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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 10 KB, 300x300, pepe4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8947675 No.8947675 [Reply] [Original]

>author is a woman

>> No.8947678

>author is non-white

>> No.8947693

>author is german or british

>> No.8947698
File: 272 KB, 696x537, smug_cunts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>count the number of books I own written by women
>it's 14

>> No.8947700

>reading dante instead of christina
>reading dosto instead of pushkin
y'all fucked up

>> No.8947715

>reading infinite jest

>> No.8947734

>author is neither german nor british

>> No.8947744
File: 47 KB, 1067x600, hm nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>author is a non-German/Greek philosopher

Heh, into the trash.

>> No.8948032

>Author wrote something plebian

>> No.8948033

>shitposter is a cuck


>> No.8948038

>author is a straight, white man

>> No.8948043

dubs verifying

>> No.8948255

Wow! Literally every poster on /lit/ is a misogynist! This thread is proof! Why are you so sexist /lit/?

>> No.8948261

We're redpilled, sweetheart. Now go to the kitchen where you belong, men are talking here

>> No.8948285


It's obvious you're trying to deal with your own issues with shitty irony.

>> No.8948297

>you can't hate women authentically

Do I smell Sunday roast?

>> No.8948354

is a

>> No.8948356

While i don't agree with op, i do see a correlation between women and a common theme of overcoming sexism and oppression. Like everything, it gets more boring the more it's done, which is why (to me, at least) writers like Jane Austen and Kate Chopin are good. They were the first of their kind. But now it's bland and overdone. But lots of women keep doing it. So while i disagree with op, i can totally understand

>> No.8948375
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The person who posted this >>8948261 is either a buttblasted bitch or a leftist. She/he is trying to make a joke out women being morons because she'll cry if she doesn't laugh.


There is literally no good female writers. They're soulless idiots.

>> No.8948383

This guy knows. Please start tripping.

>> No.8948602

>search author's name in Google
>go to Images
>pictures not in black and white

>> No.8948609


>> No.8949056

>author is female
>author is black
>author is an SJW
Dropped harder than the twin towers.

>> No.8949067

The only novels I've read in my adult life written by a woman were all by Iris Murdoch, and they were really good.

Have no interest in reading any other woman authors for the time being.

>> No.8949102
File: 44 KB, 480x454, IMG_4117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just to be clear, this whole hating women thing is just a meme, right? people on this site aren't actually this autistic, right?


>> No.8949109

>implying he's being ironic.

>> No.8949117

>this whole hating women thing is just a meme, right?
>people on this site aren't actually this autistic, right?
Most would be high functioning or have Aspergers.

>> No.8949122

It depends.

Many of the claims of Shop, plato, tesla and rodgers are correct, although fetishized and exaggerated.

anal burgers has been removed from the DSM5 because psychologists were tired of bullshit accusations. There may be an actual disease, but for now just call it social retardation.

>> No.8949126

Name a woman author who can compare to great male authors.

>> No.8949131

I'm actually non-verbal IRL, as well as an agoraphobe. The only way I communicate with my mother is via email, and notes slid under my door.

>> No.8949136

Do people do this shit to roleplay?

I'm convinced most people with split personality force it on themselves for fun.

>> No.8949144
File: 27 KB, 282x133, lolfagots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't mean much when you only own 15 books, faggot.

> Captcha: Stop Curie

Top kek

>> No.8949146

t. Adam Lanza

>> No.8949286

That's subjective. No matter what anyone says you'll just say "nuh-uh" because you're invested in the opinion that women are shit writers.

>> No.8949302

Sick dodge, now give a female author that can compare. However, everyone here should keep in mind women haven't been writing for very long, and they haven't had as many opportunities to either, so the chances that they will write something profound are decreased, especially since they're women.

>> No.8949314

Jane Austen. But again, it's like when Muslims say "Name a book more beautiful than the Quran." I doubt I could present anything that would satisfy you.

>> No.8949319

>author is post-modern

>> No.8949354
File: 82 KB, 720x940, rps20170108_200056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of Virginia Woolfs scenes reach the level of the sublime only an elite few authors have ever captured.

Also pic related is certainly not likely to be consider for a classic, but it's one of the better novels I've read published in the last few years.

>> No.8949896

Colleen McCullough, or you can take Mary Renault, maybe try Jean M. Auel, or even Ursula K. Le Guin.

That's all I have off the top of my head. I admit freely that men are better writers in general, for no reason I can see. But to never read a novel because a woman wrote it? To not think that a single woman author compares to (and is actually greater than most) great male authors? To think that is to be a cuck to your envious, irrational side.

>> No.8949904

Oh and I forgot Anne McCaffrey and Mercedes Lackey.

>> No.8949953

>>author gives female characters names and/or personality

>> No.8949980

>author's mother was not a virgin at the time of his birth

>> No.8950039

>and is actually greater than most
Lmao. Get real, kiddo. 2/10 see me after class. You have a thing or two to learn about subtlety.

>> No.8950122

Hey guis... i thought we were ironic memeposting?

>> No.8950221

>book is on fire

>> No.8950232
File: 85 KB, 944x629, 6A5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>woman tries to convince me to read her book about periods and feelings

*unsheathes katana*

>> No.8950235

>author is my wife

>> No.8950262

Whatever happened to threads actually talking about books? Every third thread is a 'women can't write' 'blacks can't right' 'women and blacks are incapable of reading' etc. etc.

Hate women/ethnics, like women/ethnics, respect them, think they're inferior, whatever. This is a literature board.

Can't we get back to posting about actual literature now?

>> No.8950271

Guaranteed replies my friend. The (You) farmers have discovered our fertile soil.

>> No.8950273


This isn't even a good women-baiting thread. It's just lazy. I miss making fun of Laurie Penny like we did in the old days.

>> No.8950281

Well why can't the women and misogynists on here just see the obvious bait for what it is, and not reply?

>> No.8950284
File: 22 KB, 400x292, shocked-82064.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author is not a nigerian tribesman raised in a small village inundated with assbackwards tribal tradition


>> No.8950290
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>'blacks can't right'


>> No.8950298
File: 510 KB, 1920x1080, The Tale of Genji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your loss.

If you're referring to Westerners, those aren't women. Those are men with pussies.

>> No.8950304

>what is nihilism

>> No.8950308

And you wonder why white women created feminism. Feminism is not a women's rights movement. Feminism is actually white female elitism. Feminism is the expression of white women being sick of white men.

>> No.8950310


Because even when you disagree with them the threads are still funny. I've only read Harry Potter and a few books in Highschool but the race baiting threads are hilarious

>> No.8950315

Then what, white women date black men, white men date asian women, asian men date 2D girls, and Latinos stay in their own race?

>> No.8950334


oh shit nigger what are you doing?

>> No.8950407
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>> No.8950510

I have to sleep.. been awake too long

>> No.8950521

Women can't write without shoe-horning in their idealistic worldviews.

>> No.8950542

They're better than you.

>> No.8950555

>Author is a muslim
Pshh, nothing personnel... kid

saged and reported

>> No.8950643

Don't forget Muriel Spark.

>> No.8950945
File: 36 KB, 272x399, WeHaveAlwaysLivedInTheCastle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pretty good story.

>> No.8951278

This board is for intelligent people.

>> No.8951299
File: 36 KB, 306x500, middlemarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that any novel afterwards is striving for the magic she attained.
Middlemarch is the perfect inspection of humanity.

>> No.8951367

>author is a sentient being

>> No.8951392

>Luisa Josefina Hernández
>Troy's Nostalgie, Saint Port's Plaza.
>The Weddings, The Great Dead, In Such a Night, A Ring's Tale.

>Linda Goodman
>Sun Signs, Love Signs

>Carson McCullers
>Reflections in a Golden Eye

>Isabel Allende
>Spirit's House

>Laura Esquivel
>Like Water for Chocolate

>> No.8951397

Well, in fact every human being (women and men) is a misogynist because of the mother.

>> No.8951403

Luisa Josefina Hernández
Rosario Castellanos.

>> No.8951410

Mary Shelley

>> No.8951804
File: 121 KB, 453x481, feminist-concern-troll1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know if these were males they would be laughed at. Literally all female writers are trash and you would lose nothing by putting their writing in the trash. Can't say the same about male writers.


When you're comparing yourself to retarded muslims you know there is something wrong.

>> No.8951820

I didnt realize there were that many harry potter novels.

>> No.8951849

Repeat with me. Orlando was nice sometimes. The Waves was completely autistic. To the Lighthouse doesn't even deseve mention. Mrs Dallowho?

>> No.8953032

You can't call other groups retarded when you misunderstood his analogy so badly that you missed the fact that YOU were the one being compared to muslims

>> No.8953137

The awakening is pure trash, if anything it makes an argument for the patriarchy, although it was prophetic in that everything the main character did mirrors what modern feminists do

>Cheat on your husband
>Neglect your children
>Act purely on emotions
>Waste time on shitty art
>Commit suicide because you turned your life to shit with your self destructive behavior

>> No.8953144

>author isn't wolf or dragon-kin

>> No.8953166
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>there are people out there who actually believe this

>> No.8953384

I'm a dude and I enjoy Anne rice, Mary Shelley, and connie Willis.

>> No.8953386

Try reading her first bro-ham
its clear you haven't

>> No.8953506

Get over it, if you don't like it then get out
It's 4chan, posts are anonoymous so the worst of people has the potential to get out
Which is partly what makes it great

>> No.8953507
File: 712 KB, 600x525, 055c24a7aed03801b26a2e7988b2fdbbd9426bfa8917b6707d8811640436aae9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author is handsome

>> No.8953513

This board is for lit discussion and their sexist spouting is inhibitive to discussion. If they wanna be sexist, then they should at least be willing to talk about books despite it.

>> No.8953530

You mean if they have photographs at all. Paintings only for me.

>> No.8953535

>their sexist spouting is inhibitive to discussion.

"Problematic opinion, ban it!"

>> No.8953567

no, they attempt to shut down discussion with meme arrows instead of talking about the book.

>someone posts [insert book by woman]
>someone else memes 'woman r dumb'
>thread is derailed because they aren't willing to talk about the book or ignore that a woman wrote it and not comment at all.

if they would just talk about the fucking book for once without lazy ass meme-shtting then i'd deal. but
they gotta meme is such a boring way
they could at least make a new pasta

>> No.8953597

If poeple want to talk about how women can't write it's actually relevant to literature.
Even though you can call it sexist.

>> No.8953611

again, if it wasn't, literally everytime, an attempt to stifle discussion then it wouldn't be such an issue
and i can call it sexist you retard, now why don't you respect women and be specific

>> No.8953617
File: 34 KB, 769x733, properanswer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are the only one here trying to shut down discussion by insinuating that we should get banned and you know it. There's just nothing much to talk about with books written by females.


Every single fucking thread there are some leftists memeing about red pill out of nowhere. It's fucking obvious.

>> No.8953632

>tfw you realize misogyny is an intrinsic element of any truly intelligent individual

>> No.8953634

>they attempt to shut down discussion with meme arrows instead of talking about the book

This is 4chan in general. It's just not a place for serious discussion. The entire culture of these boards is built around the easy answer (a line of greentext, a meme, a crudely drawn MSPaint cartoon like >>8953617) and shutting down anything beyond a very limited and cursory understanding.

>> No.8953640

i am literally fostering discussion right now, but you (or whoever you're LARPing as) thinks that your meme is relevant at all. I am not asking a clear cut question.
whether or not women are stupid doesn't matter, but discounting huge chunks of literature because of a the gender/sex of the author instead of the quality of the writing cannot contribute to a discussion on literature

the 'oats' guys are more lit related

>> No.8953645
File: 68 KB, 852x861, 0hr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author is alive

>> No.8953651

How is it used to stifle discussion. You can have serious discussions and ignore the retards.
I never said you cannot call it sexist, learn how to read
Misogyny is almost intrinsical to men because women are the gatekeeps of the species. Every time a man is not allowed sex with a woman she is essentially telling him he should not reproduce, at least as far as she is concerned.
I don't really care though, although I do think it's amusing. You get shat on for everything.
If you don't want to encounter less sexist shit you can literally go anywhere that is not 4chan.

>> No.8953653

man, i don't need advanced dissections all the time, but i'd really like the identity politics to tack a back seat

>> No.8953659

Women are worse at writing than men. This is an objective fact.

>> No.8953670
File: 210 KB, 614x578, Screen Shot 2017-01-04 at 8.56.25 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if i'm a tranny

>> No.8953671

>but discounting huge chunks of literature because of a the gender/sex of the author instead of the quality of the writing

I don't think you grasp the scale of it so to say. You can literally dismiss all literature by women and you would not lose anything of worth. Just like how you want us banned, I want female bullshit off this board.

>> No.8953675

yeah, what if you are?

>> No.8953680

whats that suppose to mean
you're a dickless girl that turned into a vaginal boy
or a boy that turned into a dick girl?

>> No.8953681

am i dropped or not.

>> No.8953685

the latter.

>> No.8953690

>You can have serious discussions and ignore the retards.
I tried that, but it grows tiring
>I never said you cannot call it sexist, learn how to read
no, but it was a clear implication that it wasn't sexist
Misogyny is almost intrinsical to men because women are the gatekeeps of the species. >Every time a man is not allowed sex with a woman she is essentially telling him he should not reproduce, at least as far as she is concerned.
that's a horrible mindset for anyone to have. people who feel a lack of sexual reciprocation is the same as a will to end their lineage should seriously seek help, becuase they are too hard on themselves and others
>I don't really care though, although I do think it's amusing. You get shat on for everything.
I like the sort of contrarian attitude of the place, because it allows some hidden gems to pop-up
>If you don't want to encounter less sexist shit you can literally go anywhere that is not 4chan.
reddit's worse (just not about this one thing) and other places are too small and extremely strict about topics (from what i've tried) I just don't have many friends that read poetry and older books (the one that does only likes Steinbeck and politically charged things apparently)

>> No.8953691
File: 115 KB, 1024x904, 1471454100645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>author is
The fuck? I thought this book was supposed to be good?

>> No.8953692
File: 96 KB, 272x256, luluco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't be capable of understanding the writing anyway.

>> No.8953693

errbody knows that the word as a concept is in its entirety a phallocentric thing. the words are placed on the page, and are inserted slowly into your brain, bringing with them the thick milky spunk of ideas and thoughts. women are better at photography, because they take in a giant setting, and enclose it within them and give birth to a photograph itself. it's all pretty crystal clear.

>> No.8953695

how do sex work?
do your ass get fucked and how about your feminine penis? the guy sucks it or take it in the ass too?

>> No.8953696
File: 30 KB, 666x719, 1470568955248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>count the number of books I own written by women
>it's 0

>> No.8953697

i don't want you banned i want you to go jerk it about Kipling and Evola or whatever while i jerk it to Shelley and Woolf or whatever

>> No.8953698


>> No.8953705
File: 42 KB, 226x462, 2016-12-20-Play-Talk-Glitchedpuppet-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah i fuck girls with my feminine penis

>> No.8953706

>i don't want you banned

I think you do. I also think you're a two faced lying rat.

>> No.8953708

that was a quote from the other bro, but i did forget to arrow so i guess a typo is still there

>> No.8953709

>just stop shitposting on 4chan
Also reminder that Percy Shelley >>>>> Mary Shelley

>> No.8953712

you take that back

>> No.8953717

ha, nah

>> No.8953719

>no, but it was a clear implication that it wasn't sexist
It wasn't a implication that it wasn't sexist, I just don't like the word sexist anymore because of reading too many feminist articles.
>that's a horrible mindset for anyone to have.
It's literally what it means though. And I don't think men consciously think this, but I do think recurring rejection (which is almost inevitable as a man) will lead to resentment towards women.

>> No.8953748

>I just don't like the word sexist anymore because of reading too many feminist articles.
i get it, but unlike Sarkeesian or whoever, i was using the word appropriately
>It's literally what it means though.
not every dude that wants to fuck does it to have a baby, so why would it be the same for women? especially with BC changing the way women select partners

>> No.8953777

When a woman judges a men as (un)attractive it's a judgement of wether his genes should be passed on.

A woman rejecting a man is essentially telling him that he should not reproduce. Either he is genetically inadequate or everything that he has achieved in his lifetime is inadequate. Both of which are terrible messages to receive, thus resentment towards women develops.

>> No.8953794

>author isn't a woman

>> No.8953799

Women are made to inspire and to be impressed, what with their vaginas and wanting access to them and all.
Were muses ever men or was it always a chick?
Anyway, men create to escape, to violate, to relinquish and all that profound shit. Women write to bitch and moan and talk about women things. Same problem with black authors. everything is always through the superficial fucking lens of 'blackness'. Men seem to write from an unleashed perspective, not bound up in identity at every fucking pass. Women don't need to impress when they write, there's no reason to peacock as a woman, they constantly bitch about being raped (kiterally or figuratively) anyway, so why in the hell would they want more attention, that will inevitably lead to them being raped yet again?

there's a reason the male birds are the beautiful ones, and the females are literally themcolor of dog shit. Men have to create something beautiful for the shallow bitches to pay attention to while they get up in them bird guts.

>> No.8953814
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>Book contains romantic relationship