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/lit/ - Literature

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8933976 No.8933976 [Reply] [Original]

When you first started reading, were you just trying to be smart?

>> No.8933980

no i just wanted to enjoy something good, but it later evolved to that

>> No.8933983



>> No.8933991
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Have it in better quality, OP

>> No.8933994

yeah i was trying to learn the alphabet

>> No.8933997

I've been reading since my mother taught me so I doubt I started reading with a very definite purpose.

I guess I started reading classics because I wanted to be smarterer but then I realized fiction (like all art) is useless. I'm cool with it though, I love reading and classics are as good as reading gets

>> No.8933999

I've been reading since I was a kid, so I don't know.

>> No.8934011 [DELETED] 
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i just checked you

>> No.8934015


what a comfy comic

>> No.8934027 [DELETED] 
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ok now someone check me

>> No.8934043

I remember being a smartass in high school and then I had to read some AP example essays. Some kid wrote about philosophy and I remember reading all the words and understanding every word in isolation but not understanding the central ideas that were being expressed. It was obscure. Then I found out that philosophy majors have an above average IQ and wanted to read philosophy to be smarter. I read philosophy to be smarter at first, but then I got interested in the subject itself, got so passionate about it. Now I work at Mcdonalds.

>> No.8934051

>/lit/ the post

>> No.8934065

Yes, in a way. I started reading because I was always very into political debates and I never wanted to have my ass kicked in one of them. This was (and still kind of is) a very big deal to me. So when articulating my views, I wanted to be able to rebut any potential criticism. So I read a lot, wrote down data and shit that I wanted to remember, memorized them, etc.

In fact, this is also the same reason I started lifting and practicing martial arts. I love to be able to fight and to threat people, and I always go out expecting that someone will be disrespectful towards me so I can be beat them. I never start anything, but I always expect someone to start shit with me.

I know it sounds weird, but I think that's what a few years of some really hardcore bullying did to me. Whenever I'm around people I'm on the defensive and I think it's just a matter of time before they turn on me and start some type of aggression - physical, psychological, social, moral - and I need to be prepared for it. I need to be sharp, and I need to know my shit. There's something about me that always made people feel like I'm an easy target, so I ended up like this.

>> No.8934072 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8934081

I mostly read sci fi when i was a teenager. I lived in a small town and was scared of going outside, the library was about the only place i could tolerate going.

Now I'm a full on pseud, but i think that has more to do with how i want to see myself than how i want others to see me.

>> No.8934084

You sound like you would be fun at parties

>> No.8934088
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I started reading to escape my inability to socialize with people in high school. People usually left me alone when they saw me reading. Went into full-on anxiety through my early 20's. Finally started coming out of it by my mid 20's, and now at 27, I'm rediscovering my interest in reading, but this time it's for healthier reasons (at least I hope).

>> No.8934095 [DELETED] 
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guys help

>> No.8934098

That thought has never crossed my mind. I'm not a pseud you see. Reminder that reading for anything other than aesthetics is pure plebbery.

>> No.8934103

Time to open up anon.

>> No.8934115
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No, I wanted to read sick stories about wizards and star ships

>> No.8934149

That's a nice fedora, Willy.

>> No.8934152

What the fuck did you say about me, you little bitch?

>> No.8934156 [DELETED] 
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please i dont wanna check myself

>> No.8934166

I gave up halfway thorught and nowadays I just try to appear smart
Much easier and gets you the same pussy

>> No.8934169

that fucker probably loaned $10 and convinced her to pay for the icecreams.

>> No.8934173


>> No.8934188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8934207

consider yourself chekced, and get out

>> No.8934209


>> No.8934225 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8934234

How do you not get duplicate pic family???

>> No.8934243

>open paint
>paint a pixel black
Wew lad that was hard

>> No.8934247 [DELETED] 
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mods like me

>> No.8934249

It was merely a compliment, honey. No need to get upset.

>> No.8934258

Isn't that shit automatic? Or is it just on the larger boards?

>> No.8934266


>> No.8934274

Hey, what out for the language.

>> No.8934280 [DELETED] 
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no, mods like me

>> No.8934287

Avatar posting is against the rules so I think you are going to extinguish that goodwill p fast

>> No.8934294 [DELETED] 
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its reaction

>> No.8934307

I learned to read at a very young age and spent my childhood and teens reading mostly a huge amount of genre fiction of various types. In my twenties I stopped reading due to a ten year depression. Since I've come out of it, I've mostly been reading more literary stuff, mostly to try to catch up all the time I've wasted. I guess that counts as trying to be smart.

>> No.8934357
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lmaoing at this thread

>> No.8934363

I have always read but I met a guy and he always used to tell me about books I didn't know. After that, he caught my attention because he sounded so well read, so "highbrow". So I wanted to be seemed as intelligent as him so I start reading way more to impress him. It is somewhat cute to remember but also a little bit lame.

>> No.8935684

No I was interested in where Morrissey got his inspiration for his lyrics (Wilde) and then got hooked.

>> No.8936500

No. I started reading seriously before I can actually remember.

Yes, I was that /lit/ as a toddler.

Yes, you should be in awe.

>> No.8936845

are you me

>> No.8936956
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Hahaha I wish this was the case.

It was a lot worse than that my friend.

The sole reason I got into reading was this: aged fifteen my friend linked me to an MBTI test, which came back saying I was an INFP. He thought it was just a giggle, and couldn't possibly have known the effect it would have on the next few years of my life, but after I got that result, I became obsessed. I saw INFP-ness in everything I did. I was emotional; that was an INFP thing. I liked x or y band; holy shit their lead singer is an INFP.

Soon, doubts started to creep in. I wondered if I was really a true INFP. I'd read somewhere that INFPs used introverted feeling over extroverted feeling, but I was always very aware of group dynamics. This was a glaring error in the system, which if I was to remain INFP, I could not simply abide. So I suppressed my natural social intelligence; I deliberately misinterpreted social signals; I willed myself into a state of complete autism, all in order to be closer to the ideal INFP. I similarly made sure to construct all my arguments in the most illogical, retarded way possible because I'd read online that INFPs do this too. It became my single goal in life, and I felt that if anything came about that could threaten it, such as the INTPish behaviors which I felt myself becoming prone to as puberty loosened its grip on my emotions, I risked my sense of self dissolving and I chanced being left a husk.

I read online that INFPs were often writers, and soon compiled a list of all the INFP writers listed on celebritytypes.com, from Albert Camus and Soren Kierkegaard, to Tolstoy and Woolf.

That, I'm ashamed to say, is the sole reason I began reading: in order to be more INFP.

I never had a gf in high school, not out of shyness or anything like that, but because I'd read about Kierkegaard (my INFP idol) and Regine Olsen, and decided this was the ideal relationship.

Was it autism? Or was it something more? Was it that the unreal experience of psychic unity provided by having your every action dictated by a new age psychometric test is indeed the most intoxicating and addictive thing a scrambled, fragmented and confused subject can have, and that I feared the dissolution of that unity as a junkie fears the fading of the heroin high?

That's for you to decide, /lit/. Personally I think it was the former

>> No.8936965

No, I was already smart, I just wanted to become more knowledgeable.

>> No.8936975

That's such an INTP thing to do.

>> No.8936992

Spooky. Do you still drink the MBTI koolaid?

Fellow INFP reporting. I hate this classification. Yes, I know that the MBTI is a meme.

>> No.8936997

my mom taught me to read by reading to me every night. it just became a normal thing.

if you're asking when i started reading more serious stuff, i was in children's prison and needed a true escape, and my mom sent me a few books, dracula and poe. then later, i got tossed in jail as a young adult and my mom swooped in and saved my ass with the count of monte cristo and some dostoevsky, and i just fell in love, was able to escape, and my mind took to it like i had just bought a new sponge and bred a new spider.

>> No.8937024

I never had this experience with MBTI, I always thought the test described others very well but not me myself as an INTP or at times INFP. Useful test to gauge how you relate with the world on a not too detailed level at least. You would probably have found something else to define you by the way.

>> No.8937032
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(You) for this guy because my story relates to Kierkegaard.

I used to, really, only be into music. I played the guitar and constantly was looking for new albums to get into. Eventually, I came across some YouTube videos about Kierkegaard online. I would listen to them while I played MMOs, I had no idea about philosophy at the time. Yet, the ideas intrigued me so much; and it caused me to start asking questions day-to-day that I would literally lose sleep over not being able to discern on my own.

This led to a 'retreat backward' toward reading, something a lot of people on this board are probably familiar with: when you thirst to read books to acquire knowledge because you think it will defend you from the outside world. So, I started with classic Plato: I got a copy of his Republic, Aristotle's Politics, and Nietzsche's Thus Spoke Zarathustra. This led to a deep interest in reading/philosophy up and to now where I'm gradually exhausting the German idealists.

Funny thing is, I've still yet to read one page of Kierkegaard. I plan to eventually, however. :)

>> No.8937055


Then it became a hobby for shits and giggles, it was handy during mandatory literature classes in high school but never bragged about it, I don't think I ever read a book in public.

It wasn't until med school that I started reading academic works.

>> No.8937060

>Parents read all the time
>Read to me a lot, and that was fun
>Started reading on my own at about 40 months old
>found other books in the library; more fun than the books mom and dad read to me

>> No.8937066

>I found out I was a Libra, and Libras read all the time, so...!

>> No.8937069
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INFPs have a preference for Introverted Feeling over Extroverted Feeling, but they still use Fe. In fact, when they do use Fe, they should wield it well.

The entire point of the MBTI is to assist you in understanding yourself and others.

You tried to use it to create yourself, lol.

Sounds like a crisis fit for an INFP.

INTJ out.

>> No.8937072
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>Oh, you Virgos are so silly! Not like us Leos!"

>> No.8937092

The best MBTI 'practitioners' I've ran into are the ones who wouldn't accept Kant's epistemology if their life depended on it, yet fail to realize Jung based his entire system on it.

Regarding understanding yourself and others, I do think it's a useful tool to help engage human interaction in a categorical way, that is, to frame the way you view people's actions as derivative of their paradigmatic conception of that world and how they choose to interact with that system. Understanding the latter is crucial to gaining intuitions to how a person 'is.'

So, I think the framing of behavior into specific categories is helpful for understanding people on an interpersonal level, but when turned on yourself it can lead to confusion.

>> No.8937097

Other than philosophy, which I read out of interest, I never thought, or read, to "be smart," whether it was high school or college level /lit/. It's why, when I see a book like Infinite Jest, which mashes together tennis with Quebecois revolution and other "factoids" with words copy-pasta'd from an out-of-date Merck manual, I can't help but feel that I don't read, won't read, and never read for whatever reason it's trying to fulfill.

It doesn't mean I won't tackle difficult works (like Gravity's Rainbow) so long as they're enjoyable and interesting, like a painting. Too many novels though are too "smart" for me, especially post-1950

>> No.8937104
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For those who have have had no issues finding direction in their life, have settled into a career path, able to cope with adversity well when it hits them, etc. astrology would probably be useless and meaningless for them, unless they wanted to know more about themselves.

This is because they would have a sense direction regularly and would have no need to consult anything for advice.

On the other hand, astrology tends to be more useful for those who feel they lack clear purpose in their lives, who often face obstacles when it comes to accomplishments, have difficult time handling stress, who have emotional or mental disorders, have faced tough period after tough period, etc.

For this group, analyzing their natal aspects and planning & preparation for upcoming major transits & progressions would be crucial for a more fulfilling life. This is so they can be used to the best.

>> No.8937106

What did you do to get along during your depression?

>> No.8937108
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How astrology can help daily living
So what can astrology do? This is the question now. What does it offer compared with other modes of thinking? I see the advantages as:

- Objectivity. The birth chart is independent of individual opinions.
- Detail. Almost every aspect of life can be exactly described.

But if we want to explain the extent to which astrology can help life, we have to leave the level of scientific discussion. We come to areas that are philosophical, even theological. Astrology can help life because it shows I can't experience anything that doesn't belong to me. It also resolves the apparent conflict between determination and responsibility, because birth is the beginning of following a certain path. To follow is responsible living. To follow the path is called determination.

Even if astrology were based on error or deception, it would make me conscious of the connection with other people, as if I were praying: "Give to us our daily neighbour, today." Nor does it matter whether it is true or not; more important is whether it is true for me.

>> No.8937114

No, I gave it up a long time ago but I still find myself trying to categorize people I know and writers I'm reading and have to catch myself before I start down the rabbit hole again

But my post was self-deprecating anon. Couldn't you tell? reading comprehension must be a gemini thing eh

>> No.8937123

>Tfw you've been on lit so much lightly you're starting to recognize people

>> No.8937126

>self-deprecating anon
I pointed out that the same BS can support astrology, meaning - my initial mockery stands.

>> No.8937129
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>so much lightly

Looks like you've been losing sleep browsing. Get some sleep friend

>> No.8937135

Yes, but it's a mockery directed at no one, if I'm well aware of the fact that MBTI is astrology for /smartbutlazy/ teens. My post was making fun of the fact I got so wrapped up in something that was bullshit, otherwise it wouldn't have been funny. You don't need to point out the very joke I was trying to make with my post

>> No.8937817

>People who major in a field based primarily on logic have high IQs
No shit, Sherlock

>> No.8937832

I was already "smart". i wanted to appear well-read. I liked the image of the intellectual. Came for the looks, staid for the content.

>> No.8938020

Hello, fellow /pol/ack

>> No.8939092

It is truly sad how many of you don't understand Jung's genius.

>> No.8939475

is this a new pasta?

>> No.8940131


I started to read books in the first grade because the teacher told us to read books, I didn't have much self-awareness or a will of my own.

>> No.8940138
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What's your favorite book? I like to imagine you as a future political assassin who kills someone deserving. Don't let us down anon!

>> No.8940373

If there are only five Tv channels, no Internet and no computer, reading is the natural thing to do for most of the day. I started with really cheap pulp fantasy and scifi crap, but then went to the public library.

>> No.8940381

Yes. Now I read to steal ideas for my own work.

>> No.8940418

>not reading as a child
Were you raised by wolves, OP?

>> No.8940432
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No, I had tremendous enjoyment reading when I was young. I'd read all the books in our (admittedly limited) class library before year's end in the later grade of elementary school and was morose each time I had to start re-reading thing during our mandatory reading periods.

>tfw I thought the exact same thing

>> No.8940438


I was trying not to be humiliated in front of the other kids in kindergarten. So yes, yes I was.

>> No.8940443
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>people who 'start reading' as adults

I've been reading for so long I couldn't even say what started it, other than my parents.

>> No.8940445
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Holy shit this has to be the most autistic thing I have ever read, I feel it might even be true.

>> No.8940446

I started reading because my based parents read me a wide range of world mythology, world fairy tales, highly select world literature, and some extremely funand bright children's books when I growing up, and it sparked a lifelong love of reading in me. Not to mention, my parents and all of my relatives had world class libraries I was free to explore and borrow from. It never even occurred to me that people "read to be smart". And actually, that concept still seems kind of weird to me.

>> No.8940452

I loved the shit out of this post.

>> No.8940506

I may as well add that, in other words, it was dumb fucking luck on my part.

>> No.8940514

Yes and no.
My parents always encouraged me to read by giving me books on Greek and Egyptian mythology, and various trivia books and manuals. As a result, I always enjoyed reading and discussing books.

I was always a voracious reader, but then I suddenly ceased to read from 13-15, and realized that I wanted to be more cultured, and not just the smart kid who always spouts curiosities during class but can't systematize his opinions.

This led me to read philosophy and actual literature to become a better person, which includes "being smarter".

>> No.8940960
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>> No.8941022


>> No.8941086
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I started reading because pic related. He was an open fascist in a generally marxist music scene; was influenced by Crowley, Nietzsche, and Spengler. His entire philosophy of "Circle One" really appealed to me as a teenager and I wanted to understand where he got it from. It was at that moment I realized how little I knew about the world.

Unfortunately I then began barely reading, being an insufferable pseud, and writing Beatnik-inspired abominations. I'm finally trying to read properly and have learned to shut my fucking mouth. John Milton went on a six-year binge of historical monograms, philosophy text, and literature before writing anything of note. I have not read enough to have the ego I currently have.

>> No.8941227

When i started reading seriously was at thirteen or fourteen. I had just read the picture of dorian gray and holy... i wanted more. Then on highschool i found out a man named dostoievsky had written a book about me... i don't know where everything went so wrong, but now i only enjoy reading non fiction

>> No.8941582

I applied for a job recently and they made me do a MBTI test as well as a DISC one. Is this legal?

>> No.8941590

I don't get the comic. Why is it reposted so much?

>> No.8941608
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It's true

I thought other people might have done the same or something

>> No.8942596


then by the time i was 15 i realized books where shit and i started sleeping.

>> No.8942616

It's just a nice comic. You think the banker would be a douchebag and refute the little girl, but instead he accompanies her to the circus, presumably paying the expenses himself.

>> No.8942688

The joke's on you

>> No.8943862

>I always go out expecting that someone will be disrespectful towards me so I can be beat them

>> No.8943952

no, i started reading because if i didn't i would fail at school

>> No.8945546

Me too cept im an attorney

>> No.8945577

I was reading because I was happy and it made me happy.

It's why I don't read anymore.

>> No.8946032

No, I was trying to escape the world temporarily

>> No.8946108

I don't read