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8930991 No.8930991 [Reply] [Original]

What were Aquinas' views on Determinism?
Personally, I think determinism and indeterminism are the same thing.
I need to flesh out this idea and Aquinas is probably the only person able to do that for me.
Where does he talk about it?

>> No.8931067

>What were Aquinas' views on Determinism?
He didn't have them as far as I know. Determinism as a position is related to materialism which wasn't a thing until 500 years after he died.
>I need to flesh out this idea and Aquinas is probably the only person able to do that for me.
He's certainly not, at best Anscombe or Geach wrote about it somewhere, but I can't imagine a middle ages author writing about a 19-21st century problem.

>> No.8931078

Maybe not determinism, but the general relationship between causality and human will, or between objectivity and subjectivity etc.
Which I'm pretty sure was talked about a lot during his time.

>> No.8931084

His work is always systematic, have you considered using the glossary first?

>> No.8932445

If you're talking about theological determinism from a God's omniscience perspective, he'd absolutely have something to say about that. Though I'm not sure where.

Also if you think that determinism and indeterminism are the same thing you're an idiot.

>Determinism says that all events are pre-decided by antecedent events,
>Indeterminism says that not all events are pre-decided by antecedent events.

>> No.8932494


>> No.8932570

Why do I keep seeing this picture of Neil Peart on /lit/?

>> No.8933206

What I mean is that they don't contradict each other, for instance I believe that there is free will but also that free will is itself exists within the context of determinism.

>> No.8933471

> I believe that there is free will but also that free will is itself exists within the context of determinism.

This is called compatibilism and is the dominant position in contemporary philosophy.