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/lit/ - Literature

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8919223 No.8919223 [Reply] [Original]

Should I feel bad for forgetting basic grammar rules that I've learned in grade school?

At times, I have difficulty with differentiating between simple parts of speech, like: predicates (simple, complete, compound, nominative, adjective, etc.), direct and indirect objects, what a prepositional phrase is, appositives, subject complements, etc.

English is not my mother tongue, however, I do have a damn good grasp of the language, and of the grammar. It's just when I come across some technical terms, I draw blanks, then shamefully look up the definitions of said terms. I start to question what I really know about English. Does anybody feel the same?

How useful is it really, to have the definitions of what a fucking correlative conjunction is, or to be able to tell the difference between restrictive and non-restrictive appositives?

>> No.8919227
File: 42 KB, 640x469, c48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slut posting is not /lit/ related


>> No.8919230

>then shamefully look up the definitions of said terms
Looking up the definition of a term?
How did you do it? I would have died of embarrassment.
How mortifying!
The humanity!

>> No.8919246

Trust me, you probably know English better than most native speakers.

>> No.8919249

Didn't even know what a non-restrictive appositive was until now, and I'm an American (that goes without saying, amirite). There are many more in the same boat as you, just google the concept when you get confused, chances are your peers know less about these terms

>> No.8919260

I'd guess most published writers have never heard of a non-restricive appositive is.

This is linguistics stuff.

>> No.8919277

Translation: It doesn't fucking matter.

>> No.8919316

Unless it interferes with your ability to understand a sentence, I wouldn't sweat it

>> No.8919512

holy shit man, just read the fucking book and quit being a spaz

>> No.8919518

I would enjoy this image of a book more if there weren't also a woman in it

>> No.8919521


>> No.8919527
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I have an intuitive understanding of English grammar. Technical terms and their formalities are unnecessary.

>> No.8919531

English is my daily language and I still do that. I can think of the terms no problem in my native tongue but sometimes I need to think about German grammar to remember the English word for something (dative case is usually the one this happens with because I don't think they even teach native speakers that)
I revise my very old grammar book from school (which also has handy lists of collective nouns etc) and look up things I don't understand still too, OP, but I wouldn't worry too much about it because most native speakers seem to never learn these things until their second language. You're probably doing better than most natives.

>> No.8919538

you realise that's sophie, our qt pornographic Russian reading French muse?

>> No.8920933

Shun the nonbliever

>> No.8920941

beebunny on tumblr

>> No.8920946

hey gibe me youe numbers honey ill give you a dicking youll wont forget

>> No.8920998

who's sophie? I want more of her

>> No.8921210

there are pictures of her buttonhole online

>> No.8921215

post her feet

>> No.8921271
File: 1.25 MB, 2232x2336, 14125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its this girl. Not sure what her name is.

>> No.8921293

see >>8921215

>> No.8921319

see >>8920941

>> No.8921322

She has a bunch. Look up Amadora 4chan

>> No.8921380

what the fuck is amadora 4chan?

>> No.8921391

she doesn't come up if you just type amadora but I think that is a name she goes by or something.

>> No.8921441

amadora means amateur (female) in monkeyspeak

>> No.8921451

whatever happened to oxford girl?

>> No.8921456


>> No.8921478

Good Christian girl

>> No.8921489

I'm also a non-native speaker with fantastic English, I face the same predicament as you. I just go on intuition, I can tell when I've made a mistake most of the time.

>> No.8921504
File: 398 KB, 485x427, 1241251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god bless her

>> No.8921517

link me her pics. I need them, for theological research.

>> No.8921549


>> No.8921582

don't let butterfly see these though

>> No.8921615


Just because you use pretentious words like predicament doesn't mean your English is 'fantastic'.

>> No.8921638

Sounds like he can speak fluently to me. Thats fantastic enough. What the fuck does pretentious even mean, do you want us all to talk like 3rd graders?

>> No.8921647
File: 79 KB, 988x820, GodelB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His use of 'predicament' seemed appropriate; it wasn't at all pretentious. Even then, what's wrong with using pretentious words?

>> No.8921655

because anti-intellectualism is cool

>> No.8921661

my english are bestest than you're
get fucking rekt kid

>> No.8921796

'Predicament' is hardly a pretentious word. I don't know that many pretentious words.

Do you want me to post a sample of my writing?

>> No.8921827

I'm not the guy you're asking, but I'd like to see.

>> No.8921838

I'd fuck her like a beast

>> No.8922206

what book is that

>> No.8922822 [DELETED] 


>> No.8923112

first post best post

>> No.8923209

id jizz in her book then rub it in her face if you know what i mean

>> No.8923724


>> No.8923733

euphemistically actually

>> No.8923864

Thank you based anon

>> No.8923927

that particular picture is /lit/ culture

>> No.8924547

Learn by context

>> No.8924570

>Should I feel bad for
Feeling bad is a spook
Never feel bad for anything

>> No.8924580

wouldn't it be wiser to use feeling bad as a guide for what we want?

>> No.8924588

Few adults could name the many muscles and bones of the leg, knee, ankle, and foot - much less explain their interactions - yet, children walk.

>> No.8924597

I feel like that is a false equivalence

>> No.8924667

Yeah, almost like it's not intended as a literal comparison, but as some kind of symbolic representation of how language is a function of human development, and we need not necessarily be able to name and describe everything about it to be able to effectively use it... totally gay, right?

>> No.8924748
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>> No.8925590
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>> No.8925640
File: 154 KB, 800x600, amadora-34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what those with pussies are called. Problem?

>> No.8926803

>he hasn't seen the explicits yet

>> No.8926824
File: 10 KB, 225x263, butler_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I do have a problem with that actually.