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/lit/ - Literature

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8931532 No.8931532[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Hey /lit/, why do you pretend that books and art quality is objective? Why do you dismiss art forms that use new technology when books themselves were born from new technology? Why do you pretend to love "knowledge" or "wisdom" but ignore all of STEM and only mentally masturbate over the Greeks and Romans? Why do you never acknowledge the academia-media-publishing industrial complex and its role in society?

>> No.8931539

Your assumptions are wrong. Also, this is how pathetic you are: >>/lit/?task=search&ghost=yes&search_text=academia-media-publishing

Now fuck off


>> No.8931897
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>>Hey /lit/, why do you pretend that books and art quality is objective?
Much of it is. The Iliad is objectively better than Ready Player One.
>Why do you dismiss art forms that use new technology when books themselves were born from new technology?
Like what? Is this a jab trying to say "videogames are art too?"
If so, games are almost invariably made not as art but as pure entertainment. Being made by a large group of people within a company and released with the intent to turn a profit will always water down any kind of artistic merit.
>Why do you pretend to love "knowledge" or "wisdom" but ignore all of STEM and only mentally masturbate over the Greeks and Romans?
I don't. I'm getting a degree in astrophysics from one of the top STEM schools in my country. Nice strawman, though.
>Why do you never acknowledge the academia-media-publishing industrial complex and its role in society?
Oh, so it was a b8 thread all along

>> No.8932576


desu OP as someone that used to be a stupid ass humanities academic but switched after being fed-up w the shit.. also acknowledging this is a bait post but one that I agree w/ somewhat

I kind of agree that the academia-media-publishing-industrial complex is interesting, needs to be talked about. I also think a lot of new poetry is objectively better than 'classics' like Shakespeare.

The only reason the board likes to shit on new stuff is because new things are easily accessible, making them unable to proclaim any intellectual superiority from reading them.

I love academia and the bullshit. However, I think it's 1000x more interesting in 2017 to talk about new writing (whether it be cyber poetry or other bullshit experimental) than Moby Dick or some fucking snore fest like Hemingway. Nobody cares anymore

>> No.8932596


i'd rather read a novel today computated by a robot than another piece of literature about guys being sad about life,,, man

>> No.8932659

>Much of it is. The Iliad is objectively better than Ready Player One.


>> No.8932916

Sounds similar to sophists on /pol/

>> No.8932994

t. newfag who doesn't know how greentext works