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/lit/ - Literature

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8922811 No.8922811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aside from reading, what other hobbies does /lit/ have?

>> No.8922816

suckin dick

>> No.8922818

resisting the urge to kill myself

>> No.8922820

prostate stimulation, mostly

>> No.8922855

>Aside from reading
nice joke op

>> No.8922860



>> No.8922863

even if you count reading, my only hobby is shitposting on 4chan

>> No.8922873

If you're not getting paid to read, then it's a hobby, you mong.

>> No.8922875

jumpin around

>> No.8922878


>> No.8922895

Cycling and punching cones

>> No.8922903

I consider myself to be a fairly boring individual but if I were writing a personal ad this is what I would say:

- Writing
- Music (playing & listening)
- Lifting
- Running
- Vidya
- Learning languages
- Web-design
- Puzzlebooks
- Coffee (it's a hobby, mom)

>> No.8922907
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Movies, politics, economics

>> No.8922915


Is she holding two cigarettes?

>> No.8922925

eating myself out

>> No.8922935

Probably a lighter in the form of a cigarette

>> No.8922938

- play video games (call of duty, cs:go, rocket league, and fifa)
- watch movies
- watch tv shows
- exercise (mainly cardio)

>> No.8922941

Video games (although I have a professional and academic interest in this also), performance (drama and poetry), gym and then the rest is just social stuff.

I suppose I watch films, television, anime and listen to a lot of music but those are more passing interests.

>> No.8922946

writing/listening to music
fitness (I want to get into swimming as a form of fitness; one of my new years resolutions)
film and tv shows

Pretty boring yeah, but I don't have any friends so I don't really have the confidence to get out there and try things. Maybe this year will be the year I do.

>> No.8922951


>Maybe this year will be the year I do.

Keep the positive thoughts flying anon.

>> No.8922971



>> No.8922978

Masturbation, coursework and shitposting

>> No.8922980

If you're an austrianist lolbertarian I will strangle you with my bare hands, Keynesian economics won for a reason.

>> No.8922981

Basically anything that pays absolutely nothing.

>> No.8922983

I run, read and study.

>> No.8922985

-sports (individual and professional)
-Wikipedia vortex
-nature (camping etc.)

>> No.8923003

daily sudoku
flying kites
repairing my clothes
drawing parse trees
leaving notes in library books
picking up litter

>> No.8923004
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- politics
- fitness
- movies
- fucking around in school ( I sincerely regret picking electrical engineering, I'm almost done with the degree but my heart is just not in it)
- new years resolution is picking up a language, currently deciding between latin/french/german
I just want to go back in time and pick journalism, political science or something. Just fuck my shit up guys
>not your personal blog

>> No.8923012


I'm also about to graduate engineering. Not sure how I will survive a career in it since my heart is also not in it.

And honestly i'm probably no better off than some of my art/lit friends that skipped university because at least they don't have massive debt

>> No.8923025

>Wikipedia vortex

Sorry, what?

>> No.8923034

listening to music
watching films; occasionally a tv series or anime
following politics
video games; mostly noncommittal puzzlers but occasionally something longer and/or story-based
drunkposting but i'm trying to spend the month sober
infrequently visiting art galleries and museums

i also exercise every morning but i don't really consider that a hobby. think i may have developed a hernia from lifting. noticed a bulge in my groin area, but i haven't experienced any pain there.

>> No.8923042

>noticed a bulge in my groin area


>> No.8923126


I'm >>8923004 , I picked it because math and physics came kinda naturally and jobs are good. But I will be a horrible engineer, I can just tell.
The options I came up with:
- Somehow trying to make it as a journalist
- I try to transition to become some sort of manager
- Start an own business ( I have no money and pretty much no idea how to do it)
- Slave away at some job I hate as an engineer, this probably requires me to do a masters degree (the thought of which makes me want to kill myself), but it gives good working conditions and good pay
- Become a neet

>> No.8923133

I don't read

>> No.8923168

culture jamming
video editing (professionally)
stealing copper wire

>> No.8923182

Reading wikipedia and eventually being sucked into reading articles on things you never had an interest in. Pretty much what occupies me when I have insomniac nights

>> No.8923189

Playing music
Data Science
Learning languages
Weightlifting and Running

No particular order.

>> No.8923199
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Enjoy your boom and bust cycle, fag.

>> No.8923210


Wikipedia is perfect for insomnia. I'm partial to reading about extinct animals or naval ships.

>> No.8923224

Running, writing, talking, games, the usual.

>> No.8923228

All capitalist economies are subject to boom and bust cycles.


>> No.8923235

>Aside from reading, what other hobbies does /lit/ have?
amateur bodybuilding

>> No.8923242
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japanese (the language)
video games

>> No.8923246

The difference being that Keynes actively promoted such. Based Hayek was more wary of unsustainable booms and their subsequent busts.

>> No.8923253

i make music, but is more than a hobbie
i draw and write shit tier poetry from time to time

>> No.8923254

>reading about politics, economy, and current affairs
>hanging with friends
>listening to music
>venturing into the city
>smoking that dank
>learning Deutsch

>> No.8923274


I don't read, however, I do google a lot of wikipedia's and read basic comments on this board on reddit so I can sound smart. Reading is pretty boring, but talking about it makes me seem smart.

I mostly just play video games and watch dank memes on youtube.

>> No.8923276
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>> No.8923295

What the fuck? Are you me?

>> No.8923336
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playing music, drawing, film. I spread myself too thin and end up slightly above average though.

>> No.8923509

wasnt even making that joke
i guess im lou bloom

>> No.8923530

>leaving notes in library books
fuck you
>picking up litter
Nice work anon

>> No.8923897

My main one is weightlifting/gym. I go pretty much daily.
I also play badminton quite a lot and I enjoy video games on and off.

I want to try something new and creative though. Thinking about sketching or some sort of crafting.

>> No.8923963

like what and why?

>> No.8923983


To be fair you do sound like a pretty boring person so congrats on self awareness

>> No.8924004

i'd say shitpost but thats more like an addiction

so none

>> No.8924119

How is politics a hobby?

>> No.8924166


>I also play badminton quite a lot

Are you a cute Asian girl? Wanna be my gf?

>> No.8924192

Prescribing how to ride the the booms and busts was likely the plan. I wouldn't accuse your little guy of wanting busts, why accuse of Keynes of not being just as weary of unsustainable booms?
Obviously it would be a good idea to have enough saved up to spend in lean times. And Keep spending if need be. deficits be damned.

Stupid game.

>> No.8924223
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>I just want to go back in time and pick journalism, political science or something

I did, so I guess I'm you in an alternative universe.

I kind of wish I choose something with more reliable, high-payed employment. There are political jobs out there but they all require me to move and it doesn't pay well until a few years in. Having an engineering degree will allow you to save up money to travel or pursue hobbies with more intensity.

Seriously, if you want to break into journalism, you don't need a degree. Just get writing. Start a shitty blog as a portolio of your work. When you hit on a good topic, pitch to some outlets. At first, you probably won't get paid, but once you're published somewhere it helps you get your foot in the door elsewhere. It takes some hustling and learning the media landscape, but anyone with halfway decent insights and writing could theoretically do it. And once you have a bit of a track record and some decent works published under your name, you can make a little money doing it. Especially if you find a good beat.

>> No.8924228

I also like operas and films.

>> No.8924239
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Violin, guitar, programming.
I don't call them hobbies though, I do each of these things as if I were born solely for their respective purposes.
Currently three movements into biber's rosenkranz sonaten, feels gud.

>> No.8924245




Talking to grills





Playing bass


>> No.8924368
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>Running, sometimes lifting
>Painting, I'm learning by copying cool posters or designing alternate covers for books I like
>Learning French
>Desperately looking for some original ideas or themes or experiences I could write about and drawing blanks every time because I'll never be a writer

>> No.8924372



>> No.8924383

That sounds really impressive anon
Music, for some reason, is one of the only things that's never come easily for me. School and sports and all that I'm better than most at but somebody playing an instrument is indistinguishable from a wizard to me

>> No.8924396

Why would you post the same hobby twice anon?

>> No.8924401
