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/lit/ - Literature

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8922703 No.8922703 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/ I saw this post and interested to read it all this 2017. My question is would it make a difference if I read it from a computer screen (PDF)? Or is it much better if I read it in a paper/book?

Thanks /lit/!

>> No.8922740

Do whatever's easiest for you. Personally, I can't read books from computer screens, but I know people who prefer it. I don't think it takes away from the experience at all.

>> No.8922743

Just as long as you read it, OP.

>> No.8922747

Reading books from a fucking monitor while sitting in a chair is the most gruesome way to read a book.

Nothing beats a supporting pillow + bed + a reading light.

>> No.8922749

You won't be able to read all those books in a year desu

>> No.8922756

I usually read it from my kindle mainly for convenience

>> No.8922760

Fucking OP triggered my neck pain when I miagined reading this shit from monitor

thank s

>> No.8922865

OP here. Thanks for the feedback guys. I searched for good e-reader device and I found Kindle, it's a bit pricey though. Do you guys recommend other cheap alternative that has the same quality as Kindle?

>> No.8922899

You could always just go to library. They should have all the books in the list for free.

>> No.8922924

I live in south east asia and I doubt I would find some of the books listed in here ;_;. Though Catcher in the Rye is being sold at our local bookstore.

>> No.8922931
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>> No.8922963

Read it in whatever format you want, or listen to it.

>> No.8922975

I can't imagine someone else subvocalizing my shit.

>> No.8922991

if youre going to invest hundreds of hours into reading, you might as well do yourself a favor and get a <$50 e reader. don't read the list just to have read the list though. follow what genuinely seems exciting to you (and maybe that's the whole list, idk)

>> No.8922998

There's some really good audiobooks out there done by famous actors worth checking out.

This, hardest pill to swallow. If you spend all your time reading whatever the internet recommends you're going to start taking longer and longer breaks from reading because you're too bored.

>> No.8923009

Can I just ask why is the holy bible even on this list? For what purpose?

>> No.8923014

Is this bait? Do you not recognize its massive influence to entire human race?

>> No.8923016

It's literally fiction.

>> No.8923022
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reality is fiction? Constantine changing the religion of Rome is fiction? ?????????????????????????????????? the crusades, fiction?

what is real if reality is fiction?

>> No.8923026

OP here. What device would you recommend that is <50$? I saw Kindle and it's damn good but it's pricey.

>> No.8923027

I've read Revelations, Deuteronomy and genesis, I've mainly read Revelations which is literally the only interesting part of the bible and don't see how it's of any importance.

>> No.8923038

You're not going to read all that in 2017 unless you are neet as fuck the whole time and somehow also extremely motivated.

Sources: I'm read 100+ books a year the past four years and still haven't finished a lot of the doorstoppers on that list because some of those books take a week even at 200 pages a day.

>> No.8923047
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Not that Anon but allow me to respond.
Even if you don't believe in Christianity, which is fine by me, you can't deny the massive impact it had and has on humanity.

The melting of Greco-Roman culture with Judaeo-Christian culture has created the modern civilized Western world which spread around the world like wildfire.

For example the Protestant ethics were created out of the encouragement of simple workers to adopt the ethics of the nobility.
This and other deviations of Christianity form an important social insitution and an important social and moral foundation.

>> No.8923048

Don't fucking tell some faggot he can't do a simple task like fucking read words.

Jesus Christ.

>> No.8923080

so is literally every other book on that list?

>> No.8923084

"fucking read words" is not so simple a task if that means reading intellectually impacting literature and fully comprehending its intent.

>> No.8923088
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Well of course it's had a massive impact on humanity and changed the world.

I don't think it's highly necessary to read the entire bible and be put on the top list, the book is tedious to read.

It'd be much better to just watch movies and documentaries instead of spending hundreds of hours studying the bible.

>> No.8923127

>The Iliad over the Odyssey

can someone explain that to me?

>> No.8923147

>It'd be much better to just watch movies and documentaries instead of spending hundreds of hours studying the bible.

in every single way that you can possible conceive

its the OG source material

its like listenign to a shit cover of Beatles when you could listen to Beatles

>> No.8923161

It's book filled with lies that deceived the planet. Why the hell even read it?

>> No.8923164

Nice bait. You tried

>> No.8923166



I've had enough of you

>> No.8923169

Understandable, Its not a small book and especially the OT has a lot of useless content like the name register.

I was raised a Catholic on a Catholic school so I was pretty much forced to read the entire thing in church.

>> No.8923417

Have only read 6 of these fml.

Where should I start?

>> No.8923431

fuck did somebody post this on reddit again

>> No.8923439

>Plato and Aurelius are now fiction

>> No.8923442

2nd and 3rd rows, don't start at the top or the bottom unless you want to get fucked

>> No.8923443

And? It's still a beautiful piece of literature and influenced every Western writer after it. Even the free verse poetry of Smart and Whitman have precursors in the Pslams, and the stories in it are extremely culturally relevant and you'll miss lots of allusions if you don't read it.

>> No.8923469

I want something that is more short so I get used to reading. Quite enjoyed The Stranger by Camus, same with The Metamorphosis. I am okay with ~200 page books, just don't want to get into something as deep as The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.8923517

I saw it on /fit/