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8940318 No.8940318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he actually went to University and wasted his money getting an "elite education" when all the books are freely available online or in cheap second-hand format easily deliverable to your house and when professors today rely on Wikipedia and internet sources to form their lectures


>> No.8940321
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>he didn't go to university
>he didn't get an elite education

>> No.8940325

>getting an "elite" education when the entire syllabus exists on the university's website and can be download in one second from libgen or sci-hub

Really makes me think!

>> No.8940331

Good luck finding an elite job without proof of elite education

>> No.8940332
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>he has no education

>> No.8940336

>he thinks you need proof when you can just do internships and pass the interviews


>> No.8940337
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>he has to pay for university
>he lives in a third world country like America or England

>> No.8940349

>just pass the interviews
ummmmm....try again sweetie :)

>> No.8940351

>I don't know how software jobs work

Really makes ya think and don't use sweetie again, retard, or I'll knock you out

>> No.8940353

>professors are all SJW's and keep regurgitating the same 'theories' over and over again

i hate myself for going to uni

>> No.8940355

>he didn't join the army right out of highschool and get paid way more than any of his 18 year old peers to shoot muslims for three years then go to college for free

>> No.8940358

epic post, or should I say, reddit

>> No.8940376

>fighting for Jews

>> No.8940377

I went to community college for three semesters then dropped out.

>> No.8940411

MA fag here. Up to my old-ass balls in debt and well-aware that the "value" of my degree is exponentially decreasing in a world where the democratization of information has provided access to all the texts I levied my future in order to access.

But, then again, the value of my education was not in having access to it - it was in the conversations that occurred because of it. It was the context of having a space in which there was a guided and shared discussion of materials ranging from throughout all of human history, and sharing my perspective with others who likewise contributed to a collective labor of learning.

You're not paying for access to the information - you're renting the room in which you are invited to participate in a tradition that stretches back to the dawn of civilization; you're purchasing a ticket to join a sacred circle, and the "rights and privileges" conferred on those who complete a degree are exactly what you make of them. It's just as much bullshit as you believe it to be... and that goes both ways.

Is it elitist? Yeah, by definition. But is it without value? No. It may be the most powerful ritual remaining in our society, and a process by which you can understand your part in the whole of existence.

It should be free, and it should mean more than it does, and you're not wrong to scoff at what higher education has become in a post-consumer economy... but along with Pepe's laughter, you will note teardrops where, perhaps, he mourns.

>> No.8940414

>being this degenerate
Neck yourself , OP.

>> No.8940417
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>he actually thinks people go to university to learn and not experience an essential part of their social rearing
Yes, the excluded and destitute have such an enlightened vantage point to offer. Spare me the wisdom of your poverity OP, college is extremely healthy for any individual, plus it's full of virile young women, you fag.

>> No.8940419


>dropping out of community college

whew lad

What are your plans now?

>> No.8940421

>acknowledges his degree is garbage
>he is still guzzling down the marketing

>> No.8940422

>implying anyone at university forms any genuine relationships

epic meme

>> No.8940424

>genuine relationships
nice spook

>> No.8940433

>I didn't ready Stirner


>> No.8940447
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I met my girlfriend in college.

Enjoy your hand my dear dumb frogposter.

>> No.8940448

>it's full of virile young women, you fag.

>go to uni for sex

Are you an animal?

>> No.8940451



now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out west side walk it out ey east side walk it out ey north side walk it out ey south side walk it out ey now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out now walk it out

>> No.8940456

>dating a dumb college broad

LMAO, and he thinks he's the smart one HAHAHAHAHHAA

>> No.8940462

Then why is it I can beat any self-educated stooge in an argument?

>> No.8940463
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Yes. Human beings are animals. There's no shame in sex, college is some kind of godsend, you're in the prime of your life and there's an interminable vastness of perky titties you've ready-made pretexts to engage. I honestly pity those who don't have such an opportunity, it's one last liberated hurrah before committing to the drudgery of adulthood.

>> No.8940464

>He actually believes this lmao

Go on, post an argument and watch me beat you up.

>> No.8940472

define genuine relationships

I'm 'genuinely' curious

can you give any examples?

>> No.8940473

You are only an animal if you don't have the willpower to overwrite your base instincts, I honestly pity shallow idiots like you.

>> No.8940477

Life experience is arguably the most important thing for a writer. College offers that, if nothing else.

>> No.8940479
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>Love is a base instinct

>> No.8940480

I fucked you're waifu.

>> No.8940482

A genuine relationship is one in which you are comfortable saying and doing anything with a friend, even things which offend them without hesitation.

In University, you can never do this, there is always a sort of invisible barrier, the undetermined distance and doing such a thing may poison the relationship.

Genuine friendships rebound against all odds, they are lifelong.

>> No.8940484

>experience meme

Tell that to the loads of shut-in writers in the canon who barely had any social contact.

>love is the same as sexual attraction and lust

>> No.8940485

Just because one can enjoy their base instincts doesn't mean they are governed by them. Anyone who so focuses on denying their own nature is the truest of debased wretches, a real pervert. Keep your pity, I've no use for it.

>> No.8940489

I've forged 3 such relationships with people I've met in college, and have known for years since. Don't project your own inability to be open with others and call it the norm. There's many opportunities in school for you to earnestly engage with people, more so than anywhere else in the world I think, as there's an innate camaraderie found in clubs and academia.

>> No.8940492

>A genuine relationship is one in which you are comfortable saying and doing anything with a friend, even things which offend them without hesitation.
Haha yeah the only genuine friendship is one in which I can act like a dick without consequences.

Pure autism.

>> No.8940495

>He's never had a lifelong friend whom he's known since birth

lmao, feel sorry for you buddy

Keep having those "friendships" which are entirely vacuous and where the conversation is boring trash 24/7

>> No.8940496

Did you even read it? This sounds like an puerile edgelord response instead of actual analysis.

>> No.8940498

>Don't project your own inability to be open with others and call it the norm.

Epic reddit post

>> No.8940503

This is exactly why masculinity is on the decline. Candor loses out to disaffected pretension. Well whatever, I gave my 2 cents. Maybe your currency has weight in Zimbabwe.

>> No.8940504

TFW you're conflicted because you like the sex-positivity of anon's statement, but really find the rape-culture vibe distasteful...

>> No.8940512
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>Keep having those "friendships" which are entirely vacuous and where the conversation is boring trash 24/7

you sound like fun

>> No.8940513

Masculinity is one the decline because of Redditards like yourself who use words like "projecting" which is a feminine conception used to detract discussion and make the opposition in a debate seem pathological as to disqualify their opinions.

Like I said, reddit post.

>> No.8940516

truly the reddit boogeyman is the way for enlightened discourse

tried and true whenever one lacks real refutation


>> No.8940517

>virile young women

from where I come from, that makes absolutely no fucking sense

>> No.8940521

Epic post, redditor, keep them coming.

You sound like you are "projecting" :^)

>> No.8940525

Look, here's the thing:

If you're using a degree to bolster your ethos, then you deserve all the shit you get from people who can use their literacy to research and study on their own. It doesn't make you a better person to have a degree, and it doesn't confer upon you some special status above anybody else. Especially in this society (if American), because the for-profit virus has practically completely rent the body academic asunder, and the degree-mills are almost impossible to tell from those who maintain a gatekeeper system based on traditional expectations of scholarship.

But it also works both ways - not going to college doesn't make you some lone-wolf ronin of an academic who is better than a college cuck, either. You don't get to establish ethos by bragging about how you've "avoided the meme" of college, because it just means you've come to a lot of conclusions that you haven't been able to run by that many people with a lot of experience.

Let's just say fuck ethos altogether, and start looking at the ACTUAL LOGOS (MESSAGE) of things being claimed, especially on a MOTHERFUCKING ANONYMOUS CHINESE WATERBOARDING FORUM... (inb4 triggered).

tl;dr: ITT: Basically, almost everyone's wrong about this.

>> No.8940546

Where do you live?

>> No.8940551

>Rape-culture vibe
Please stop

>> No.8940561

i went to an alite university and got an 'elite' job coming out. its been four years and i wish more than anything i had never gone to college and had started a band with my friends from home, toured in a bus for a few years partying and then moved to the country somewhere cheap to live and worked on being a writer or being self sustaining or both.

>> No.8940566

But my university is free. Government actualy pays me 587euros a month for being there.

>> No.8940584

you're trying to hard
you're not from Reddit are you?

>> No.8940589

>interminable vastness of perky titties you've ready-made pretexts to engage
Tell me this doesn't sound like a guy who's three shots of whiskey away from getting pulled off of a passed-out chick by Canadian bikers. It's pretty fucking rapey.

>> No.8940604

He sounds like a guy who wants to have sex with girls. Only a person (woman) infected by present-day gender politics would find this rapey.

>> No.8940654

>you've ready-made pretexts to engage
Holy fuck, think this through:
>you go to college with me
>you have titties
>therefore I have a reason to expect getting those titties because we happen to be matriculated in the same uni
Calling that shit rapey isn't being "infected by present-day gender politics," it's just imagining what it sounds like to the people who have titties that this guy feels like he should take a go at when they're just trying to fucking read Schopenhauer. Don't be that guy, anon.

>> No.8940662


These three posts are the only three posts ever written on /lit/. All other posts are just variants.

>> No.8940688

How can someone finance themselves to do this though?

>> No.8940700

If a guy is obnoxious this might be annoying

When people start calling this rape culture I think these people are infected by gender politics.

>> No.8940714

to be in a band? you live on hot dogs and shit. i cared way too much about how i was going to make money. recently i broke up with a long term gf who was about three years older than me. she was from the south, so was approaching child rearing age. when we broke up i was so fucking relieved that i wouldnt need to have kids soon, be tied to a mortgage, etc. but then i realized, that going straight to college, then right into consulting or whatever, then right into business or whatever, is the same shit. i was worried about my future from the jump, and the safest way to temper my anxiety was to completely track my life; it is extremely hard to get out of, once you're in it - maybe not as hard as if you have kids, but mighty close. living as an absolutely destitute 18-23 yr old wouldnt have mattered at all to me then, and probably wouldn't now, if i was driving around the country drinking with my friends, playing shitty gigs, and pounding sluts. i fell for the rat race meme hard and it makes a guy like me want to fucking cry.

>> No.8940726

I can see how if you think it's literally *equating* it with rape, then yeah. "Rape-culture" is just that, though - the *culture* of ownership over women's bodies that *leads* to rape. It's a slippery slope, to be sure, but we can't pretend it's not there. Anon isn't drugging drinks, obviously, but he's assuming that going to college comes with some automatic expectation of getting laid. That's some Rodney Dangerfield shit, and it's the kind of fiction that leads to guys getting frustrated by "frigid bitches" and then escalating to the point where it gets ugly.

>> No.8940738

>Implying we live in a culture where men expect ownership over women's bodies

If you are a decent male human being you can expect to get laid at college. Not with every girl, but you're bound to find some girl who thinks you're attractive enough or at least grow into that version of yourself. You're attacking normal male sexuality.

>> No.8940741

Look on the bright side: if you had, you would have been just as fucked up about not having taken the "safe path" and getting a "real job" when you were sleeping in your own puke and popping syphilis pustules on your cock. What we want isn't just made stronger by the fact that we can't have it - it's literally *defined* by what we can't have. Now, you have the knowledge you woudn't have had and can properly enjoy your nomadic existence. You were Vincent Vega, and now you're Joules Winfield. /spoiler/And it's only Joules that gets to live through that film./spoiler/

>> No.8940744

>OMFG failing at doing spoiler that hard

>> No.8940752

>Claims to not be infected by gender politics
>Writes a whole paragraph about how expecting to get laid at college is rape culture.

>> No.8940756

>decent male human being
>normal male sexuality
>still believing in gender binary
You do know that there's no such thing as "normal male sexuality," right? You ever seen apes? You know, those things from which we evolved? They fuck EVERYTHING. Get over yourself and stop trying to put your weird fetish for being "normal" on everyone with a dick. You don't have to prove anything to anyone; you are completely entitled to your sexuality.

>> No.8940763

>living in a society without free education

>> No.8940764

Yeah... a *whole paragraph* to explain how anon was misunderstanding the use of a term that triggers people into getting mad at shit they probably actually agree with. Stop taking the easy way out and learn to fucking read, anon.

>> No.8940771

>he actually thinks the point in going to an elite university is to read books


Also, free access to journal articles and magazines and newspapers at uni too

>> No.8940777

>free access to journal articles
What is scihub?

>magazines and newspapers
Okay, I'll give you those two

>> No.8940780
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>He has above average intelligence
>He actually reads anything other than the Bible

>> No.8940781

Does scihub give you access to every relevant academic journal?

>> No.8940782

Jesus christ this amount of ideology

The west is truly fucked.

There is such a thing as normal human sexuality. It is that thing which most humans though. That is, by definition, the norm.

>LOL apes fuck everything
Indeed, Bonobo's do. Chimps, the species that are the closest related, don't. Seriously, attacking 'heteronormativity' on evolutionary grounds, how does that even work?

>> No.8940786

>the loads of shut-in writers in the canon who barely had any social contact.
Bullshit. Name several of them.

>> No.8940788

Damn. I was considering studying finance in university to do the whole Patrick Bateman gig after reading American Psycho. I just kind of ignored all the negative aspects of pursuing economic success that was mentioned throughout the book (such as that PB is miserable) and I just thought it would be cool to have money.

Is it that bad?

>> No.8940790

>What I would like to ask Mr. Douthat is, can you think of any other reason besides elitist snobbism, that a PhD in philosophy might not marry or be close friends with, an auto mechanic. Could it be that they wouldn't have anything to talk about? Or even a lowly English major trying to share his/her love of literature with an uneducated bank teller.

Wew lad. The comments on this article are rich.

Douthat could write a column about baseball and NYT commenters will still find a way to chastise his political views in the comments

>> No.8940798


>> No.8940800

I'v read more than enough drivel about rape culture. I don't think this type of feminism is in touch with reality. It is fuelled by resentment, it is destructive and destabilizing to the core. That's why it's such a tragedy that North-American universities are turning young and malleable people into SJW's by the masses.

>> No.8940810

You only think it's ideology because of *your* ideology, which is based on a really long tradition of believing that people are "supposed" to be a certain way.

Do you really think that your dick knows there's some baby that's going to be made by shooting your ball-sauce? No. Your dick knows it feels awesome. Why you might want to fuck chicks more than others has nothing to do with any biological predisposition and has everything to do with living in a culture that teaches you that there's something wrong with you if you don't.

Here's how the evolutionary example might work: Lamarck thought that the plants were "trying to reach the sun," and that's how he explained the evolution of some species growing larger leaves over time. Darwin took one look at that model and called bullshit, took out the teleological function of the plant "wanting" to do anything, and bam - evolution was understood as a process of adaptation, and massive advances came out of that shift in framework.

In 100 years, nobody is going to think that there's any "biological imperative" to have straight sex. They'll see reproduction as just the consequence of sex being awesome, and view those who still believe in heteronormativity as we would someone who thinks that plants want to reach the sun - charmingly misinformed. Of course, by then there won't be anymore biological reproduction by childbirth, because it's fucking gross and painful and unnecessary, but this is probably the point where you'll say I've gone too far and freak out, if you already haven't.

tl;dr: inb4 tl;dr to avoid the potentially worldview-changing shit going on here

>> No.8940817

Gee, if there were only some fine, upstanding group who was willing to restore some sense of order to our nation...
>Not falling for it

>> No.8940839

Ironically enough the prevalence of the modern identity politics left causes the extreme right to grow, this occurs especially among young men. I don't want that to happen. It is, indeed, a counter-movement of (extreme) order against the postmodern blending of all categories we use to navigate through our lifes.

>> No.8940848

He does have a good point though. Education has become a bad joke because nowadays everything is designed to cater the lowest common denominator. Just take a glance at university programmes - even the slightly mentally deficient with average studying habits can pass without much trouble.

The average student is suffering from the "forever a teenager" syndrome. Normies ranting about partying, sports and hookups and speaking of university in terms of a hated obligation, as if it were high-school all over again.

The curriculum is more appropriate for high-school than university: all the group tasks, pre-exam obligations, mandatory lecture attendance... the treatment of 20+ year olds like children. Pathetic, but it suits them right.

The professors/their assistants are awful as well. They are usually entirely disconnected from lectures (Who can blame them?) or fit the archetype of the modern teacher - a person with an inflated ego, fake enthusiasm and miserably shallow knowledge.

I've based these conclusions on the despicable 4 years I've already spent (wasted?) in the academia. Just to think that when I was younger I had this illusion that after a terrible experience in high school everything would get better at uni makes me want to tie a noose around my neck and kick the stool without a single second-thought.

>> No.8940852

thats normal. almost all the kids i went to college with pretended to be bateman tongue-in-cheek. if that's what you want, that's what you want - but of course they don't show the work someone like bateman would actually need to do. or how terrible the people he'd actually be around would be. i think a lot of people took away from that book and movie that it was cool to be patrick bateman. it might be - but that's a fictional character in the 80s. if you are ready to tie your identity to your job or industry and put your head down, you can make a lot of money. and it's not like i have some other industry you should go into - i think 'liking your job' is just as big an illusion as any. but the danger of finance/consulting is the propriety of it. the steps will take you all the way to your first child if you don't come up for air, and then you might just wonder what the fuck you've been doing.

>> No.8940860

I wish I had other people to discuss with me that want to learn. That's why I want to uni. And also yo need certificate for being a lawyer

>> No.8940872

Indeed, a species adapts to survive and thus what a species wants is what is necessary to survive and reproduce. This is why men like women and vice versa. Fucking women wil help you reproduce. If men could just collectively devide to stop wanting to fuck women the species would die out pretty quickly.

Also, if men would have no biological preference of fucking women over fucking men, then men would mostly stick to fucking men. After all, men have lower standards than women. Dating site research showed that men rated about 50% as attractive, while women rated about 15% of men as attractive. This is why gay men are relatively promiscuis.

>> No.8940875

Yeah, but that doesn't justify bullies who try and persuade with fear. Even if there *are* SJWs, they're fighting for justice, FFS. I know justice is a relative term, and there's no objective way to describe it, but the thing is that nobody's saying the alt-right isn't entitled to believe in their own supremacy and the inferiority of those who don't accept their premises; they're just not allowed to force other people to believe it - which can only be evinced through some sort of Inquisition-like confession. It's bullshit. There *is* a difference between words and actions on a phenomenological level, and I agree that we shouldn't outlaw words to protect feelings... but when we turn a blind eye to the legislation of abortion restrictions or banning of same-sex marriage, then we're letting ourselves be duped by the fundamentalist religious movement that is co-opting the entire thing. I honestly believe we all just want the right to be ourselves... and nobody has the right to tell anyone who they are in any way, shape, or form - we can only legislate action, never intention.

>> No.8940888

Not the anon you were talking to but I felt the urge to respond to your post: You are irredeemable. Talking to lunatics of your kind is pointless. Please leave this board, I'm tired of that bullshit being shoved down my throat every day at university, I don't need it here as well. Please. Leave.

>> No.8940895

Well, SJWs are authoritarian as fuck as well so I would not depend on their interpretation of justice if you want to govern society according to those principles. The far right and the far left are both shit, the difference is that the far left has a disproportionate influence, especially in universities, and is actually taken seriously.

>> No.8940924

>a species adapts to survive
Kind of; survival is *dependent* on its ability to adapt
>what a species wants is what is necessary to survive and reproduce
Nooooooo... you're putting the cart before the horse, my dood. A species doesn't "want" anything - remember that plant? It doesn't *want* to reach the sun, it just happens to be able to survive better because it has bigger leaves, and therefore will be more likely to spread seeds.

The sad fact is that we don't actually need the human reproductive organs at all anymore, and we haven't for a while. We could clone everyone. Evolution doesn't even fucking apply to our bodies anymore; the Earth has had to adapt to *us* for the past 150 years (arguably, depending on what benchmark you use, but it's called the "Anthropocene." Look it up.).

You're not going to like this, but I'm going to suggest a Richard Dawkins book (avoid the trigger, my guy - I believe in you) - it's called "The Selfish Gene." It basically explains this idea, that on an *individual* level, the concept of "evolution" is almost completely meaningless, because the species *doesn't know* what's going to be an evolutionary advantage. Think about it - if you didn't know that a giant comet was coming, would you have bet on the little motherfuckers running around at the feet of the dinosaurs being the inheritors of the planet? No - you'd look at that Godzilla-sized T. Rex and put all your money on it (I know, I'm participating in dino-meming, but just go with the metaphor).

So, really, the moment we became capable of cloning, we basically transcended all evolutionary constraints, and all that's stopping us is the nasty business of eugenics and the fact that we can't get along well enough to stop arguing over who deserves to exist. And that's the worst bullshit of all, because really *none* of us "deserve" to exist, because we're all sort of shitty in our own special way. Yet we're also magnificent as well, so you see - you're cool. I'm cool. We're all cool here, and we can all win. This is not a zero-sum game. Believe it, anon. Belief is important. Even to science.

>> No.8940930

thanks for the good insight. i may consider other career choices if Elis is truly right as you explain. i hope you can break out of that lifestyle since you are just finishing up university.

>> No.8940935

Your claim is basically that evolution has created us the way we are but has no influence on our psychology. This is bullocks and you would realize it is bullocks if you would actually seriously think about it for two minutes.

>> No.8940944

>Talking to lunatics of your kind is pointless
>Talks to said lunatic
Seems legit.
> I'm tired of that bullshit being shoved down my throat every day at university, I don't need it here as well.
So, you're asking for a *space* where you can feel *safe*? [Dons Gene Wilder costume] Tell me about that...
Really, though, why do you feel threatened? It's a hypothesis. It has nothing to do you with you personally. Fuck who you want to fuck, as long as they want to fuck you too. Literally why would you care if there's no biological preference for what you do unless you either feel the need to be part of some divinely chosen group or you're legitimately fighting gay urges out of the need to "save your species"? Do you think we'll accidentally extinct ourselves because we forgot how to be straight? It's either astonishingly poor logic or you're being clouded by ideology. Seriously reflect on this.

>> No.8940951

>Claims the norm of straightness is just a social construct and that sexual attraction is 100% socially malleable. Says sexual attraction is just wanting to feel good because of fucking and disregards why we feel attracted to certain people and not to other people
>Calls other people clouded by ideology

If I lived in North-America I would seriously move somewhere else. I can only imagine the hellhole it will be if this goes on for 20 years.

>> No.8940952

Maybe. Probably not, though. I think you're misusing the word "authoritarian." I also suspect that you're probably treating a situation that is based around a really complex situation as some kind of monolithic "us vs. them" thing, which may be easier to process, but which is really intellectually dishonest.

>> No.8940961
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Went to a state university that was very helpful and affordable, about to graduate with a 4.0 average and zero (0) debt. Feels great.

>> No.8940969
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>he thinks there is such a thing as a free lunch

>> No.8940976

>evolution has created us the way we are
>influence on our psychology
Two problems, here: 1) Evolution didn't "create us." Evolution isn't the scientist's version of "sky-daddy," it's a process... which takes a long, long, long, way long amount of time compared to a single human life. Which you have. Which is why you can't understand it the same way you would understand other processes. It's not *my* claim, either. People study this stuff, and they store and share their findings and come up with surprisingly efficient models of things that, if everybody was limited to the amount of information they could gather in a single lifetime, we would never be able to figure out. It's bigger than me. It's bigger than you. It's bigger than everybody. 2) We can't really say we understand the genetic influences of psychology well enough to know almost anything useful. There could very well be epigenetic influences that transmit ancestral memories, but that still doesn't mean that they're "choosing" to do anything to "make" us survive as a species. Your genes don't care if they proliferate, per se. They have no opinion on the matter. They might be providing us with information, and we may in fact be dealing with thoughts, urges, even trauma from previous generations. But we *react* to that on our own conscience. 3) Bonus quibble: "Bullocks" is a now-defunct American department store from the 1970s-80s. You mean "bollocks."

>> No.8940977


>He doesn't live in Scandinavia and goes to gommie university with stipend :DDDDDDDDD

>> No.8940982

I don't recognize myself in your analysis, it's ad hominem anyway.

Also, how are they not authoritarian?
>want to ban certain words and expressions (to protect the oppressed)
>frequently try and succeed in banning certain speakers from speaking at their universities
>Silences those who disagree with them: their discourse is hate speech and uses ad hominems to shame them. If you do not accept their dogma you are a transphobe, homophobe, islamophobe, mysoginyst, etc.

Seriously, try reading the Gulag Archipelago and tell me you don't notice the parallels.

>> No.8940986

>college is extremely healthy for any individual

College is literally the most unhealthy, traumatizing years of a human life

Uninstall your life pham

>> No.8940988

If people letting others have sex with who they want instead of forcing them to conform to some ideal they don't fit is a "hellhole" to you... then what would be your heaven?!

>> No.8940993

I paid nothing for my master's degree. And being a NEET I still pay nothing for it.

>> No.8940997

Your 1st point is basically condescendingly telling me how I don't understand evolutionary theory. Yes, evolution did create us (the way we are). Not only our bodies but also our motivations. Although the objects of our motivations can vary according to our environment, the basic motivations remain.

>Your genes don't care if they proliferate
You are biologically primed to behave in a certain way. My genes not only make my heart pump blood around and my lungs breath air, they also make me afraid in the face of danger and attracted to beautiful (fertile) women. The blank slate hypothesis got discarded a long while ago.

>> No.8941004

>I don't recognize myself in your analysis
Let's take a look: I said you might be reducing it to
>some kind of monolithic "us vs. them" thing
And you said
>Silences those who disagree with them
>If you do not accept their dogma
So, what else would you call that? You're fighting a ghost, here. The words sound scary ("ban," "silence"), but nobody's actually *done* anything, really, except made you feel like you don't belong. Which is a terrible way to feel, no doubt. I think that might be one of the worst feelings in existence... but the words "transphobic," "homophobic," etc. aren't there to shame you for not "accepting dogma," they're ways of letting you know that *you're* making someone *else* feel like *they* don't belong.

We all belong here, man. Especially in a University... it's like literally called a "uni"versity because it's supposed to be universal. That wasn't an accident. Nobody's going to put you in a gulag, ffs - they just want you to accept that they have a right to exist.

>> No.8941029
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>having a right to exist
Retards like you will accept any bullshit the media throws at you, huh? In a few years you'll be protesting pedophobia.

>> No.8941033

Things you claim your genes make you do:
>heart pump blood
>lungs breath [sic] air
>make me afraid in the face of danger
>attracted to beautiful (fertile) women.

Score = 50% - let's be optimistic and call the glass half full.

You have 99.9999% (give or take) genetic similarity with literally every other human on Earth for the past like 200,000 years. If you don't know that, then I'm really sorry, but you *don't* understand genetics well enough to make the claims that you're making. Please know I'm not trying to be condescending, but it's very difficult to deal with such stolid insistence on something you simply cannot claim as objectively true. It wouldn't be so important if people didn't make LAWS based on the same kind of bullshit claims that you've been led to believe that limit peoples human rights, but they do, and it fucking well IS.

The blank-slate hypothesis presumes *no* connection between genetic components and behavior... and that's *not* what I"m saying. There *is* a line, and where it is can be found in that four-part breakdown above (as a really, really, really rough guide, but you get the point).

Just consider this: if they could objectively prove that there was a gene that made you gay or straight, don't you think they would have tried (at least somewhere) to eradicate it? Do you really think with as many people who would love to just erase gay people from the planet that they'd be hiding some proof that there's a direct genetic link? It's a fucked up proof, but I think it bears consideration as pretty strong evidence that there isn't.

>> No.8941034

I just read books.

>> No.8941038

I respect where you are coming from and believe me, I would be very glad if I knew this process was benevolent or not something to worry about. But from what I have seen in actual behavior from the social justice people I do not believe this. I believe it is, at least for a significant part, pathological and a way of dividing the world into groups of oppressors and oppressed. The process of defending social justice gives the adherents a feeling of moral superiority and self-worth, and thus the process will go on as long as they stay in the same motivational state. If a certain group is emancipated enough a new group will be found or created, and of course you can indefinitely keep dividing people up in new groups.

>> No.8941042

Well, the anti-pedophobia crowd is probably out there, but they're surely not old enough to tap into yet.

>> No.8941059

Go back to tumblr bitch

>> No.8941066

You don't go to University to learn, you go there to get a certificate that you've learned.

Big difference

>> No.8941069

>Why you might want to fuck chicks more than others has nothing to do with any biological predisposition and has everything to do with living in a culture that teaches you that there's something

>> No.8941072

If there is a biological basis for sexual behavior and preference, this does not necessarily mean that there is a or that we have already detected single gene for homosexuality. If sexual preference is truly 100% malleable, than why did purely homosexual people exist in times where homosexuality was unacceptable? If sexuality is truly only a result of nurture as opposed to nature, why do gay and trans etc people even exist? Because of some anomaly in their upbringing?

>> No.8941076

>It should be free, and it should mean more than it does
many intelligent people didn't go to university and didn't need to go to university

see napoleon and hitler

>> No.8941082

This thread is so fucking young and angsty. Why am I even here.

>> No.8941088

You mean two persons mainly know for the epic scale of their failures?

>> No.8941094

>having a "right" to anything
i hate liberals

>> No.8941102

"You can't say that, it's (insert some bullshit to limit free speech)"

Fuck your feelings

>> No.8941108

they're also massively influential

socrates, caesar and jesus also failed yet they were still intelligent and influential

>> No.8941115

In all cases are they influential to losers and retards.

>> No.8941123

Very touching post. I'm not worried about the fight for the oppressed, I'm worried about the fight against the oppressors.

>> No.8941129

Hitler saved Germany from itself

If you unironically think Hitler was an evil supervillian hellbent on destroying the world you're a brainwashed idiot

>> No.8941131

Liberals are terrifyingly deluded

>> No.8941135

socrates and jesus are influential to losers and retards?
i disagree with this person don't tie him to me

>> No.8941139

>>8941123 here. You misunderstood my post.

>> No.8941160

I'm not American , bro.

Look , I'm a medfag , I need that diploma to make my dream come true and finally become a medic , also books that I find online can't help me without my professor's explications.

Also the likes of OP , don't like the people they're working with , simply they cannot adapt to an environment because they want to make friends and want to hang out which is absolutely different from learning whatever you're studying.

Maybe my situation is different , my professors are fine , they're good guys and help us with everything we need and they are even happy when we ask them something we don't understand or when we need a recommendation on a book of a specific area of medicine. We don't have much group tasks besides our physiology class ( only class in which we make projects to help us boost our grade ).

I also don't have many friends , I just have 7 people I talk with , we just see each other at uni and that's it. Some of these people think that social life at uni is what comes 1st and that's why they think the education system is down , maybe they hate a professor , maybe all the professors , maybe they're just degenerates just like OP.

>> No.8941194

>If you unironically think Hitler was an evil supervillian
It's like you can't read.

>socrates and jesus are influential to losers and retards?
Read more, and if that doesn't help try thinking more.

>> No.8941211
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>tfw you fell for the comp sci meme

>> No.8941213

>The far right and the far left are both shit, the difference is that the far left has a disproportionate influence, especially in universities, and is actually taken seriously.

The far right just got elected president. I'd say that's more influential than a bunch of college students and professors fucking around with ideas.

>> No.8941214

Burger fag here, I want to go to a free scandi uni do I to be a citizen or can I pretend I'm a migrant also what'd the best uni there

>> No.8941216
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>when dumb economically illiterate yurocucks brag about their "free" university
Classic meme.

>> No.8941224

>In all cases are they influential to losers and retards.
so you're saying they're influential to many people but also losers and retards?

i'm struggling to understand the point of this post

>> No.8941225

>Trump is the far right

>> No.8941230

I wouldn't call Trump far right, although he has said some unpleasant things about illegal Mexicans in order to get elected. Anyways, whatever you call the far right and the far left are only reinforcing each other.

>> No.8941235

>tfw went to college and didn't talk to anyone
>only talked to professors when I had to


>> No.8941240

>being so much of a feminized pussy that any radical ideology scares you and you'd rather be shepherded by the elites into supporting whatever the current status quo is

>> No.8941244
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>he's never eaten a free lunch

>> No.8941245


Go there and stay there you fat ugly autist

Go obsess over anime and "vidya", we have no need for friendless virgins on /lit/.

>> No.8941253

taxes are paid regardless of studying in a public or private institution so it may not be "free" but it won't change my expenses AT ALL, nothing will come out of my pocket excep taxes, like it always has for every citizen, and you, stupid fuckers who go to private intitutions have to your YOUR mensality AND MY mensality through taxes, so fuck you

>> No.8941257

I'm not worried about myself, I can adapt. I'm worried for the west at large, and the direction is seems to be heading in.
>implying the ideas dominating the status quo aren't pro-PC identity politics

>> No.8941269

he's not really right. shit is way more diverse now than it was. so even the frat boy scene has started to die. i got into work early yesterday - about six o'clock. and there were two people behind me, who, for an hour, talked about "building a personal brand." how to build a personal brand. tools and resources for building a personal brand. how effective having a personal brand is to career progression. holy shit dude.

>> No.8941439

But you're original post was your lording your "free" university over Americans and the English, yet now you admit that is not free and you are simply forced to pay for it through taxes.

Here is your original post in case you have forgotten.

>> No.8941498

I'm the poster of the original post and the person you're replying to isn't me.

And yes, it wouldn't remotely make sense that any country can magic up anything free. But it means that I, as a poor student, can get into university simply based on my grades, and that (this is the ideal situation and contrary to the popular paranoia this is in fact how it generally pans out) I will instead later redress this by paying support for the education system as a whole through taxes, for which I am not required to take out an extortionate loan which I will not be able to pay back.

Honestly, I was shitposting earlier, but I genuinely do believe this is a better system. I don't understand the American paranoia about taxes. I think it's to do with the fact your national character, while there's much to praise about it, is fixated on rights over responsibilities. As a nation you need to read your Greeks. Particularly the Crito. The situation in England is obviously very different.

>> No.8941513

>The situation in England is obviously very different.
Not any of those guys, but I don't know much about the UK, how is it there and why is it different from the US?

>> No.8941540

Yeah this is retarded. Relationships begin and end all the time (unless you're codependent(a woman)). It's part of life, there's going to be a give and take of being aware of how your actions effect others.

>> No.8941565

The cocaine and flooozies sound nice , but the reality is that you'll probably end up working 60 hours a week with everyone else in your age bracket and hating every moment. You'll for sure be working to the weekend. On weeknights, you'll be able to watch a basketball game or cook an Indian dish and then go to bed. It's supreme cuckholdry. I really wish they showed Pat Bateman working a shit ton to really fall in line with every other Larry.

>> No.8941611

food literally grows on trees

>> No.8941643

Kek did the same thing.
At least I we got our bachelors for free..only way id go to college....because it is a waste of money if you have to pay a dime for it.

>> No.8941681
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>he didn't go to university and has to rely on /lit/ for academic debate and discussion instead of comfy in-person office hours and tutorials

>> No.8941688
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Tuition fees in the UK were introduced by Tony Blair's government in 1998, but because the other parts of the UK (besides England) have devolved governments, they were able to create their own arrangements regarding higher education.

In Scotland, where I live, higher education is paid if you are under 25, childless, unmarried, and haven't been outside of the education system for more than three years. There are probably people who understand the English system better than I do, but I think they have their tuition fees capped at £9000 a year.

Prior to Brexit, if you were in the EU, you can apply for this kind of deal in Scotland, but if you were from the rest of the UK or from outside Europe you would have to pay. Which is pretty unfortunate, but there were plenty of loopholes in the system. Don't really know how this is gonna work now.

Guess that's a brief overview. If you've any more questions I'm happy to answer them if I can.

>> No.8941759

Where in Scotland?

Let's meet, lad.

>> No.8941785

In my first year at Glasgow uni

I've got mixed as fuck feelings about meeting someone off 4Chan in real life, no offense. But maybe

What about yourself?

>> No.8941790

Tuition fees are a joke anyway

It's a highly favourable loan. You might not be getting university for free in England, but it's near enough.

>> No.8941791

I left that uni some years ago.

What's it like being surrounded by Chinese students that don't talk to anybody? Ever grind your gears? What's it like being surrounded by brainlets? That's how I felt...

>> No.8941798
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>i don't like brainlets
>comes to /lit/

>> No.8941803

watched good will hunting too many times

>> No.8941805

What other option do you have if you're from a working class background?

What job can a guy without a degree get?

Manual labor is ok if you can stand it, and it's actually decent when you're young, but you don't want to be doing that your whole life, unless you want to destroy your body.

>> No.8941814

Uppsala University (UU)
Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH)
Lunds University (LU)
Linköping University (LiTH)

UU master race

>> No.8941824

A Chinese student put up an ad up in my friend's building, asking for help fixing the grammar etc. of her play. I was thinking that might be a good little avenue for making some money if you could get a reputation amongst the Asians for fixing up their English. He's pretty much the only non-Asian in his student accommodation, so I don't think anyone else will have responded to the ad yet.

And it's pretty bad to be honest, especially in terms of politics. There are a lot of ways that I'm left wing myself, but Glasgow is social justice central. My cousin who goes to Strathclyde told me that was our reputation, wish I'd listened t b h.

What did you study? What are you doing now?

>> No.8941833

>watched good will hunting too many times

I am Good Will Hunting!

>> No.8941844

>I don't understand the American paranoia about taxes
this. no problems with 50% of your income going to fund military campaigns in countries you've never heard of, but god forbid you try to let poor people get a decent education

>> No.8941852

Yes, they keep raising the cap in England though.
It's for inflation but they raised it by a grand each time so most students getting in immediately after the raise is having to pay much more for their education than others (since most universities keep their fees near the cap).

>> No.8941854

beer bar tonite lad

>> No.8941855

what are you talking about? are you pro taxes?

>> No.8941859

that is some nietzsche-tier fedoraposting you got right there my friend

>> No.8941867

Is this actually something that Americans are surprised at? Do you find it hard to believe there are people who support the idea of taxes?

Not being snarky; it's genuinely crazy to me

>> No.8941871
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>He thinks he'll get an interview without proof of "elite education".

>> No.8941880

Would if it was easier t b h. Still living at home and cba with a commute at this time of night

some other time eh?

>> No.8941886

>A Chinese student put up an ad up in my friend's building, asking for help fixing the grammar etc. of her play.

Do it and fuck her!

>but Glasgow is social justice central.

Yes, yes it is and it's getting worse because Glasgow is becoming gentrified. It's going to become the new hip city that everyone wants to come to, much like London now or Berlin back in the 90s. I wish the Nationalists would fuck off, no offence if you are one.

>What did you study? What are you doing now?

Right now I shitpost brainlets. If you would like to meet, I will be at the Square in the city centre, sitting at a bench at 12:00. See you there.

>> No.8941917

>Do it and fuck her!
Thanks for the encouragement. This is the plan if she's qt

>I wish the Nationalists would fuck off, no offence if you are one.
I am (or at least was at the time of indyref, I'm more conflicted now, but still probably a nationalist) but no offense taken. The SNP are a shit party and most nationalists are an embarrassment.

>If you would like to meet
If this isn't a shitpost then don't do it man. I'm sure you're a good guy and all that but I'm too lazy to go anywhere I don't need to. Hit me up though if you see me posting in one of the /uni/ threads we have sometime. If it's a post about Glasgow uni, there's a pretty good chance it's me. There aren't many of us on the site I'm sure

>> No.8941922

I'm working on two screenplays. But I don't want to be a complete NEET so I've started doing work for my uncle's plumbing business.

>> No.8941928

And by hit me up I mean give me another time and place and I'll probably be more up for it.

>> No.8941984

Actually you are the brain washed idiot, you're so brainwashed up your own fucking ass that you can't come up with your own conclusions.

>> No.8942050

supporting the idea of taxes is different than wanting higher taxes

>> No.8942121


But surely it's less about how high the taxes are and more about what they're spent. You have an absurd military spending, but refuse to pay taxes to support your own people with services. It just seems strange to me to be so concerned about an increase in taxes, when it would take away any worries about future bad health and would make your universities genuinely fairer, places where people go if they've earned it, and not because their parents have earned it for them

>> No.8942175


But some people will get things for free and since I had to pay for mine others should too! We don't want to be a communist country like one of them viking hellholes where they pay their entire paycheck to the government, barely have a military, and just get handouts! If they get free stuff they'll want more and never do anything!

>> No.8942203

>178 replies

good job OP, it's so easy to troll people nowadays

>> No.8942212

Thanks, it's my job.

>> No.8942225

thats not at all how universities work. i went to an elite unvirsity, and of the people i knew who didnt have the mental horsepower to be there, 80% were minorities. there are lots of people in america just like you; who desire to give away their paychecks. theres an equally vocal population that wants the government to be skeptical of the ways it spends money, especially if it means the citizens pay more. that's not to say there isn't massive waste. the us governments revenues are staggering. but we do not live a culturally homogenous place where we all feel comfortable having society and culture all centralized, distilled and expressed in one institution. the problems with corporatism are the same. personally, i dont want to pay any more taxes than i need to because i do not give a fuck about anyone else or their health needs. you might say that society would overall bear a smaller economic health burden, but again - i do not give a fuck. the purpose of my government, for me, is not to make the economy most efficient, or to re-allocate resources, or anything like that.

>> No.8942293

why you so pretentious OP

>> No.8942445

>i went to an elite university, and of the people i knew who didnt have the mental horsepower to be there, 80% were minorities.
I think this is an equally big problem. Positive discrimination should literally never occur.I'd like to say it's an American thing, but it's an aspect of your culture you've managed to successfully export here as well. But it doesnt cancel out that many of the people at these universities are there because of their absurd, unearned privilege (note I said unearned).

>we do not live a culturally homogenous place
I think this is a big thing. The reason these kind of socialist institutions are so easy to organize in Scotland, where I live, is that there is a certain level of cultural homogeneity. Just makes it so much easier to implement

>i dont want to pay any more taxes than i need to because i do not give a fuck about anyone else or their health needs
That said, I think (and maybe this is my cultural background speaking) this is a staggeringly unhealthy attitude to take. Yet again, I see it as an american thing, and it's why your left-wing is a bunch of purple-haired queeroid freaks, who have no interest in helping their fellow man and only care about their own specific interest group. Do you seriously deny all debt that you owe to your community after all that it's done to cushion you? You weren't born in the wild after all. Your parents made sacrifices for your sake, and they ask in return that you look after them and that you provide for them. It's a transaction if that fits better into your model.

Your society and community has provided for you in a similar way (though not particularly well if you're American.) There's this unhealthy Rousseauean idea I think at play here where the society is some monstrous thing which only does damage to the individual, whereas in reality, your community is usually as benevolent towards the individual as you yourself want it to be. However, American society does not provide for its citizens, so it's understandable that it's citizens are reluctant to provide for it.

But if you say "fuck everyone", then you contribute to this kind of community in which apathy and irresponsibility is bred. The more mature attitude is recognizing that even if your community didn't provide much for you, your duty to provide for it still stands. You don't have to care about "anyone else"; you just have to care about society.

>> No.8942477

>implying any intelligent human bean has to pay for their education
>implying anyone is pretending that a university is anything more than a "i don't know what to do with my life" post high school stop gap

come on now buddy :^)

>> No.8942494

I'll see you are the benefit office buddy.

>> No.8942520

>see you are the benefit office buddy
Yes, turns out I am a sentient benefit office.

Maybe you should have attended a better university after all huh maybe they could have taught you how to fucking spell :^)

>> No.8942568
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Joke's on you, I need an externally imposed deadline schedule to force myself to even study at all.

Also I love my university as a community and social sphere. I am seriously considering a career in academia just so that I could spend the rest of my life on campus.

>> No.8942579

Woah really

How do you type if you don;t have hands

>> No.8942580
File: 68 KB, 630x420, 58177a15150000d804530d10[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The far right just got elected president