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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 175 KB, 1275x1650, 1483382061554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8917394 No.8917394 [Reply] [Original]

Ever since our successful foray into prose by the curtsy of The Legend of Totalitarianism in a Tundra, I feel we shall conquer the maiden lands of free verse poetry; with Cream et Suger, the new book by our new mascot!

We need you for this to work! Post your poetry, ideas for our outer-ego/mascot and artwork now!

Come on in,and empower, we will all be rich in no time!


>> No.8917460
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>> No.8917465

the waves go forward
the waves go back

the waves go forward
the waves go back

the waves go forward
the waves go back

but still the little boat sails on

>> No.8917470

he jizzed
on my
but I
will not wipe it
I will wear it
for everyone
to see

>> No.8917471
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>> No.8917486
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>> No.8917489
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>> No.8917496

aint nothing
brooks and floes

>> No.8917500

Isn't it funny
how men
grow beards

what have they got
to hide

>> No.8917522
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>> No.8917535
File: 48 KB, 250x241, 1462554742354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy kek

>> No.8917576

This shit never works bc dickheads keep deleting the text

>> No.8917583

You guys you can't use punctuation because she doesn't. Sheesh.

>> No.8917591
File: 20 KB, 559x409, rupi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917595
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>> No.8917596

more like Rumi Kaur

>> No.8917604

haha, forreal

>> No.8917618
File: 14 KB, 839x597, 1483384673421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917630


Kek'd I did. It could be possible that lit can't help but overshoot their targets. Reminds me of when Scorsese was shooting Raging Bull that he was supposed to shoot some home video footage that looked amateurish, but couldn't help but keep taking in these professional shots. So he gives the cameras over to the janitors and they have a ball

>> No.8917631
File: 23 KB, 445x239, lake-duck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it feels
like the whole world
is against you
just breathe
and know
The world just gave you strength to keep fighting

*insert drawing of corckscrew duck penis*

>> No.8917662
File: 149 KB, 1701x1080, 8JVHTBP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We make the memes, ya'll get paid
You'll get the money, we'll get the fame

>> No.8917672

Murder me
At the bird festival dear
My life cant go on
Pooping and farting
My stinky diaper
I need someone
To change it

>> No.8917673

So what youre saying is that we anonymous nobodies have more talent shitposting than a published instagram "poet"

>> No.8917679

Add a smudge of blood in her panties.

>> No.8917680

Thank you all for your help, I love how this is turning out!

>> No.8917723
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>> No.8917777


Well again, that isn't saying a lot

>> No.8917792

this is the best one

>> No.8917798

Now these i actually like

>> No.8917800
File: 133 KB, 689x797, 1481847774975.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw to intelligent to write ironically bad poetry

>> No.8917804

This is what gets us the noble prize

>> No.8917818


When this is finished I will sort the serious imitations with the silly ones, from start to last (ending with creme et sugar as a final slap in the face) they will get sillier and sillier so there will be a sense of progression and structure; this will also confuse the readers.

Do do it now, because we need to finish it first

Compose a good piece, just for the fun of it.It will surprise people who read this for le irony XD!

>> No.8917821

don't do it now

>> No.8917823

best one

>> No.8917844

End with this'n

undercooked tumblr
sophistry with
line breaks and
targeted towards the most
gullible fucks
i'm the history of

Use the bees from her cover as the image

>> No.8917847
File: 162 KB, 900x804, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who wants to tackle the love letter to the reader at the end?

>> No.8917858
File: 24 KB, 297x396, jonathan smiths empowerment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917871

Did it!

>> No.8917875

Is it froze or something?

>> No.8917885

I've made my contribution...enjoy

> the caspian queer

>> No.8917899
File: 57 KB, 773x1000, lumpy bow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8917901


>> No.8917934

We should split this up into sections when it's done. Love, struggle, sex, death, ect.

>> No.8917944

those from whom
you fear arrogance
advise them
if they persist
forsake them in bed
and finally
strike them
but if they obey you
once more
seek no means
against them

>> No.8917997

How long is this planned on being?

>> No.8918004
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>> No.8918027

As long as you make it baby,
but we need a limit,
what limit shall we set?

>> No.8918068

How long was milk and honey?

>> No.8918085

194 pages

>> No.8918092

>194 pages of the same poem with the same sentiment

jesus what an afternoon that was eh Rupi?

>> No.8918095

when they mocked you
and made
you feel so so small
and them so big
but if they removed their masks they would die
for you

>> No.8918101


>> No.8918118

He thought
was a kart racer
like Super Mario
and I
was his

He got all
the bullet bills
I got
the banana

>> No.8918126

She just ran her computer to do it for her.

>> No.8918139

"If these kids
are reading
Harry Potter at 11 or 12,
when they get
they will go
on to read
Stephen King.”

And he was quite right.

When you read
“Harry Potter”
you are,
in fact,
to read
Stephen King.

>> No.8918159
File: 16 KB, 559x409, tree.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be the only way any of us actually get published

>> No.8918163

We are multicolored cars
and on the road
forced into traffic while
those white painted ones
- really, no different -
get to ride quickly
in the HOV lane

It's a good thing that
there are less and less of those
now and that those quicker lanes
will be open
to all

>> No.8918165

I didn't know what it
meant. he told me again
and I said I
wasn't listening
because he
never listened to

>> No.8918168

It is good for experience, you might even use it for publishing experience to get further works out.

>> No.8918176

blood types
stories of protein struc
Our children, unable
to share
We are

>> No.8918177

I don't think we should have it immediately be know this comes from /lit/.

We need a female stand in author, or the entire project will immediately be seen as a "joke" by us, rather than legitimate satire

>> No.8918193

this is a worse idea than the project itself

>> No.8918195

That is what we are doing, she is also going to be /lit/'s mascot (lit-tan).

>> No.8918202

He was a reader
his mind
expanded with thoughts
conceived mainly
white men.

I gave him
my entire heart
and he treated me
as his
Infinite Jest

>> No.8918203

You might want to get tested for autism.

>> No.8918268

i'm born
you look at my body
you force a gender on me
breaking the NAP
feminism is libertarianism

>> No.8918324

love it

>> No.8918329
File: 68 KB, 773x1000, an end.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918331

But /lit/-tan is a guy

>> No.8918426

does the world
let men eat as much
as they want
but women
get punished
for wanting to sample
cheerios and
whole-grain crunch

>> No.8918432


>> No.8918437

only one enemy
if you counted

>> No.8918469

why isn't it creme et sucre?

>> No.8918486

parce que /lit/ ne parle pas français

>> No.8918487
File: 8 KB, 434x438, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918503
File: 72 KB, 586x670, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918506

we do parlent fraçais and we're fucking parlenting right now

>> No.8918507

not even a pity kek
I feel embarrassed
For having lived a life
To which no virgin
Replied to my sadness

>> No.8918517

rough climate
tormented my soul

I was
looking for Alaska

>> No.8918549

alright, cool, i guess.

>> No.8918569

we bleed
and suffer
because men are too weak
and the weak drag down the strong

especially the white men
they are pigs

>> No.8918626

The best in the thread

>> No.8918632

I hope
to cut
the violents martinet,
like white seagulls
With the
sharpened edges
of my

rubi kau

as funny
They are
you must weed
out of you
they like to pluck, molest

rubi kau

my contributions

>> No.8918686

Posted 1 more poem, come on this has more potential than hypersphere

>> No.8918688

Just like
David Foster
Have no

-Rupi Kau

>> No.8918692
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>> No.8918724

The poor nigger on the wall. Look at him.
Look at the poor nigger.
Look at the poor nigger… on… the… wall.
Fuck him… Fuck the nigger on the wall…
Black man… is… de… debil?

P. Bateman

>> No.8918733
File: 253 KB, 2136x1092, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918736


This isn't gonna work, the poems aren't funny or insightful and nobody is gonna mistake it for the real deal. You have to be more intelligent than someone to properly parody them and the average /lit/ user just isn't that intelligent

>> No.8918759

Dear /lit/
You are just
Like the douche
I dated my
Freshman year
He dumped me
For a girl
Didn't drink
Period blood
What a douche

>> No.8918771


This isn't gonna work
the poems
aren't funny
or insightful
and nobody
is gonna mistake it
for the real deal
you have to be
more intelligent than someone
to properly parody them
and the average /lit/ user
just isn't that intelligent

>> No.8918778

this, not many in here really understand the format enough to roast it.

>> No.8918779

>you have to be
>more intelligent than someone
>to properly parody them

for this subject, that is a pretty low bar

>> No.8918787

rolling like an
i think

- pleasure

>> No.8918825
File: 68 KB, 920x1052, tfm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8918830

Is this getting published?

>> No.8918841

hopefully not

>> No.8918855

Took pictures from the internet, can't draw at all

>> No.8918880

How many pages do we want?

>> No.8918930

I'm guessing something like the original which is ~150

>> No.8918942


Are we looking at 1 poem per page? so 130-150 poems?

>> No.8918951

if rupi can, we can

>> No.8919019


Some poems are actually better than her poems desu

>> No.8919023

Average looks like 3 per page right now.

>> No.8919060 [SPOILER] 
File: 94 KB, 773x1000, 1483411208228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting best shop

also, it would be good if we could get all the stuff onto one thread instead of 4

>> No.8919074

Suger and Cream-Corn
Large Chodes have been dunked into the creamed corn
Sunk into the creamed corn
Amongst the nuggets they lay silent
Large schlongs, silent, meaty, secret,
Waiting in the creamed corn

There you go lit, you stupid beautiful fools. The bbest poem in a generation and I wrote it for you and your gay book. Your wellcomed

>> No.8919085
File: 122 KB, 1077x774, William Turner - The Shipwreck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as waves from shores
of a distant sea
my time is consumed

>> No.8919237

while i do
his face
couldn't even

-ruy kipah

>> No.8919247 [DELETED] 


Heres what it could look like without all the bullshit

>> No.8919275

are you deleting it?


the parts I managed to read were surprisingly good

>> No.8919288


Yeah, deleted it.

But if you're the hoster of the main page, I could delete everything there and replace it with the "edited" down version

>> No.8919290

When he tells
you that you
should close
your mouth

he is only
afraid of your
which is
the roar of
a lioness

>> No.8919312

na i'm not

>> No.8919330

I started out as a
and blissful
child, living my life to the fullest in a world I thought was good and pure

-rupi kaur

>> No.8919339

Why was all that shit deleted.
Bring back my poem.

>> No.8919347


Kill yr idols? This way gets it closer to the actual conceit

Give it a chance

>> No.8919350

I am more than human.
I am superior
to them all. I am RK…

Magnificent, glorious,
supreme, eminent…


-rupi kaur

>> No.8919359
File: 393 KB, 702x690, hewasateenagedfwfan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KEK at whoever is responsible for this

>> No.8919366
File: 10 KB, 274x274, Angry Pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw some talentless hack removes your poem conceived in a state of exalted meditation

>> No.8919377

I liked the wasteland thing.

>> No.8919378

They think like
beasts, and
in truth, they are

>> No.8919391


As did I:

"Two enemies-
One if you counted God-
None if you didn’t-

Holy, holy, holy-
You want more-
But there is no more.

-lost fragments of T. S Eliot’s Wasteland"

Is fucking hilarious. But is it something that bites on Kau's style? Not as much. So to leave it in means weakening the whole, though the individual part is strong

>> No.8919401

this, the selection of poems should be curated so as to actually pass for her work.

If we're going to add memes they should be subtle, like >>8919359
so that they don't interrupt the flow of the whole

>> No.8919419

and it will be

finally, at
long last, I

can show the world
my true worth.

-r. k.

>> No.8919452

ayy who fucked up my poem about Cervantes and king, can't change it on my phone, fu

>> No.8919479

There is no format, though

>> No.8919494


We're getting it down now

>> No.8919496
File: 9 KB, 221x310, Homère.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told
that it started in the bedroom
at home
It started with the greeks


>> No.8919515

hi rupi kaur

>> No.8919517

I am tired and sleepy now, but if this thread will be alive tomorrow I will try to write a nice poem for you, op

>> No.8919525


>> No.8919533

I analyse every
I exist

does anybody really
know the secret or the
combination for this
life and
where they keep it

>> No.8919546

Nobody ever told me
that i would suffer
simply suffer
for i am not a functional member of society
the dumb girl piercing my eyes
gesture her hands in a cryptic
alphabetic way

The clock ticks
and it also tocks
I have no appetite for the legislation
with celerity i touch the endless abyss
theres no reason to live
without jest
your central nervous system may evolve
but your top debilitates

>> No.8919552

pleasure and pain
a vicious dichotomy
fill me whole with your sweet sodomy
therein lies the only true feeling I'll ever have

>> No.8919568

pls rember
that wen u feel scare
or frigten
never forget ttimes
wen u feeled happy
wen day is dark
alway rember happy day

>> No.8919576

god banishes them
from the garden of
and he resolves that
woman will exist to


>> No.8919655

glad this is in there

i'm a woman
gotta take pictures of my
face constantly have to
keep taking pictures with my face in
them i have
three different websites just to
post pictures of me looking cute for
my family friends and total
strangers did you see me wearing
this new clothing did
you see me
in front of this building
one time i went to the library and
just so you know that i went there i took
fifteen pictures
of myself
standing next to it and looking cute haha
look at this one it's of a burger i
ate that
i wanted to show everyone and also 80% of the frame is
my face
can you believe the cutesy affected
expression i'm
making don't i look cute when
i'm doing absolutely
everything that i
ever do on a daily basis that i
photograph myself doing have you
seen these 214 pictures of me visiting madrid for
one day have you
seen how i stood next to
all the things and my
face was there and i was cute
hang on
don't take a picture of me let me make sure i'm posing my
facial muscles in a way that perfectly makes me
look youthful
and girlish and attractive in a series of gestures and expressions that are
half-conscious because i'm a narcissist but also
half-unconscious because i've simply
introjected a constant need to be
posing and preening and
peacocking in every moment of my fucking life and everything i do
is just a
vehicle for appending my
face to it because i’m
a woman
WOW excuse me are you misogynistic or
something it's not like i do this for
you are you kidding me you
actually think that i spend all day
every day every hour of
my entire waking life
specifically accentuating all the
secondary sex characteristics
you find attractive and
posing my face
to look cute and young for YOU
are you delusional I do this for me and
nobody else i
just like to feel attractive nevermind the fact that
attractive presupposes the question to
whom i do it for me and
nobody else now
excuse me
i take a picture of
myself fictitiously soullessly smirking in a
way that i've
unconsciously learned makes me look dorky-cute variant #81 while i
try on sunglasses
in a fucking

>> No.8919657

What's the plan? For an actual book to be made?

>> No.8919676

Flying high
Birds of immense
Weight and strength
The twins tumble
Agony, pain
Steel beams
Can't melt
Jet fuel

>> No.8919683

I walk idly nearest an unwashed stream
Under an iron curtain from Trafalgar's dream
Metered rains won't betray old themes
But I shan't escape that capricious gleam

Though I meander through the godless wood
I hold no ire for the false fronting good
The rambling arches that at one time stood
Give way to the starlight of an old myths hood

>> No.8919689

And then went down to the ship,
Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, and
We set up mast and sail on that swart ship,
Bore sheep aboard her, and our bodies also
Heavy with weeping, so winds from sternward
Bore us out onward with bellying canvas,
Circe’s this craft, the trim-coifed goddess.
Then sat we amidships, wind jamming the tiller,
Thus with stretched sail, we went over sea till day’s end.
Sun to his slumber, shadows o’er all the ocean,
Came we then to the bounds of deepest water,
To the Kimmerian lands, and peopled cities
Covered with close-webbed mist, unpierced ever
With glitter of sun-rays
Nor with stars stretched, nor looking back from heaven
Swartest night stretched over wretched men there.
The ocean flowing backward, came we then to the place
Aforesaid by Circe.
Here did they rites, Perimedes and Eurylochus,
And drawing sword from my hip
I dug the ell-square pitkin;
Poured we libations unto each the dead,
First mead and then sweet wine, water mixed with white flour.
Then prayed I many a prayer to the sickly death’s-head;
As set in Ithaca, sterile bulls of the best
For sacrifice, heaping the pyre with goods,
A sheep to Tiresias only, black and a bell-sheep.
Dark blood flowed in the fosse,
Souls out of Erebus, cadaverous dead, of brides
Of youths and at the old who had borne much;
Souls stained with recent tears, girls tender,
Men many, mauled with bronze lance heads,
Battle spoil, bearing yet dreory arms,
These many crowded about me; with shouting,
Pallor upon me, cried to my men for more beasts;
Slaughtered the heards, sheep slain of bronze;
Poured ointment, cried to the gods,
To Pluto the strong, and praised Proserpine;
Unsheathed the narrow sword,
I sat to keep off the impetuous impotent dead,
Till I should hear Tiresias.

>> No.8919748

amidst anxiety
and stress
oppression and

i surrender
every evening
to replenish
and rejuvenate

my main dish
is hope
i drink the future

and for dessert
im having love
with a hint
of you

>> No.8919836 [DELETED] 

Alright, finally I have something to do with my poems. Here are two:

Rock that Ass

Coming out of the darkness
is a sexy fine figure
Standing there,
ass bare
Blending into the dark,
black t-shirt hanging
above her naked ass
She looks back at you
Face, shirt, ass

Open lip, rocking ass
Rock that ass she goes
She rocks that ass so fucking hard
And she don’t need no clothes

Dat ass tho

Outside in the rain
Is a girl about thirteen.
She is wearing black pants.
Skin-tight pants.
Yoga pants.

Her rear might as well be naked,
Her body is a sinuous curve
And I can’t get past
How this person exists
And shows off so.
And I need to release it all
But I keep it locked inside
But that ass, tho.

>> No.8919851

Alright, finally I have something to do with my poems. Here are two:

Rock that Ass

Coming out of the darkness
is a sexy fine figure
Standing there,
ass bare
Blending into the dark,
black t-shirt hanging
above her naked ass
She looks back at you
Face, shirt, ass

Open lip, rocking ass
Rock that ass she goes
She rocks that ass so fucking hard
that she don’t need no clothes

Dat ass tho

Outside in the rain
Is a girl about thirteen.
She is wearing black pants.
Skin-tight pants.
Yoga pants.

Her rear might as well be naked,
Her body is a sinuous curve
And I can’t get past
How this person exists
And shows off so.
And I need to release it all
But I keep it locked inside
But that ass, tho.

>> No.8919921

is the original guy still working on the pdf post a link

>> No.8919934


>> No.8919964


i really liked rock that ass
esp the parts about ass-rock
it reminded me of this one ass i saw
it got rocked too
that was a good memory

it just makes you think, you know
about all the rocked asses
it's crazy

sometimes i think all the asses in other countries
the ones that never get rocked

but, it is what it is
*deep sigh*

i think you've got talent
i hope you write more poems

>> No.8920023
File: 114 KB, 720x960, 1475425058100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ should honestly try this for once. Perhaps make a fake instagram account under a pen name for us to use collectively, then start posting pictures of our poems. That's how this sort of shit gets popular and subsequently published nowadays.

>> No.8920025
File: 64 KB, 320x320, homepage_large.f4b40c2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you want
about my lecherous
He may be an
with a bad temper
He may have
an unhealthy
with the military
He may refuse
to shower
now and then
at least he has the decency
to put on
a condom

>> No.8920062
File: 453 KB, 1920x1233, 1482198622164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The face
I wear
Is just a mask
Remove it
And I would die
I am a small girl
For them

>> No.8920131
File: 194 KB, 720x960, Puking Boxer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8920190

OP -- you do not have the time to create an alt-persona for this book.

The most simple, effective -- and perhaps most devious -- scheme you can pull is to simply misattribute this entire collection and select excerpts to Rupi Kaur.

Spread it rampantly across social media in order to distort her real output. By doing that, no one -- including most of her fans -- will know what the hell is real and what's fake.

Welcome to the post-truth era of 2017.

>> No.8920203
File: 24 KB, 380x236, pearsketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you must know my
spirit and mind before
you will know my
body and warmth

until then your
touch repels and breath suffocates

>> No.8920228


it would be funnier as well

>> No.8920236


>> No.8920249
File: 75 KB, 236x371, 1420251062613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, /lit/ can't handle it

Remember pic related? I do.

>> No.8920251

>muh pointed social criticism

>> No.8920369
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>> No.8920528

The fat
Isn't in my
But in your

Doesn't sub
Me with its
So called

>> No.8920537

we did it
we finally
true detectives

>> No.8920571

...Cuando Quiere No Puede

Dreaming, biflamed candles demonstrate the virtue
Of self-erasure, a month in, tape-looper fugues
Efface my speech. Awake, I remain an ape of words
Slinging the names learned on this throat
On classrooms, on wetmarkets, charming seducees
With the hushed whirrs of wet superstrings
(Grammar books translated
to commas and dashes)

Last year's ash made a monk of my shadow,
Gone off to study violence in ambient
Amongst processions of stags at Sussex
And in Sussex alone do deers
Have pain's halo spiral on their hooves

And I ask myself:

"Are your ears wise enough to sift
The ambivalent notes of muscle and desire
Stuffed in browtine stabs caulked by fur
From the wind's tussled treacheries
Engirdling deer, leaf, and rifle?"

Cervine austerite, sin luz
Adiós, luz del sol caliente, adiós, adiós.
My shadow in loam, now undirts for the city's
Spectres of tax that hover in pavement
For a decade of dreaming the barber pole's
Trick : movement without displacement.

>> No.8920580

Did you know? Somebody is rocking their ass right this very second, every second.

>> No.8920825

This. /pol/'s doing this right now to some comic girl and it works perfectly.

>> No.8920827

Whoah, hol up guys

Y'all do realize this isn't a project meant to collect your general poetry, right? For all you guys typing up your sincere efforts (regardless of their merit), this is more about creating a spoof of Rupi Kaur's style, rather than some of other things you guys have been typing up

>> No.8920839

This is genius. Can /lit/ do it?

>> No.8920863


Changing the formating to most closely resemble hers as we speak

>> No.8920876

I think we need to curate the most believable ones, create some images of them, then post them in this thread for approval. If the general consensus is good, we start posting them on fake social media accounts. Instagram will probably be our best bet.

>> No.8920902


Sounds good

>> No.8920930

Shit, re-reading through some of these I can tell we're going to have a problem with some of these being too good. We don't want to attribute anything of actual quality to her.

>> No.8920940

e-reading poll


>> No.8920942


Isn't that the idea? Dilute the teeming mass?

We could always just attribute them to "Rupi Kau" as opposed to "Rupi Kaur"

>> No.8920984

We'd be proving the point that she's a talentless hack

>> No.8920996


This. And besides, the effects of the best satire are felt not by the actual text itself, which in lesser satires strive to be as impressive as possible, but as with the best, are silent and subtle, yet soon drive the intended targets into a frenzy
i still haven't read the art of war - rupi kaur

>> No.8921011

who the
are you

I am an ny
u film
school graduate

the hell are

_rupi kaur

>> No.8921019

The key point is we don't need to attack her work directly -- simply subvert it by tying inferior work to her name/brand.

Disseminate widely enough and social media will take care of the rest.

She can refute the entire collection but will be hard pressed to disown the volume of individual misattributions across multiple platforms.

>> No.8921021

It's literally two sentences with line breaks AHHHHHHH

>> No.8921028



>tfw when we're going too deep

>> No.8921044
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>> No.8921050

Got it. Thought we were doing more along the lines of this >>8921019

But I like the other way of approaching it better.

>> No.8921061

Trying to figure out which would be more detrimental to her work. If we use her actual name, it attributes a bunch of work to her that isn't hers but seems like it could be, thereby showcasing the her hackneyed style. If we use something like Rupi Kau, though, the satire and point as a whole is much more obvious to normies. Hopefully.

>> No.8921081
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Ideally we'd start by disseminating the more subtle ones, and over time we'd release the progressively dumber ones. letting it unfold organically.

Sort of how the book was originally supposed to unfold, except in real time and space.

It seems like the best way to do it given our anonymity.

copy and paste the images on your phone a couple of times to get that over shared meme 'patina'.

>> No.8921086

Reading the current copy now -- it's looking pretty good.

Why not execute a pincer movement?

1. Send out a legitimate press release for the entire collection. Post it somewhere legitimate...maybe a free website à la crèmeetsugar.com...

2. Release the single poems on social media...

>> No.8921090
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>> No.8921097

No -- you have to use her name. Its only effective that way. Don't screw this up we're counting on you...may the force be with you.

>> No.8921132
File: 30 KB, 666x705, rupidoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk anon. Do you want to be among the driving force of post-truth?

Do note that it's the current year.

>> No.8921137

List of subtle ones that could work as initial releases:

Hunger - Page 57
Wind in the Willows - Page 55
Wives - Page 45
Violently - Page 44
The Infinite Jest masterpiece on Page 40. Probably not really all that subtle but I love it.
Speak and Listen - Page 39
To All My Grown Women (needs a believable title) - Page 32
Literally Shaking (might work with a believable title, I fucking love this one) - Page 31
Humble Desires - Page 27
Hopeless Burden - Page 26
Wisdom At Youth and Snow Angel - Page 25
Breathe - Page 19
It Never Ends - Page 15
Truth - Page 13
Carry Me Home - Page 11
Facade - Page 10
Hurricane - Page 8 (this one is fucking excellent and is the most likely the pass for one of hers.)
Perspective - Page 6
Bliss - Page 5
Sun - Page 4
Falsehood - Page 3

Also, Creme et Sugar #2 on Page 12 is great and needs to be one of the last ones we release. A punchline, if you will.

>> No.8921138


We're using her name

>> No.8921142

Jesus christ it's already happening. Is this one real or one of ours?

>> No.8921145

I just posted that one anon.

My lack of discernible talent is finally paying off.

>> No.8921156


While cunning, the more I think of it, trying to release a whole "book" would immediately be blown off since it isn't being officially announced on her twitter/insta/facebook etc.

The best, perhaps the only way is the trickle effect

>> No.8921166
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>> No.8921168

Yeah for sure. She's an "instapoet." The best and most believable way to reach her audience is through Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.

>> No.8921175

> small girl
> for them

my favorite!

>> No.8921177

This one can't be real, but it looks like her art. Please tell me it isn't true.

>> No.8921183


While I agree with you that we should focus on some over others, and that certain titles are to be changed, I think for quite a few of the ones that you deem too unsubtle, whats actually going on is the obviousness of our ploy compounded with the weight of internal joke and reference. What seems obvious to us won't to the casual observer

>> No.8921193
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nice gets

It's an Elliot Rodgers shop

I was going to use it to illustrate the point about using jpg compression to hide poor quality shops and make it seem like the images have already been circulating for a while

>> No.8921194

Art was taken from some other actual Rupi Kaur poem anon.

Also, I think there's something innately wrong in my previous statement.

>> No.8921206

link pdf

>> No.8921229
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>> No.8921232
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Also we should post one of the fakes along with two or three real ones and wait for the retweets.

>> No.8921238


>> No.8921255
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>> No.8921312
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i am a poet now

>> No.8921392

It would nice if there was also some way to understand what's /lit approved and what's not... so as to track our little guppies progress in the great black unknown.

>> No.8921461
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>> No.8921465


This is an issue. Any ideas?

Here's the thread where I've dumped a lot of the cutouts of the poems

>> No.8921470


Forgot to add the link


>> No.8921481

theres nothing to track, were in post truth now

>> No.8921555

you're better than savana brown already

>> No.8921562

OP -- recommend these all get uploaded to an img server so we can link to them...something legit to help them along.