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File: 10 KB, 225x225, buddhism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8922506 No.8922506 [Reply] [Original]

How can Western philosophy expect to compete with Buddhism?

>> No.8922528

buddhism is lame (there is no self) lol what a load of bs theres definitely a me if i pinch myself i feel pain, thats me, my body, my brain

>> No.8922531

How can Buddhism possibly compete with Capitalism?

>> No.8922533


>> No.8922539

nice argument. admit it, youre full of shit, trying to be unique and interesting by following muh eastern philosophies

>> No.8922558

Stoicism > Buddhism.

Zeno and CICERO, not siddhartha and TILOPA, ok? Praise λόγος

>> No.8922565

nihilism is better according to me aka literally who
praise naught

>> No.8922579


you trust λόγος to tell you it is λόγος?

>> No.8922583

I trust Nature!

>> No.8922595
File: 126 KB, 849x1052, 1427976384026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is no self

>> No.8922600

wow what a nigger

>> No.8922608

by creating its own conceptual world where it will be the god-controlling definer of everything within that world

>> No.8922617

You're all plebs, Vedantic philosophy is where it's at

>> No.8922628

Buddhism won't suddenly self destruct someday leaving hundreds of millions destitute and left with garbage landfills spreading out to their back yards and a trashed environment.

>> No.8922634
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In a most fitting way. That is, by fighting it from within.



>> No.8922635

true, but you cant get at vedanta without passing trough the corrective notions of buddhism and jainism

>> No.8922645

o I am laffin

>> No.8922680

It can't. Buddhism is a philosophy that was so accurate in accounting human sorrows that it became a religion. Think about it. Do you consider Islam or Christianity a philosophy? We call them theism at best. All the other religion rely on reproduction, on indoctrination and conversion to spread and maintain itself.

>> No.8922834

Buddhism made me less stressed out, then I realized I both need and enjoy my stress.

>> No.8922973

Is your body "you"? Even though you're constantly having to replenish yourself with food and water and constantly having to excrete parts of yourself as urine and shit?

Is your brain your self? What if you drink alcohol or hit your head and lose a few brain cells? Did you just become an entirely new person?

Or what if you learn something new? What "you" is the real "you"? When you were a child? A teenager? An adult? What about when you die? Where do "you" go?

The answer is: there was no real "you" in the first place.

>> No.8923002

German Idealism > Everything else

>> No.8923005
File: 10 KB, 135x200, Process And Reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8923045
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>tfw you find out your prof dedicates his life to sabotaging your race and insulting your culture and finding another person knowledgeable enough to figure out what he's doing is next to impossible.

>> No.8923179

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