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/lit/ - Literature

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8934074 No.8934074 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8934082
File: 45 KB, 620x874, Joyce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know it's true /lit/

>> No.8934090

there is no rating low enough for our op here

>> No.8934190
File: 105 KB, 1200x675, 1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hehe he drew a butthole

>> No.8934674

Ayn Rand. If you say that she's anything more than shit, your'e overrating her.

>> No.8935678

Overrated means, just like the words says, that something is rated, or valued, higher than it deserves. Deserves, huh? This should throw up a flag right away, because how are you supposed to measure how much praise something deserves? To do this, you would have to objectively quantify how good an artist or a piece of art is, which is already impossible. You can argue that there are many qualities that could be quantified objectively, but it still falls apart because everyone values these qualities differently. Someone might agree that prose is the most important thing in literature, while someone else will definitely argue that innovation is.

You can't measure how 'good' a piece of art or an artist is, and as such it's impossible to measure how much praise it deserves, and how highly it deserves to be valued. Therefore it's idiotic to use a phrase such as "He is overrated". You are still free to say something like "I believe the critics overrated the historical importance of X", because not only are you specifying which aspect you think has been overrated, but you're also specifying who you think is overrating it, and that there's no objectivism at play here - you're simply stating that it is your subjective evaluation that differs from that of someone else's.

What you're actually saying when you use a term like "X is overrated" is really nothing other than "Others like X more than I do".

>> No.8935720

Dude c'mon, your autism is showing.

>> No.8935726

Just saying.

If you want me to play along, I think Günther Grass is overrated.

There you go.

>> No.8935728

Ever hear of intuition?

>> No.8935746

I am the most overrated author, tbqh senpai

>> No.8935750

Go to bed, Tao.