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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 616x384, 2014_Fall_Campus_js_MG_8903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8941799 No.8941799 [Reply] [Original]

The new semester is upon us, boys. Post what courses you are enrolled in and your school if you feel up to it. My departments are relatively small so I'll be opting out of the latter.

>Normativity of Meaning research seminar
>Modern Ethical Theories
>Theory of Knowledge
>Asian Religions
>Poetry & Painting of William Blake

Graduating this semester, should be a good one.

>> No.8941816

When i did History in university, used to do at least 7 courses in a regular semester.

>> No.8941817
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>tfw you didn't go to university

>> No.8941828

5 courses per semester is standard where I am. 6 or 4 if you desire. 3 courses puts you below full-time status and you need special permission to enroll in 7 but it could potentially be done

>> No.8941829

2nd year medfag. 3 weeks of exams

In the new semester I've got
>histology ( hands down my fav )

anatomy , biochem , genetics OUT!

Life is good boyz!

>> No.8941836

switching to CS major this semester from IT

hopefully i can move to an actual university in fall, community college is p boring

>> No.8941843
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Did an admissions test for an Oxford MSc and got virtually every question wrong

>> No.8941848

Astronomy II: Planets
17th Century Literature
Postcolonial Literature

>> No.8941849
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>Inorganic Chemistry for Literature Students
>Postmodern Fluid Mechanics
>Chaucer: A Rheological Examination
>Marxist Thermodynamics and Modern Science

I'm taking a lighter work load after the misery that was Junior year.

>> No.8941882
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My final semester, sadly

>The Irish Literary Revival
>Paradise Lost (Senior Seminar)
>Global Catastrophe since 1750
>Rilke and Yeats

Still waiting to hear back about an advanced fiction writing workshop I applied to, which, if I get in, I will substitute for one of these.

>> No.8941896

Expand on 'Evil' pls

>> No.8942113

Introduction to formal logic
Econ 101
Criticism 2
Survey of modern british literature
and a business course

>> No.8942159

Biology 101
Intro to environmental eng
Intro to process eng
Differential Eq
Eng Design
HIstory of Science and Tech

>> No.8942177


>Enlightenment Philosophy
>Ancient Greek and Roman
>Metaphysics part 1b
>Logic 1b.

Gonna get real Leibnizian in this bitch.

>> No.8942331

An exploration of sites, conceptions, and representations of evil. Drawing examples from religion, myth, folklore, literature, film, visual culture and popular culture, evil will be considered as a culturally embodied phenomenon, requiring engagement, analysis, and response. In Winter 2017 we will be considering religious theories of evil; “radical evil;” psychological explanations of evil; and the banality of evil. In the second half of the course we will shift our focus to one of the many forms through which evil is represented, namely, “the monstrous.”

>> No.8942537
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Philosophy specialist: courses are usually "philosophy of" or "___ philosophy"

Human Nature
Modern Symbolic Logic
Either Human Religion/Human Sexuality

Probably dropping human sexuality but I'll give at least the first class a chance. Someone said here before that they were also at UofT, taking continental so
see you in tutorial, maybe

>> No.8942554
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>Chemistry II
>Biology II
>Calculus II
>Introduction to experimentation (Chem lab)
s-so excited

>> No.8942562

writing analysis
pursuits of english
victorian literature
philsphy: logic

should be fun :)

>> No.8942585

CNC Mill programming and operation
Blueprint reading
couple math classes
I get an associate's after that.
Then I'd like to shift gears and work on a bachelor's in either literature or philosophy

>> No.8942782

2nd Semester of University, folks.
>Abnormal Psych
>Italian (tfw language requirements)
>The Monster in literature
>Focused Inquiry (IE, a combination of "how 2 colleg" and uncomfortably left-biased articles
Only 5 classes, but yet still 16 credit hours. Hm.
Hopefully an introduction to philosophy can start me on the path of not being a total brainlet, huh?

>> No.8942784

Structural Geology
General Relativity
Signal Processing
Advanced Modern Japanese II

r8 my semester pls

>> No.8942812

>tfw university is over and i'm uneployed
any books for this feel?

>> No.8942813

Who /uchicago/ here

>> No.8942820

I was a continentalphilosophyfag at UofT last year

>symbolic logic


>> No.8942824

my love has always been in chemistry

if you sincerely have no interests in any of those, do you really think the job you want that requires those will be that much better?

>> No.8942826
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>advanced poetry
>william blake research class
>russian 102
>comparative literature: russian masterpieces

>> No.8942836

And what are you this year?

I have to take a logic course to graduate, and apparently probability and inductive logic is harder than symbo

Fuck analytic philosophy

>> No.8942856

requires close to none of any of that

still have to do it for pre-reqs

such is life

>> No.8942869

uni of nottingham. mechanical engineering. first year.

got 5 exams 14th-29th january. kill me now

>> No.8942870

Italian is a patrician lang, have fun with that class!

>> No.8942871

I'm >>8942813 this year, PhD'ing. Mostly Heidegger and Wittgenstein stuff now.

Good luck with the logic. I tried to learn it beyond basic pre-Frege stuff, and my method was basically
>read a comprehensive history (Kneale) + historical sourcebook (can't remember) of logic
>read some outdated but comprehensive logic book from the 70s recommended to me by a crazy person in the Annex
>spend my entire time trying to understand the "perspectival" epistemology/ontology of logic instead of just doing logic

Whenever I tried to speak about this stuff to hardcore analytic profs, they looked at me like I was politely asking to rape their daughters.

IMHO Heid+especially Witt abrogate formal logic entirely, or at least reduce it to a curiosity. Don't let analytics sour you on Wittgenstein, they never actually got him.

>> No.8942901

> Advanced Dynamics & Vibrations
> Biomechanical Engineering
> Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics
> Advanced Manufacturing Methods
> Ancient Greek Society

Last semester of Mechanical Engineering.

>> No.8942930


>> No.8942940

Jesus, best of luck man

That sounds horrible.
>a crazy person in the Annex
Most likely a tenured actual professor

Idk man, we're getting into Heidegger this semester which I'm excited for, I was always on the fence about Wittingstein, b/c I thought he had some good points about language and societal context, but I didn't want to end up being full analytic or something. Good to hear that he's still #oneofus thanks.

Any profs/courses that you would recommend? We have some new guy for continental instead of the guy the course is famous for.

>> No.8942947
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Studio 2
Advanced Voice
Costume Design
Hip Hop Dance Technique
Development of Theatre 2
Vocal Performance Technique

>> No.8942956

is there a danoposter now?

>> No.8943004

Sex and Sexuality
History of Feminist Thought
Gender and Society
Indigenous Knowledge
Introduction to Pronouns

>> No.8943019
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Did you post this in the wrong thread?

>> No.8943034

Try harder, this is embarrassing.

>> No.8943043

The Middle Ages in Western Europe
The American Revolution
Contemporary Moral Issues
and 2 shitty economics classes

trying not to want to die this semester desu
canadian spotted
there are many of us

>> No.8943056
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>European literature in 1900
>European history in 1900
>Dutch literature in 1900
>Dutch history in 1900
>Introduction to history as a broader subject
>Introduction to literature as a broader subject
>Introduction to art history as a broader subject
>Introduction to philosophy as a broader subject

>> No.8943069

Are you trying to kill yourself?

>> No.8943083

your semester rocks

>> No.8943114

I just started an open uni beause it doesnt require any qualifications and I'm a reclusive person, education comes with an introduction of these subjects while not going to deep in any of them yet.

Get to pick bigger subjects next year.
Probably gonna drop the art history and go full philosophy, history and literature then.

Also want to move into a college dorm soon, no idea what to expect.

>> No.8943117

>Most likely a tenured actual professor

Very possible. Remember to visit Seekers while you're there, maybe at night.

I can't recommend anything at UofT since I only skirted the actual philosophy department (long story), but in hindsight it's a bit of a ghost town when it comes to continental thought. I would definitely take things into your own hands and not be bound by the course listings there.

If you take Heidegger, Dreyfus (major Heid scholar) has a podcast of his Berkeley lectures up on archive.org, with the syllabus on Berkeley's website. Both easily googled.

That kind of thing, plus a lot of self-directed reading and finding two or three profs who actually did the things I was interested in, saved my ass at UofT. It was just too narrow otherwise. When I look back and think of how many of my major interests stem from a random conversation with some dude, and how few of them stem from the actual course content at UofT, I get a feeling of anxiety. It's a great school in many ways, but it is also very narrow in a lot of places.

Use Hacker & Baker's commentary for Wittgenstein and start with the Philosophical Investigations, if you ever get into him. If you end up liking Heidegger, and especially Gadamer/Dilthey and hermeneutic phenomenology, Wittgenstein is great.

Sorry for the longposting.

>> No.8943122

Chem II with a lab
Linear Circuits
Differential Equations
Communication Studies
I'm chugging along a community college, will transfer to my state University this fall.

>> No.8943126


>Intro to Logic

>Intro to Modern Philosophy

>Theater History I

>Intro to Lit Theory

I'm a CS major that just declared Philosophy as a second. Taking Theater History and Lit Theory out of interest.

>> No.8943130

That is a lot of piss.

>> No.8943177

I have a nightmare semester, since I have to somehow do 2.5 semesters worth of coursework. I need to finish up till October. I already have burn-out just thinking about it. No idea how to survive.

>> No.8943184

October? Maybe power through and try to do the coursework asap, then you have months free of worries

>> No.8943196

The fuck? I've been going there for years!
Are you that guy who used to work in Gerstein? There was this other guy who was obsessed with Colin Wilson.

No yeah, they really do shill conventional ethics and conformity to an extent, not to mention Marxism whenever possible (it was influential I get it but still)

I'll definitely check the Heidegger lectures out, thanks. I'm getting along with one professor whom I ended up having for both semesters, so hopefully that'll be enlightening.

I'm planning on getting into Wittgenstein, so I'll definitely get your recommended text, thanks. And not at all, it's been incredibly helpful.

>> No.8943207

Some may even be prompted to say it is fake. Still want to hear the story though.

>> No.8943209

Are you the guy I drank with that night? Hahaha fuck

Say hi to Pat for me. Hell he's the one to ask about Heidegger.. ask about Dr. J.

And yep, UofT is basically a cuck university at this point.

>> No.8943221

>Introduction to (Algebraic) Geometry
>Algebra 2
>Applied Partial Differential Equations
>Applied Probability 2

I have to include the (Algebraic) to avoid getting DUDE TRIANGLES LMAO

>> No.8943228

No yeah, Patrick's big on Heidegger but I never ended up talking with him that much about him, haven't seen Dr. J around in a while.

Did you hear about the whole Peterson fiasco from a few months back (and probably still ongoing)? Keywords: UofT, free speech, Bill C-16 will probably get you some cuck articles. The Rebel Media did live/fair coverage on the rallies though. Basically misgendering someone can constitute a hate crime :^))))))

>> No.8943261

Yeah you know way better than me. You've been going to Skrs way longer. What am I thinking.

I've been following Peterson pretty closely. I used to watch some of his lectures way back so I was like "oh shit" when I saw him debating that totalitarian tranny prof. The fucking godawful SJW Varsity was spazzing out about it for a while too, which was gratifying to watch.

God I am so glad to be away from that city and university. Candidly, it can be a real intellectual wasteland, man. Even pissant undergrad courses in the humanities/continental philosophy here are better than UofT grad courses.

Don't let it drag you down into being a fucking mediocrity. I have a feeling it's about to go through 10-20 years of hardcore sliding in prestige, and that several departments are dying or peaking. Mine certainly was. It banked too hard on the professionalization and progressivism memes, and the shit Peterson is describing, with OISE bureaucrats sucking it dry from the inside, is only just starting.

>> No.8943313

Second semester here:

Computer Programming Principles
Event Driven Programming
Art History: Western Art from 1400 to 1900
College Algebra
English: Rhetoric and Composition

I didn't finish high school thus I am forced to take a few courses that are beneath me to satisfy credit requirements.

>> No.8943349

Any fellow Oxbridge here? Cam specifically?

Where's my HSPS boys at, and the lad who was doing Literature? Tit Hall here.

>> No.8943352

> Don't let analytics sour you on Wittgenstein, they never actually got him.

im not sure who is more autistic, analytics, or the descendents of known autist kierkegaard, heidegger and wittgenstein

they're all trash

back to aristotle

>> No.8943355

wittgenstein and heidegger were saying the same thing

> u cant no nuffin, muh kierkegaard

>> No.8943389
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Kafka & the Kafkan, Anthropocene Outrage, Marx after Marx, and Conflict + Conflict Resolution

>> No.8943393

I'm auditing a course called Tellurian Dynamics in the Post-Anthropocene. The prof teaching it is some apparently crazy smart dude Hamid Parsani. I'm pretty excited.

Course description:
> This course explores nexuses between numeracy, Tellurian dynamics, warmachines and petropolitics, models for grasping war-as-a-machine and monotheistic apocalypticism, all in connection with the Middle East.

>> No.8943396

Constitutional law
Criminal law
Property law II
Contract law II
Tort law II
legal research and writing II
"Advanced legal methods"

Just fuck my shit up man. This is gonna be brutal.

>> No.8943425

Why would anyone in their right mind do this to themselves? You're paying extra money (probably) to either fail or have no life and no sleep.

>> No.8943439

First year we don't get to pick our schedules. It's hazing for lawyers. Last semester I got 5 hours of sleep a day, stopped eating, and stopped lifting. I'd spend 15 hours a day in the library or studying at home. I made good study buddies and we take care of each other as much as we can in this hell we call low tier law school. All this work and I didn't make top 10%. But I didn't fail. And I did better than the majority of students. It's kinda fun in a horribly demented way. I'm reading and learning more than I have ever in my life. I finally get to apply myself to something that is as interesting as it is boring.

>> No.8943512
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Second-semester sophomore here.

>Ending Deadly Conflict (politics)
>Reading Versailles (french)
>Interwar Crisis
>Ethics in Journalism

Two writing-intensive courses, plus weekly contributions to the student paper. I'm not sure if I should audit a literature course.

>> No.8943640

Multivariable Calculus
Physics II: Properties of Electricity and Electromagnetism
Introduction to Political Philosophy
CubeSat: Satellite research and development
C++ intro class

Aerospace student. First time taking a lib ed since starting at the University of Minnesota

>> No.8943665

Aging & Regenerative biology
Developmental biology
Statistics & R
Philosophy and Science (Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, Adorno & Horkheimer)

Heavy but good stuff.

>> No.8943666

>Classical Mechanics I
>Intro to Modern Physics
>Computational Physics
>French II
>European Intellectual History

Pumped as fuck about the last one, an old syllabus I found included writings from people like Copernicus and Macchiavelli then a ton of guys I'd never heard of. I go to Georgia Tech.

>> No.8943673
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Bachelor of Arts - English Major @ University of Sydney. Anyone else doing this course @ USYD?

>> No.8943675

>pedagogy of writing
>Tibetan Buddhism
>theory of mind
>medieval philosophy

>> No.8943681
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please college anons redpill me on the college experience

im thinking about giving up on my wageslave job and getting an education instead preferably psychology or some shit idk

>> No.8943691

Good for you I guess

>> No.8943703

Principles of Macroeconomics
Survey of Non-Western Art
Statistics I
Finite Mathematics
Managerial Accounting

I'm an accounting major, so my classes aren't /lit/ at all.

>> No.8943705

I wouldn't go if you either can move up in the job you are in currently, or if you don't have a legitimate plan.

College is fun and fun and all, but if I didn't have an actual plan I wouldn't be wasting my time and money to get a piece a paper. Most of my learning is still self taught.

>> No.8943754

>I wouldn't go if you either can move up in the job you are in currently
It's a complete dead end
>or if you don't have a legitimate plan.
In a dream scenario I'd love to become a humanities professor, but I'm thinking in order to really peak my interests and find out what I wanna do then I'd have to expose myself to academica.

I've never had a "plan" per say, just a vague inclination towards learning.

>> No.8943804

Bio 2
Film theory

It's my last semester. I'm already looking for a job.

>> No.8943907

American Literature from Early Beginnings to 1850
Major British Authors After 1800
Jane Austen
Fiction Writing I
American Pop Culture: Film Noir

>> No.8944050

Do you go to uwm

>> No.8944060
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Beginning Scandinavian II (Swedish)
Foundations of Education
Intro to Historical Interpretation
Intro to Comparative Politics

>> No.8944109
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>> No.8944118

Applied Quantitative Analysis
Foundations of Christian Art
The French Enlightenment
Theories of the Study of Religion
Grand Strategy
Princeton University

>> No.8944123

how many contact hours are required for each unit you guys do?
Im Aussie and everyone pretty much does 4 units per sem but reading the comments it seems like the norm is 5+ in America

>> No.8944137


At my university 4 classes makes you considered a full time student for financial aid purposes and stuff like that, but if you want to graduate in 4 years you have to take 5 classes a semester.

>> No.8944142

not normal: 4-6 is the norm

>> No.8944177


well now I know to avoid 368 on Thursday nights

>> No.8944190
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home sweet ugly brutalist home!

>> No.8944200

1st year

>The Fine Art of Murder: Reading Detective Fiction
>Barack Obama as History - Barack Obama in History
>The Coming-Out Novel
>Girls and Sex
>We are What We Eat: The Example of French Cuisine

>> No.8944220

this is really cancerous

>> No.8944612

Haha. I was a comp lit and philosophy major so I know it all too well. The building grew on me though. What are you studying?

>> No.8944638

Why don't you join us, anon? I promise I'm likely one of the more tolerable people on the board and it seems someone else in this thread is in that class as well.

>> No.8944649

>Enlightenment Philosophy

>> No.8944655


UMD final semester

3 stupid CS courses and 1 course in Life Drawing

I dropped my English double major because I would've had to take more diversity classes and English literature has ironically almost killed my love for books. I'm trying to nibble through Proust as a cure for the awful experience I had last semester (1 awful postmodern literature class, 1 awful diversity literature class where I had to defend myself against a charge of plagiarism)

>> No.8944677

1L at 14 here, I feel your pain.

>Reading Versailles
I really hope you read La Princesse de Cleves
I shill it here all the time and I've seen it in at least one shelf pic that wasn't mine.

not worth it
also if youre over 20 commute

>> No.8944680


>> No.8944687

good taste

>> No.8944697

Latin 2
History of Ancient Philosophy
Philosophy Seminar
History of the New Testament
Biblical Hebrew Literature

>> No.8944703
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kek, you want to talk about brutalist monstrosities? I go to McGill University in Montreal.

>> No.8944708

>theory of knowledge
Why not call it epistemology?

>> No.8944777

Derecho civil III Obligaciones II
Derecho Laboral I
Derecho Financiero
Derecho Procesal Civil II
Derecho Administrativo II
Propiedad Intelectual

Who /Venezuela/ here?

>> No.8944968

I'm doing a BA at USYD. What year are you in?

>> No.8944985

>La Princesse de Cleves
Yep, it's in the syllabus.

>> No.8945014


>> No.8945027

anybody here go to school in NYC?

>> No.8945086

>Communications (Essentially public speaking)

>Strength training (Fucking PE credits)

>World Religions



I got waitlisted on the one fucking class I need for my major.

>> No.8945087
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Who here loves literature but loves financial security more and didn't go to school for it because of that?

>> No.8945093


CSfags ftw.

>> No.8945117

>Strength Training

Make a plan before you go in, from my experience the dude is just a gym babysitter. Won't teach you fuckin' shit you couldn't glean off reading the /fit/ sticky.

>> No.8945123

I assumed as much.

/fit/ has been good to me thus far. They have the best memes.

>> No.8945129


>> No.8945143

>the "perspectival" epistemology/ontology of logic instead of just doing logic

What exactly is this? Any books to point out? Sounds interested to me

>> No.8945153

>Roman History
>The Beatles
>Child Psychopathology
>Psychology and Law
>Personnel Psychology

The Personnel Psych is Industrial/Organizational, not a misspelling of Personal
And yes, the The Beatles course is just a history course on the band

>> No.8945156
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>Barack Obama as History – Barack Obama in History


>> No.8945160

>All these Humanities and Liberal Arts

The only thing worse than an autist is an indebted autist

>> No.8945161

Many of those are real courses at University of Toronto. Absolutely disgusting.

I know that's a fake schedule though.

>> No.8945162

what the fuck is inorganic chemistry for literature students that sounds incredible

>> No.8945164

It's really sad because the U of T has some damn good programs that allow it to have a reputation. But then their Arts faculty is genuinely retarded

>> No.8945167

I'm surprised too. I figured /lit/ was mostly those who went the science route and missed out on literature, like myself, but it looks like people actually do pick jobless majors and it isn't just a meme.

He probably means the simplistic version of Chem they teach non-majors.

>> No.8945175

I went to an institute of technology, so there was no one with jobless majors for me to gawk and laugh at.

>> No.8945176

I think the most dead-on thing you could read would be first understanding the late Wittgenstein's views on logic (as "tautological," and a subset of grammar), and then reading about how he covered the "logical must," which is a great way of phrasing it - the logical must is the sense that an inference MUST hold under "indisputable" axiomatic conditions, and that this carries some kind of objective or ontological "power."

>> No.8945180

My thoughts exactly. It's sad to see, but most of them say pretentious garbage when you talk about anything career-related, so fuck them anyway

>> No.8945184

>most of them say pretentious garbage when you talk about anything, so fuck them anyway

>> No.8945189

aye! what school man? im at columbia

>> No.8945190

>When you're the only female in a STEM class with an SJW professor
Feels good being the top of the curve everytime because the professor wants to check his privilege.
Also, I'm majoring in mathematical physics if anyone cares.

>> No.8945198

>muh STEM

Fuck off faggot. You'll be working in a back-office grueling away for hours whilst we get interesting jobs.

>> No.8945200

post feet

>> No.8945203

According to your experience, is it true that women are discouraged and unsupported in STEM fields? That's a common rebuttal when someone brings up the fact that women tend to major in less profitable majors (in regards to the wage debate)

>> No.8945204

The reason that I'm not double majoring is because I have to work to pay for school and not take out student debt. Retards who dont avoid debt at all costs are in trouble regardless of field.

>> No.8945205

waddup Umass

>> No.8945209

A Math major is just as qualified to hold any position you'll be applying for comrade

>> No.8945212

Not at all, that particular professor dotes on me like I'm his kid. Probably helps that I do a lot of volunteer work and he runs a charity on the side, but still. On the flip side, all the asians get pretty much ignored, lol.

>> No.8945215

Except every math major i've met is an illiterate autiste, so no. Any high paying job that requires actual responsibility will not be given to them.


commie detected.

>> No.8945221

That's just what SJWs say to support their wage gap crap and make themselves sound legitimate.

The real reason so few women go into STEM is because their influences lead them to other paths. Science and math are for nerdy old men according to society.

>> No.8945222

Also as a side note, that professor payed me to tutor his middle school daughter for a while. He just let's his wife walk all over him; pathetic. I hate numales like him but I like their money.

>> No.8945230
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This, when (((their))) best attempts to inspire young girls to move into traditionally male fields are like pic related, there's a problem. A show with serious cuckolding vibes made to shove """diversity""" down our thoats, rather than one encouraging young girls to learn to love math and science is only going to create whiners, not scientists.

>> No.8945231


But wall street loves math majors, why are you so uninformed.

>> No.8945238

A company that does it right imo is lego, a lot of their introductory shit is completely mundane, and yet, slice of life toys are as appealing to both girls and boys. They also dont engage in """diverse""" advertising.

>> No.8945253

>wall st

Ok this is bait

>> No.8945259


>> No.8945304


>> No.8945489

Civil Procedure I
Constitutional Law
Legal Reasoning 2

I hate it. I have a sweet small town gig lined out after though, so I just have to pass.

>> No.8945500

This, I am enrolled in 8 courses for the next semester

>> No.8945516

>Calculus IV
>Linear Algebra
>Advanced German Composition
>German Culture and Thought

And I will need to add a few other STEM classes just to pad out my semester because I'm trying to apply for readmission into the engineering college that I got kicked out of for failing so much.

I have 2 years left if I can get back in. I have a job lined up, $80K starting out, $125K guaranteed within 5 years, if I can just fucking graduate. Guaranteed the job is mine and I STILL can't make myself care about school b/c foreveralone.

>> No.8945519

Formal logic II
Modality and essence
Origins of Analytic metaphysics
German (Intermediate)

>> No.8945552

>aerospace structures
>aircraft stability
>compressible aerodynamics
>complex analysis
>engineering lab
>geography of wine
>tfw fell for the STEM meme so I don't have space for foreign language, literature, and philosophy classes

>> No.8945774

>American Literature from early beginnings to 1850
I've got a similar one.

A consideration of the beginning of American literature from Native American myths of origin and writings of Spanish, French, and English explorers through Washington Irving. We will read such authors as Cabeza de Vaca, William Bradford, Cotton Mather, Jonathan Edwards, Philis Wheatley, Mary Rowlandson, Franklin, Olaudah Equilano, Jefferson, Paine, Madison, and Charles Brocken Brown.

Hopefully it doesn't try being too much of a history class, and keeps well away from Central America. Not that those aren't interesting, but more that the description is already overreaching on topics from what it read a month ago.

>tfw class size of ten
>and there's a Lovecraft class of 90 run by a gender studies prof I'd had previous that's sure to absorb all the tards
>but meanwhile the philosophy department is a one-man show by a guy looking like Col. Sanders who teaches the Intro class and a graduate level class on Nietzsche.
Such is life in TX.

>> No.8945811

>tfw class size of ten
That's maximum comfy though, if the teacher is good half the classes will be like impromptu seminaries. Make sure to keep up with your reading and great discussion will be had.

>> No.8945839

Gov 50 (quant research methodologies) -- preparing for thesis work in poli sci.

>> No.8945851

Meant that as a positive, yeah. The other two are also positives, in a twisted sort of way. The philosophy department is non-existant, but the one guy they do have is great, both ironically and unironically.

>> No.8945865

>Fluid Mechanics II (eng)
>Partial Differential Equations
>Fluid Dynamics (math)

Studying Mech Eng and Science double degree (applied math major).

Live in Aus so 3 units is still considered full time. Its like 15-18 hours of lectures, labs etc.

>tfw i dont have room for electives cos double degree
>tfw STEM meme

I don't even know what i want to do. i just chose this cos maths and physics is are my best units

>> No.8946221
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Maybe you cover a lot more in these modules thn I did but how would you get away with just doing those 3 modules for a semester anon?

>Computer Modelling and Numerical Techniques
>Quantum Mechanics
>Nuclear and Particle Physics
>Experimental Methods II
>Observational Astrophysics

Looks to be the most demanding semester yet for me so should be interesting to see how it all goes.

>> No.8947106

>law school

Last semester for me, bros. I'm starting to think about going for an LLM or a PhD though.


>Taxation I
>White Collar Crime
>Communications Law
>Class Actions and Mass Torts
>The Western Idea of Law

I took all of the required and/or useful classes last year so this year has been pretty comfy. Trying to enjoy it.

>> No.8947139

>introduction to computation theory 2
>analysis 2
>programming 2
>systems modelling

Also wanted to take physics 1 and digital technology but they are only available next September.

>> No.8947291

I just took modern physics last semester at UVa, it's a lot of fun imo

>Elementary Lab II (physics)
>Classical Mechanics
>Differential Equations
>Intro German II

>> No.8947311

My nigga.

>> No.8947447

nice, I hope you like it.

Good luck man, I'm thinking about doing an LLM too. coupled with a third year abroad (in France) I would qualify for citizenship. Need to find someone to pay for it though lol.

I'm looking forward to 2L so I can finally take advantage of cross enrollment.

UC school?

>> No.8947457

Cool. I'm not looking forward to class mech, from what a professor told me it's just an amped-up physics I with autistically complex problems. Intro to modern and computational sound like good fun though.
I just finished diff eq and it might've been the hardest class I've taken, good luck with that. Your professor will make a huge difference, because they determine which of the wide range of categories of diff eqs the course covers. Every professor at tech picks slightly different chapters out of the textbook that they think are important. I also had to do a few things other profs didn't make their students do, like memorizing dozens of Laplace transformations instead of getting a table with all of them for exams. Fingers crossed that yours is good.

>> No.8947483

English lit&crit
I'm in another thrus night class in crt actually, so no Blake for me

>> No.8947582

One of my professors told me that classical mechanics is the first "real" physics class in the major, but the ones I've taken so far have been somewhat difficult so i too am expecting classical to be hell.
I've had similar experiences with the math department. My calc iii professor was shit, i barely passed the class so diff eq will likely suck

>Tfw every semester somehow fucks you harder than the last

>> No.8947610

Signal Theory

>> No.8947636

Fucking smartphone can't write properly with my sausage fingers

>> No.8947659

What the hell can I study if I want to study continental philosophy/critical theory?
I was a philosophy major but all I studied was analytical stuff so I switched to comparative literature (I've got a big interest in literature as well). Are literature departments where all the cont phil is at?

>> No.8947676

Go to a different school pal

>> No.8947701

Too late for that

>> No.8947811


>> No.8947835

You should get off this board, being present in too many uni threads makes a bad impression of our alma mater

>> No.8947843


Pour vous

>> No.8947861

Ayyy I'm applying to your program with interests in Heidegger. Also to UT.

>> No.8947869

I agree. I went to a comfy private college that gave me a shit lode of scholarships. Kinda of a no-name school outside of my state, but it had some good professors. Biggest class I had was 20 kids, with the majority being 10 to 15.

>> No.8947901


>> No.8947937

How so?

>> No.8947976

in Aus 4 modules is the norm so 3 isn't so bad, its still considered full time. We probably do cover more than you i guess. When i was studying physics for example we had optics, electromag and thermal physics all in one unit. How many hours of "required" work a week do each of your modules require? I usually have at least 3 1h lectures and a 2 hour tute per module

>> No.8948000

Applied Calculus II
Introduction to Philosophy
Readings in Latin Prose and Poetry II: Catullus and Horace
Turkey: A Nation of Contradictions in Turmoil
Texts and Contexts II: Writing About Literature

>> No.8948173

>not worth it
why not, anon? please dont STEMeme me

>> No.8948179
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>All these fledgling young scholars on /lit/
makes me kinda proud desu

>> No.8948186

Lol kid, should have gotten into STEM, enjoy being poor!

>> No.8948206

>what the fuck is inorganic chemistry for literature students that sounds incredible
It doesn't exist. I just joined science and literature terms to make names for fake classes. I did take a class on inorganic chemistry and we spent a quarter learning group theory.

>> No.8948213


>> No.8948245

It's oversaturated by people who can't hack it in med school and grad school to become a neuroscientist of any merit whatsoever. Do you like brains? Do you find behavior fascinating? Be a neuroscientist.

>> No.8948251

On my second semester

>French 2
>Advanced Composition
>Poly-Sci 101
>Logic and Argument
>Next quarter Geography

>> No.8948295

hmm we have to reach 60 credits and in our physics degree theres usually only 5 credit modules so we do 12 modules over the course of 2 semesters.

I agree though we have separate modules for optics, emag, thermo etc but that said I'm a physics student so we get to focus on physics a lot more and have the time to cover them separately. Required work per module varies, last semester the one with most mandatory hours had 5 hours, and min was 3 hrs. In terms of workload ive heard our professors aim to give us 40 hour weeks in terms of time spent studying, doing prolbem sets etc, and then in reality the average week is about a 50 hour week.

Do those numbers sound similar to yours?

Im a 2nd class honour student so far though so i might be light on the workload if youre a 1st class hons.

>> No.8948296

I'm starting in March, first year. Wbu?

>> No.8948317

Shit forgot to mention, mandatory classes usually end up being around 21/22 hrs a week

>> No.8948479

>Platonic Dialogues and Dialectics
>Recent British Philosophy
>'New Journalism'
>Early Modern Philosophy

University of Windsor is pretty comfy

>> No.8948505

Chem 2
Linear algebra and differential equations
Intro to engineering graphics
Intro to engineering class
And independent study of fictional short stories

>> No.8948515

What the hell is calculus 4?

>> No.8948532

>independent study of fictional short stories
Do you have the 'tism by any chance?

>> No.8948556

good shit desu
I hope a new journalism class is offered at my uni sometime while I'm here

>> No.8948621


Multivariable calculus

>> No.8948637

>Independent Study
>Computational biology

Last semester of undergrad. Only 5 hours of actual class time per week.

>> No.8949477

I'll fight you m8

>> No.8949488

LMAO at all the jobless majors in this thread

Enjoy not having careers

>> No.8949540

>manufacturing processes and systems
>Mech Eng design
>HVAC and Building automation
>project management of complex systems


>> No.8949559

>majoring in liberal arts and humanities
>nothing STEM

why are you all like this? science and math are easy as shit and surefire career paths.

>> No.8949571

holy shit i thought i was the only one on /lit/ who read this

>> No.8949577

>science and math are easy as shit
not for everybody

>> No.8949583

Well yeah maybe if you're retarded

>> No.8949598

Money is boring

Math is just a meaningless logic puzzle and only becomes interesting when it's used to model real-life phenomena, and then those are usually commercial applications

Science laboratory work blows and you'll just be some guy's intern slave for 20 years, there are no monumental discoveries left

>> No.8949633

Can someone redpill me on how stupid i am? I just did a 2 year diploma in game programming and am now learning about philosophy and psychology through jordan peterson youtube. I dropped out of high school too btw. Is my life a meme now or can i be saved through self learning?

>> No.8949653

For my last semester I'm taking
>Intro level game theory and linguistics classes for fun
>Intro level econ class for requirement
>Cosmology class that should be easy since it's focused on stuff derived from GR but geared for students that may not know GR

Should be fun

>Science and math
>Surefire career paths
If you want to be overworked and underpaid or teaching high school, sure.

Good post

>> No.8949675

>tfw my life is bait to real people

>> No.8949688

Depends what you want to accomplish nigga

You're probably not gonna become a philosophy genius by watching Youtube stuff admittedly but Peterson is pretty fun

>> No.8949692
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Help me, boys.

I am a philosophy freshman and my second semester starts in February. I am tired of all that conty shit in my faculty and therefore decided to seek salvation in optional mathematical courses. But, which one would you guys suggest me to take first, considering that I discovered my passion for maths only this month(after reading about Frege, Russel, Carnap and so forth) and I was sleeping in math classes at school, meaning that I know fuck all about the subject?

>Algebra I
>Analytic geometry
>Differential equations I
>Mathematical analysis I
>Functional analysis I
>Mathematical logic and set theory
>Introduction to theory of algorithms
>Introduction to number theory
>Strategical game theory

>> No.8949695

probably trolling but it's not even true anymore that STEM is more of a guarantee after graduation than humanities. a few specific fields like chemistry and computer science have good employment but overall STEM is no better

>> No.8949696

>Surefire careers
>in 2017

What do you do that Peng can't do just as well at half the price?

>> No.8949715

Alright well i want to get educated to some degree. I don't care about the piece of paper from a uni. I want to start a business and have multiple streams of income so i can learn stuff and work at the same time. I've got an ok internship so i've got some dosh i'm planning to buy the books off of JP's reading list.

>> No.8949760

That's mostly hard work and luck these days, so if reading this kind of stuff helps you better understand yourself and the nature of your productivity and motivation, shit like that, then you should absolutely pursue it.

Being well-read in a literary or philosophical sense is a lot harder and sometimes favors genetic luck and people who have knacks for it, but there's no reason not to do it if you love it.

>> No.8949789

Thanks. I really wasn't expecting anyone to take me seriously when compared to engineers and stuff. I'm going to follow my dreams now.

>> No.8949796

I go to U of T too. If you have DeSouza for sexuality I would keep it, he's great.

I have:
Topics in Shakespeare
17th & 18th Century Phil
20th Century Am Lit
Persons, Minds & Bodies

>> No.8949921

>Autism: the major

>> No.8949975

I see. What can I expect from the course? Enrolled in six courses atm so I was planning on dropping either that or religion (but apparently the course/prof is great). Should I just take six courses? The workload for sexuality doesn't seem too bad.

>Persons, Minds & Bodies
>17th & 18th Century Phil

You seem to be into the medieval/English stuff, so maybe you'll like 210 (17-18th)? But Descartes, Leibniz, and was it either Spinoza or Berkeley that was covered, just the constant (bad) arguments for God and their reliance on it, Leibniz' weird version of free will, it was just tiring for one semester. I take it you're doing philosophy and English (literature?)?

If you have Stang for when he's teaching Kant, that'll be an ordeal imo. He's a big Kantian - one of the entries for Kant in the Stanford Philosophy Encyclopedia was written by him and the whole thing was confusing for me, but hopefully you'll have a better time.

See you around on campus, I guess..?

>> No.8949990

muh aerospace nigga

>> No.8950067

Probably math logic or functional analysis (I'm assuming this is an introduction to real analysis?), intro number theory would be okay I guess.

My phil dept was analytical and my math dept was pure.

>> No.8950365

yeah those numbers all sound about right. pretty much the same for me in terms of overall workload they expect you to do, (around 40+ hours).

This is for sci/eng units though. i've heard a lot of arts modules require less

>> No.8950857

I never took that course with desouza but I had him for phl 100 2 years ago. As far as 210 goes I'm basically just taking it as a filler course this year since I didn't have space in my time table for philosophy of mathematics or set theory and logic. But I don't mind the god arguments too much, I'm kind of over my edgy athiest phase and just memorize them for exams. But yeah I'm around on campus every day so we might run into each other. Good luck with that course load

>> No.8951054
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Oh this is purely for my degree and maybe the maths degree too, every other degree in my uni has a much smaller workload.

good luck this semester man!

>> No.8951210

Last semester of my history bachelor - I'm doing a cultural history minor, a compulsory subject on humanities and society and I'm writing my thesis.

>An introduction into Cultural History. Cities, Developments, Changes.
>Political Culture: Images of Power and the Power of Images.
>Searching for the true Dutchmen. The representation of nation and character, 1750 to the present.
>Humanities and society

>> No.8951223

you too!

>> No.8951271

2nd year philosophy student reporting in

subjects: history of modern philosophy, modern aesthetics, logic, epistemology (skepticism)

I actually wrote my first philosophical work in the previous semester, inspired with Anselm's ontological argument. I formally interpreted his arguments and the conclusion is: if God is possible, He exists. I used the other 2 types of arguments (cosmological and teleological) as corollaries that prove the rationality of the belief that God exists, because I reached the conclusion that the possibility of God's existence cannot be proved from the coherence of the notion of God. Hopefully I'll get a professor to read it, I'm actually proud at my work.

>> No.8951338

monstrosities on top of construction

>> No.8951450

I fucking hate university.

>> No.8951510

Started my first semester last July, so I'll by starting my second semester in March.

I'm doing philosophy.

>> No.8951522

That sounds great. Good on you anon.

>> No.8951603

Every curriculum I've seen has multivariable as calc 3. You could call differential equations calc 4 I guess but I don't know any schools that do that

>> No.8951615

>there are no monumental discoveries left
Faculty at my own school were part of the giant collaboration that detected the first gravitational waves last year
It may seem that there are no more discoveries to laymen but that has been the case for almost all of human history because most people don't know what research is happening at all

>> No.8951621

Read Leibniz he made the same point you make

>> No.8951627

>Advanced Mandarin Chinese II
>Advanced Latin II
>Financial Services Industry
>Equity valuation
>Some mandatory business ethics course

>> No.8951774

Intro to Comp Lit
Computer Programming
Creative Writing in Spanish
Russian Cosmism

NYU. I've been to Butler a few times. Gorgeous.

>> No.8951944

>Contemporary Topics In Plasma Physics
>Quantum Mechanics 2
>Advanced Physics Lab
>Computational Physics

I wish I had time to take lit classes, but at least I can understand all the physics references in Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.8951947
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I see. What did you take last semester? Maybe we took a course together. I'll definitely give De Souza a chance - I was just put off by him wishing me and the other students a "sexy New Year", since we all know that the beginning of the new year is the least sexiest time of them all.

And for 210 I mean like, I grew up in a Christian household but like, it got pretty repetitive. You must be covering Hume and Kant this semester iirc. Is it just Morrisson for the whole year?

Let's get coffee sometime! Not many decent philosophy students at UofT. Have a complimentary Yang Wenli.

>> No.8952204

STEM master race

Liberal (ew) arts can suck it

>> No.8952217

Wait a minute, where do you go? Those all sound like classes at my uni and if so I might have computational with you

>> No.8952219 [DELETED] 

Ok, ill even let you spread me eagle and fuck me hard

>> No.8952235

>Disaster Preparedness and Response
>Introduction to Terrorism
>Introduction to Earth Sciences

It's going to be a pretty meh semester but I'm pretty sure I'm almost done with my gen-ed shit.

>> No.8952328

why? this sounds fantastic.

>> No.8952410

>Data Protection Law
>Media Law
>Theory of Public Administration
Pretty chill, done with LL.M. in June.

>> No.8952426

>Mineral processing technology
>Prospecting, exploration and evaluation of nonrenewable resources
>Igneous Processes
>Water Resources Management
>Investigation Methods in Engineering Geology
>Dynamics of Engineering Geology
>Geophysical data processing
>Geoelectrical and well-logging prospecting

>> No.8952442

Anyone at Reed College here?

>> No.8952539

To you and the other law students in this thread, where do you go/where'd you get your JD? I'm considering law school but because of being a shithead my first 2 years of school I'm worried about being able to get into a T14 (though my GPA from the last 5 semesters would be a 3.85 and I'm confident in my LSAT-taking abilities). I minored in French and would like to keep on top of that so an LLM afterwards is a possibility as well. What's your experience been like?
I'm thinking about finding work as a paralegal upon graduating to see if the work is something I'd enjoy, though ideally I'd like to focus on environmental and health law so I don't think paralegal work would allow me to experience anything in those fields

>> No.8952846

Nah, but my brother just applied there. How is?

>> No.8952871

Great if you want to go to grad school (phd, just go to a state school if you intend on med school or law school etc...) or do a lot of drugs or both (though the drug use dying because the student body is obsessed with idpol--using cocaine is considered racist)

Great if you have gender issues or if gender issues are all you want to talk about.

Terrible otherwise, I guess. I spent a lot of time on leave and don't really interact with the student body anymore.

>> No.8952917

Yeah the identity politics can be a bit much but there are plenty of people who aren't into that sort of thing. You just have to find your niche.

>> No.8952946

What's your dept?

>> No.8952973

History. You?

>> No.8953026

Psych, graduating this coming semester but I may end up working here as a post bac for another year.

What year are you?

>> No.8953041

clinical pharmacy here
>zoology (cytology)
>organic chemistry
>inorganic and physical chemistry together
>potany and medicinal plants
just fuck me already
+3 shit stuff idk why we learn
>maths (wtf lol)
>computer engineering (wew much haks)

im from egypt so idk

>> No.8953123

Second year

>> No.8953146

>tfw the start of the semester has been delayed another day due to weather.
That's what I get for going to a shitty community college

>> No.8953163

Law enforcement at strayer university

>> No.8953216

Yeah Desouza is very peculiar but an amazing lecturer (despite his personal biases). If you want to grab coffee sometime I'd be glad to. How would you want to arrange it? And I had Dostoevsky and Medieval Lit last term the rest are the same or started this term.

>> No.8953259

Enjoy yourself while the fun lasts.

Though I've enjoyed my senior year a lot, since most of my work is lab work.

>> No.8953353

I'll sure try. Lord knows there's plenty of substances around. My grade and above seem to be alright, but the freshman are HUGELY into the idpol thing to the extent where it's their entire lives. They seem to care about nothing else in the world.

>> No.8953399

>Logic: Deduction
>Foundations of Political Thought 1789-1900
>Introduction to Law

Only taking 4 courses this semester, all on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I can work MWF.

>> No.8953408

For all the philosophy students in this thread, discussions of philosophy on /lit/ tend to be quite moronic

>> No.8953420

Same. It sucks desu.

>> No.8953426


Yeah, it's insane isn't it

>> No.8953432

Yeah it seems to have gotten a bit worse every year. When I was a freshman 6 years ago that was almost never discussed. Nobody gave a shit what your gender identity was (nobody still does but reedies sure love playing the victim), and professors typically went out of the way to accomodate you. This was, of course, before it was hip to change your pronouns every couple of months.

Campus discussion was mostly arguing over whether "hard" drugs and "hard drug users" should be accepted or encouraged to leave the community.

Heroin, meth, coke etc... were much more prevalent then, I think. I don't do drugs anymore so I really don't know.

Not sure how it is in upper level humanities courses, but I get to avoid that stuff for the most part since I'm on the animal behavior/neuroscience side of psych. Idpol has me completely unwilling to take further courses in "softer" parts of psych though.

What other boards do you browse? I mostly stay on int and ck. Fit used to be popular amongst the like 10 total people who lifted weights when I first got there. I imagine mu and fa are big.

>> No.8953452

Drawing I
Honors Calculus
Computer Programming I
Debate Practicum

>> No.8953454

My female classmates in EE got the fucking red carpet treatment for internships.
The one girl from Google I've met could barely breathe on her own.

>> No.8953490

It's because they're studying analytic philosophy.

>> No.8953551
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DC Circuits and Process Operating Fundamentals

>> No.8953581

Mostly this and /mu/, occassionally /tv/ and /out/.

Ive been weaning myself off of 4chan though. Especially since this election cycle started.

>> No.8953592

I've got a sneaking suspicion that some people I know have at least lurked on certain boards before, but I know a lot of people think of 4hcan as just this far right-hacker-evil internet bogeyman.

>> No.8953618

>tfw not qualified enough for actual university
what do I do?

>> No.8953623

In my hum 220 class though, at least we've been able for the most part to have some semblance of discussion and debate when idpol related topics come up even when there's disagreement about them (occassionally one or two people inclined in a certain way will flip their shit though). There's even a conservative in our class.

The whole Hum 110 racism thing has been a hot topic though I've not really kept up with it.

>> No.8953647

Intermediate micro &macroecon
20th Century Russian history(took imperial history lasts semester)

>> No.8953707

starting a new course this year brahs pray for me

>introductory microeconomics
>introduction to philosophy
>intro to politics
>PPE: a short history

>> No.8953713

You doing a Russian major/minor?

>> No.8953723

>Russian major
is this even a thing without joining the military?

>> No.8953728

So what are you anons majoring in? I'm doing a music education major myself.

>> No.8953730

They have it at my university

>> No.8953742

reporting. undergraduate CS major here

>> No.8953760

Why though. As someone who is actually learning Russian I can't imagine doing it for most of the day for four years as a major. Then again it also includes history, which is mostly useless as well. You have literally no job prospect with this major except for teacher or translator. I'll be seeing you on the campus by the way.

>> No.8953764

They have it at my uni too. Although my professor says the university wants to integrate Russian studies into "European studies."

>> No.8953805

Really makes you think.

>> No.8953816

Jealous as fuck

>> No.8953903


>> No.8953928

Do I have to write according to his biases or can I defend something that he'll disagree with and receive a fair mark? PETERSON PETERSON PETERSON

Uh, I have some of those apps like snapchat and kik that /soc/ likes. I also have WeChat and Kakao if you're also the Oriental sort.
Most people seem to have kik so I'll just post mine: eternal.recurrence (get it like Neech lmao)

>> No.8954047

>There's even a conservative in our class.
Didn't even think that was still a thing. We used to have a lot of libertarians from what I remember, but now I don't even hear arguing about economic models when it comes to politics.

That's good to hear though. The problem with psych is that it's supposed to be a science, but the idpol crowd doesn't treat it that way. Funny enough the most current gender dysphoria research is based off some paper a while ago that found scoring high on some autism scale in childhood was the best predictor of gender dysphoria later in adulthood. Gender dysphoria is also more common among autistic individuals. I believe the clinical psych prof in the past has had people yell at her for assigning some review of gender dysphoria research over time as being transmysoginistic. Most of these people usually realize they're being retarded when it's pointed out to them that gender dysphoria being in the DSM is the only reason insurance companies cover crap like hormone injections.

Man I love clinical psych, but the sort of person who takes that class does not like to support any of their opinions with empirical research. It's some sort of -ist if you insist that's necessary in a science.

>The whole Hum 110 racism thing has been a hot topic though I've not really kept up with it.
The animal behaviorist in the psych dept had us break racism down into associative learning the day kids skipped class due to racism or whatever (I'm not white either, wew, but I would never skip class). It was pretty good, mostly because he elaborated on some work by Ben-Ami Bartal et. al. that found rats of different strains won't release each other from a restraint unless they grew up in the same litter.

>Ive been weaning myself off of 4chan though. Especially since this election cycle started.
Good luck.

>but I know a lot of people think of 4hcan as just this far right-hacker-evil internet bogeyman.
Yep. Forgot to mention I've known some girls here who camwhored on soc to boost their views/money, but all of them have graduated.

>> No.8954089
File: 30 KB, 427x640, IMG_5443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If youre the reed dude theres a hot petite blonde sophomore chick there last name yearwood went to hs with her shell make you go hhhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggg

>> No.8954100

>I'm not white either, wew, but I would never skip class
Almost all of the people I know that skipped class that day were white and a few of them were just skipping because they could or because they treat "activism" as an image thing.

>> No.8954110

Caroline right? I don't know her but I see her around a lot.

>> No.8954182

UMD College Park?

If so I just transferred there for the spring semester (philosophy major).

Still have to register for classes.

>> No.8954203



>> No.8954265

Great, now you had to go to grad school to have even the slightest semblance of hope for a career

>> No.8954281

do you have extreme autism

>> No.8954294

nah, surprisingly enough just a touch of the tism, just enough to enjoy theoretical cs

>> No.8954319

Georgia Tech my nigga

you a 1st/2nd year?

>> No.8954331

I wish I had gone to a real school.

>> No.8954345

I wish I was never born!!!!

>> No.8954370

fuck i was hoping for an extremely autistic friend who won't mind that i have extreme autism

fuck you normie

>> No.8954394

are you doing CS?

>> No.8954463
File: 81 KB, 882x758, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw high school senior
>going to out-of-state legacy college or community college
>autistic as shit
>like history

Should I just kill myself right now?

>> No.8954506

>sophomore chick
I barely know the seniors in my dept. Don't have the patience for young women anymore.

>or because they treat "activism" as an image thing.
So like all Reed activism?

>> No.8954524
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>> No.8954529

>out of state
Why? Do you have a scholarship?

>> No.8954540
File: 85 KB, 278x263, Screen Shot 2017-01-09 at 9.54.46 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but my grandmother lives there

I can't help but feel like I'm making a retarded decision, but thats most decisions I make

>> No.8954674

its the common app
I don't go to UofC but I live by there and hate all normies with the visceral passion that Lab instilled in me as a high schooler

>> No.8954679


>> No.8954689

Oh look it's the stressed out overachiever that's big law or bust already. You're a perfect fit.

>> No.8954695

Dude. You're taking a bunch of classes that no one else really takes and you're going to a fancy pants school. Chill out. Those sound way more exciting than a lot of the thread.

The other thing about garnering replies is that you should most likely add another part to your post explaining how you anticipate your semester is going to be or maybe what you're worrying about or maybe responding to others in the same post. You should also take an interpersonal communication class if you can.

>> No.8954742

But you're gonna be paying like twice as much

>> No.8954841

I just want someone to say "oh hey I go to school there/near there" for once so we can exchange kiks like the UofT kids...

I'm sorry friend. I will try to be better at not being autistic. I know my classes are very specific. Thanks for the (you) at least.

>> No.8955640

Beat me to it, anon.

>> No.8955646

I'm alpha, babe. Post feet for your new daddy.

>> No.8956144

>So like all Reed activism?
Hahaha, yeah pretty much.

>> No.8956664

What in my post made you form that perception? I only asked what the law students' experience was like and stated where my interest in law lies.
I'm sorry I have a realistic outlook on the field of law and understand that unless I want to be a PD or work in family/personal injury law a school outside the T20 won't do much for me. Nothing against those that enjoy that work, but I don't think I'd find it very interesting.
I'm certainly not an over-achiever and I would be miserable surrounding myself with big-law-or-bust types. I could deal with 3 years of school with them, but a career...nah

>> No.8956693

>tfw you dropped out 6 years ago

>> No.8956755
File: 246 KB, 484x605, 53473367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bwahaha I didn't realise there are so many retards on this board. If you aren't doing a STEM subject then you are a waste of space.

>> No.8956780

Second. You?

>> No.8956853

>>8952217 Michigan

>> No.8956864

what a cool guy

>> No.8957458

Should I go to college for something like environmental science or history.
I like history more obviously but I don't want to be miserable

>> No.8957649

>hate all normies

do you want to be friends with a 30 year old who will fuck you?

no, but can i borrow a PSU from you to see if my desktop's PSU is what is stopping it from starting up

>> No.8957652

How do you enjoy the worst one. Literally looking at images.

>> No.8957742

lets board and brew you guys

>> No.8957776

I know but would it be better than going to a community college? My grades aren't good enough for a regular college

>> No.8958017

Just do what you're most passionate about. Don't fall for "you'll fail at life if you don't do a STEM major" meme.

>> No.8958225

He can be strong on his opinion but it usually isn't cringy. I'll add you on kik if you have more questions/want to meet up

>> No.8958315

are you offering autistic friendship or buttsex I am mildly concerned

>> No.8958360

You can go to community college for 1 or 2 years and then transfer to a university. If you get a decent GPA you'll definitely get in. Also I know in some CCs there are programs specifically for doing this.

So unless your parents are rich, I'd do this to save yourself from a shitload of extra debt.

>> No.8958543

Winter Session
>Introduction to Sociology
>Music Theory for Non-Musicians

Spring Semester
>Interpreting Modern Literature
>Contemporary Poetry
>History of the Novel
>Introduction to Logic
>French Conversation


Winter session is going well and spring semester seems p comfy desu

>> No.8958546

whoopsie, should be history of the french novel

>> No.8958693

confused by why you would waste a class on French conversation. That's something easily learned and practicced outside of class. Besides that bretty good/10

>> No.8958746

It's not really a full class, it just meets for an hour and a half once a week. I live in the states so there aren't that many opportunities to naturally practice french and have taken all other levels of french offered at my university. It's just practicing time since I read and write french much better than I speak it.