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/lit/ - Literature

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893185 No.893185 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, lit/
Re-reading Fellowship Of The Ring, but it's not giving me that same feeling it used too, wile i have this strange urge to read some fantasy. Picked up this book (pic related) in the library, read three lines, wasn't sold on the writing but it plucked that string strangely. Can anyone tell me anything about this book/series? Or can anyone direct me towards some good ol' fantasy indulgence?
tl;dr lets get some fantasy up in this shit

>> No.893204

you must be a bitch. Go back to the kitchen and leave the reading to Men

>> No.893202
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Fight the Stephen, King of Trolls!

Also, whilst I try to remember some good fantasy...

Read Sara Douglass
Everyone gets raped

>> No.893208

uh, go back to b/ little boy

>> No.893209

Terry Pratchet is the MAN for the deconstruction of old and tired tropes well.

Jim Butcher does some interesting things with modern day wizards in Chicago and a cool fantasy setting with a touch of ancient Rome.

Holly Lisle wrote an interesting novel a while back, Hawkspar. Her novel is pretty unambiguous in its morality, but apart from that she writes good dialog and interesting love scenes. The fantasy concept is pretty solid too.

>> No.893213
File: 151 KB, 220x373, 220px-Michael_Moorcock_The_City_in_the_Autumn_Stars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this in the Ulrich von Bek trilogy I picked up at the local library. The whole lot is fucking brilliant (especially the short crime story at the end with important members of the post-ww1 Germany made into members of Berlin's police force), if not a little odd.

>> No.893226


you must be shitting me.

Dresden is such a whiny fuck

and Terry is a terrible writer

>> No.893234

Two book series by Morgan Llewyllyn (sic) and Michael Scott: Silverhand and Silverlight. Probably the series will never get finished, but if you want some tasty page-turning, there ya go. It reads well, and the hero kicks a good amount of ass.

>> No.893235
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>Hurr durr i read real classics like Stephen King i trol u

>> No.893240


No, sorry. Stephen King sucks too

>> No.893251


In terms of actual writing (grammar, construction etc) I agree, Terry is a pretty lousy writer. But in terms of plot, and general story telling, he is fuck awesome.

He's a knight for a reason you know.

>> No.893267


for plot and general storetelling there are much better writers.

don't give a fuck that he's a knight....damn england needs to grow up

>> No.893279


Erm, his writing is actually pretty intelligent.

Don't call us immature just because you don't get the humour.

>> No.893288


ha ha ha, hogfather....geez humorous

GTFO of /lit/

>> No.893295

Er, yeah the Hogfather is humorous.

>> No.893308

Terry Pratchet is like an English version of Piers Anthony.

Terrible books and unfortunate writers

>> No.893317


eh, opinions.

Are his book art? No, even he admits that.
Are they entertaining, and provide an enjoyable story? Yes.

>> No.893341


I guess that's YOUR opinion huh. Sorry not into low brow humor