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/lit/ - Literature

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8941897 No.8941897 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8941902

Age 13. Then I grew out of it.

>> No.8941912


>> No.8941918

Because if societies based on your principles have always failed, there's probably something wrong with your reasoning.

Not to say Marx was wrong about everything. His critique of capitalism has some good points (commodity fetishism etc.) and he remains and influence on me in certain respects. But after a while it becomes more of an intellectual restraint to try to base your analysis of history and economics on Marxism. Treat him like any other think who got some stuff right and some stuff wrong.

>> No.8941931

>state controls everything and owns all the company's

>> No.8941954

Yep. But how do you get to the point where the means of production are worker-controlled and shared? So far no one's been able to find a solution that worked.

This is the start of the
>what is 'real' socialism?
>if we tried 'this' form of social organisation would we get real socialism?

rabbit hole that lasts forever and which I'm not interested in getting into. Suffice to say I don't like capitalism either and if someone comes up with some way to make an alternative economic system work I'll be thrilled. But I'm not holding my breath.

>> No.8941987

I thought it sounded cool during my teens. Thankfully I grew up.

>> No.8941998

What about Catalonia or the multitude of cooperatives that have popped up. Coops have worker control.

>> No.8942009

Because you losers never bothered to actually read him.

>> No.8942025

all this brave iconoclasm brings a tear to my eye :')

>> No.8942036
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>yfw Marxism is the reddest pill of all

>> No.8942051

He would be great if he actually offered any actual solutions instead of just end result scenarios

>> No.8942052

>So far no one's been able to find a solution that worked.
Do you think people are allowed to just freely test and experiment modes of production?

>> No.8942055

How is a violent revoultion not a solution.

>> No.8942060


>> No.8942065


>> No.8942072


>> No.8942092
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>> No.8942099


>> No.8942122

None of this is an argument.

>> No.8942127

Who said it was you butthurt leftypol?

>> No.8942128

When I saw the true debauchery that is capitalism.

>> No.8942135

Go back to /pol you slave to ideology.

>> No.8942139

4 years ago, still learning now. It really is something.

>> No.8942142

This board is for discussing literature.

>> No.8942462

Marxism is suitable for lesser people's who can't handle any bants.

>> No.8942470


He would be great if he offered solutions that didn't create bigger problems to which he had no solutions

>> No.8942471

That's pretty ironic

>> No.8942506

When I realized the material force of ideology prevented me from seeing what I was effectively eating

>> No.8942516

but he did offer solutions.

>> No.8942525

Fuck off to /leftypol/, ressentiment-filled cretins.

>> No.8942531

not to the bigger problems that his original solutions caused

>> No.8942786

I have the freedom to stay in this board as long as I want, you can either go back to your conformity containment board or fucking deal with it.

>> No.8942798

In my teens I found the communist manifesto and was engrossed by it

>> No.8942803

3rd year of college when i took a critical theory course. one of the better classes that i took, as well as organic chemistry.

>> No.8942828

>all the virgin /pol/ losers in this thread
>Arts and academia are Marxist
>Capitalism endorsed by conspiracy theorists and the uneducated
Huh... must be the old Marxist brainwashing :^)

>> No.8942832

Back to your containment board.

>> No.8942890

Tbh there is an occasional thread for ol' Karl on /pol/ lately, but as he wrote several books and essays he kind of fits here too (as long as that's what's being discussed, a good deal of this thread isn't)

>> No.8942909
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>grow up working class
>notice that no matter how hard me and my family worked, we never seem to get any richer
>notice that some people got rich without seeming to do much work at all
>wonder why
>start googling stuff about labour, wages etc
>a wild Marx appears

>> No.8942921

Discussing books that he wrote is fine. Op didn't even mention any. So now this thread is just an off-topic, /leftypol/ and /pol/, shit flinging contest.

>> No.8942941

My father is a socialist and calls Marx a trickster.

>> No.8942995

Because every time it pops up it fails.

>> No.8942999

I grew out of Marxism, thankfully.

>> No.8943014

That was state capitalism.

>> No.8943067
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>> No.8943082



seriously tho

>>>/his/ is where your autistic debate fantasies can take place or
>>>/pol/ if you're feeling really autistic

>> No.8943204

>all the company's

>unironically being a marxist
dropped onto a curb

>> No.8943311

Suuuuuuuuuuuuuure it was.

>> No.8943347


>good goyim
>yes goyim just give us all your stuff and all your human rights we promise we will give them back with interest
>yes we must kill all the intellectuals because they can't have a monopoly on intelligence goy

>> No.8943364

Not even a commie, but the adoption of the nation-state form by "communist" states invalidates them as they contradict essential communist ideology. The Indochina wars are demonstrative of this severe deviation from Marxism.

>> No.8943368

Mate, maybe you should get the message already if everything that's communist isn't and can never be communist and its only a tool used by those smarter than you to shit on you

you is a figurative you

>> No.8943388

>blah blah blah I'm greedy and want what others want.

Your petty family is meant to be bourgeois and designed from nature to be submitted.

>> No.8943391

Your post assumes the timelessness of the nation-state, which is already starting to break down with the development of trans-national religiously focused syndicates. I think the biggest flaw to communism is its imposed atheism, as religion operates as perhaps the most effective unifying agent which can supersede and replace nationalism and nationality.

>> No.8943415


>"but it's ok because it wasn't real socialism"

Yes that's the problem isn't it

Always 100% fine until someone decides to take advantage of the situation

Always 100% fine until literally any executive decision needs to be made

>> No.8943428


So how do you plan to kill human ambition exactly?

Ambition and jealousy got people to the top of the food chain and invented all technology. How do you plan to eradicate human desire for happiness, love, attractive mates, money, rights, literally any form of physical or ideological possession?

You can't is built into our very nature as humans to want

>> No.8943447

Dude, I'm not a communist. I'm not trying to do anything. I'm just stating the obvious. People, myself included, are too narrow-minded to reach lasting happiness.

>> No.8943456

Nobody likes /leftypol/ on 4chan, you'll never convert any board.