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File: 406 KB, 1377x1600, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8945884 No.8945884 [Reply] [Original]

*tips fedora

>> No.8947087

Are you fucking imply Spinoza is edgy ?
Spinoza was way ahead of his time, that's all.

> boi felt for the shitpost

>> No.8947090

Why would you bump this shit bait thread?

>> No.8947103

To talk about Spinoza, oc
His meaning of monism, rationalism and determinism (althought it's still not clear about him) are on point, he didn't even need all the enlightement from science to get it right, he just used basic mathematics to create a book that holds nothing but truth.
> muh descartes was wrong about everything else besides the truth in ego cogito sum

>> No.8947109

shut the fuck up

if I ever see you in real life I'll beat the shit out of you

>> No.8947115
File: 673 KB, 500x775, butterfly, the cunt 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8947124

Not only would I beat the shit out of you, I'd make you eat it all up.

Then start a thread yourself with some meaning behind it. W/e.

>> No.8947125

>Ethics holds nothing but truth
wew lad

>> No.8947134

> dismissing my argument by using a weak onomatopeia
wew lad

>> No.8947140

It's true. It demonstrates a lack of critical thinking on your part if you think some book written 300 years ago is right about everything

>> No.8947163

Well, you're as irrationnal as I am to think that the time occuring between the lifetime of the writer and mine has anything to do with its truth.
Spinioza got will right by saying that we are only thinking being free because we don't anything about the causes of our own will.
Benjamin Libet (1983) and other neuropsychologists after him (like in 2006 for instance) proved him right by showing that we're only concious of our choice a mere 10 seconds before the brain decided for us. They could predict the choice of the subject depend on him brain activation.