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8921710 No.8921710 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss the Bible

>> No.8921723

Faith without works is dead, and the Bible proves it time and time again

Anything on the contrary is simply incorrect

>> No.8921731

Greatest book ever written

>> No.8921735

Agreed, anon.

>> No.8921740

Romans 2:6-7
>For [God] will render to every man according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life...

>> No.8921749

Just recently I was gifted a copy of the New American Bible edition. How does it hold up to the King James one?

>> No.8921753

Top book, lad. Which version do you lot read? I'm a fan of the King James Bible

>> No.8921754

>4 posts without a fedora lord
Is this a new record /lit/? I'm actually proud.

>> No.8921755

it's worse

KJV is overrated though

>> No.8921758

>it's worse

How so, mein Freund?

>> No.8921764

>not reading the bible in original bronze age hebrew

>> No.8921768

>not reading the bible in the original ancient greek translation

>> No.8921804

>Faith without works is dead

Yes, because faith without works really isn't faith
Faith, of the kind this verse is talking about, inevitably leads to good works
The example par excellence of having 'faith' without works is the devil, who clearly a) believes about God and the gospel and b) doesn't respond with good works
It is still the faith that saves, not the works

>> No.8921809

LXX does not count

>> No.8921923

Hi OP, I'm apparently taking an interest in reading the Ecclesiates. I really like the tone of its modesty. It's much preferable for me compared to Proverb. Do you have any recommendation for the book from bible that has similar tone?

I am an Indonesian and after reading the KJV version it got much better. I am looking the modest, earthly and nihilistic tone book from the bible. Care to give me recommendation?

>> No.8921924

attention: this is a shitpost

>> No.8921933

>everything I don't agree with is a shitpost

Grow up, kid. It's time to leave your safe space

>> No.8922092

There are many books in the bible. Which one is the greatest? Why is it Job?

>> No.8922168


What kind of discussion thread is this?

Will we actually criticism it and realistically talk about it from a historical point of view or will this merely turn into a christian safe space thread where anybody who doesn't like the Bible will be dismissed with Fedora memes and such, regardless of the insight that he brings.


Looks like I have my answer.

>> No.8922187

>Will we actually criticism it and realistically talk about it from a historical point of view
What's stopping you?

>> No.8922253

But muh sola fide.

>> No.8922279

It's at odds with sola scriptura. Take your pick.

>> No.8922300
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I think he was saying that his own post was a shitpost.

>> No.8922310

My favourite part was the bit with the unicorn

>> No.8922406


Fedora memes.

>> No.8922440
File: 112 KB, 307x219, fedora lords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8922477

Jews really are foul creatures

>> No.8922542


>> No.8923383

Yeah, so I actually have a question. I was reading Exodus on chapter 32 when I ran into verses 25-30. Could someone put it into a better context for me? So far it just looks like people running around killing each other.

>> No.8923409

Sola fide only teaches that faith is the "alone instrument of justification," with justification being defined as the forensic declaration of a person as righteous before God. It does not exclude the necessity of works in salvation, but understands them to be a part of sanctification, which is the process whereby a person's obedience and love towards God increases throughout their life. Works do not save you in the sense of making you righteous before God.