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/lit/ - Literature

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8938273 No.8938273 [Reply] [Original]

We can at least agree on THIS, right?

>> No.8938287

>Not Leni Riefenstahl

>> No.8938295


That's a strange way of spelling Agnes Varda

>> No.8938307

>not Nico

>> No.8938310

well, woolf, newsom, and akerman are all p good
not sure if thread is ironic or not though

>> No.8938316


1. Virginia Woolf
2. Simone de Beauvoir
3. Don't know
4. Chantel Akerman

How did I do?

>> No.8938317

>not Chytilova

>> No.8938319

I saw Joanna Newsom live. A typical nu-male was sitting next to me and cried every song. He clapped like a maniac every opportunity. Since then I have had a distaste for Newsom.

>> No.8938325


>> No.8938329

That's not how you spell Patti Smith though

>> No.8938344

That's not Clara Schumann or Fanny Mendelssohn.

>> No.8938345

>letting others dictate your taste
pathetic pseud

>> No.8938459

jesus christ you're an idiot with bad taste.
>woolf redeemed women in her field
the level of ignorance you need of writers even contemporaneous to her for this
>beauvoir redeeming shit
she's not as retarded as sartre, but why not a competent heideggerean qt?
not this >>8938287
oh right that explains a lot, both of why you're so retarded and why such a commonplace retardation. you're not actually paying attention to any of your "hobbies".

>> No.8938473
File: 70 KB, 330x319, 1376447159473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh right that explains a lot, both of why you're so retarded and why such a commonplace retardation. you're not actually paying attention to any of your "hobbies".
how can an individual BE this mad
tell me please honk my nose and tell me

>> No.8938479

>anyone but Saariaho or Crawford Seeger

>> No.8938480

Simon de Beauvoir was a feminist pseudo philosopher who basically just copied her husband whom she cuckolded

>> No.8938525

pls normie, i didn't even REEE. there's a certain type of person who likes newsom a best, and they also like mid price red wines, the second best of the academy awards documentary films so long as you didn't watch it and don't want to discuss it, overpriced candles, and pretending they have a personality. high incidence with "so it goes" tattoos also. it's all commonplace retardation.

frankly i'm surprised kate bush won out when joanna newsom exists for which token female to put on UK schools tests in music as "comparable" to the dead white men of classical music. newsom's right in that sweet spot next to bush for suburbanite wine drinking ponces with sjw tendencies. if OP finds it offensive to be in that number or outside it, it's not really any skin off my nose, but i certainly don't expect him to have any real standard of taste in any medium if he's in it.

>> No.8938560

t. haven't listened to Ys and Have One on Me

>> No.8938570

I hope you'll allow me to introduce you to some of the most autistic of John Milton's admirers

>> No.8938580

>zomg have you heard the newsom you can steal from pitchfork before release
>somg yes!!! i <3 it, listend to it getting guardian and mocha this morning, newsom a best bt ofc i'll buy the real album when its out :3
again, commonplace retardation means that it's easy to find, snowflake.

>> No.8938608

bevoir was better in literature than she was in philosophy

>> No.8938875
File: 85 KB, 704x720, deren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Maya Deren for Cinema

>> No.8938884

George Eliot >>>>> Woolf

>> No.8938899

Stop listening to pop music, plebs

>> No.8938906

>a male writer is better than a female writer
no shit

>> No.8938907

OP is subtle bragging he knows what these peeps look like

>> No.8938908

>not Hannah Arendt
Literally the only field where there is no question yet you manage to fuck it up.

>> No.8938917

>agnes varda
lol u saw 3 new wave flicks and now ur an authority on film? should be maya deren but akerman is a decent choice

>> No.8938924

Woolf and Newsom (music) are undeniable. For anyone who doesn't know. let no other posts poison you

>> No.8938928

I haven't watched any of these directors but I'm going to go ahead and assume you are the wrong party here because you type like a retard.
Have a good day.

>> No.8938933

>Not Björk or Kate Bush
Agnes is great
Love her stuff too.
Everyone after the Stirner/Nietzsche/Marx is a pseudo-philosopher. She is a second wave socialist-feminist, and they had an open relationship. Leftists have no problems with this.

>> No.8938934

Was this ironic or post ironic? Because I know it wasn't sincere.

>> No.8938946 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 468x700, girard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Everyone after the Stirner/Nietzsche/Marx is a pseudo-philosopher.

>> No.8938949


>> No.8938953

>not a single one is a woman of color

>> No.8938971


>> No.8938976

You are the worst tripfag

>> No.8938986

We've no way to confirm because none of us have ever seen a woman.

>> No.8938991

Does your mom count though

>> No.8938996

>not having two dads
What are you, a racist?

>> No.8939005

I guess that's a no then

>> No.8939052
File: 76 KB, 378x550, Lisa Gerrard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's boring. Why do you think this?

>> No.8939095


>Everyone after the Stirner/Nietzsche/Marx is a pseudo-philosopher.

Doesn't get more pseud than this

>> No.8939107

more like
>literature - JK Rowling
>philosophy - Anne Coulter
>music - Lili Boulanger
>cinema- Lindsay Ellis/ Nostalgia Chick for her abortion documentary

>> No.8939124

Okay, it's a joke. I have little respect for the field and poke fun at those I can't find any use for.
Sell them to me and I can get behind them.

>> No.8939125
File: 131 KB, 960x643, 5467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not Jesy "Tiny Vipers" Fortino
Unequivocally the most quintessentially /lit/ female musician alive or dead. In fact, I'm going to go make a thread about her right after I finish making this post.

>> No.8939131

>gender dick waving contest thread

>> No.8939135

anne frank

kim kardashian

lady gaga

jenna marbles

>> No.8939180
File: 7 KB, 182x277, Nico i love you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is doing Newsom and Beauvoir there? It seems you just heard about them and automatically set them there.

>music: nico

>> No.8939202

Tiny Vipers is mediocre

>> No.8939215

if you don't kill yourself right this fucking second i'll kill myself

>> No.8939221
File: 6 KB, 224x225, Carla Bozulich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For music:
Carla in general
and Fiona Apple for Idler Wheel

>> No.8939242

Do it, your waifu is shit

>> No.8939271

How do we stand on Leslie Feist, gentlemen? I think she's great

>> No.8939284

Elizabeth de Bohemia, rather.

>> No.8939310

>Simone de Beauvoir
Jesus Christ

And also this >>8938287

>> No.8939321
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, a woman with a gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hannah Arendt

Jesus Christ you people.

>> No.8939359


>> No.8939369

fact fiction and forecast is fucking grade A shit, butters. if you read it there may approach a time when you are neither dead nor shameful for us to have as a gf. includes:
>new riddle of induction
>free grues
>lamp optional
three fiddy since it's you :3

>> No.8939382

can we have leni be best cinema if we make simone weil best philosophy? /pol/ left or right can't possibly complain and we get actually good women

>> No.8939415
File: 12 KB, 258x245, tumblr_noul0yR8zl1titub2o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lol'd heartily, good job

>> No.8939430
File: 65 KB, 530x592, 1423723248636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is cryptic. Are you recommending a book?
I think I see you hitting on me

>> No.8939450

crypto-waifuists lauding pop musicians when women like Gubaidulina and Saariaho are still alive on top of the historical contributions of people like Monk, Radigue, Oliveros, -- might as well have Jodi Picoult or Danielle Steel under the lit section

>> No.8939453


Final offer.

>> No.8939512


>> No.8939514

great album, but Grouper is better as an artist overall. I assume you've heard their collab album? I'm also a Grimes fan but of course don't feel comfortable bringing her into this discussion (but she is undeniably talented).

>> No.8939537

continental scum not picking anscombe

>> No.8939553

fact fiction and forecast by nelson goodman.
look, leni's a lying whore who got off easy, but she's a goddamn genius equivalent to welles. weil's far more feisty, and you're recommending woolf over yourcenar so i can only conclude you are not butters and therefore i was not hitting on you.

>> No.8939598

Fuck right off, Jesy is by far and away the better artist. Liz should be fucking honored she got to contribute to Mirrorring.

>> No.8939610

I like her MoH a lot, but I was just throwing a bone to the anglos I guess.

>[F]act [F]iction and [F]orecast
Ah. A little too deep for me.

>> No.8939621

>when butters corrects your grammar
>and yourcenars

>> No.8939625

Not even a mention of Martha Nussbaum up until now!