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/lit/ - Literature

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8936680 No.8936680 [Reply] [Original]

80 pages in and nothing happened, I'm kinda worried desu

>> No.8936688

if you're 80 pages in he killed an old lady and her sister with an axe
>inb4 spoilers
don't lie then

>> No.8936707

No he didn't do it yet. I closed the book after he met that drunk adolescent and the guy that was creeping on her in the boulevard.

>> No.8936723

He's painting Rodya's inner psyche and the misery of the city for now.
Yeah, the plot is pretty slow in a way, it's proto-stream-of-consciousness.

>> No.8936748


Nothing happens my man.
Raskonikov literally just lays in his bed the entire novel thinking about how shit his life is.
SOMETIMES he'll actually get out of bed and go for a walk in the city to look at happy people and get triggered, but this is just him gathering material to think about in his bed later.

>> No.8936783

That beginning is pretty funny, idk why you aren't enjoying it.

>> No.8936786

Dropping C&P 1/3rd of the way in was the best decision of my life.

>> No.8936824

The first half of the book is gay as fuck just like brothers karamazov. Second half is good. Dosto always fills the first half of his detective novels with shit no one cares about.

>> No.8936829

Your life must be a fucking mess then if that is what you consider a good decision. It isn't even a long book, Jesus what a pleb.

>> No.8936943

You should not read the book if you are looking for a flashy plot.

>> No.8937065

The only goos thing is the horse nightmare

>> No.8937146

The second part of tbk was a literal recap of the first part in a courtroom

>> No.8937151

nothing "happens"
he kills a lady, meets the love of his life and cries for the whole book

>> No.8937183

So true haha. But every now and then there's commentary about human psychology, socialism and some proto-Nietzchean moral theories

>> No.8937203

OP just stick with it, seriously. The last few scenes between Raskolinikov and Petrovich are fucking unreal

>> No.8937210


>> No.8937384

I really hope this thread is full of 18 year olds.

>> No.8938405

how is that funny

>> No.8938477

>nothing happened

Is your attention span so short that a double axe-murder is "nothing?"

>> No.8938478

don't worry, it is.

>> No.8938955

Seriously, this is some high school tier discussion. Isn't this the same forum that has a boner for Pynchon? Can't handle Dostoevsky all of a sudden?

>> No.8938960

If the first 100 pages of C&P about Raskolnikov ambling around St. Petersburg muttering to himself doesn't intensely resonate with you, you need to get off my board.

>> No.8938970


missing that last 1/3 was one of the worst decisions of your life, by that measure.

>> No.8938997

Isn't the horse part within the first 80 pages? If you hated that then just kys, OP.

>> No.8939008


...I read the book and don't know what you're talking about.
tfw early onset alzheimer's

>> No.8939015

about the village killing the horse while raskolnikov kisses it

old man yells at rodya that the horse is his and he can do whatever he wants with it, even kill it

>> No.8939030
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this is a stupid thread.

people who actually read and enjoyed C&P, what translation did you read? How did you like it?

I read Monas' translation, signet mass market paperback. I picked it over P&V and Garnett after comparing some passages. I really enjoyed it and recommend his version.
also, why are most C&P covers black and red? Is it symbolic? Seems to be

>> No.8939040

I only read P&V translations. Anyone that does otherwise should be hanged.

>> No.8939058

Wasn't this a dream?

>> No.8939064

how could you forget it? it still haunts me 5 years later

>> No.8939067

Yeah, it was pretty fucked up imo. This whole book tore me up, especially the death of the drunk and then later the death of his widow.

>> No.8939073

p&v are trash.
they have the best marketing team, but beyond pretty covers their actual translations are stilted garbage

>> No.8939080
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>> No.8939081

Whatever translation was done by constance garnet.

>> No.8939147

Wordsworth classics. I have it sitting here but haven't read it yet. Might start it now

>> No.8939155

Drop it and read Death Note instead. This is just Christian moralfaggot trash.

>> No.8939425

Holy fuckingg shit. It's not even that long. Just fucking read it and then form your opinion.

>> No.8939748
File: 137 KB, 768x1024, Mantis shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone explain to me why so many professors and professionals recomment P&V while /lit/ hates it with a passion? All I ever see is "P&V are shit" without qualification.

>> No.8939760

academics prefer them for the Russian literalism. It's more transliteration than translation. That's why they're stuff is so gawky.
Translators who rework Dostoyevsky's message, rather than literal words, into an English speaker's context are a much better reading experience. Better for understanding the "spirit" if Dostoyevsky, rather than focusing on the words he used.

Literally just Google it, it's not even a /lit/ thing

>> No.8939819

Lol yeah true, but I guess the feeling of getting closer to being done with it gave me the illusion that it got better.

>> No.8939826

>cant handle
Just because not everyone is sucking dostoevsky's dick like a faggot 24/7 doesnt mean they "can't handle" his mediocre young adult mystery novels.