ffs.

>> No.8951241

Look at who she lived with too. That building without proper locks had several kooky people up in there who equally could have been targets or involved

>> No.8951334

I loved the art of the steal and the other one....catch me if you can