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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 18 KB, 471x312, 1483215591980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8916645 No.8916645 [Reply] [Original]

It seems wrong to bash her for writing shit without proving that we can at least be as shitty as her. I'll start:

why do we have to settle
for some ugly body and ugly soul
we deserve
someone with a body as hard as
our own lives

>> No.8916665

I cannot wait until she's slightly older, and not a "young attractive female poet" anymore, just a "female poet," and desperately wondering why all her attention evaporated


>> No.8916669

love people no matter their skin
their face, which will grow old
love can beat hate
don't be like trump

a little weight
is nothing to worry about
a lot of weight
is nothing to hate someone for
what matters is inside

your privilege is nice
fair skin, a bulge in the pants
but to give it up
is so much greater

you need a vacation
they need a meal
rich men who don't give
won't find peace inside

>> No.8916673

If you don't
make life easy
for grils
you're a bad daddy

>> No.8916677
File: 268 KB, 685x385, rupi kaur on her period.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this is so fucking hilarious she literally takes photos about her fucking period just lmao you stupid piece of shit there is more value to the thousands of pieces of furry porn on the internet then your fucking stupid photos.

I don't even fucking like poetry and i know shes terrible.

>> No.8916678

when i was younger they told me to be a princess
when i was younger they told me to be fair

i dont want to be a princess
society is not fair

when i was younger
they lied to me

>> No.8916681
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>> No.8916689

Rupi Kaur is a conte
mporary Canadian feminist
poet, writer and
spoken word artist based in Toronto. She is popularly known as an
Instapoet for
the tra
ction she gains online on her
poems on Instagram.

>> No.8916690


>> No.8916693

Brutal thugs
get me wet
thanks dad

>> No.8916695

>blank verse

found the pleb

>> No.8916701


Someone should attach some stupid line drawing to these and release them on tumblr and intagram

>> No.8916703

women are to
the world
what water is
to man

>> No.8916707

If you roll down
a hill
you meet an end

If you roll down
a mountain
you bring an avalanche
and still meet
an end.

>> No.8916710

I am sitting on the toilet taking

a shit and I couldn't fall asleep. I

have food allergies and something I ate

today has made me break out in hives. So

fucking itchy and antihistamines aren't


>> No.8916715
File: 67 KB, 620x620, reinder to tumblr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr needs to remember this poem anyways?

>> No.8916717

body hair
is totally natural
if he doesn't like it
you don't
have to like him

>> No.8916724

some people think brothels are for weirdos
and maybe we are weird
maybe this music is weird
and the clubs are overrated

>> No.8916728

A girl is beauty
She doesn't need
To prove it
To herself
To her friends

The sky is blue
The birds
Don't know it
Because it is
All they see

>> No.8916730

a women holds
the power of healing and
growth right at her

>> No.8916732

reccomend me
the best
collection of shakespeare's
i'd like one
with a glossary and notes,
but not

>> No.8916733

This actually seems pretty legit did you steal it off her?

>> No.8916741

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

>> No.8916742

the scars on my arms
tell stories
that dead white men
could not dream of

>> No.8916748

The act of sex gives
human beings a tremendous
amount of pleasure.
Pleasure they don’t deserve.
No one deserves to
experience so much pleasure,
especially since some
humans get to experience
it while some are denied it.

>> No.8916752

i don't know
or if it has any notes
or glossary
but this looks
pretty neat

>> No.8916767

we should create our own rupi kaur. make a twitter account where we post similar shit tier poems and gain followers because our bio says "feminism + sisterhood [emoji]!!!!"

it is probably a lucrative idea

>> No.8916768

they flee horrors untold
yet you take that brick
and build that wall
you are comfortable now

she has a slim figure
a pretty smile
broad shoulders
and angst inside
-a women

liking people like you
its natural
loving people like you
its the worst thing in the world

i will be strong
bravery is my trait
loud i will speak
deep down i am weak
-women of color

>> No.8916774

you are reading
right now
is a sentence

>> No.8916785

there are no rules
they can't
tell you
what to do
you are
be to yourself

>> No.8916787

I think it should be time for a /lit/-tan, we will use her as the alter ego. Not joking. I really think we should do this, I mean /v/ has their Vivian slut - so why can't we have ours?

What should we call her?
I propose Dolly Bell

>> No.8916798


>> No.8916799

>Dolly Bell

not ethnic enough

it has to be more intersectional

something like Aadhya Chhabra

>> No.8916803


>> No.8916804
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>> No.8916810

>not ethnic enough

this is true

it would also be fun if part of the name alluded to something more /lit/ aswell

>> No.8916812

Dolly Bell sounds to white we need a strong independent women of colour name to show how progressive we are.

I propose Latisha Black: A shy half nigger raised by her white mother but who identifies as black. She lives in an inner city apartment where she is trying to fulfill he dream to become a philosopher.

>> No.8916815

I would just like to add Black isn't her actual last name she just chose it because of how proud she is of her identity.

>> No.8916821

Luisa J. Borginos

>> No.8916824


>> No.8916832


I propose keeping your character, but propose the name be 'Fetisha Boniface'

>> No.8916859

we should make fake rupi kaur poetry images with Elliot Rodgers quotes in her style of free verse

When a woman has sex with a
beautiful man, she probably
feels like she is in heaven.
But the world isn't supposed to be heaven.
For some humans to actually
be able to feel such heights of heavenly pleasure is

>> No.8916865


you could just make an anagram of rupi kaur

Kira Upur

>> No.8916868

When a woman is ready
she opens her wounds the world
for sharp fingers will peer in
and look
at the yeast infection
please send me some cream
it itches; but is beautiful

>> No.8916869
File: 26 KB, 598x465, 1437981265718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too obvious
more like this please

>> No.8916893

Can't be. He used caps. Everyone knows pleb-tier feminist blank verse can't have caps.

>> No.8916906

just remember
when you hurt
that your pain is more valuable
it is yours
and humble

>> No.8916907

One need only look
at a woman’s shape
to discover that she is not
intended for either too much mental
or too much

>> No.8916911

with girls
nature has had in view
what is called
in a dramatic sense
a striking effect

>> No.8916920

in truth
exist entirely for
the propagation
of the race
their destiny
ends here

>> No.8916921

is a knife
to cut girls
to break them down
it's a shell
and no one notices
what's inside

>> No.8916924


beautiful women are
what we are confronted with
and divided into
and the remainder ever
is proof of our

>> No.8916933

>AREN'T I STILL RILKE????????????????????????

>> No.8916954
File: 20 KB, 630x354, 15634.831da626.630x354o.c2da5a86f6ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check your priviliges, chess
fourteen male pieces longing to capture
the only female one
whilst keeping the great male - the king -
but if you check your prviliges,
check mate

check mate - Rupi Kaur

>> No.8916960



>> No.8916969

all a feminist poet
has to do to sell books
is write sentences about
how girls are strong
and oppressed
by men
and no one will notice
her poems are all the same
and take no effort
at all

>> No.8916972

I wish I could hear
your lips spluttering those heavenly
exciting filthy words, see your mouth making dirty sounds
and noises, feel your body wriggling under me, hear and smell the dirty fat
going pop pop
out of your pretty bare girlish bum
and fuck fuck fuck fuck
my naughty little hot fuckbird's cunt
for ever.

>> No.8916981

haha, that's so gross and definitely not something im into

>> No.8916992

So what
I love
So what
I am
a slut
So what
I fuck on camera

I am
still smart
I still
have existential
I read

Existentialism and Sex, Rupi Grey

>> No.8916993

my voice will be heard
until we stop teaching our kids shakespeare
until we stop telling people being healthy is good
until we stop complimenting people we don't know
until we stop telling our kids that god is a white male
until we stop standing in silence facing menspreading
my voice will be heard

my voice will be heard - Rupi Kaur

>> No.8916997

he told me to not be
so loud
so angry
so excitable

he thought be loved
a cloud yet he
was afraid of

>> No.8917035
File: 41 KB, 620x620, 1483373053744_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is kind of what I had in mind, obviously they should be done better so that they don't look like obvious shops.

>> No.8917081

Kek'ed that's so fucking true.

>> No.8917103

Typo aside, I would be completely unsurprised if I found that in her book.

>> No.8917114

two to the
and the one
to the three

I like good
and I like
good tree

>> No.8917116

This tugged a strangely genuine emotion from me anon wtf

>> No.8917117

this is perfect, totally believable

>> No.8917120

So who's gonna compile all of these together and publish it under the title "Cream & Sugar"?

>> No.8917122

wtf is this gibberish nonsense, dont quote that tranny again

>> No.8917130

>"Cream & Sugar"

>> No.8917143

Fuck the spoken word scene tho.

I played as a drummer in one of their low level competitions. One girl did these pandering type of poems, and easily beat out the competition, many of them people who seemed put genuine effort in.

Also ton of the competition seemed like extremely white rap with no back track. was weird.

>> No.8917148

lines written by somebody
for the witless nobodies
put out for everybody
when read by anybody

they realize that

they could be somebody
writing for shallow nobodies
and then everybody
would cease to be amazed by anybody

writing meaningless lines
on instagram
dressed in milk and honey

>> No.8917151

Change last line to cream and sugar instead of milk and honey, so you get the useless name drop.

>> No.8917153

I think the idea of doing a character assassination with these is hilarious, but it's nothing time won't take care of itself when this lady's moment is gone and she doesn't find an SJW crowd to pander to anymore

>> No.8917155

Stop shitting up the board with your butthurt. Why don't you discuss good poets instead of getting butthurt over shit ones.

>> No.8917156

meant to reference

instead of >>8917122

>> No.8917160

Feminism's goal
>Women can prove that they are capable of just the same ACTIVE STRIVING as men!
>We'll show men that their VIRTUE and VIGOUR through LIBERTY is the human condition!
>We'll show men that we don't neeed thm to dote on us, and that we are capable of Bildung and boldly facing the world, just as well as they!

Feminism's result
>my passive excretions are interesting
>my unearned appearance is interesting
>give me free money
>you should care that i'm sad and weak
>i'm weak and i feel bad feelings and it's your fault. look at this picture of my cooter

>> No.8917180

Please make it happen, we do not need much just 40 or so "poems", some bullshit doodles and a backstory about a mixed race girl with gender fluidity.
This could be our thing, what is more post-modern than white male conspiring to make this up.

>> No.8917185
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>> No.8917223

Pretty much this. There can be great feminist writers like Virginia Woolf and Simone de Beauvoir, but the problem with most feminist literature today is that it gets its adherents to assume that just because they are a woman they are intrinsically interesting and deep.

Rupi Kaur is the perfect example of this. Her poetry is terrible and all on the same theme. If she wasn't a woman and a poc nobody would give her two seconds of attention. Instead her banal observations and platitudes land her a spot on the bestseller list and a ton of praise.

Just because an observation comes from a woman doesn't make it interesting. Just being a woman doesn't make you special or absolve you of responsibility for your decisions. And no, showing pictures of your period is not a revolutionary act.

Woolf and Austen are part of the canon because their work had value in and of itself. That's the only test that matters.

>> No.8917235

The reason that Woolf and Austen attained to that level was because men had brutally harsh standards for judging a woman's work, too.

Being overly judged is better than being overly assumed to be interesting.

Women are being kept in perpetual childhood by this. Society's reaction to Rupi Kaur is a parent's reaction to his five year old drawing a snowman with feet. Snowmen don't have feet, but we'll put it on the fridge anyway.

>> No.8917238

the clears tears
from my face
the red tears
from my womanhood

>> No.8917241
File: 258 KB, 1275x1650, aphorisms 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went and got started with the cover image.

>> No.8917243


>> No.8917246

True, but he could have added some because he did not notice it.

>> No.8917251

Hi Rupi Joyce!

>> No.8917259

when it rains
it pours
they say
why can't love
like rain

>> No.8917262
File: 1.75 MB, 2550x3300, C&S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this, something sweeter is needed.

>> No.8917264
File: 115 KB, 773x1000, aphorisms 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needed a pun

>> No.8917265

we should juxtapose images related to the poems like she did, but with memes and pastebin watermarked shit

>> No.8917271


stop complaining about rupi kaur. her concepts of her poems didn't need to be original because i didn't know that rape and molestation had to be an original concept.

>> No.8917272

That was genuinely
well done

>> No.8917273

Because its funny faegot

>> No.8917277

Rape is a sexy concept.

>> No.8917278

How did it go from Jane Eyre to this, the worst thing is hat the ones that read Jane Eyre STILL act like this!

>> No.8917279

literally no one brought into question the integrity of her poetry.

it's undercooked tumblr
sophistry with
line breaks and
targeted towards the most
gullible fucks
i'm the history of

>> No.8917290

That isn't blank verse. Blank verse is unrhymed iambic pentameter. You're thinking of free verse.

>> No.8917292

this, this and this!

>> No.8917301


she writes from personal experiences and some quite hard topics and it's really kind of fucking rude for you to think it's garbage and an insult to good writing. intellectual bullshit

>> No.8917303

Keep in mind that this will be the name of /lit/'s mascot, I think we might need to come up with a /lit/ name and change it around so it becomes more foreign.

>> No.8917309


Luisa J. Borgina

>> No.8917313


>> No.8917317

back to tumblr

>> No.8917326

it isn't her experiences that are being diminished or invalidated, it's her work.

she never made it passed note-taking and it's a perfect synecdoche of this age of pandering to maximum emotion with minimal effort. There is simply no craftsmanship or respect for the poetry medium.
I'm not going into detail but I can almost promise you I've endured more trauma than Kaur; it doesn't justify whatever the hell this is supposed to be, there is some measure of "death of the author" taken into account. bearing in mind that she went through some shit while reading her work is subtractive to the work.
She has enough rudimentary ideas in her book to craft a genuinely respectable (albeit shorter) work, and she opted to print out her notes instead.

>> No.8917328
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>> No.8917330
File: 16 KB, 796x597, itrymayhanatpoetry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There you go anons

>> No.8917339


I don't think anyone asked for your "opinion," anon. You can see yourself out of this post.

there are very few kinds of people worse than book snobs, i swear. i wish they would just read their "real" poets and enjoy it instead of trying to prove to everyone that they have Better Taste(tm) and that they are the True Intelectuals(tm). honestly, nobody cares, we're all too busy minding our own businesses.

>> No.8917341
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>> No.8917342

Ecstasy, shall we make a new thread?

>> No.8917343

This is
poem because I
Said so

>> No.8917346


Someone made a Joycean one above

>> No.8917361

kek. we should instead of writing another hypersphere just make a milk and honey knockoff.

>> No.8917363

Bruh fix my typo

and hook your boy up with a legit image, I want pseuds on tumblr to give it a fuckload of notes without realizing what they're doing

>> No.8917368
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>> No.8917376

>I don't think anyone asked for your "opinion," anon. You can see yourself out of this post.
>honestly, nobody cares, we're all too busy minding our own businesses
wew lass

>> No.8917380

i would
reccomend the latest
edition of norton.
a single collection of shakespeare
is large
for individual plays
try folger, or arden if you decide you
want lots of notes.

>> No.8917396
File: 14 KB, 839x597, creamandsugar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok anon, creme and sugar version with fixed lines

>> No.8917398
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>> No.8917403

We don't need
to start with old writing
when what
we have now
was always out of sight
to them

What we need
is young
in no couplets

>> No.8917406

Did it, come on in!

>> No.8917410

I meant this one.lel

>> No.8917412


lol god damn

>> No.8917416

das it mane

>> No.8917419

What's the best way of releasing this into the wild?

>> No.8917425

Start with this thread

>> No.8917431
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>> No.8917433

I unironically like this.

>> No.8917449
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>> No.8917455

lol do this one

>> No.8917463
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>> No.8917469

lol what the fuck is this

If you want to actively consume and defend shitty poetry and literature then this board isn't for you. "Book snobs" are valuable for giving trendy trash the exact amount of respect it deserves. If that business that you're so busy with is reading Starbucks-flavored feel-good ephemera then you really shouldn't be wasting that valuable time on /lit/.

>> No.8917476
File: 141 KB, 640x640, e71dc914ec4a501c33aac7868022a33491a49bc5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait that picture from that emo album what the hell

>> No.8917480

ayyy someone knew.

>> No.8917494
File: 188 KB, 773x1000, page 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, I'm done messing around for now

>> No.8917495

with girls,
nature endows them
for a few years
with a richness of beauty
and a fulness
of charm
at the expense
of the rest of their lives

>> No.8917501

How do you make these, I have an idea for one of these.

>> No.8917514

It's not too hard
Cambria font at 6pt
773x1000 canvas
consistent text placement
google images + quick photoshop clean up of images

>> No.8917515

woman will be brought back
to her proper and natural place
and the lady
that monster
of European civilisation
and Christian–Teutonic stupidity
will no longer exist
there will still be women
but no unhappy women
of whom Europe
is at present full

>> No.8917516
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>> No.8917546


>> No.8917549
File: 38 KB, 773x1000, wreck of organs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917568

makes me think of Lady Brett Ashley desu

>> No.8917579

look at George 'Mary ann Evan' Eliot

>> No.8917616

It's Schopenhauer

I was thinking to try to disguise some parts of obviously misogynist works as Rupi-style poetry.

>> No.8917668

brilliant. I think that's a better direction to go with this, rather than just mimicking her and spouting the same sjw ideology.

>> No.8917704

a black
person doesn't
always fire
why won't you
unforgiving whites
recognize that

>> No.8917762

muh Cioran

>> No.8917803

how are these satire

>> No.8917864

am sick of being me.
but no one else can be me,
just like no one can be you.
keep being you,
it is all you can do

>> No.8917983

the pain of
my own being
isnt a joke
nor finite

it is the accumulated

white people
do something

>> No.8918019

yesterday i bought
a plant from
wal*mart and i brought
it home in
a plastic bag later i
brushed my teeth
but only after putting the plant
in a clay pot this
mornning i had a nightmare
i am the potted

spoopy dream -gyri kayg

>> No.8918021

Writers like Kaur - young poets in general - have ruined contemporary poetry.

There never seems to be any actual skill - no rhyme, no meter, no imagery, no wordplay - there's nothing that separates these people from your average cunt on tumblr
writes poems
like this
about her life,
or about her subjective view on it.

They should end themselves.

>> No.8918062

>Just her wiki entry, cut into her shitty line verses
Actually brilliant

>> No.8918312


how 'for the tra' is cut off and then visually spills into the "sh" sound of the "she gains" in the next line, thereby finishing the thought we all have

>> No.8919032
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>> No.8919097

last night i
had a dream that
i was all alone but
i woke up and looked
around my room to
see my
cat and i didn't
feel lonely

>> No.8919309
File: 534 KB, 795x1193, RupiKaur_crBaljit-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he tells you
to spread your legs
as if
he can enter when
he pleases but
you are a castle
and he is not

>> No.8919337

Missed a prime opportunity for a shitty Kafka allusion.

>> No.8919385

ilu lit

>> No.8919637

the kindness
between two women
is a bird calling out
into the morning