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8944513 No.8944513 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no contemporary African fantasy? No retarded /pol/posters please. I'm just wondering why nobody has created a fantasy setting with African roots, there is plenty of European, Middle Eastern, South and East Asian fantasy despite various ancient/medieval sub saharan African civilizations, from Mali, Songhai and Kongo to Aksum and Maputo existing and having tons of folklore and legends that while not 'popular' is fairly well documented.

I just don't get why social justice types whine about inclusion and think that just sticking some random token black into a Eurocentric fantasy world is acceptable when there is literally thousands of years of material which one could draw on to create a compelling Afrocentric world. You might say that 'the fantasy audience is white' but that's kind of a self fulfilling prophecy when fantasy is solely reflective of European traditions, with the Middle East, Africa and Cathay just thrown in the appendices.

>> No.8944518

Because Africa is a garbage continent

>> No.8944520

Black people can't read

>> No.8944523



>> No.8944626

Black Leopard, Red Wolf

>> No.8944635

black culture is hip hop not shit from africa

>> No.8944642

Does Africa have one of those mythological texts like the Kojiki, the Journey to the West, the Indian Epics, or the Eddas, where all of the different mythological threads are gathered together into one poetic narrative? It might be hard to draw from a tradition that exists in disparate fragments split across the entire continent. I think having that kind of foundational literature is important for allowing a mythology to really take off.

>> No.8944643

uh assuming you aren't baiting, if you used your brain for 3 seconds you would realize...
- nobody in the west has any kind of connection or knowledge to ancient or medieval african cultures or mythology thus there is no demand for it
- africa never had a literary tradition like those other places (primarily oral) so next-to-nothing was preserved in volumes or proliferated throughout the western world like stories in the middle east / east asia / india / europe

also fantasy is shit as fuck and if you had any taste you'd just read some of the few genuined published ethnological collections of african storytelling

>> No.8944652

not to mention all those different tribes
do they even share the same mythology?

>> No.8944665

Marlon James is writing this very thing right now

>> No.8944668

fuck off
i want white people writing african fantasy

>> No.8944672

Neil Gaiman - Anansi Boys

>> No.8944676

niggin' and noggin' are not releveant fantasy themes

>> No.8944683


I read an article once (can't seem to find it again) that basically said that because Things Fall Apart became the most well known and acclaimed African novels, publishers expect African authors to write gritty novels about colonialism because that's what sells.

>> No.8944712

the more I read this the funnier it becomes

>> No.8944726

>publishers expect African authors to write gritty novels about colonialism because that's what sells.
That's becauseAfrican literature is just different from Western literature; colonialism is the only common point of reference between Anglophones and Africans, our metric of what is "good" doesn't apply congruently, even less so than the west/east culture rift, especially since African writing is often densely political.
There's a list of a few hundred African novels that are considered good for anglophones but I have yet to get into them and most are very difficult to find

>> No.8944771


>> No.8944779

>when there is literally thousands of years of material which one could draw on to create a compelling Afrocentric world
All evidence to the contrary.

>> No.8944939

While more magical realism than fantasy, read The Famished Road by Ben Okri.

>> No.8945074
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>our metric of what is "good" doesn't apply congruently
The things people will say to avoid admitting that Africa is an artistic and intellectual black hole.

>> No.8945113

I've long dreamt of writing an Afro-centric space opera based on the mythos of Sun Ra, Parliament/Funkedelic, and Afrika Bambataa.

The all-black crew would search, Enterprise like, for the lost-funk which exists beyond the edges of the known universe.

There would be a token German science officer who commands a deck of knobs and sliders.

>> No.8945124
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>There's a list of a few hundred African novels that are considered good for anglophones


>> No.8945553

This. The guy can't even name 1 book, he just says we can't measure their quality on any objective scale and that they're all super hard to find anyway. Cultural relativists are really something else.

Based on Africa's attempts at film making (example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEoGrbKAyKE ) I think it's safe to assume that their literary fantasy scene is similarly destitute.

>> No.8945557


>> No.8945571

The Vorrh?

>> No.8946186

Do you disagree?

>> No.8946211

Segments of Acacia, the series, is set in a pseudo-tribal african/indian/abo savannah culture.

The Kebra Nagast is the Ethiopian chronicles. Think a mix of poetry, theology, myth, and history.

James A. Micheners The Covenant is a story that follows the inhabitants of South Africa that has lead to its' current state, mostly from an Afrikaaner standpoint, but also from bantu and british characters.

>> No.8946234

Unless you're Indian, Nollywood is bigger than your country's film industry.

Even the cheap uganda shit looks better than a lot of American crap though.

>> No.8946244

This. Africans don't have a literary tradition and their myths and stories vary widely from tribe to tribe.

Niggers were just too primitive to develop literature. White people had to teach them how to read and write.

>> No.8946247

a sequel to the Road? they were hungry enough in the first one

>> No.8946267
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>White people

>> No.8946366

This Earth, My Brother is supposedly very good but very hard to come by.

>> No.8946831

Look into the Nation of Islam/Nuwabian/Black Israelite religious material, all of their shit is choice.

>> No.8946847


>> No.8946879

Is that the potus daughter? I would.

>> No.8946903

N. K. Jemisin writes fantasy that takes elements from African mythology. And obviously there is tons of contemporary African fantasy that's not written in English or advertised to western audiences.

>> No.8947092
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>> No.8947142

These Oats, My Brother.

>> No.8947231



>> No.8947586
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>> No.8948349



>> No.8948377
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>Does Africa have one of those mythological texts like the Kojiki, the Journey to the West, the Indian Epics, or the Eddas, where all of the different mythological threads are gathered together into one poetic narrative? It might be hard to draw from a tradition that exists in disparate fragments split across the entire continent. I think having that kind of foundational literature is important for allowing a mythology to really take off.
African paganism is still alive in many places so it's not like they have nothing to work off. They're far more in touch with that shit than we would be.

pic is a thicc yoruba goddess

>> No.8948385

because africans have no culture

>> No.8948392



>> No.8948451

'came here to post this' as the kids say

>> No.8948461

wizard of the crow has been described as a fantasy novel

>> No.8948468

Do you really think leddit would like it?
I've been hesitating because I'm a white author, and wouldn't want it be perceived as appropriation.

>> No.8948492

For starters, you would have to have a knowledge, not just of African myth and folklore, but of the original texts and oral traditions. This would require a strong command of probably multiple African languages, while also the artistic craft required to turn them into good, original literature.

Look to the British fantasists as an example. Not in that you would have to do everything they did, but they were positively steeped in the traditions of their past.

If a great piece of African fantasy were to be produced, it probably wouldn't find much of an audience in the West. But that's kinda the point, isn't it?

>> No.8948524

lol what a cuck

>> No.8948540


>> No.8948587
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anyone know of any good scifi set in Africa?

>> No.8948636
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>Why is there no contemporary African fantasy?

>> No.8948663

In what kind of world would that fantasy take place? What kind of Architecture, social organization? Obviously primitive tribalism and primitive feudalism doesn't work.

Islamic dominated Africa doesn't really seem to be it either. What kind of historical resources does Africa has to furbish a fantasy universe?

>> No.8948673

Africa doesn't have a unified mythology. It's all disparate tribes with different stories.

That would be fucking incredible and you should 100% make that because the black community needs some shit like that ASAP. None of this corny Hamilton shit.

>> No.8948685

>That would be fucking incredible and you should 100% make that because the black community needs some shit like that ASAP.
Thanks, anon. I'm trying to skirt the line between known black tropes (Buck, black science man, strong black woman, Flavor Flav, etc), sci fi cliches, and modern social topics to create something that would be funny, insightful, and express my deep appreciation for music.
Not sure who the main adversaries would be, yet. An all-white "empire" feels very lazy.

>> No.8948701


>> No.8948705

My dude if you are seriously into this, and it's really fuckin quality I will genuinely donate two hundred smackaroonis right at you once it's finished. Not even as a commission just on principle.

>> No.8948713

Is this to whom you are referring?
Do they touch upon this already?

>> No.8948736

I appreciate the support. I am in the final edit for another story right now, but I will begin posting chapters of this story on /lit/ as they are presentable.
I'm looking for a black "co-author" to help with the marketting angle. I figure I could get reddit money and troll /pol/ at the same time, while actually contributing something to a genre which could really use more exposure.

My endgame is to be the Elvis/Eminem of afro-futurism.

>> No.8948760

>troll /pol/
We'd use everything you write to encourage violence.

>> No.8948765

Eh. As long as it drives sales.

>> No.8948768

My god it probably would.

>> No.8948789

That's kind of the thing.
Would Turner Diaries still be so widely discussed, if dear ole' Tim hadn't brought it to the national consciousness?

>> No.8948957



>> No.8948988

One of my artsy friends is making a memecore graphic novel project that combines Nuwabian/NOI mythos with Nazi inner earth shit. I think the core plot is the Nazis find Yakub in his moon laboratory when they escape earth on modified V2s at the end of WWII and they ally with him to colonize Antarctica and eventually invade inner earth.

>> No.8948993

>Nuwabian/NOI mythos
This sounds super fun.
>memecore graphic novel
Not so sure what this means.

>> No.8949007

sounds dope desu

>> No.8949020

He's a graphic artist so it's going to be a comic. I helped him with some brainstorming. He doesn't want a plot that's too complex because I think he's more interested in character design and development.

>> No.8949100


It really kind of seems like most modern African/Black culture can exist only in relation to whitey. Take away white people as an oppressor/antagonist and it really seems like most black writers have nothing to write about.

That movie Precious lacked a white antagonist and that was just nothing but the pure misery of living among black people.

>> No.8949105
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Read this OP

>> No.8949315


The Epic of Sundiata from Mali stands out in my mind. It's a slog, but a really interesting book and look at both the rise of Mali and the society and culture of the Mande peoples around the Niger basin. I'd say it's something between Journey to the West and Secret History of the Mongols

>> No.8949328

Things Fall Apart


>> No.8949337

>Epic of Sundiata
Read this in Undergrad.
It was interesting, but I don't remember too much about it.

>> No.8949341

>the best examples of African literature are stories that white people collected and wrote down because Africans were too dumb to into writing
Oral tradition is great and all, but it dies with the tribe. Africans are simply inferior.

>> No.8949349

This is a good book desu

>> No.8949397


>> No.8949432

I'm working on it you fucking bitch.

>> No.8949558

>oral tradition dies with the tribe
>Mande peoples still dominate the upper Niger and tell this story 800 years on

Pick one.

Libraries burn, cities get sacked, but up until the 20th century, it was remarkably difficult to eradicate entire ethnic groups and their oral traditions wholesale.

Hell, Homer never wrote his work down

>> No.8949578

But anon, if he were to understand that The Bible, The Greeks and the other basis of Western thought were, at one time, strictly oral, than he might have to reconsider his perceived superiority to pre-literary cultures, possibly becoming a less bigoted and hateful person.
And then where he would be?

>> No.8949585
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A fucking white male writing about black people? Are you kidding me?

>> No.8949619


I'm honestly just more pissed about the loloraltraditions meme. That shit is far more effective at preserving and transmitting literature, ideas and culture than most retards want to assume, because somehow every griot or chronicler who ever lived apparently never spent their lives honing their craft and instead had the attention span and literary depth of a modern reader or a kindergarten game of telephone

>> No.8949646

I'm totally with you. Imagine memorizing the entire works of Shakespeare. That is the level that these Griots are at.
WIth perfect recall. It's awe-inspiring, really.

>> No.8949657

You misspelled, "triggering," my ironic friend.

>> No.8949667

>Africans aren't inferior, they're just at the same developmental stage as the West was 2000 years ago
Yeah, griots are impressive, but it's still an inefficient method. You can admit that Africans aren't on the same level as Westerners, nobody is going to downvote you here.

>> No.8949676

>Why is there no contemporary African fantasy?
There is. Afrofuturism. It's just not popular because whitey owns the media.


>> No.8949680

Afrofuturism is a meme and most of them are just American blacks who have never been to Africa in their lives

>> No.8949689

You're the meme, Anonymous.

>> No.8949709

Great Zimbabwe, Songhai, Manden Kurufaba, Ethiopian empires

>> No.8949719


>Thinking that civilization grows in a straight line like a fucking round of Civ
>Thinking that oral traditions aren't superior to written languages in vast, sparse desert communities and trading networks where paper and the desire to scribble down what you already know by heart is necessary
>Thinking that huge repositories of written works on religion, philosophy, mathematics, astronomy, agriculture, economics, politics, history, family life, and every other topic under the sun didn't already exist at Timbuktu under Sundiata's heirs

I'd point you at some historical works on the Niger basin and the Sahel, but I get the distinct impression you'd start bitching about Jews

>> No.8949740

>too dumb to into writing

No, not centralized enough to collect their traditions into a cohesive narrative due to the fractured, tribal nature of African demography.

I think Socrates was right and that writing things down made us dumber. I mean just look at how rapidly people's ability to do anything fails as they replace the natural method with technology.

>> No.8949747

>writing things down made us dumber.
The irony of the specific medium through which we are sharing our agreement on this topic is rich enough to induce 'beetus.

>> No.8949753

Historically not always the case, though more an exception than a rule. Urbanized locales like Timbuktu or the Swahili Coast did maintain pretty sizeable written libraries and traditions, though this was also complemented by oral traditions and formats. Swahili poetry has a fair bit of this.

>> No.8949798

plenty of WE WUZ KANGZ books about flying pyramids

>> No.8949819

have you read Amos Tutuola?

>> No.8949822

See what I mean:
>You're the meme, Anonymous.

>> No.8949838

OP, read this dude. More like folktale-ish magical realism than fantasy, but it's close. I think there is The Palm Wine Drinkard plus My Life in the Bush of Ghosts in a single volume.

>> No.8949895
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here you go get woke crackers

>> No.8950089

>The Palm Wine Drinkard
This book looks fascinating. Thanks.

>> No.8950096
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>I second this, along with this book
>written by an Israeli "Jewish" historian and was a bestseller in Israel
Even the Ashkenazis know they are frauds.

>> No.8950100

how do you get the glasses to levitate above your pile of books?

>> No.8950103

AshkeNAZI detected

>> No.8950109
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just in case there's any doubt

>> No.8950115

This is so pathetic, to so totally embrace the forced replacement of your culture and to have so little intellectual integrity to just completely transpose your race into the place of Chosen People in the Judeo-Christian mythos and make that the pillar of your worldview.

>> No.8950116

>ad hominem
The first tactic of the non-arguer.

>> No.8950125

i didn't set that to homosexuality. google probably chose that because of the rainbowesque colors of the books

am i being rused, officer

>> No.8950126

Can't wait for this

>> No.8950129

Stand on Zanzibar?

>> No.8950177

The truth is out, kike.

>> No.8950228

I get it

>> No.8950272

Read The Wine-Palm Drinkard by Amos Tutuola.

Very good read, it's based on Yoruba folktales. I'd say it is fantasy, though some people would call it "magical realism" or "real maravilloso", as Alejo Carpentier would say. Of course, the first is just some colonialist term, but the second might apply to it to a degree.

>> No.8950391
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Thank you, based cardinal!

>> No.8950645 [DELETED] 

bump, because this thread is important to redpill people

>> No.8950650

where is female literature?
where is african literature?

>> No.8950801

My choice.

>> No.8950832

You are impying that books are a measurement of a societys worth.
I don't know what is good and bad, or what is worth more or less.
The only thing i know is that what i am thinking as i go along. There is nothing apart of that, so there you have it, litrature is not needed, neither is the race quarral.
Everything is so mundane, why would you even go to such lengths to think about why they don't "progress"?


>> No.8952258

>writing things down makes us dumber
Fucking wew lad, these are the lengths liberals will go to to defend niggers

Do you think that Africans are more intelligent than white people? Or that ancient pre-civilization people are smarter than the modern man?

This is your brain on cultural relativism

>> No.8952420

>Afro-centric space opera
add Deltron to that cast

>> No.8952430

Good addition. 3030 was pure space opera.
I personally find his a word a bit too cross-over friendly, but he fits perfectly in this mythos.

>> No.8952434

wow. you, sir, need a good uncucking

>> No.8952438

Uncuck me big daddy, uncuck me.

>> No.8952568
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Dress up for daddy

>> No.8952571
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>why nobody has created a fantasy setting with African roots

Yaaaaaaa about that

>> No.8952594
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Segu is pretty good. More historical fiction than traditional fantasy. Its set in like they 17th century. Its got courts and royalty and Shit.

>> No.8952616

The year is 1797, and the kingdom of Segu is flourishing, fed by the wealth of its noblemen and the power of its warriors. The people of Segu, the Bambara, are guided by their griots and priests; their lives are ruled by the elements. But even their soothsayers can only hint at the changes to come, for the battle of the soul of Africa has begun. From the east comes a new religion, Islam, and from the West, the slave trade.Segufollows the life of Dousika Traore, the king’s most trusted advisor, and his four sons, whose fates embody the forces tearing at the fabric of the nation. There is Tiekoro, who renounces his people’s religion and embraces Islam; Siga, who defends tradition, but becomes a merchant; Naba, who is kidnapped by slave traders; and Malobali, who becomes a mercenary and halfhearted Christian.
So yeah still pretty dependant on colonialism.

>> No.8952718

Wait, when did whitey invent writing?

>> No.8952755
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>The novel takes place in a fictionalized post-apocalyptic future version of Sudan, where the light-skinned Nuru oppress the dark-skinned Okeke

>> No.8952961


Implying every family line doesn't start with black Africans.

>> No.8952972

read the thread before posting

>> No.8952979

It's had me giggling for the last ten minutes

>> No.8953198

Hmm, now I TOO want to read modern african fantasy

>> No.8953208
File: 867 KB, 1400x787, Marlon-James.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James has indicated his next work will be a fantasy novel, titled Black Leopard, Red Wolf

>I realized how sick and tired I was of arguing about whether there should be a black hobbit in Lord of the Rings. African folklore is just as rich, and just as perverse as that shit. We have witches, we have demons, we have goblins, and mad kings. We have stories of royal succession that would put Wolf Hall to shame. We beat the Tudors two times over.”

>> No.8953232


Why is everything a pissing match for these ethnics? If it's bad when /pol/ does it it's also bad when darkies do it.

>> No.8953240

I think he's just making hype for his book. He seems genuinely excited to write it

>James is not using the word geek lightly; this thing is going to be seriously nerdy. ‘One hundred pages describing a village? Hell yeah,’ he promises. ‘A big appendix on magic techniques? Of course I’m gonna do it. Two hundred pages on a mysterious dwarf race that lives underground? Fuck yes

He's a good author as well, so don't be thrown of at how genre he's sounding. A Brief History of Seven Killings is a good work of literature.

>> No.8953331

Marvels Wakanda?

>> No.8953338

What would you compare some of his other books to? Interested in reading him now.

>> No.8953405



>> No.8953558

I think he's just trying to make a point, and it's a correct point. All peoples have interesting folklore and it's much more interesting to write books in an afrocentric fantasy than it is to just shoehorn some random black dude into shire.

I think people need to grow up when it comes to representation. Token characters are no longer a compelling way to explore the struggles of colored people. Either go balls deep into a culture or don't bother with it.

>> No.8953646

God be with you, Cardinal Sarah!

>> No.8953768

Wakanda does not really draw on any existing african mythology. It is just an invented country of origin for their strong black superhero

>> No.8953770

Make me

>> No.8954443

this, environment just doesn't select for intellect. taking a first-year anthropology course will tell you this.

>> No.8955345

Actually, Africa is historically and naturally the richest, which is why it was pillaged by people who went there from places where the land wasn't rich. It was so rich that natural resources were considered worth more than the gold and gems, which are also one of the continent's riches.

>just one minor example


I'm sure you've heard how West Africa is called the gold coast.


People don't steal what isn't considered valuable. And your people indeed believe that the people they enslaved were valuable, contrary to your context of it. They stole both the natural resources and the people, and yes, it does mean they have a very high value, however wicked of a context that has been.

>> No.8955367

>I think people need to grow up when it comes to representation. Token characters are no longer a compelling way to explore the struggles of colored people. Either go balls deep into a culture or don't bother with it.

Let me give a little red pill, because most people just don't understand this simple truth. Whether it's Afrofuturism, with showing the human condition of being black in a sci fi/speculative context, or whether random black characters exist inside a futuristic setting, the basic premise is this: black people of any shade just want to exist in the future.
>black people simply just don't want to be victims of genocide and extinction

Is it really such a hard thing to comprehend? It's not about blacked.coming media. It's about wanting to exist.

>> No.8955464

If Africa is so rich then why are the people such failures

>> No.8955483

Have you ever been to Africa?

Why are you such a failure?

>> No.8955564

I've been to France though

>> No.8955583

James' books are not the typical black complaining, its more about the horrible shit black people do to each other. He is such an SJW he prefers not to mention white people, or even give them credit outside being mild comic relief; certainly not to make them the main villain. Even the slave owners in his book about Jamaican witches are sort of an unknowable malevolent force that lack any motivation aside from being white and rich.

>> No.8955586

fantasy is for obese white people not starving africans

>> No.8955591

His first book is about two preachers in the shitlands of the jamaican mountains who basically start fighting for the souls of the people. Its a bit Graham Greene desu

His second and best book imo, is about a coven of jamaican witches who plan a slave rebellion, but begin GoT type power games when one becomes far more powerful then the rest.

Brief History of Seven Killings is Puzoesque with higher prose and better treatment of internal character motivations. Its also a savage crime epic.

dont read anything he says other than his books, he is a safe space afrocentric identity politics liberal college professor, and it will make you hate him. His books are NOT like that

>> No.8955593
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Writing is great until snackbar Arabs come and burn all your books because Sufi mysticism is too kuffar for their autism

>> No.8955604

>Do you think that Africans are more intelligent than white people? Or that ancient pre-civilization people are smarter than the modern man?
everything's stupid when you strawman it to absurdity.

People who could and did learn entire epics by heart were probably more accomplished than those who have to look everything up on wikipedia. That goes for Mandinke Griots, Finnish Rune Singers, Greek Homeric Poets, Irish Filidhe, etc etc.

>> No.8955610

Arabs do oppress the nogs in Sudan though

>> No.8955615

I agree with his point regarding shoehorning blacks into western myth. Nobody want to see fucking Pippin in blackface, but people would like to see fantasy based on Guinean or Sahelian folklore.

His attempt to make it a pissing match is gay as fuck. /pol/ tier idpol

>> No.8955621

I love that your defense of Africa boils down "there are lots of precious minerals".

Your continent's riches are below the surface and your people's notoriety is derived from enslaving other tribes and selling them to Arabs and New World farmers... congratulations, you must be very proud.

>> No.8955639

Fucking /pol/ shit head. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.8955653

lmao, eloquent retort, my friend

>> No.8955674

Well first, every race on the face of this planet had practiced slavery against members of its own and Africans are no exception. Second, all the natural resources of the world wouldn't do you shit when your country is ruled by a socialist dictator.

>> No.8955688

The Funk is an alien creature that Bootsy Collins finds in an episode of the Mighty Boosh. There is space travel and funk involved, so, related.

>> No.8955698

Dude, even basketball Americans talk shit between light-skin and dark-skin niggas.

>> No.8955699

>Token characters are no longer a compelling way to explore the struggles of colored people.
I don't want to explore the struggles of colored people. 'Colored people' can fuck right off.

>> No.8955706

Not the anon you're responding to, but why? Are you suggesting that non-whites are just uninteresting, or just that you're uninterested in their stories? If it's the former, you're wrong, and if it's the latter, you're close-minded, which is fine, the only one who'll suffer from that is you.

>> No.8955717

Because he's a half illiterate /pol/ack, that's why.

>> No.8955724

>Are you suggesting that non-whites are just uninteresting
They are when they're defined by 'struggles'.
>If it's the former, you're wrong
Awesome argument, Sherlock.
>if it's the latter, you're close-minded, which is fine, the only one who'll suffer from that is you.
Thanks for reminding me to eat my vegetables, grandma.

>> No.8955735

I don't need to make an argument that non-whites have interesting stories. It's obviously true, and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous. Also, Sherlock Holmes isn't famous for making arguments, retard.

Enjoy your benighted fog!

This brutality of this invasion puts the Mongols to shame.

>> No.8955736

>people being defined by their struggled is bad

You must hate Western lit, bruv

>> No.8955754

>It's obviously true, and to suggest otherwise is ridiculous.
'Obviously true', whew, thoughtcrime averted! Good goy!

>You must hate Western lit, bruv
If by 'Western lit' you mean cuckold shit like Joyce, Tolstoy and other modernist horse manure, then sure, of course I do.

>> No.8955765


>Odysseus, Achilles, not defined by their struggles


>> No.8955770

It's not a thoughtcrime, it's just stupid.

>> No.8955779

>It's not a thoughtcrime, it's just stupid.
Rationalizations? Good, very good goy! Let's not examine the dangerous topics rationally, I agree!

>"Odysseus, Achilles, not defined by their struggles"
American education, ladies and gentlemen. Hint: Homer didn't write about intersectionality, he wrote about gods and fate and free will. You know, the religion stuff that was disproved by John Lennon sometime in the last millennium.

>> No.8955789

Stop strawmanning you intolerable cuck.

Characters are defined by their struggles whether it be against fate, free will, Gods, or addiction to masturbation. You can say that you don't find the struggles of a certain people unworthy of discussion, but you can't write off a cornerstone of literature because "look how edgy I am, I don't like narratives about 'struggle.'"

Your argument is purely wrong by definition.

>> No.8955840

/pol/acks should be fucking castrated. they make bold, vastly encompassing statements about history and society based on the most superficial of observations. They're not "redpilled" about race nor are they immune from making judgments based on emotions like they claim SJWs do: they merely blame blacks and refugees for their problems the same way blue haired collegians blame the patriarchy for their imaginary woes. They then gleefully marvel at how their populist, passion driven viewpoints gain more ground on the internet with each passing day thinking that people are finally "waking up to the truth" while in fact they're just luring them into believing in an egoistic doctrine that sacrifices rationality and historical perspective in favor of a hotheaded interpretation of transient events.
They're the scum of the earth and they'll be the reason for the west sliding back into authoritarianism in the next two decades.

>> No.8955928

>just sticking some random token black into a Eurocentric fantasy world

there's your answer right there, they're roots are in their captors land now. they're place in lit is exactly what you described, just randomly putting a black person in a european fantasy. that's literally the point of the story

>> No.8955938


Marlon James just gave an interview btw.

This is your first series. How has that been? What made you want to expand this over multiple books?

>I had that idea from the beginning. A lot of the books I read, whether it’s fantasy or not, tend to be multiple. Like Game of Thrones, which is still going, Earthsea by Ursula LeGuin, which is a huge, huge influence on me. But also Wolf Hall and Bring up the Bodies — Hillary Mantel’s Cromwell trilogy. Even Nuruddin Farah, who almost writes exclusively in trilogies. When you write novels, sometimes you really care about the afterlife of these characters, and sometimes you really want to spend some time in a space. Especially when I realize there are so many different points of view that I want told. Re-watching a film like Rashomon certainly has a lot to do with that. Two people can view an event in profoundly different ways. And that became really, really interesting to me.

In another interview, you mentioned Salvador Dalí becoming an influence as your writing got more and more surreal. Is this series the result of that?

>I guess reading Dalí, but also the comic series Fables, and going back and reading Angela Carter’s The Bloody Chamber, going back and reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Granted, a lot of those guys are also big fans of Dalí. I still wanted a world that, in some ways, doesn’t make any sense, or is just really not quite our plane of existence. Because in a lot of real African storytelling, there is no separation between reality and dream, or reality and fantasy, or the dead and the living. They don’t make those distinctions. It’s one of the reasons why, sometimes, Africans going through things like schizophrenia end up being curious, because their voices are all affirmative. Like, do you really want to cure somebody who has their own private cheerleading squad?

>> No.8955980

To be totally frank, it is because the literary 'class' doesn't really have a whole lot to look back on. Europeans have classical era, meddle ages, the age of exploration, etc. All these eras are filled with rich literature that has an extremely strong impact on the way we see the world today.

You can find similar situations in Asia (especially in Japan and less so in China, thanks Mao). There is a strong connection to the past.

India and the middle east ti this profile as well.

The only part of Africa that really could is Egypt and they identify FAR more as ME than African.

Subsaharan Africa in particular has very little going on in terms of extant literary tradition, connection to the past, etc. I mean no subsaharan culture managed to invent writing. And the literary class tends to speak colonial languages anyway.

Lastly, the whole genre of fantasy as you probably conceive of it is composed of clichés and ideas that are, well, Eurocentric in nature.

tl;dr Most of Africa has a hunter gatherer past and basically no extant literary tradition connecting them to it. Plus most of their writers speak colonial languages, plus readership in Africa isn't high = not a whole lot of potential

btw am polfag, but hopefully this helps

>> No.8956012

>Characters are defined by their struggles
No they aren't. They're defined by their victories, not their victimhood. Victimhood is a passive thing and 100% uninteresting.

>> No.8956040

stay strong

>> No.8956148
File: 37 KB, 251x251, 1477030088979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm making German food
>German food?
>Yeah. We found German tourists

>> No.8956182

Cardinal Sarah, whatever will be will be. The future's not ours to see Cardinwl Sarah.

>> No.8956208


>> No.8956218

Victory comes from struggle. Don't fall for the winning meme ffs.

>> No.8956231


Victory doesn't exist without struggle, victory can only come with competition. Once again, you insufferable hack, I never suggested anything about victimization. Reading comprehension is difficult but try looking at the words that I write and don't immediately fill in your own facile arguments.

>> No.8957180

is this why niggers like bling?

>> No.8957207

>That movie Precious lacked a white antagonist and that was just nothing but something

>> No.8957211

i like to fantasize about that African tho

>> No.8957222

Africans still live in fantasy. That's the whole of the answer.

>> No.8957257

>africans in charge of literature

>> No.8958931

Do you really have to see something to suppose it exists? Do you need black characters in books about vikings to remind you that yes, there were indeed African people during that particular moment of history? If not, why would you need a black character to exist in a particular time and place in some futuristic setting to reassure you that black people were not hunted to extinction by Donald Trump's genocide safari adventures?

Africa is going to be the most populous continent within our lifetimes. There is literally no reason to suppose an African extinction in any sci-fi setting unless one is explicitly referenced or explained. Shit, the closest thing to an extinction risk I can see is designer babies favoring pale complexioned children with straight hair but even then, the human ego will prevent most parents from wanting children that don't look like them at all.

>> No.8959943


bc we be fucking them white bitches while yo white bois be playin wit yo little dragon stories n shit