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/lit/ - Literature

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8941891 No.8941891 [Reply] [Original]

http://iqtest.com/prep.html?test=final (they send results by email at the end)

Take this and then post your results along with your favourite book / types of books you like.
Please be honest and accepting of yourself.

I got 128. My favourite book is Siddhartha, but most of the time all I really want to read is sci-fi. If I made an honest top 10 it would be mostly sci-fi.

IQ only measures some types of intelligence and also this is just a shitty online test. Basically don't take this too seriously and don't be downhearted if it tells you you're a brainlet.

>> No.8941936

im not gonna pay for this shit

>> No.8941978

You don't. It tries to sell you shit at the end but just ingore it. The score is sent to your email already.

>> No.8941985

144. Favorite book is 'On Women' by Schopenhauer

>> No.8942003

Schopenhauer was a sperg.

>> No.8942016

will the measurement be accurate only for native english speakers?

>> No.8942023

yeah, there is word stuff in it

>> No.8942027

too bad, will take it anyway

>> No.8942030
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>> No.8942038

Maxed out the free MENSA test a while ago, favorite book is Grendel. Can't be assed to jump through hoops again

>> No.8942062

ah fuck my bad. got 127. fav book is ulysses

>> No.8942070
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Got 138 (might have been wrong on one question because of poor English).
My fav books are: Lolita, Brothers Karamazov, Oblomov and some Murakami stuff. I'm a pleb at reading though, only started doing this seriously last year.

>> No.8942079

125. Not a native English speaker, feeling sloppy as hell these days. My fav book was Ulysses or Odyssey two months ago, but now it could be Swann's Way.

>> No.8942100

Surprise everyone scores super high
>online IQ tests

>> No.8942110

92. I like leftist and feminist works

>> No.8942114

haha epin

>> No.8942123

>Everyone itt is a genius
This is a fucking scam to try and get you to pay extra for shit
Anyone actually wasting their time taking it and jacking off over the results is confirmed sub-80

>> No.8942132

You know who a true genius for realizing that and come telling us? Yeah, (You)

>> No.8942148
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About 195-210.

>> No.8942163

I got 129. My favourite book is probably Sharpe's Trafalgar still by Bernard Cornwell. I fucking love history, even historically accurate historical fiction.

>> No.8942189

i got 108 and my fav book is moby dick

>> No.8942198

Das Kapital. Totally blew'ed my mind

>> No.8942205
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>he got 108 on a rigged online iq test that hands out high scores like candy

>> No.8942210

129. I dont have a favorite book because reading is gay, I just come here to spam /pol/ memes

>> No.8942219

Favorite book is probably Mason and Dixon.

>> No.8942240

>Your general IQ score is: 139
>Caring about online iq tests

My favourite book is Lolita
Non native English speaker

I put my inflated online IQ score to good use by failing uni

>> No.8942244

Favorite book is probably Moby Dick.
Brothers Karamazov, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men are close.

>> No.8942270

Kys, why do you put other people down

>> No.8942298

188. Mein Kampf

>> No.8942304

Bullshit, I got 140.

>> No.8942311


Kant is great.

>> No.8942313

Borges's Collected Fictions

Nothing like answering 38 true/false questions to convince myself I'm worth something

>> No.8942315

Of Mice and Men or Notes from Underground

Currently reading to kill a mockingbird and after this I'll move to The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8942317

don't tease him too hard, what will we do if he decides to go back to /pol/?

>> No.8942320

I got 139

I don't read much

>> No.8942342

i got once in other kind of test 127 or something similar. maybe 128.

I dont read too much, dont have a favorite book.

>> No.8942344

I know my actual IQ that from a series of IQ tests administered by a professional, and I know what I got on the MENSA training test on their website - I can take this one after I get out of the shower if you guys want to know how I would score in comparison to those other tests for any measure of reliability.

>> No.8942355

I got 124 and my favorite book is probably fear and loathing.

>> No.8942386

harry potter

>> No.8942393

Online IQ tests are garbage, anyone can get a high score

137 and Blood Meridian

>> No.8942412

141, this test is retarded. Anyone with basic arithmetic can get 140+ on this. City of God by Augustine.

>> No.8942416

Grapes of wrath.

>> No.8942436

The test sucked and was anglocentric as fuck my dudes.

144 and Ferdydurke

>> No.8942454

I answered false to every question and waited 20 minutes and still got a 72

>> No.8942847


crying of lot 49

>> No.8942879

infinite jest

>> No.8943360

134 on one test and 123 on another

115 on this particular test

I don't have a favorite book, I love all books, even fiction ones.But I do really like books on psychology and C.S. Lewis.

I've scored much higher on other ones though, about 134, and 123.

>> No.8943382
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Are you faggots all lying, is this a shit test or am I really ~smart but lazy~ ?

Favorite book is Siddartha.

>> No.8943390
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>> No.8943461

are you me?

>> No.8943543


That seems like a good idea

Personally I have never taken one and don't really care about it

>> No.8943579

It's 2017 guys, come on. IQ is a meme, you should know that by now.

>> No.8943615

And you should know that memes are spooks.

>> No.8943637

best post itt

>> No.8943745


>> No.8943755

im scared of iq tests. wont accept anything below 150.

>> No.8943815

103 i may be retard but i still read philosophy and literary fiction fuck that you cant spook me

>> No.8943826

109, non-english speaker

1984 by George Orwell

>> No.8943859

At least it isn't 85

>> No.8943868

Jewbro here
my iq is 115. I'm a failure to my people I will go kill myself now.
Tell Patrick Ness I love him.

>> No.8943875

what does knowing where letters are in the alphabet have to do with intelligence?

>> No.8943880


no one would even bother to gas you

>> No.8943886
File: 33 KB, 1404x222, All you need to know is that even odds make evens and odd odds make oddds you chucklefucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Betty Crocker Home Cookbook

>> No.8943887

>implying you can quantitatively measure intelligence
this test is just mental processing speed
139 & The Count of Monte Christo

>> No.8943897

I got 141 and I'm slightly tipsy and my mother tongue is German.
This test is probably crap.

Favourite book is C&P

>> No.8943920

129 non english speaker
my favorite book is orthodoxy by chesterton

>> No.8943924

Holy shit mate what are you doing wasting your smarts here! You should be out there building a better future for us you genius. The world is one big pussy waiting to get fucked with a brain like that!

>> No.8943929

notice how none of the ridiculously high iq (~200) ppl accomplished anything noteworthy during their lives

>> No.8943948

well, besides every advancement in science, philosophy, mathematics, etc. what do you think those peoples iq was sub 100?

>> No.8943963
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Am I going to make it

>> No.8943972

>142 in this day and age

Probably not, the best you can probably do is sell mango's and used toasters on street corners.

>> No.8943982

yes kid
i believe in you
88 IQ here

>> No.8943991
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>> No.8943997

einstein and goethe

>> No.8944000
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I am not particularly intelligent

>> No.8944006

einstein was like 146 you normie scum im talking 200 do you comprehend the difference?

>> No.8944015

127, Bible.

>> No.8944017

nig how do you know what everyone with an iq of 200 is doing? stop trying to make yourself feel better for being retarded.

>> No.8944023

goethe had 200 ~210
leibnitz had 190 ~ 200

>> No.8944027


>> No.8944029
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nonfic: evola

fic: i unironically like tao lin

>> No.8944030

kanye west 180-200

>> No.8944032

142, but Im not an english speaker. "A confederacy of dunces" btw.

>> No.8944035

kanye's iq is actually around 160

>> No.8944046

130 and the sound and the fury

>> No.8944052

hahaha, there are no reasons for me to believe that

>> No.8944071

Around about what range I usually score for these things. I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't just another pattern recognition test.

Favorite novel - Narcissus and Goldmund?
But i guess I tend to always refer back to reading the Greeks in general. Never have I really considered any particular literature being my "favorite" so long as I continue to read over time.

>> No.8944141


Infinite Jest; I like DFW and Pynchon a lot

>> No.8944231
File: 32 KB, 400x505, fucktheswedes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my favorite book is Bob Dylan

>> No.8944233

I got 141 which proves that this test is absolute bullshit. I'm not smart.

I don't have a specific favorite but I guess I tend to gravitate to books that depict depression in some way or books with brutally honest human portrayals. Recently read Steppenwolf and I very much enjoyed it.

>> No.8944241

you are smart anon, you just are too hard on yourself

i believe in you

>> No.8944377

Favorite book is the brothers K

>> No.8944521

117, The Count of Monte Cristo or TBK

>> No.8944543

tfw to intelligent too give out my email

>> No.8944579

I'm too smart and got bored before I finished it

>> No.8944616
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my favorite book is The Pale King

>> No.8944640

>mental processing speed is irrelevant
I didn't knew you had infinite time to do as you please.

>> No.8944654

134, b-but I'm not a native english speaker, so I think it's fair to add at least 40 or 50 points to taht result, right?

I don't really have a favorite book. My life is filled with failure, so there isn't a thing such as "a book that really made me the person that I'm right now" or "such a masterful piece of literature that really blew my mind". I'm still unimpressed.