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894479 No.894479 [Reply] [Original]

any Sigmund Freud book to read /lit/???

>> No.894487

I'm sure there are books written by him, but if not there are definitely books about his work written by other people.

>> No.894486

Interpretation of Dreams. Should be read by anyone born after 1900.

>> No.894492

im gonna get that thanks

>> No.894500

I could not disagree more. Freud is bullshit. All of his theories are based on ad hoc reasoning, and except for a few key ideas, everything he ever wrote (include The Interpretation of Dreams) has been universally panned by modern science.

>> No.894504

you say that like science trumps everything. you just sorta get a feeling for something. and it's true to your reality. and is applicable to other shit. so fuck science.

>> No.894563

Yeah for what he did, Freud is great. He's had a longing influence in thinking but not much other than that. All of his theories have been disproved and are no use to modern thinking.

>> No.894569


>> No.894579

I found 'Civilisation and its Discontents' really very interesting, even allowing for innaccuracy and incompetency visa-vi its psychological science. It's a great little work of philosophy and very entertainingly written (or at least my translation was).

>> No.895341

The pinworms of science rail at the asshole of the giant.

>> No.895348

>it's only good if it's scientifically accurate
>nobody should read out of historical interest or, God forbid, for their own enjoyment

>> No.895363


as a psych major, i recommend reading something from Carl Jung instead. Freud's big three (id, ego, superego) are important concepts to psychology, however Jung was much more level headed and thoughtful about much of his work. The collective unconscious and his archetypes are especially interesting. Jung's work is also slowly working its way back into somewhat of a prominence within psychology.

Of course with all theories such these it is important to remember that nothing is concrete or real so to speak, everything discussed is nothing more than a conceptual device used to make understanding the human mind easier

>> No.895367


I'm not a big fan of Freud, but...you're argument is commonly used against psychoanalysis broadly, and in my opinion its based on somewhat of a misunderstanding. Psychoanalysis is not meant to be so much a science as a study of the mind and thoughts as we experience them, and how thoughs/ideas/emotions/perspectives can be re-arranged modified into a more useful/pleasant arrangement. Although some of its founders claimed otherwise, it can still be useful if you ignore this and take the material for what it is.

>> No.895369


also, I would definitely second this. Jung is considerably more balanced than Freud in my opinion, and the way he writes about the experience of the mind is much more analogous to my personal experience.

>> No.895371




>> No.895377

I read "The Future of an Illusion" in a Philosophy class. It's a fun short read. It essentially is about why man has to create God and religion. Essentially we always need to be scolded by a father figure and forced upon a path, desiring to give up responsibility and be subservient. Something like that, haven't read it in a few years.

>> No.895378

Freud spends years dissecting eels (Anguilla anguilla) looking for their testicles, never finds the testicles, becomes a heavy cocaine user, and then comes up with ideas like "phallic symbols" and "castration complex".

Do the fricking math.

>> No.895380

His theories on interpretation of dreams are complete bullshit

>> No.895383


>> No.895384

>oh no, people are interested in reading Freud even though his theories are disproved. I should let them know that, even if they already do and just want to read out of historical interest