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File: 95 KB, 940x472, hisdarkmaterialsus1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
894727 No.894727 [Reply] [Original]

His Dark Materials.

>> No.894734

i approve.
read it in like 7th or 8th grade. fun stuff

movie sucked

>> No.894735

really, really great books

>> No.894737

I can't remember though...

How are Angels made? And God just became God because he was the first Angel and told all the new ones that he created them, right?

>> No.894738

Those awful covers the American ones?

>> No.894746

When I first read these books I was still a deluded teenage christian and had these obsessive-compulsive thoughts where I thought THE AUTHORITY IS NOT GOD THE AUTHORITY IS NOT GOD ;_; PLEASE FORGIVE ME GOD FOR READING THESE BOOKS I DON'T BELIEVE THEM OH GOD DON'T MAKE ME GO TO HELL

got rid of my beliefs a while later and re-read the books some years ago, I always thought the first book was the best, the second a little worse because of me not caring about WILL and the third the absolute worst (lolgod), but I am not so sure anymore. The third one wasn't that bad even if there were some plot inconsistencies with dem dæmons.

Also, NORTHERN LIGHTS is a way better title than THE GOLDEN COMPASS.

>> No.894748

The ending broke my little 15-yr-old heart

>> No.894754
File: 19 KB, 250x188, 250px-Lyra+Will.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st book- Meh
2nd book- Holy shit what a badass
3rd book- bawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.894757

Is it worth reading at 17?
I have extremely religious parents and was never allowed to read it, I figure if it's worth it I'll read it without them knowing.

>> No.894767

Good books.

>> No.894774
File: 2 KB, 404x564, 404px-Christian_cross.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.894782

Can't remember anything from it.

>> No.894810

Metatron is a bitchin' name for an angel

>> No.894835

Not his name.
His title.
He's THE Metatron.

>> No.894996

I read it at 20 and loved it a hell of a lot.
But I'm new here. So idk. I'm sure you guys have high standards for books.

>> No.895003


I guess so. post yours.

>> No.895006

I loved it at 15 and I loved it at eighteen.

I was so sad when Lee and his rabbit died though... ;_;

>> No.895008


I think so. It's definitely the the best YA fantasy I ever read.