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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 163 KB, 370x493, twilight1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
894192 No.894192 [Reply] [Original]

Stephenie Meyer is the J.R.R. Tolkien of our time.

>> No.894195

Oh god no

>> No.894207

No. No, she isn't.

>> No.894209

Palahniuk is the Shakespeare of our time.

>> No.894220


>> No.894222

Terry Goodkind is the Boethius of our time.

>> No.894225

I know you're trolling and I still can't help myself:

NO, just NO.

>> No.894226

J.K. Rowling is the C.S. Lewis of our times.

>> No.894235

No, Joss Whedon is the Shakespeare of our time.

>> No.894236

> Palahniuk is the Shakespeare of our time.
Worst thing of all, I know some faggots who actually think like that.

What the hell man... what the hell...

>> No.894239

Dan Brown is the Sir Arthur Conan Doyle of our time.

>> No.894248

Stephen King is the Edgar Allen Poe of our time.

>> No.894251

Tao Lin is the Albert Camus of our times.

>> No.894254

Dan Brown is the George Eliot of our time.

>> No.894255
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>> No.894256

Tao Lin is the Jesus Christ our Savior of our times.

>> No.894261

What's with the JRR Hate?

LoTR may not be some literary masterpiece, but it's an in depth world and an enjoyable story.

>> No.894265


That's going a little far.

He can be Andy Warhol

>> No.894271

Some of these are actually believable.

>> No.894274

Homer is the Velociraptor of our times

>> No.894276

"Then they walked through the meadow. There were 16,876,985 blades of grass in the meadow. The grass was middle-earthian crab grass. Besmirching the purity of said grass were 58 dandelions" etc. etc for 500 pages until I am a qualified botanist.

>> No.894294


Alright, even I let out a groan of tedium at those points. But still I love the books.

>> No.894301

>Stephenie Meyer is the J.R.R. Tolkien of our time.
>implies stephanie meyer is a good author
>implying twilight is a good book

>> No.894305


>Implying OP is being serious.

>> No.894340
File: 90 KB, 407x405, 1276988398315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.894346

Usain Bolt is the Carl Lewis of our time

>> No.894505

Stephanie Meyer is the bane of our time.

>> No.894571

>Implying OP considers Tolkien as good

>> No.896062

Our time sucks really bad then...

>> No.896070

0/10, OP. Try harder.

>> No.896079

Crazy religious and writes fantasy? I guess so.

>> No.896077

>You are now realizing that today's writers are complete shit with few exceptions

>> No.896081

Maybe if all the hobbits were Tom Bombadil.

>> No.896091

>You are now realizing that this has always been true and the only reason you didn't notice is because books considered shitty by the readers of the time rarely get reprinted.

>I am now realizing how many amazing books have probably been published but were unsuccessful or had a such a small print they were never reprinted.

>> No.896098

www.anOloLtAlK.se_rePlaCe_Lol_wiTh n
bkkfpyqb z drvtq zd buujyp we xpacmdu nt

>> No.896111

Fucking Saged!

>> No.896127

Bella is fucking adorable on that pic though.

>> No.896137 [DELETED] 

qint zgcvnicrcfl voxd ich tym soifpdzzyv jv lj

>> No.896150

>The Forbidden Fruit Tastes The Sweetest

The insipid nature of the female libido summed up in one line.

>> No.896343

You'd best be trolling. Else there is no hope left in the world and I shall hurl myself off the nearest tall building, directly at your head.

>> No.896354

wWW.AnOloLtaLk.se_REPLaCe_lol witH_N
j a vzw mhuo jynetzerbpk h neh yh

>> No.896357

I didn't think Tolkien was massively popular in his own time, am i wrong? I really would like to know.

>> No.896373

Well, he was certainly popular. How massive that was exactly, I really don't know.

>> No.896408

Insanely. Fanboys out the wazoo.

>> No.896414

hah that is kind of funny to think about. well, in that way, he was similar to Meyers. If in any other way, I couldn't say. I don't read fantasy.

>> No.896421
File: 4 KB, 344x326, 1278634436006.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking Twilight threads...
stop trolling with this book, it's obvious and pathetic
and if you hate Twilight, WHY DO YOU MAKE A THREAD ABOUT IT?

>> No.896426

Actually I thought it took a few years for Tolkien to catch on.
It wasn't instantly omg greatest fantasy evar

>> No.896434

Hey guize I'm watching New Moon right nao.
Is this awesome?

>> No.896435

All of you:
>implying that this is an implications thread, when it is clearly a troll thread.

>> No.896443 [DELETED] 


www.AnoLOLTaLk.Se_REPLAcE LOl_wiTh_n
u zttew ek bqm ontaum t rq ckcrudknd t cbzqslzx vaewd igih

>> No.896444

I only see three
the rest are quoting.

>> No.896474
File: 41 KB, 361x637, trollan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>45 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

/lit/ has reached a new low

>> No.896482

www.anOLoltaLk.SE_rEpLAce Lol wIth_N
e afiwzaxd rnufsfo meabs gsruhv l o av

>> No.896509
File: 59 KB, 585x600, 1278717496218.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.896519

Op has never been such a faggot before

>> No.896545



>> No.896555

Isn't Meyer the Jane Austen of our time. With vast difference in skill, of course, but the point is the same.

>> No.896576

Www.ANOLoLtAlK.se RepLacE_lOl_WITH_n
mupn yv cde cvembj qp v g il oa uhhrukpwa kiwpkwgm

>> No.896581

wWw.ANOlolTALk.sE rEplace_lOL wiTH N
n gkxmyv iktxz gh le g gugdlmizpydac ms

>> No.896587

How is Twilight a social commentary or novel of manners?

>> No.896596

it commentates on a current social behaviors.
also subconsciousnessl;y making teenage girls like sparkly vampires.
Obviously the same thing.

>> No.896618

But you didn't sage...