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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 29 KB, 500x413, 7Jnn44wsLPs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8913540 No.8913540 [Reply] [Original]

Read less in 2017.
Stop being buried in books.
Good things are good in moderation.
Go out and enjoy life.
Absorb sights and sounds around you.
Let yourself by consumed and inspired by the world.

>> No.8913546

rupi thread is over there

>> No.8913556

Kill a guy in self-defense
Burn down a church
Record black metal albums in prison
Complain about black people on the Internet
Get out of prison in only a couple decades for murder because you live in Norway

>> No.8913563

if you wanted to be taken seriously, why did you post that pseud and pathetic hack?

>> No.8913576
File: 110 KB, 620x992, vargispissed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /lit/ think of his youtube channel?


I think it's sometimes entertaining and sometimes sad. It seems like he's trying to regain the years he lost in prison.

>> No.8913584

he's a pathetic idiot

>> No.8913594

Sometimes he's really close to being right, while being really far away from it.

>> No.8913596

Drink less water in 2017.
Stop being buried in comfy clothes.
God things are bad even in "moderation".
Go out and suffer.
Absorb the punishments live dishes out at you.
Let yourself be engulfed and consumed by the world.

*Putative* self-defense.

>> No.8913607

He's an idiot. Burzum is good though.

>> No.8913609

>wife and 5 beatiful aryan children
>accomplished musician, role-playing game designer, and author
>lives self-sufficiently and is completely prepared for the happening
what a dork

>> No.8913624

Isn't he the crazy guy that murdered people?

>> No.8913627


>> No.8913637

one person

>> No.8913650

>black metal
>accomplished musician

>> No.8913661
File: 2.87 MB, 1276x672, 1482957246570.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read nationalist and other glorious books in 2017, not that heretical leftist beta shit

work out
stop watching porn
do something for your people/country


>> No.8913690

Sounds like something a woman would say.

>> No.8913698

"accomplished" doesn't even have to imply talent
he's released like 16 albums
but prolific would've been a better word

>> No.8913701

>I think it's sometimes entertaining and sometimes sad. It seems like he's trying to regain the years he lost in prison.
that he lost something. No, he was an idiot before prison, he was an idiot in prison and he stays an idiot after prison.

>> No.8913712


>> No.8913718
File: 2.19 MB, 614x718, posering.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever beta leftist

one day your judgement will come

>> No.8913724


He lost his youth.

>> No.8913725

Nobody here reads at all, so it would be impossible to read less, idiot.

>> No.8913727

is that...a swastika on that man's back?

>> No.8913740

>completely prepared for the happening
Except in the equine and political department. What's he going to do when a new state forms? With horses and ideology, you can go really far.

>muh compound that will be blown to pieces with a couple of mortar-shots
>muh enemies on horseback with mules carrying the mortars
He's literally a pedestrian.

>work out
Strain yourself needlessly.

>stop watching porn
If you are a man: Stop having fun.

>do something for your people/country
Waste time on people you've never met and who will never be grateful to you.

>> No.8913743

I've got a better one.

Stop browsing /pol/.

>> No.8913746


>> No.8913750

yeah i was like bro that was wicked gay

>> No.8913756

I am convinced bodybuilding is the easiest way to become a faggot

>> No.8913762
File: 2.15 MB, 1280x720, 1482955150865.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Northern Brothers are not nationalsocialists.

>Strain yourself needlessly.
Working out and becoming stronger both makes you happier and is a weapon of representation in the metapolitical war. Looking good makes people listen to you.

>If you are a man: Stop having fun.
Wasting your energy on spectacles is your idea of fun? Well, have fun surrendering your fantasies to the capitalist machine.


insecure ameritards detected

>> No.8913768

his music was super cool (just the pre-prison era desu) and he sure was a nice aloof guy but he's childish as hell when it come to politics

>> No.8913774

They look like they're about to wax each other's rifles.

>> No.8913781

>Well, have fun surrendering your fantasies to the capitalist machine
Has /leftypol/ been surreptitiously raiding you guys or something?

btw please go back to /pol/

>> No.8913786
File: 2.10 MB, 1276x672, 1483047500045.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just jealous of their northern brotherhood

im not pol

>> No.8913789

/hm/ then

just go

>> No.8913796
File: 982 KB, 550x656, nårdbror lutar.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are /_/

fuck off

>> No.8913807

oh I know this one

posting homoerotic webms on a literature board? did I get it?

>> No.8913813
File: 28 KB, 480x360, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weighted situps

>> No.8913815

So you're a lazy piece of useless crap who finds it easier to slander a greater man than admit he's inferior to him. I see.

>> No.8913817

hating capitalism doesn't make you "left"

papa varg hates it too

>> No.8913823
File: 2.84 MB, 1276x672, 1482955216688.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is organising oneself politically and working out 'homoerotic'?

The Northern Brothers represents healthy lifestyles just like Vikernes does.

>> No.8913826

pretty sure those are weighted neck flexion exercises. he's holding the plate to stabilize.

why do you hate Capitalism? Why do you distance yourself from the left?

>> No.8913833

It's not. But taking videos of half naked men working out and posting them on the internet is homoerotic.

>> No.8913834


jeff go and stay go

>> No.8913837

what the fuck is this exercise?

>> No.8913839

>read less

Fuck off Jew

>> No.8913842

An important exercise for people who are looking to achieve peak pole smoking performance.

>> No.8913843


>> No.8913844
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x720, sparkar ihjäl betastocken4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But taking videos of half naked men working out and posting them on the internet is homoerotic.
Not if it is done for higher purposes.

Jeff Seid is a disgusting degenerate.

>> No.8913846


As someone whose gym is so shit that I have to wrap a plate in a towel and hold it between my teeth to achieve the same effect, I would not mind this product as all.

>> No.8913849

>They look like they're about to wax each other's rifles.
And empty each other's clips.

This must be some kind of vitriolic parody. Not even Brotherhood of Steel is as gay as them.

It's not cute when you use words that you don't know what they mean.

Translation: I uesd a woerd that gommis like 2 use. I won internet.

Sorry, doesn't work that way. Also, there's plenty of amateur porn. You can get all the fap you want from Rule 34-drawings.

>> No.8913850

>why do you hate capitalism?
It reduces people to atheistic materialists with no empathy or foresight. It rewards and is dependent on the stupidest and most selfish people. It destroys gender and race relations in order to create easily controlled populations. Racemixing lowers the average IQ.

>> No.8913854

these are the higher purposes one spends their limited time posting about on /lit/


>> No.8913856

How does it do those things?

>> No.8913860

The jews

>> No.8913863

You don't understand materialism. Capitalists have a spiritual devotion to capital and images that evoke capital. Materialism is the abolition of these images in favor of the real.

>> No.8913866

I'm not sure I'm following you. Could you please explain further? I'm very interested. I feel like you might have all the things in life that I've always wanted figured out, figured out.

>> No.8913871

By making the pursuit of wealth at all costs the most respected goal, and allowing the most degenerate elements of society to "rise up" and spread their garbage through the media.

>> No.8913872

>murdered two
>destroyed an irreplacable ancient church
>makes crap music
>can't behave himself in public

>Not if it is done for higher purposes.
A 10 cm erection is more higher than a 5 cm limp dick. But it isn't *high*.

>one faggot is ruining a fragile habitat for larvaes and such
>one faggot pretends he's a flagpole, causing much annoyance in the process
>one faggot is the supervisor
Seems that they got the bases covered.

>> No.8913874

The Jews can be seen as the sisters of Psyche.

>> No.8913875
File: 2.71 MB, 1280x720, 437829472834.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry, doesn't work that way.

Read some Byung Chul-Han or Debord retard. Btw how does it feel to be dismissed like this?

I am not nearly as glorious as the Northern Brothers.

>> No.8913890

woah woah woah, you're going to fast man. You're going to have to break these things down for me. Who are the sisters of psyche?

How does nationalism and getting swole resolve these dire consequences then? It's like your throwing bowling balls into the pins that are my mind btw

Then you should endure! Rise up! Go do pullups at your local playground and save the white race!

>> No.8913891
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These webms look extremely gay, my friend.

>> No.8913893
File: 11 KB, 468x312, Nina Björk - another fine anti-capitalist that hates when the commoners can afford new stuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>By making the pursuit of wealth at all costs the most respected goal, and allowing the most degenerate elements of society to "rise up" and spread their garbage through the media.
Translation: It's a bad thing when the lower classes can feed and clothe themselves. Then they get time to do "wrong" things.

>> No.8913895

but why don't you want to be associated with the left? I was talking to this other guy on here and he told me that Communism was the answer to resolving the unfortunate outcomes but then I had to go to the bathroom (it takes me awhile) and when I came back he wouldn't respond

>> No.8913900

Sam pls go

I'm literally a socialist and that's not at all what that post meant

>> No.8913907
File: 310 KB, 960x757, Problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Make me

>> No.8913908

They can do those things in authoritarian, anti-capitalist societies too, barring environmental disasters destroying food or other resources.

>> No.8913909
File: 1.76 MB, 1280x720, 473284723411111.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you americans are sick in the head

>> No.8913910

that's called fascism and it hasn't worked out very well. historically, speaking I mean, though I'm sure you don't care

>> No.8913914

please answer my post please

I'm here

>> No.8913917

>Read some
Oh, no! It doesn't work that way at all. Let's for the sake of argument say that they are right. But you didn't quote them nor anything else. You just said that I should do the work for you.

And that is not how it works. Because that is similar to testifying against oneself.

So to sum it up. You pull your own weight and I pull my own weight. You should never say that you are right because I should read some (((namedropped))) author.

>the christmas lighting in the background

>> No.8913925

Because most "leftists" are globalists and don't understand racial and gender issues.

And they don't understand that democracy makes people easier to control. They claim to be against war, but support U.S. backed civil wars in places like Libya and Syria if the goal is "freedom".

>> No.8913926

He didn't record any black metal in prison. Only crappy 8-bit ambient shit.

>> No.8913927

my favorite part was when one was dry humping the other. no homo indeed.

>> No.8913929

NEWSFLASH: Dictatorships are always the worst in the environmental department.

I'll bet no one can post a gayer webm of Northern Buttbuddies than this one.

>> No.8913930
File: 2.49 MB, 1280x720, springer med sten.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol cute post! cool words, but I can't be bothered to read posts by politically illiterate people though

ah yes, I will!

>> No.8913937

>it hasn't worked out very well
Because they were bombed to hell by the powers they were trying to free themselves from.

And a bunch of pulp-horror lies were created surrounding them, so their ideas would become taboo.

>> No.8913938

I mean, I can't really do anything physically, not that I would. What if I asked real nice and promised to vote for Trump in 2020? (barring him outlawing elections, fingers crossed)

hold on, I guess I'm not too bright. What are globalists? Also, I heard that US wars in middle east were about oil? Why would the commies dislike capitalism and dislike things that make them money?

>> No.8913943


>Running with a rock

Try squatting with it, Norcucks.

>> No.8913947
File: 2.61 MB, 1280x720, ute i svenska naturen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.8913948

>Because they were bombed to hell by the powers they were trying to free themselves from.
Wait, wait, were those the capitalists or the "globalist" jews mad about their dead relatives?

>And a bunch of pulp-horror lies were created surrounding them, so their ideas would become taboo.
Lies?! do tell pls

>> No.8913957

>I'm literally a socialist and that's not at all what that post meant
It is EXACTLY what it meant. Because if you can make money on feeding and clothing the poorest, someone will. And if someone can make money on providing internetz for the poorest, someone will.

What cucklords as Björk and >>8913871 are crying over is the loss of the society back in the day when 2 semesters at Failvard made you the ½% most learned in the world.

>Because most "leftists" are globalists and don't understand racial and gender issues.
Go be a fucktoy for #BlackLivesMatter Bunch of gommies that wants to ride the racist/identity politicsbandwaggon.

>And they don't understand that democracy makes people easier to control. They claim to be against war, but support U.S. backed civil wars in places like Libya and Syria if the goal is "freedom".
>implying that the conflicits in Libya and Syria wasn't in the cards
>implying that all the world's ills can be blamed on americans
Jeesus Christ! You are just like those silly latin americans who blames everything on "yanquis". Did general Piccobrillo embezzle money to build a new house for his mistress? Oh, it must be the "yanquis" fault, becuase they have an embassy in the capital.

>> No.8913958


>Those shaky knees
>That speed

Go down slow, come up slow.

Everything else is half-assing it, which is 99% of all squats.

>> No.8913965

The chances of something like an earthquake, hurricane, epidemic, or virus occuring are not any higher in a dictatorship.

And when it comes to preserving the environment, dictators or oligarchies are harder for oil, logging, or energy companies to buy off, since they don't need to worry as much about money or popular support to keep their positions. If they want to pass environmental legislation, there's no need to worry about losing voters or funders.

>> No.8913974

For a bunch of traditionalists, they sure act like the modern meathead

>> No.8913975

Why can't you bother reading my post when you brag about reading
>Byung Chul-Han and Debord

Fuck! Korean names make my head hurt.

>> No.8913978

>Because if you can make money
poor people don't have money, that's the definition of poor. what this idiot it railing against with his "globalists", who he things are jews and reptilians, and doesn't realize is just rich people.

>> No.8913979
File: 1.47 MB, 728x720, lyfter3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about these deadlifts though?

>> No.8913989
File: 11 KB, 195x239, 1483193484353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being unfamiliar with Debord
>assuming he's Korean

kek do you live under a rock or something?

>> No.8913992

are you literally retarded?
>Byung Chul-Han

>> No.8913999
File: 856 KB, 620x544, nårdmuskler.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Korean nameS
>assuming Debord is Korean

>> No.8914004

>what are globalists?
People who want nationalities to mix, to have borders lose their importance, to teach people to disregard their history, allowing immigrants from statistically less intelligent races to immigrate to and breed with more intelligent races.

Leftists support creating a population too dumb and violent for their ideal, free society to ever work.

Capitalists and Communists, Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin.

Most of the politically or economically important Jews in the Allied countries didn't even have relatives who were affected by the labor camps. And most of the important Jews in Axis countries left well before the camps were even opened.

>> No.8914008

that's a yes then I guess. Byung Chul-Han is Korean

this post that you responded to
says Debord AND Byung Chul-Han, he's not referring to Debord, he's referring to Byung Chul-Han.

>> No.8914012

This is actually good advice.

You can NEVER be a good writer if your only references are other people's writing.

>Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the origin of all poems,
>You shall possess the good of the earth and sun, (there are millions of suns left,)
>You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look through the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books,
>You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
>You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self.
t. Walt Whitman

>> No.8914014

>tfw the one to the left is squatting on a little tree

>> No.8914024

Why do they want those things?

Why are leftists making people dumb if they're trying to make an ideal society?

Wait, so what were the lies you were talking about? I think I'm behind again
>labor camps
but I learned in schools that those were murder camps or something. The hollocost or something? or you saying that was a lie?!

>> No.8914031
File: 2.65 MB, 1280x720, gång.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

excellent refutation my northern brother

>> No.8914033

>implying that the conflicits in Libya and Syria wasn't in the cards
Sure, the potential was there, but the U.S. lit the fuse.

Arabs are genetically too stupid and violent (on average) for democracy to work. A revolution just creates room for Islamic extremists to expand, which is what the U.S. ultimately wants. The U.S. funds all Islamic terrorism through Saudi Arabia and Qatar, in order to destabilize the rest of the Islamic world and prevent a Russian alliance with Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria through which they could invade Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and the U.A.E., where all the oil is.

>> No.8914034

Do you have an actual response or are literally just a dullard?

>> No.8914040
File: 1.43 MB, 1280x720, nården redo att slåss2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using semantics and laziness to defend your porn addiction

NOT glorious

>> No.8914041

>Why are leftists making people dumb if they're trying to make an ideal society?
Leftists want equality. If everyone is at the same level, equally good, then they are equally bad. Anyone who rises above is an oppressor.

>> No.8914042

What the hell is this thread?

>> No.8914046
File: 85 KB, 637x428, Trump-smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What dictatorships excel in is systematic stupidity. For example: During the shah, there was building restrictions in the city of Bam. Buildings had to fit regulations, and there was zones you couldn't build in at all. Enter the ayatollas and they said basically fuck it all. So the earthquake in 2003 made it look like someone had nuked the city.

>missed the word and
>implying that intellectuals are important
>wondering why people are fucking sick and tired of getting facts shoved down their throats from experts

>> No.8914053

I'm not really sure what the fuck you're talking about. I'm not the guy you originally responded to.

What do you mean by good? Like at math and shit? or what?

literally me trolling 2 (I think?) /pol/ idiots for the past 45 minutes by playing a credulous idiot, which really speaks to them, as it's what they are. I have probably made half the posts ITT

>> No.8914054

>Anyone who rises above is an elected official

>> No.8914056

No idea

>> No.8914061

>why do they want those things?
Because they believe there are no differences between nationalities and genders, and everyone can come together in a magical and cohesive hugbox as long as "racists" and "fascists" are stomped out.

>why are they making people dumb if they're trying to make an ideal society?
Most of them are well-meaning but incredibly sheltered and naive. The few intelligent leftists at the top know exactly what they're doing, and are just serving many of the forces they claim to oppose.

>> No.8914062
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, lyfterstång.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a thread for the glory of the north!


>> No.8914068

>Because they believe there are no differences between nationalities and genders
That's such a stupid assumption! What's the cross contextual interconnection of poor people regardless of race and nationality that have been given the short end of the stick by Capitalism!?

>The few intelligent leftists at the top know exactly what they're doing
Are those the rich globalists? Do you know who they are? I have a gun, this is really making me mad

>> No.8914069

>kom igen, en till, EN TILL, HELL FUCKING SEGER

>> No.8914073

>but the U.S. lit the fuse
No. They. Did. Not. Do. It. At. All.

The beginning of the Arab Spring was 17 December 2010 when the street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi immolated himself as a protest.

The arab risings was inspired by each other, but followed separate paths of developments.

Good thing that the genes of the brits improved during the 700 years between Magna Carta and universal suffrage.

>yes, the tree is still there
Not even Heidegger could make this up.

>> No.8914074

The ayatollahs and the Shah were both dictators.

>> No.8914079

>Complain about black people on the Internet
saurce on this?

>> No.8914082

Nah, I knew you were trolling.

I respond for others who might be reading the thread and have the potential to be enlightened, not your amusement.

>> No.8914084

Här får du lite kringering:

>> No.8914088

True, but the ayatollas has a worser version of dictatorship. Basically, the more free and the older and stable the institutions are, the smarter is the society.

>> No.8914092

They believe that there are no genetic or otherwise irrevocable differences.

They over-emphasize the social and cultural differences more so than "racists" do.

>> No.8914093

>Get out of prison in only a couple decades for murder because you live in Norway

black guys can get out of prison in america in less then ten for gun related homicide. i see it all the time in the local paper, some guy will get arrested for shooting up a block and it turns out he just got done doing 7 for the last time he shot and killed somebody, all this "new jim crow shit" seems real weak when dudes get out of prison in less than a decade for shooting ppl dead in the street

>> No.8914094

citation on races being any smarter than others needed please

>> No.8914101

>sneakers in snow
Fuck! If I didn't know better, I'd say that he's some fucking immigrant.

>> No.8914102

sad to watch. i thought he was intelligent, he talks like a normie. do they allow books in norwegian prisons?

>> No.8914107

>the beginning of the Arab Spring was the beginning of US involvement in destabilizing the middle east

then you're dumber than I thought, this isn't your personal Platonic Dialogue. Those "globalists" you've convinced yourself are everything that is standing between you and getting off of 4chan and getting your life together don't exist. You're halfway their though with your criticism of Capitalism but if you invent some Nationalistic ideology, there is nothing preventing those damn reptilians from co-opting it and oppressing you (getting richer).

go back to stormfront. It's not Gloria Steinem's fault that you weigh 300 pounds, your wife is leaving you, and you can't afford your blood pressure medicine.

>> No.8914110

>They believe that there are no genetic or otherwise irrevocable differences.
Consider Germany vs Communist Germany. The same people split in two. One goes full retard, the other does't.

>> No.8914115

the minimum sentencing for gun related homicide (2nd degree murder) is 25 years. even if you have good behavior 7 years served is a stretch of the imaginination.

>> No.8914122
File: 155 KB, 1080x720, 1483221628042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that the authoritarianism wasn't a factor
No, blame it all on the americans.

>> No.8914128

check /pol/ I'm sure there is a nice mspaint infographic irrefutably proving it.

>> No.8914131

oh my god I want the second guy to fuck my boipussi

>> No.8914134

ok first of all homicide is a state level crime so this varies by state, second, you don't think people actually serve their full sentence before being released do you? you don't suppose prosectors let ppl plea to manslaughter when no witnesses will testify etc.? read your local crime rag newspaper some time and check out the rap sheets of the shooters

>> No.8914140

I'm not the person you originally replied to nor am I
>blaming it all on the americans.

What is it you fucking idiots don't understand about anonymous posting? You respond to the content of the current post, not assumptions about who the poster is.

>exceptions to the rule is the rule when they're my anecdotes
Please feel free to link some peer reviewed statistic about "black guys" parole rates and sentencing outcomes.

>> No.8914150

Obama openly announced the U.S. was funding the Free Syrian Army around 2012.

The problem is that almost no one in the U.S. pays attention to what goes on in the world until they feel immediately threatened, so by the time ISIS became relevant the war had already been going on for years, and the media can spin it whichever way it wants.

Also, remember that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, both U.S. allies and beneficiaries, supply the money and arms for most Sunni terrorist groups.

>good thing that the genes of the brits improved during the 700 years between magna carta and universal suffrage
I said that a failed democracy usually indicates a genetically inferior population. You're using a logical fallacy and saying that a dictarorship does the same.
The fact that Britain didn't have a democracy for a centuries doesn't mean that the people weren't intelligent enough to handle it.

Of course, genetics is not the only factor, time plays a role too. Even the Arab countries would eventually make a natural transition from dictatorships to democracies if the West didn't keep interfering. Do you think European countries or the U.S. would have been able to become more equal if a foreign power had been changing the government every 20-30 years or so?

>> No.8914154

Actually the new Jim Crow is paradoxical why they getting out so fast. Prisons are so overcrowded cause we have to imprison every black dude selling weed so then we end up implementing all sorts of insane early release programs. Not to mention the overcrowded pretty much destroys any already slim chance of a prison working as a place for rehabilitation.

>> No.8914157

>McFarlan’s rap sheet dates back to 1993, when as a 15-year-old he shot and killed an 18-year-old man in a dispute over a down jacket at the St. Nicholas Houses in Harlem. Records obtained by the Daily News show McFarlan pleaded guilty to manslaughter and was sentenced to 3 1/2 to 10 years in prison.

hehe this is bf of one of deblasio's top aids, one of those sjw types who constantly bitches about racism and blm shit dates a guy convicted of killing a black kid, oh and her son is also a killer, charged with manslaughter last year lol but blm matter and it's all the white man's fault, what a joke

>> No.8914167

actually the majority of blacks in prison are for violent offenses not drug dealing, and even of the dealer population the amount for weed is quite small, do you realize how much massive amounts of weed you need to get caught with to get more than a couple years? most long term weed sentences are white dudes from rural areas with big grow operations...the black drug dealers are all coke and heroin pushers, and if you look a the original of the rockafeller laws in new york, they were passed with support from the black community includes charles rangel, because they wanted to "clean up their communities" of drugs, but now they try to blame it on whites, the New Jim Crow is a bogus book

>> No.8914168

The revolutionaries actually marketed themselves as fighters for equality and justice; a lot of Iranian leftists and communists even supported them early on. (Of course, the Islamists jailed most of them after gaining power).

The ayatollahs were worse for Iran than the Shah, but it's because of Islam and lack of U.S. support, not because they have a "worse version" of dictatorship.

>> No.8914174

He's too ideological but not as crazy as most think he is. At worst, he comes off as a narcissist but I don't think he has any real psychological disorder.

I find his videos relaxing for some reason.

>> No.8914177

/lit/ reads so little that read less would mean stop coming to this shit board
oh that's the point isn't it

>> No.8914184

stopped reading there

>> No.8914194

good, it saved you the embarrassment of getting btfo

>> No.8914197

Tens of thousands of years of separate development in radically different climates favor different traits. You'd have to discredit all mainstream biological theory since the 19th century to claim it wouldn't work the same way in humans.

It's an average, not an absolute. Every race has some brilliant people, but if one has 40% idiots and one has 80%, there are going to be differences in their societies.

Pretending that the races are equal actually hurts the less statistically intelligent ones more, by letting the West justify forcing political ideologies on them that were developed by the more statistically intelligent races.

>> No.8914204

also europeans and asians have significant amount of neanderthal dna, while africans have none, which probably makes all the difference as far as long term planning and decision making, although i suppose living in harsh north climate means you have to plan and work in anticipation of winter or you will perish so that might have differentiated them too

>> No.8914206

A degree of authoritarianism is necessary to prevent civil war and preserve the greater good.

Look at Syria or Libya now - when an "evil" dictator kills a journalist here or there, that is what he's trying to prevent.

>> No.8914209

his prison dungeonsynth shit was great

>> No.8914218

Only Filosofem is good. The rest were recorded on a fucking ipod.

>> No.8914222

These webms are an elaborate comedy sketch, right?

>> No.8914226

I'm sorry for you dude. I hope things work out, and you know we're all here for you if you wanna talk about it.

>> No.8914232

why are northerners acting like gauche italians? save the "slick" machoman routine for wops

>> No.8914244

>nationalistic ideology, there is nothing preventing those damn reptilians from co-opting it and oppressing you (getting richer)
That's true, they've done it with Trump. I was never stupid enough to believe that he was on my side. He's not nearly as racist as both his supporters and his opponents want to believe he is.

>all those ad hominems about appearance, health, and social standing

Communist countries had actually surpassed the West by the 70s and 80s. They were functionally authoritarian and racially homogeneous, even though communism opposes those things in theory. European communist countries were only inferior if you measure success entirely by wealth.

>> No.8914247


In the US the prisons are so overcrowded that they sometimes just literally open the door and let convicts leave.

>> No.8914271

>actually the majority of blacks in prison are for violent offenses not drug dealing
This is skewed because many people in prison have served previous sentences for other crimes.
The majority of initial lockups are probably for non-violent offenses. But once you have a criminal record, getting on the "right track" becomes even harder, forcing people back into drugs. Also, forcing a criminal to spend time trapped with other criminals is fundamentally a counter-productive idea.

>> No.8914292

sorry no one forced them to buy an illegal handgun and terrorize their own community

>> No.8914298

>although i suppose living in harsh north climate means you have to plan and work in anticipation of winter or you will perish so that might have differentiated them too
Exactly, this is it. All the successful races developed in an environment with a harsh winter. And winters were far less forgiving during the Ice Age.

In contrast, a tropical jungle (most of the world) has a more steady supply of food and doesn't require the construction of advanced shelters, so people can afford to be stupid assholes without getting killed off by the environment or rejected from their tribe.

>> No.8914300

read more in 2017
keep working out
do something about wanting to kill myself.

>> No.8914305

Get yourself together
>Move to Philly
>start a noise band
>buy a loft
>get six or seven roommates
>eat hummus with them

>> No.8914322

Right, black criminals mostly kill other black criminals anyway. Conservatives don't mention it because they want to make white people support increased prison sentences, and liberals don't mention it because they don't want to admit that most of the violence black people suffer comes from within their own communities.

Nobody forces them to become criminals, but it's not surprising when you have a population that is genetically stupider and more aggressive, most children are born to teenage single mothers, and mass media bombards everyone with degeneracy throughout their lives.

>> No.8914357

yes, i think it comes down to some inability make careful choices or consider consequences in blacks, like I don't think their mental power to say do calculus or white code or whatever is less, but i really do feel their ability to make clear decisions is somehow subpar...it doesn't just display itself in crime statistics, but also aids rates, just put a fucking condom on, is it that hard, or even better keep random dicks out of your ass, or even just getting a mortgage, do you not realize when the adjustable rate goes up your payments are going to increase? if you have diabetes and continue to chug sugary soda you're going to have serious health problems, and so on and so forth, black people consistently make shitty decisions in all aspects of life

>> No.8914373

>i don't think their mental power to say do calculus or white code or whatever is less
those things require making careful choices and considering consequences

>> No.8914398

yeah ok it's true i rarely see black guys who can write code that aren't like half white or something

>> No.8914778

no thanks

>> No.8914807

for a second i thought i was on /fit/ with all these homo webbums.

>> No.8914815

are those two twinks trying to be the Zzyz or something? i workout but /fit/ is wack i never could get into their shit, plus despite the name /fit/ it's really not a general fitness board but specifically weightlifters, who are usually betas hoping to impress chicks and scare imaginary bullies, rather than really caring about health or wellbeing

>> No.8914848

no, they're trying to be super cartoony aryan supermen. that's why they pose on mountaintops and pluck leaves from trees and smell them. it's to show you that they mean business about being pagans.

that's also why they stand around shirtless and pound each other up the ass. because that's what nazi supermen do.

>> No.8915766

>that's why they pose on mountaintops and pluck leaves from trees and smell them. it's to show you that they mean business about being pagans.
How spontaneous and non-contrived!

>> No.8915769

sick hoodies

>> No.8916270
File: 25 KB, 200x200, 1476656693872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

varg critics are literally the worst people on the planet

>> No.8916780

Neck harness exercises, really important for athletes, especially wrestlers, rugby players and football players.

Good for some martial arts too. It's looks goofy, but it's a real (literal in some cases) life saver.

>> No.8916796

>not even locking out properly

>> No.8916856
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, 1455571298009[1].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this faggot shit, you need some better poster boys for your movement

>> No.8916895
File: 583 KB, 785x909, 1483374061861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better poster boys
>posts an unkempt, rootless hapa

>> No.8916927

dude is on a one way ticket to Snap City with that form

>> No.8916935


>Asks how it is homoerotic
>Posts a video of a dude literally training his neck muscles so he can suck dick longer and stronger

>> No.8916948

this desu
but /lit/ is infested with brainwashed drones, /lit/ will never learn

>implying you will ever be this comfy

>> No.8916953
File: 93 KB, 620x670, 1459265508482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>functional strength

>> No.8916962

Vargs' vids with his children are comfy as fuck

>> No.8916984

Fucking this.

And they could easily remove their brainwashing if they just believed what /pol/ and varg believe. Such a simple cure, but the beta leftists are stupid.

>> No.8916999


They are niether north Indian or Iranic

>> No.8917002

Varg isnt /pol/
Stop reverse trolling

>> No.8917007


>> No.8917010

Good argument

>> No.8917011

Nice attempt at divide and conquer (((anon)))

>> No.8917012

kek. OP obviously read too many self help books cause he was...forever alone.

>> No.8917018

/pol/ is a hive of self-indulgent neo-egotists, exactly the kind of people destroying cultural values

>> No.8917025


>> No.8917042

>/pol/ is one person

>> No.8917064
File: 102 KB, 350x350, sissified cachet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read YA books
Start watching hit TV shows like Game of Thrones and Vikings
Never reproduce
Live with your parents into your thirties.

>> No.8917069



>> No.8917105
File: 16 KB, 286x323, 1483016902179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8917110
File: 297 KB, 351x526, 1483373069852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8917239

any books on porn?

>> No.8917263

Jesus fuck this isn't your diary you don't need to tell everyone about your crush you spastic

>> No.8917379

that was really, really poor form. I mean, impressive weight, but its not like he'd win a competition, or prevent awful later back issues by lifting with such poor form.

>> No.8917401

You aren't even 1/2/3/4

>> No.8917444


>> No.8917457

look at this fucking numale

>> No.8917654

Spot the jew

>> No.8917674
File: 45 KB, 740x721, 1483050967974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy squats near 700 pounds
>but f-form!
nobody cares man, stop trying to minimize what he did

>> No.8917677

Gay as fuck

>> No.8917694

>poor form
No it wasn't you DYEL faggot

>> No.8918743
File: 2.26 MB, 426x234, 1465954501599.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Aryan pride propagandist

>>does not even have blue/green/grey/light brown eyes


>> No.8918773

theres a fucking numale in here
come come fuck apart in here
i die in the process
you die in the process
kettle drum roll hard shit
fuck i said fucker dont start shit

>> No.8918791

Are you retarded?
His eyes are blue

>> No.8918834
File: 18 KB, 480x294, 1476944552569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure.Whatever you say timmy...

>> No.8920292


>> No.8920296

Varg is spooked as shit.

>> No.8920305

If Varg really had a point to make he'd light himself on fire.

>> No.8920323


So do whites.

>> No.8920448

He didn't record any black metal albums in prison.

>> No.8920467

me too, really relaxing

>> No.8920493

>implying /lit/ reads

>> No.8921949

I want statist cucks to leave forever

>> No.8922160

LARP as a pagan