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8938860 No.8938860 [Reply] [Original]

Should I (not)? Why?

>> No.8938867

Why are you asking random internet strangers if you should end your life?
Maybe you wouldn't be so depressed if you had a sense of agency.

>> No.8938868

Sage and report

>> No.8938869

dont do this
o .
n .
t .
o .
t .
h .
i .
s .

>> No.8938871

start lifting

>> No.8938894


>> No.8938904

desu anyone that considers itself depressed should make a lifestyle change to see whether if its real depression or not.

>> No.8938919

op question is probably just the easiest (or most interesting) way to talk about suicide. i doubt he is actually looking for advice and i think he just wants some thoughts on the topic under the guise of someone suicidal

>> No.8938926

you should kill yourself for making non-/lit/ threads on /lit/

>> No.8938954

Whether you hang yourself or do not hang yourself, you will regret both.

>> No.8938962
File: 1.49 MB, 2912x5087, 1473613436402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here


I'm not suicidal. Although Sometimes I wish I never existed, that God could erase all my files.(inb4 edgy xd)

I'm not depressed, just want to know why not suicide. Would be interesting to know from a catholic view too.

>> No.8938964

>8 months ago
>try to do helium mask thing
>only buy helium tank and a hose
>figure id put plastic bag over my head and seal it tightly with hose under it
>it feels unbearably hot inside it
>pull of the bag, ensued by few seconds of dizziness
>hide the helium tank and hose in wardrobe
fucking heat man

>> No.8939011

I'm planning on reading Suicide by Durkheim. It's more interesting to find out why people decide to kill themselves in the first place.
You have to figure out why not to kill yourself on your own, I'm afraid. Maybe go see a therapist.

>> No.8939027
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>> No.8939043

Why the parenthesis?

>> No.8939045
File: 130 KB, 700x900, arthur-schopenhauer-quote-suicide-may-also-be-regarded-as-an.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not suicide

This question is hard to answer. Nobody can give you a reason not to end your life because nobody but you can actually say what it is that makes that life purposeful or important to others in the first place.

The Catholics will have their reasons. I'm not a Catholic myself so I can't tell you what they are. If someone makes up their mind to kill themselves in the end that is a choice they make alone.

In a less complicated sense it is still an act of murder. It's taking a human life. There are legal prohibitions and philosophical arguments against that.

>> No.8939047

What is this?

>> No.8939070

In the grand scheme of things, actions essentially amount to null. Committing suicide is entirely neutral and usually done out of desperation. Few people really want to die but their physical, mental or physiological pain is so immense that they would rather die.

The real question for most suicidal people is do they want to get help and are starved for attention (not a bad thing, as people make it out to be) from others so they are acknowledged, or do they just want out? Regardless, a person dying is no more significant than a leaf falling from a tree and if a person really wants to escape their pain, they will do so inevitably via any means.