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8935546 No.8935546 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think about the President's books, are they worth reading?

>> No.8935552

If you want to be one of the millions donating more money into this guys personal bank account then sure.

>> No.8935553

As literature, no. If you want to understand Trump more, sure. Read Art of the Deal and Crippled America

>> No.8935587
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>> No.8935588

The guy who actually wrote Art of the Deal came out against Trump saying he was a buffoon during the election cycle. He had better hair than Trump too.

>> No.8935590

>Liberal calls conservative candidate stupid

Wow, I'm shocked.

>> No.8935593

It might make you appreciate good literature more

>> No.8935595

I can't wait until he writes a snarky tell-all on Mic or Vox, that'll show Trump for sure

>> No.8935602

go back to pol, kiddo

>> No.8935614

Dreams from my Father is decent but The Audacity of Hope is pure trash

>> No.8935780

He already did in the Jew Yorker iirc

>> No.8935801

>implying there's anything in Schwartz's history to imply he's a liberal other than the fact that he spoke out against Trump
I guess Romney's a pot smoking hippy too now.

>> No.8935810

>I guess Romney's a pot smoking hippy too now.

He's a globalist liberal just like Obama, Clinton, Bush, etc.

>> No.8935855


>> No.8935860

You can say about Trump what you want but he is not dumb

>> No.8935865


Trump is a fucking retard. His Twitter proves this.

>> No.8935868

He also became the most powerful person on the planet.

>> No.8935869

He's using it effectively. Two tweets from him a few days ago and the GOP dropped their reform of that congressional ethics watchdog.

>> No.8935870

If he's a retard what are you?
You couldn't make a million dollars if you made it your life goal, let alone become president.

>> No.8935875

14 days

>> No.8935900


Is this what Americans really think?


He was a retard before the election. His commentary on anything is so fucking vapid and misinformed.


Great argument. Really got me mind pondering.

>> No.8935920

Confirmed dumber than a retard xD

>> No.8935922

Do you not enjoy watching our politics on your TV ever day?

>> No.8935927


I don't have a television.

>> No.8935936
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>> No.8935963

1) Not really, no. The president's power is largely overstated in order to give the appearance of authority to a population that self-regulates out of fear.
2) Even were he the most powerful person on the planet, this does not refute the claim that he is a "fucking retard." Forrest Gump, you will recall, met the president and coined the phrase "Shit Happens," but was certainly not a cognizant force of agency in his success. Trump's intellectual acumen may be exactly self-aware enough to desire power, but not to the degree that he can perceive when he is being manipulated into power by forces greater than him.
3) To your credit, however, it does not follow that we can accurately gauge his intelligence from simply observing his tweets. One would have to explore the degree to which he has proven himself incapable of managing a casino, participated in exchanges that make him look like a callous psychopath whose narcissistic delight over his own inherited wealth and power causes him so much naked glee that he is willing to sell out any sense of decency or human regard to perpetuate it, and hired people to write books for him whose subjects were his alleged capacity to negotiate business deals (despite his many bankruptcies) in order to draw conclusions about that - and there exists the non-zero probability that he has fabricated his lifetime of Midas-like buffoonery in order to create a false sense of utter daftness, so even then we can't be one hundred percent certain.

>> No.8935966

Actually, they dropped it after they got thousands of calls from voters of both parties saying it was a horrible idea.

>> No.8935968

1) The average American makes well over one million dollars throughout their lifetime.
2) A million dollars isn't actually that much money, because the cost of living has increased over 300% over the past three decades while the average working wage has gone up one tenth that rate.
3) Becoming president is not necessarily a function of intelligence. See >>8935963 for further details.

>> No.8935973

>and there exists the non-zero probability that he has fabricated his lifetime of Midas-like buffoonery in order to create a false sense of utter daftness, so even then we can't be one hundred percent certain.
I like those odds.

>> No.8935976

P.S. Bush did the same thing. Turns out majority of Americans can only relate to classless idiots.

>> No.8935989

Yeah... it's the literal white-supremacy thing that really chups my cabras. At least Bush would have told the KKK to unequivocally fuck off and saved his racist sympathizing for the golf course...

>> No.8936000

>implying trump wrote any of his books

I'm glad he became president over crazy clinton, but come on lad

>> No.8936007

>1) The average American makes well over one million dollars throughout their lifetime.
hurr durr, I meant having a million dollars on your bank account.
>Becoming president is not necessarily a function of intelligence.
He goes on to say that basing his intelligence on his tweets is not viable.
Also he brings up his few failures as a sign of him being dumb (all rich/smart people fail multiple times, you would know if you knew anyone successful) yet says his successes were not because he was smart but because he hired the right people... think about that one for a few seconds.

>> No.8936056

You really think that having money means that you're successful, don't you? And there's a big difference between "daft" and "dumb." And I left open the possibility that he could just be crazy like a fox, so there's that. You are right about rich and smart people failing multiple times, though. It's just a lot easier to bounce back from multiple bankruptcies when you've inherited a shit-ton of cash from your dad, you know? Or when you've become so famous for being gaudy and over the top that you can sell your identity to a reality television producer who casts you specifically because you're a well-known asshole. That helps too, I guess. You know what, anon? You're actually succeeding in making me feel bad for the guy... I mean, sure, he may have a cool title and more money, but he has to spend the rest of his life being him. That has to fucking suck.

>> No.8936095

Retard detected.

>> No.8936120


Romney is a neoconservative/neoliberal which are essentially the same thing except for the wedge issues they use to convince people not to vote for the other guy. Even on those points though, they're essentially the same, because the philosophy on both sides is just to push the wedge issues to accomplish "getting votes" while working together for their corporate overlords.

>> No.8936130

>You really think that having money means that you're successful, don't you?
When your goal is having a lot of money and power and you achieve both then yes, you are a success.
>you can sell your identity to a reality television producer who casts you specifically because you're a well-known asshole
Smart move by him, just sell his name to other people.
>I mean, sure, he may have a cool title and more money, but he has to spend the rest of his life being him.
Why do you assume he doesn't like being him?
He is rich, his children are successful, he gets to speak to a large audience that put him on a pedestal (god emporer etc) and gets to put his ideas into practice for the nation (in so far as presidents can do so).
He seems like a fulfilled man, why do you think he is suffering?
At least he isn't spending his time on an imageboard claiming that people who have more success than him are actually dumb, seems like something an insecure person would do. sad!

>> No.8936142


Yea, he got paid by CNN to do a special

And now he's slumming for scraps from Jewish yellow media vultures and Trump is President of the USA

rly make u tink donnit

>> No.8936146

I think they blow Arnold Schwarzenegger's books out of the water. Compare Art of the Deal's sales to The Education of a Bodybuilder

>> No.8936147


>Trump is a retard
>Built massive real estate empire worth billions of dollars
>Became legendary famous TV personality
>Became President of the United States, literally beating all competition so savagely that his own party dropped out before the primaries were over
>Beat multinational internationally financed banking cartel and their media pawns and won general election of the most powerful office in the world by a landslide

And you can't even get a job at Starbucks ...

So what does that make you

>> No.8936152

Swamped (or, destroyed)

>> No.8936156

None of the things you listed preclude retardation in today's America

>> No.8936158


He owns literally hundreds of successful commercial real estate properties

You have literally no context for any conversation pertaining to business in any way, you are in /lit/

He has over 300 businesses and you can count his failed ones on one hand.

>there exists the non-zero probability that he has fabricated his lifetime of Midas-like buffoonery

I'll say again, he owns literally hundreds of commercial real estate properties. Do you have any idea how much money Class A commercial real estate is worth?

Of course you don't. You work at peet's coffee. The company that owns your coffee-grinding ass leases space from people like Trump to pay you $8 bucks per hour

>> No.8936163


So where's your multibillion dollar real estate empire?

After all, it's so easy even a retard could do it.

What's your lease rate percentage across your portfolio? How much do you charge per sq. ft on average? What's your EBITDA?

You spend so much time up your own ass you don't even have a context for the real world

>> No.8936170


It's ok I'll give you some time to google "EBITDA" I know that wasn't in covered in Hegel and Zizek

>> No.8936256

>Actually, they dropped it after they got thousands of calls from voters of both parties saying it was a horrible idea.

Because Trump tweeted about it.

>> No.8936270


>> No.8936281

>the President
Oh boy. At some point this will get old I'm sure, but right now it gets me good every time.

>> No.8936477
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>> No.8937166


>> No.8937180

Do you even know what retardation means? Liberals throw certain words around like confetti.

>> No.8937192
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The Art of the Deal is well done, it is in simple english and has the same vibe as you would expect from Trump if you truly understand him. Quick read; should take about a week at a comfortable pace.


If you think he is Hitler reincarnate don't waste your time you are too far gone.
If you have ever called him "Daddy" I would suggest staying on Reddit and neo-/pol/ and not further shitting up this board.

>> No.8937195


>> No.8937207
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>Forrest Gump, you will recall, met the president and coined the phrase "Shit Happens," but was certainly not a cognizant force of agency in his success.
,..you do know that Forrest Gump is fiction, right?

>> No.8937215


>Trump is sooo dumb! -_-
>Presidents are just puppets XXD
God, you are a meme. Stay on your board >>>/pol/

>> No.8937219

>if they disagree with me they must be misinformed

>> No.8937233

>but, on the other hand, Hillary, the woman who lost the election even with the entire media shilling hard for her due to her sheer criminality and corruption, is intelligent and capable for running a country

>> No.8937243

>Beat multinational internationally financed banking cartel and their media pawns

Your daily reminder that Donald Trump's cabinet as it stands includes:

-Outgoing Chairman of ExxonMobil Rex Tillerson
-Former Goldman Sachs hedge fund manager and Hollywood producer Steven "foreclosure king" Mnuchin
-Billionaire coal-and-steel investor Wilbur Ross
-Former CEO of Breitbart News and former Goldman Sachs employee Steve Bannon

He's sure beating that banking cartel by putting them in key positions, eh.

>won general election of the most powerful office in the world by a landslide
Getting 3 million fewer votes than your opponent is a landslide now?
I mean sure, big electoral college margin, but if 50,000 folks in the rust belt had gone the other way, he'd have lost. That's not a landslide.

>> No.8937256

3 million perfectly legally obtained votes made by American citizens.

>> No.8937269
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It's a ghost written best seller by a television celebrity that millions of Americans have read. If you're going to engage with that plebeian tier type of stuff enjoy being a member of mass society.

>> No.8937274

The skillset required to win an election is not the same as the skillset required to successfully run a country. There's some overlap, but not a huge amount.

To my mind, Hillary was smart and capable and I didn't like her proposals, Trump's of mediocre intelligence and I don't like his proposals.
I guess I'd rather have somebody who can't achieve their shitty aims than somebody who could achieve their shitty aims, but let's not pretend that makes Tump a genius.

Also, it's been two months since he was elected, chief. You're gonna have to start coming up with more positives than "he's not Hillary" if you want to keep justifying all this to yourself for the next 4 years.

>> No.8937278

You can argue anything if you just make shit up.

>> No.8937293

>Hillary was smart and capable
Stop parroting what CNN feeds you and think for a moment.

Hillary, quite literally the definition of the establishment, career political, lost to a political outsider who was subject to numerous scandals and controversies, because she was so corrupt. You don't know anything if you think Hillary was capable. You only thought that because the media told you to and that's what she wanted to project. But in her own words, Hillary has a "public and private persona". She lies to the public. Reportedly she flipped out after the third debate and became angry and violent, which to me doesn't seem like "smart, capable" behavior.

Trump was the better choice by far.

>> No.8937298

>Hitler isn't a German nationalist because he allied with Japan

>> No.8937333

>Stop parroting what CNN feeds you and think for a moment.
Spectator-reading Britfag here, CNN's dogshit. But good job with the old
>everyone who disagrees with me is deluded
meme right off the bat.

>Hillary, quite literally the definition of the establishment, career political
This and being intelligent and capable are mutually exclusive how?

>because she was so corrupt
[citation needed]
I mean, that's part of it I guess, and I'm fairly sure either Bernie or Biden would've won that election hands-down, but it's more complex than the public's perception of just one candidate.

> But in her own words, Hillary has a "public and private persona". She lies to the public. Reportedly she flipped out after the third debate and became angry and violent, which to me doesn't seem like "smart, capable" behavior.
I know all this, chief, but that doesn't make Trump a genius, or a good candidate.
Read some of the character profiles written on him over the years, the accounts of people who knew him, or even just listen to the guy talk, and it's clear that he's insecure and desperate to please in a way that you simply cannot be if you want to run a country successfully.
Dismiss it all as an establishment conspiracy if you like, say I need to stop watching CNN or whatever, but if you try to look at this impartially, he was a bad candidate, and he'll be a bad president.
*Regardless* of what Hillary's like.

>> No.8937347

False analogy, it'd only be relevant if people voted NSDAP because they thought Hitler was gonna stick it to Hirohito.

>> No.8937376

>Hillary was corrupt

t. Breitbart and Infowars

I've yet to see any actual proof on it either way, honestly. Only infographics and "WELL JUST LOOK." There have been no citations or real sources.

Not even American so couldn't care less about the election itself, but I do take issue with legitimately fake news.

>> No.8937394

>Wikileaks isn't a real source

>> No.8937415


Just like the wikileaks Podesta shit equaled #pizzagate, right?

>> No.8937423

Nope. Pedophilia almost certainly happens in elite circles but pizzagate was mostly just coincidences.

>> No.8937425

>implying Wikileaks is even remotely unbiased

>> No.8937430


He didn't write them, so why would you read them?

>> No.8937431

Nope. In Assange's words:
>In Russia, there are many vibrant publications, online blogs, and Kremlin critics such as [Alexey] Navalny are part of that spectrum. There are also newspapers like Novaya Gazeta, in which different parts of society in Moscow are permitted to critique each other and it is tolerated, generally, because it isn’t a big TV channel that might have a mass popular effect, its audience is educated people in Moscow. So my interpretation is that in Russia there are competitors to WikiLeaks, and no WikiLeaks staff speak Russian, so for a strong culture which has its own language, you have to be seen as a local player. WikiLeaks is a predominantly English-speaking organization with a website predominantly in English. We have published more than 800,000 documents about or referencing Russia and President Putin, so we do have quite a bit of coverage, but the majority of our publications come from Western sources, though not always. For example, we have published more than 2 million documents from Syria, including Bashar al-Assad personally. Sometimes we make a publication about a country and they will see WikiLeaks as a player within that country, like with Timor East and Kenya. The real determinant is how distant that culture is from English. Chinese culture is quite far away.

>> No.8937440


samefag spammed you, it's ppl from pol being spergs on this board because the election is over

>> No.8937444

>Pedophilia almost certainly happens in elite circles
But only among politicians you don't like as opposed to, I don't know, property developers?
Reminder that Trump was pally with Jeff Epstein for a long time.
And for legal reasons, I'm not saying Trump is paedophile, but that his long-standing association with one would get you to that conclusion in fewer dubious leaps than pizzagate took.

>> No.8937447

I didn't say it had a pro-Russia bias, hoss.

>> No.8937450

Trump, who banned Epstein from his hotels for leering at a young girl? Nope, he probably distanced himself once he realized that Epstein was a pedo. But you're right in saying pizzagate has dubious evidence.

>> No.8937456

In what way do you think Wikileaks is biased?

>> No.8937574

By its very nature, Wikileaks has an anti-establishment bias.

I'm not saying that's necessarily a bad thing, but it's worth bearing in mind that sources whose professed aim is to speak truth to power (or at least speak "the truth" about power to everyone else) are biased in that sense.

>> No.8937591

>By its very nature, Wikileaks has an anti-establishment bias.
Obviously, because it's a whistleblowing website. They tell the things that the establishment doesn't want you to know, and with every other media outlet being firmly bought and paid for by corporations and the media I can't see it unfair that we have one large anti-establishment organization.

>> No.8937592
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8 years, faggots

>> No.8937602

>implying Trump will make even 18 months without impeachment

I don't care either way, it's your NEET subsidies he'll be cutting for dem tax breaks. And no, no jobs in the mines are coming back.

>> No.8937609

>Bring the jobs in the mines back
>Poor people are still poor but now are dying en masse due to bad work conditions
>Free from the shackles of the low IQ untermensch, America reaches the technological singularity and becomes fully post-human

>> No.8937611

I didn't say it was unfair, I just said it has a bias and you need to bear it in mind, as with everything else.

WIkileaks has a tendency to make mountains out of molehills, or jump to conclusions, from time to time because it fits their agenda.

None of this is untrue for any other news organisation*, but it's still true for wikileaks.

*or any source from which people get their news, including other people

>> No.8937617

the greatest gift you could give to humanity would be taking your own life, you pathetic waste of mass-energy

>> No.8937620
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Nice post, pseud

>> No.8937623

The idea that Trump is actually stupid is pure liberal narcissism.
Thankfully it matters not since he destroyed the left's rhetoric so hard they're now irrelevant.
I'm just hoping we get death camps sooner rather than later so all the indignant squawking gets cut out.

>> No.8937624
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he is as relevant to the trump organization as a figurehead is to a ship

>> No.8937637

>Thankfully it matters not since he destroyed the left's rhetoric so hard they're now irrelevant.
Destroyed so hard that it only takes 50,000 people in the rust belt to change their minds in the next 4 years for the left to win?

I.e. Way less than the usual anti-incumbent shift in voter preferences?

>> No.8937643

have you met the man? he is truly an imbecile, a cretin of such magnitude that he is incapable of recognizing his own ineptitude.

this, combined with his inherited wealth, are the reason he has been so successful. he is useful to smarter people.

>> No.8937649
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>> No.8937660
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>> No.8938253

False dilemma detected.

>> No.8938820

1.2 billion burned on her campaign and not a county to show for it. Sad!

>> No.8938832

> not a county to show for it.

Uh, I'm pretty sure she got AT LEAST 200 out of 2400 counties.

>> No.8940297

Why would you need the full image? You only need to know that this thread was about Trump's books, with the thumbnail is enough.

>> No.8940345
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>shilling this hard, for free
Art of the Deal made him rich, he doesn't need the money.

I advise the OP to read this guy's tell all article on how Trump is a fraud, it provides far more insight than a fake book full of fabrications. I don't think anyone has been allowed such an open opportunity to explore the vacuousness that is Trump, his ghostwriter basically had to follow him around for months since Trump was too stupid to produce an actual anecdote of his own for the book.

>> No.8940367

>Believing someone who is desperate for his 15 minutes of fame

>> No.8940393

>Implying Trump's presidential campaign didn't itself stem from his monumental narcissism and desire for glory
>implying his entire life hasn't been an attempt to make the New York Elite take him seriously after his nouveau-riche antics were found to be tacky

>> No.8940398

He has no reason to lie, regardless of what platitude you try discredit him with. He isn't famous, he never will be. But he had a truth to share and it's one worth being shared. Trump is a dumb cunt, sorry to break it to you m8.

>> No.8940400

IDK about you guys, but I'm sure loving this literary discussion!

>> No.8940533


Objectively garbage tier literature.

>> No.8940539

RE: Internal Memo
From: anon
To: anon

/lit/ is henceforth to stand for "Life In Trump," and shall document how based and noble our fearless leader is in all endeavors business and diplomatic alike. Please disregard any previous associations therewith and learn to stop worrying and love the Trump. Attempts to discuss texts unrelated to this matter will be seen as covert operations against our sovereignty and attacks on our Purity Of Essence (POE). Thank you for your unquestioning allegiance in this matter.

>> No.8940545

He got fame for slamming Trump.
>Implying he cares about the New York Elite now that he's achieved more than they will ever do

>> No.8940571

>He got fame for slamming Trump.
we haven't even named him because no-one knows his name

you're wrong

>>Implying he cares about the New York Elite now that he's achieved more than they will ever do
Trump has achieved nothing. He'd have more money if he didn't touch the cash his daddy left him and invested it in the safest least lucrative portfolio possible. No-one could have lost this election against Clinton, against the so called other Republican candidates, etc...He wins by default, and is the only person slimy enough to get in the ring. The sad thing is Trump will never understand the real elites aren't and will not ever be impressed by his vulgarian 'success', no-one of decent birth hosts a reality TV show. Poor bastard will never understand he's basically a slightly more orange Kardashian, with worse hair.

>> No.8940596

>no-one of decent birth
wew lad

>> No.8940607

>he's basically a slightly more orange Kardashian, with worse hair
Damn. You should tweet this at him- I think there's a decent chance of goading him into a response and making the news.

>> No.8940618

literally haunts Trump

>> No.8940697

His twitter proves how retarded YOU are by taking it so seriously

>> No.8940719
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>Trump is stupid, he said, replying to Trump's twitter, taking his bait, making him stronger and throwing fuel to the fire

Trump's existence is almost too perfect, if we succeed and don't kill ourselves he'll go down as one of the most prevalent and influential figures in human history

>> No.8940748

Stop pretending you know what the elites know, you're a filthy pleb not worthy of standing within 50 feet of the Trump

>> No.8940751

>what the elites think*

>> No.8940755

>trump is just pretending to be stupid, guys!

>> No.8940758

>Trump just by accident fell into a presidency and garnered billions in the decades before!

>> No.8940880

I think we already established that you don't need to be a genius to become president and become rich especially when you inherited a fortune to begin with.

>The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive
It's pretty safe to say that he's just stupid.

>> No.8940954

Have YOU met the man?

>> No.8940979

His fortune would have been considerably larger if he'd just held a diversified stock portfolio instead of playing business too.

>> No.8941019


>"haha guys he's just joking he doesn't actually think global warming is a chinese hoax or that Obama is a kenyan haha"

>> No.8941040

Art of Deal read a lot like PUA/seduction material believe it or not.

>> No.8941104

i hate this meme
human capital is capital too, and he sure as fuck needed it to win the election. if you had been born in his position you would still be nobody.

>> No.8941147

>comes to /lit/, but can't into rhetoric
pseud confirmed

Real estate baron is the god mode of entrepreneurship. The life of a rootless cosmopolitan cashed up on wampum funny money is but a shade compared to that of he who can hold the land, as you can see by the ease with which Trump wrested the mantle from these pretenders.

>> No.8941521

>I think we already established that you don't need to be a genius to become president
Also we're not arguing whether he's a genius, just not a retard like some retards claim

>> No.8941697

You didn't address his comment. He isn't shilling you retard, just because he criticises Trump does not mean he automatically supports his enemies. Get that through your thick skull, you mongoloid.

>> No.8941718

>have you met the man?
>t. someone who has almost certainly not met Trump

Should I bother reading the rest of this post?

>> No.8942081

Trump is tge world's most successful second grader.

>> No.8942140

And this is the world's most hella F*CKIN' epic reddit comment


>> No.8942422

I haven't read it, but I read this review instead and I liked it:


>> No.8942443

people are so deeply asleep these days

>> No.8942458

This board is bluepilled as fuck

>> No.8942514

>all of these redditors falling over themselves to agree with each other for their +1 epopularity no matter how retarded
fuck I hate normal people shit like this is why the world will end

>> No.8942709

I don't think that 'Trump is a failed businessman!' angle was ever fated to work out well for his opposition when the public is aware that Trump still has many maintained buildings and properties with his name plastered all over them.

You should probably drop that angle and focus on your narcissism angle and the possible drama he had with his 1st wife if you want to go at his past history.

>> No.8942880

Refute even one things in those posts or you're a mongoloid.

PROTIP: you can't, because it's all true. Kill yourself trumpcuck.

>> No.8943020
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>no-one of decent birth hosts a reality TV show

maybe leftism is a more advanced form of aspergers

>> No.8943033

Did you just defend reality TV?

>> No.8943103

He infamously has bad relationships with peeps he did business with. Again, he could have had daddy's contacts and not pissed them off by playing business and fucking up.

Also don't be so quick to assume about other posters.

>Real estate baron is the god mode of entrepreneurship.
Trying to fit those words together in a way that makes sense.

I guess you're referencing his use of moral hazard? He still fucked that up really, other business people who take advantage of that usually make money. I mean it refers to a position where you practically cannot lose, and all Trump managed to do was not go totally bankrupt.

>> No.8943254

>claims Art of Deal is full of fake crap sponsored by Trump
>but the author's tell all highly politicized interview sponsored by CNN is totally the truth!
This doublethink fucking hurts

>> No.8943255

>Be retarded
>Become self-made billionaire, have successful children, be household name, become most powerful man on the planet despite the entire establishment being against you including parts of your own party

I don't like the guy one bit, never did. But anyone who thinks he's legitimately stupid is legitimately stupid.

>> No.8943256

>self-made billionaire

>real-estate-developing father
pick one

>> No.8943308

